Compare commits


11 Commits

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ $(CURDIR): ./data/builtin-stubs-index.eld.gz
$(RUN_EMACS) -l phpinspect-cache -f phpinspect-dump-stub-index
%.elc: %.el
$(RUN_EMACS) --eval '(setq byte-compile-error-on-warn t)' -f batch-byte-compile $<
$(RUN_EMACS) --eval '(setq byte-compile-error-on-warn nil)' -f batch-byte-compile $<
.PHONY: deps
deps: ./.deps

@ -1,3 +1,26 @@
;;; stubs.el --- Benchmarks of phpinspect stub index dump and load times -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc
;; Author: Hugo Thunnissen <>
;; Keywords: benchmark
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'phpinspect-cache)

@ -21,11 +21,14 @@
;;; Commentary:
;; FIXME: Storage mechanism for abstract methods is missing (@abstract-method)
;;; Code:
(require 'phpinspect-project)
(require 'phpinspect-autoload)
(require 'phpinspect-worker)
(require 'inline)
(defcustom phpinspect-load-stubs t
"If and when phpinspect should load code stubs."
@ -172,7 +175,7 @@ currently opened projects."
(cl-defmethod phpinspect--cache-get-project-create
((cache phpinspect--cache) (project-root string))
"Get a project that is located in PROJECT-ROOT from CACHE.
"Get a project that is located in PROJECT-ROOT from CACHE.
If no such project exists in the cache yet, it is created and
then returned."
(let ((project (phpinspect--cache-get-project cache project-root)))
@ -251,7 +254,9 @@ then returned."
(phpinspect-project-add-index builtin-project (phpinspect-build-stub-index))))
(defun phpinspect-build-stub-index ()
(phpinspect--index-tokens (phpinspect-parse-file (expand-file-name "builtins.php" phpinspect-stub-directory))))
(expand-file-name "builtins.php" phpinspect-stub-directory))))
(defun phpinspect-dump-stub-index ()
@ -286,5 +291,849 @@ then returned."
(puthash "builtins" project (phpinspect--cache-projects phpinspect-stub-cache))
(setf (phpinspect--cache-read-only-p phpinspect-stub-cache) t)))
(cl-defstruct (phpinspect-bidi-graph (:constructor phpinspect-make-bidi-graph))
"A bidirectional graph."
(rel (make-hash-table :test #'eq :size 2000 :rehash-size 2.0))
(rel-back (make-hash-table :test #'eq :size 2000 :rehash-size 2.0)))
(defun phpinspect-bidi-graph-link (graph obj1 obj2)
(let ((existing-rel (gethash obj1 (phpinspect-bidi-graph-rel graph)))
(existing-back-rel (gethash obj2 (phpinspect-bidi-graph-rel-back graph))))
(if existing-rel
(setcdr existing-rel (cons obj2 (cdr existing-rel)))
(puthash obj1 (list obj2) (phpinspect-bidi-graph-rel graph)))
(if existing-back-rel
(setcdr existing-back-rel (cons obj1 (cdr existing-back-rel)))
(puthash obj2 (list obj1) (phpinspect-bidi-graph-rel-back graph)))))
(defun phpinspect-bidi-graph-unlink-between (graph obj1 obj2)
(when-let ((rel (gethash obj1 (phpinspect-bidi-graph-rel graph)))
(back-rel (gethash obj2 (phpinspect-bidi-graph-rel-back graph))))
(puthash obj1 (delq obj2 rel) (phpinspect-bidi-graph-rel graph))
(puthash obj2 (delq obj1 back-rel) (phpinspect-bidi-graph-rel-back graph))))
(defun phpinspect-bidi-graph-unlink (graph obj)
(when-let ((obj-link (gethash obj (phpinspect-bidi-graph-rel graph))))
(dolist (back-rel obj-link)
(when-let ((back-link (gethash back-rel (phpinspect-bidi-graph-rel-back graph))))
(puthash back-rel (delq obj back-link) (phpinspect-bidi-graph-rel-back graph))))
(remhash obj (phpinspect-bidi-graph-rel graph))))
(defun phpinspect-bidi-graph-get-linking-from (graph obj)
(gethash obj (phpinspect-bidi-graph-rel graph)))
(defun phpinspect-bidi-graph-get-linking-to (graph obj)
(gethash obj (phpinspect-bidi-graph-rel-back graph)))
(cl-defstruct (phpinspect-cache (:constructor phpinspect-make-cache))
(groups (make-hash-table :test #'equal :size 2000 :rehash-size 1.2)))
(cl-defstruct (phpinspect-cache-type (:constructor phpinspect-make-cache-type))
(group nil)
(category nil)
(name nil)
(methods nil)
(variables nil))
(cl-defstruct (phpinspect-cache-namespace (:constructor phpinspect-make-cache-namespace))
(types nil)
(functions nil))
(cl-defstruct (phpinspect-cache-group (:constructor phpinspect-make-cache-group))
(spec nil)
(namespaces (make-hash-table :test #'eq :size 2000 :rehash-size 2.0))
(extends (phpinspect-make-bidi-graph))
(implements (phpinspect-make-bidi-graph)))
(defconst phpinspect-cache-types '(@interface @trait @class @method @type
@abstract-method @function @variable @namespace)
"Types of entities that the cache can store.")
(defconst phpinspect-cache-containing-types '(@class @trait @interface)
"Types of entities that the cache can store members for.")
(defconst phpinspect-cache-member-types '(@method @abstract-method @function @variable)
"Types of entities that the cache can store as members."))
(defun phpinspect-cache-type-get-extends (type)
(phpinspect-cache-type-group type)
(phpinspect-cache-type-name type)))
(defun phpinspect-cache-type-get-implements (type)
(phpinspect-cache-type-group type)
(phpinspect-cache-type-name type)))
(defun phpinspect-cache-type-add-method (type method)
(push (cons (phpinspect--function-short-name-symbol method)
(phpinspect-cache-type-methods type)))
(defun phpinspect-cache-group-get-extends (group type-name)
(phpinspect-cache-group-extends group)
(defun phpinspect-cache-group-get-implements (group type-name)
(phpinspect-cache-group-implements group)
(defun phpinspect-cache-group-get-extending (group type-name)
(phpinspect-cache-group-extends group)
(defun phpinspect-cache-group-get-implementing (group type-name)
(phpinspect-cache-group-implements group)
(defun phpinspect-cache-group-get-namespace (group namespace)
(gethash namespace (phpinspect-cache-group-namespaces group)))
(defun phpinspect-cache-group-get-namespace-create (group namespace)
(or (phpinspect-cache-group-get-namespace group namespace)
(puthash namespace (phpinspect-make-cache-namespace)
(phpinspect-cache-group-namespaces group))))
(defun phpinspect-cache-namespace-get-type-create (namespace type category group)
(or (phpinspect-cache-namespace-get-type namespace type category)
(push (cons (phpinspect--type-short-name type)
:name (phpinspect--type-name-symbol type)
:category category
:group group))
(phpinspect-cache-namespace-types namespace)))))
(defun phpinspect-cache-namespace-get-type (namespace type category)
(when-let ((entity
(cdr (assq (phpinspect--type-short-name type)
(phpinspect-cache-namespace-types namespace)))))
(and (or (eq '@type category)
(eq category (phpinspect-cache-type-category entity)))
(defun phpinspect-cache-namespace-delete-type (namespace type category)
(let ((types (phpinspect-cache-namespace-types namespace))
(name (phpinspect--type-short-name type))
(catch 'break
(while types
(let ((type-cell (car types)))
(when (eq (car type-cell) name)
(when (or (eq '@type category)
(eq category
(phpinspect-cache-type-category (cdr type-cell))))
(if cell-before
(setcdr cell-before (cdr types))
(setf (phpinspect-cache-namespace-types namespace) (cdr types)))
(throw 'break (cdr type-cell)))))
(setq cell-before types
types (cdr types))))))
(defun phpinspect-cache-namespace-delete-function (namespace function-name)
(let ((functions (phpinspect-cache-namespace-functions namespace))
(name (phpinspect-intern-name
(phpinspect-name-string function-name))))
(catch 'break
(while functions
(let ((type-cell (car functions)))
(when (eq (car type-cell) name)
(if cell-before
(setcdr cell-before (cdr functions))
(setf (phpinspect-cache-namespace-functions namespace)
(cdr functions)))
(throw 'break (cdr type-cell))))
(setq cell-before functions
functions (cdr functions))))))
(defun phpinspect-cache-group-unlink-type-dependencies (group name)
(phpinspect-cache-group-extends group) name)
(phpinspect-cache-group-implements group) name))
(defmacro phpinspect--inline-wildcard-param-p (param)
`(let ((param ,param))
(and (inline-const-p param) (eq '* (inline-const-val param)))))
(define-inline phpinspect-cache-query--do-delete-type
(group param type _member namespace _implements _extends)
(setq type (inline-const-val type))
(inline-letevals (group param namespace)
(if (phpinspect--inline-wildcard-param-p param)
(if namespace
(when-let ((namespace (phpinspect-cache-group-get-namespace
,group ,namespace)))
(let (resultset)
(setf (phpinspect-cache-namespace-types namespace)
(lambda (type-cell)
(if ,(if (eq type '@type)
`(eq (phpinspect-cache-type-category (cdr type-cell))
(quote ,type)))
(push (cdr type-cell) resultset)
,group (car type-cell))
(phpinspect-cache-namespace-types namespace)))
(cons 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult resultset))))
(let (resultset)
(dolist (namespace (hash-table-values
(phpinspect-cache-group-namespaces ,group)))
(let (new-types)
(dolist (type-cell (phpinspect-cache-namespace-types namespace))
(if ,(if (eq type '@type)
`(eq (phpinspect-cache-type-category
(cdr type-cell))
(quote ,type)))
(push (cdr type-cell) resultset)
,group (car type-cell))
(push type-cell new-types)))
(setf (phpinspect-cache-namespace-types namespace) new-types)))
(cons 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult resultset))))
(when-let* ((namespace (phpinspect-cache-group-get-namespace-create
(or ,namespace
(phpinspect--type-namespace ,param))))
(result (phpinspect-cache-namespace-delete-type
namespace ,param (quote ,type))))
,group (phpinspect-cache-type-name result))
(define-inline phpinspect-cache-query--do-delete-function
(group param _type _member namespace _implements _extends)
(inline-letevals (group param namespace)
(if (phpinspect--inline-wildcard-param-p param)
(if namespace
(when-let ((namespace (phpinspect-cache-group-get-namespace
,group ,namespace)))
(let ((resultset
(cons 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult
(mapcar #'cdr
(setf (phpinspect-cache-namespace-functions namespace) nil)
(let (resultset)
(dolist (namespace (hash-table-values
(phpinspect-cache-group-namespaces ,group)))
(setq resultset
(mapcar #'cdr
(cons 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult resultset))))
(when-let ((namespace
,group (or ,namespace
(phpinspect-name-string ,param)))))))
namespace ,param))))))
(defun phpinspect--assq-delete (key alist)
(let* ((result (cons nil nil))
(result-rear result)
(catch 'break
(while alist
(if (eq key (caar alist))
(setcdr result-rear (cdr alist))
(setq deleted (car alist))
(throw 'break nil))
(setq result-rear (setcdr result-rear (cons (car alist) nil)))
(setq alist (cdr alist)))))
(list deleted (cdr result))))
;; OPTIMIZE: this is probably not optimal for large numbers of keys
(defun phpinspect--assq-delete-multi (keys alist)
(let (all-deleted)
(dolist (key keys)
(pcase-let ((`(,deleted ,filtered) (phpinspect--assq-delete key alist)))
(push deleted all-deleted)
(setq alist filtered)))
(list all-deleted alist)))
(defun phpinspect--alist-values (alist)
(let* ((vals (cons nil nil))
(vals-rear vals))
(dolist (cell alist)
(setq vals-rear (setcdr vals-rear (cons (cdr cell) nil))))
(cdr vals)))
(defun phpinspect-cache-query--do-delete-method (cache group param type member)
(when-let ((member-type
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache (list (phpinspect-cache-group-spec group))
:get member :as @type))))
(cond ((eq '* param)
(let ((deleted (phpinspect--alist-values
(phpinspect-cache-type-methods member-type))))
(setf (phpinspect-cache-type-methods member-type) nil)
(cons 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult deleted)))
((and (listp param) (not (phpinspect-name-p param)))
(pcase-let ((`(,deleted ,filtered)
param (phpinspect-cache-type-methods member-type))))
(setf (phpinspect-cache-type-methods member-type) filtered)
(cons 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult deleted)))
(pcase-let ((`(,deleted ,filtered)
param (phpinspect-cache-type-methods member-type))))
(setf (phpinspect-cache-type-methods member-type) filtered)
(defun phpinspect-cache-query--do-delete-variable (cache group param type member)
(when-let ((member-type
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache (list (phpinspect-cache-group-spec group))
:get member :as @type))))
(cond ((eq '* param)
(let ((deleted (phpinspect--alist-values
(phpinspect-cache-type-variables member-type))))
(setf (phpinspect-cache-type-variables member-type) nil)
(cons 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult deleted)))
((and (listp param) (not (phpinspect-name-p param)))
(pcase-let ((`(,deleted ,filtered)
param (phpinspect-cache-type-variables member-type))))
(setf (phpinspect-cache-type-variables member-type) filtered)
(cons 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult deleted)))
(pcase-let ((`(,deleted ,filtered)
param (phpinspect-cache-type-variables member-type))))
(setf (phpinspect-cache-type-variables member-type) filtered)
(define-inline phpinspect-cache-query--do-delete-member
(cache group param type member namespace implements extends)
(inline-letevals (cache group param member)
(setq type (inline-const-val type))
(pcase type
((or '@function '@method)
(phpinspect-cache-query--do-delete-method ,cache ,group ,param (quote ,type) ,member)))
(phpinspect-cache-query--do-delete-variable ,cache ,group ,param (quote ,type) ,member)))
(_ (error "Delete not supported for member type %s" type)))))
(defmacro phpinspect-cache-query--do-delete
(cache group param type member namespace implements extends)
(cl-assert (symbolp type))
((memq type (cons '@type phpinspect-cache-containing-types))
,group ,param (quote ,type) ,member ,namespace ,implements ,extends))
((and (eq '@function type) (not member))
,group ,param (quote ,type) ,member ,namespace ,implements ,extends))
((and (memq type phpinspect-cache-member-types) member)
,cache ,group ,param (quote ,type) ,member ,namespace ,implements ,extends))
(t (error "Delete not supported for entity type %s" type))))
(defun phpinspect-cache-namespace-get-function (namespace func-name)
(cdr (assq func-name (phpinspect-cache-namespace-functions namespace))))
(defun phpinspect-cache-group-register-extends (group type extends)
(if (listp extends)
(dolist (ext extends)
(phpinspect-cache-group-register-extends type ext))
(phpinspect-cache-group-extends group)
(phpinspect--type-name-symbol type)
(phpinspect--type-name-symbol extends))))
(defun phpinspect-cache-group-register-implements (group type implements)
(if (listp implements)
(dolist (ext implements)
(phpinspect-cache-group-register-implements type ext))
(phpinspect-cache-group-implements group)
(phpinspect--type-name-symbol type)
(phpinspect--type-name-symbol implements))))
(defun phpinspect-cache-type-add-variable (type variable)
(push (cons (phpinspect--variable-name-symbol variable)
(phpinspect-cache-type-variables type)))
(define-inline phpinspect-cache-query--do-insert-method
(cache group param type member namespace)
(setq type (inline-const-val type))
(inline-letevals (cache group param member namespace)
(let ((member-type
(phpinspect-cache-transact ,cache (list (phpinspect-cache-group-spec ,group))
:get ,member
:in ,namespace
:as @type)))
,(pcase type
((or '@function '@method)
`(if (listp ,param)
(dolist (method ,param)
(push method resultset)
(phpinspect-cache-type-add-method member-type method))
(cons 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult resultset))
(cdar (phpinspect-cache-type-add-method member-type ,param))))
`(if (listp ,param)
(dolist (variable ,param)
(push variable resultset)
(phpinspect-cache-type-add-variable member-type variable))
(cons 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult resultset))
(cdar (phpinspect-cache-type-add-variable member-type ,param))))
(_ (error "Insert not supported for member type %s" type)))))))
(defun phpinspect-cache-query--do-insert-function (cache group param namespace)
(let ((namespace
group (or namespace
(phpinspect--function-namespace param)))))
(or (when-let ((existing (assq (phpinspect--function-name-symbol param)
(phpinspect-cache-namespace-functions namespace))))
(cdar (setcdr existing (cons param (cdr existing)))))
(cdar (push (cons (phpinspect--function-short-name-symbol param) param)
(phpinspect-cache-namespace-functions namespace))))))
(define-inline phpinspect-cache-query--do-insert-member
(cache group param type member namespace implements extends)
(if member
,cache ,group ,param ,type ,member ,namespace))
;; Else: insert function in namespace
(phpinspect-cache-query--do-insert-function ,cache ,group ,param ,namespace))))
(defmacro phpinspect-cache-query--do-insert
(cache group param type member namespace implements extends)
(cl-assert (symbolp type))
((memq type (cons '@type phpinspect-cache-containing-types))
`(let* ((namespace (phpinspect-cache-group-get-namespace-create
(or ,namespace (phpinspect--type-namespace ,param)))))
,(when extends
`(phpinspect-cache-group-register-extends ,group ,param ,extends))
,(when implements
`(phpinspect-cache-group-register-implements ,group ,param ,implements))
namespace ,param (quote ,type) ,group)))
((memq type phpinspect-cache-member-types)
,cache ,group ,param (quote ,type) ,member ,namespace ,implements ,extends))
(t (error "Insert not supported for entity type %s" type))))
(defun phpinspect-cache-query--do-get-type-wildcard (group param type namespace)
(if namespace
(when-let ((namespace (phpinspect-cache-group-get-namespace group namespace)))
(cons 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult
(mapcar #'cdr (phpinspect-cache-namespace-types namespace))))
(lambda (namespace)
(mapcar #'cdr (phpinspect-cache-namespace-types namespace)))
(hash-table-values (phpinspect-cache-group-namespaces group))))))
(defun phpinspect-cache-query--do-get-type
(group param type member namespace implements extends)
(let ((result
(if (eq '* param)
(phpinspect-cache-query--do-get-type-wildcard group param type namespace)
(when-let* ((namespace (phpinspect-cache-group-get-namespace
(or namespace
(phpinspect--type-namespace param)))))
(phpinspect-cache-namespace-get-type namespace param type)))))
;; OPTIMIZE: Performance of these filters won't be very good when using
;; wildcards without namespace parameter. Probably worth optimizing when
;; this becomes a frequent use case.
(when implements
(setq result
(let ((implementing (phpinspect-cache-group-get-implementing group implements))
(when result
(if (and (consp result)
(eq 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult (car result)))
(dolist (res (cdr result))
(when (memq (phpinspect-cache-type-name res) implementing)
(push res filtered)))
(cons 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult filtered))
(when (memq (phpinspect-cache-type-name result) implementing)
(when extends
(setq result
(let ((extending (phpinspect-cache-group-get-extending group extends))
(when result
(if (and (consp result)
(eq 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult (car result)))
(dolist (res (cdr result))
(when (memq (phpinspect-cache-type-name res) extending)
(push res filtered)))
(cons 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult filtered))
(when (memq (phpinspect-cache-type-name result) extending)
(define-inline phpinspect-cache-query--do-get-function
(group param type member namespace implements extends)
(inline-letevals (group param member namespace implements extends)
(if (phpinspect--inline-wildcard-param-p param)
(if namespace
(when-let ((namespace (phpinspect-cache-group-get-namespace
,group ,namespace)))
(cons 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult
(mapcar #'cdr
(phpinspect-cache-namespace-functions namespace)))))
(let (resultset)
(dolist (namespace (hash-table-values
(phpinspect-cache-group-namespaces ,group)))
(setq resultset
(mapcar #'cdr
(phpinspect-cache-namespace-functions namespace))
(cons 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult resultset))))
(if namespace
(when-let ((namespace (phpinspect-cache-group-get-namespace
,group ,namespace)))
(phpinspect-cache-namespace-get-function namespace ,param)))
(let* ((name-string (phpinspect-name-string ,param))
(namespace-name (phpinspect-intern-name
(phpinspect-type-name-namespace name-string)))
(short-name (phpinspect-intern-name
(phpinspect-type-name-short name-string))))
(if (string-match-p "^\\\\" (phpinspect-name-string ,param))
(when-let ((namespace (phpinspect-cache-group-get-namespace
,group namespace-name)))
(phpinspect-cache-namespace-get-function namespace short-name))
(let (resultset)
(dolist (namespace (hash-table-values
(phpinspect-cache-group-namespaces ,group)))
(when-let ((func (phpinspect-cache-namespace-get-function
namespace short-name)))
(push func resultset)))
(cons 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult resultset)))))))))
(defun phpinspect-cache-type-get-method (type method-name)
(cdr (assq method-name (phpinspect-cache-type-methods type))))
(defun phpinspect-cache-type-get-variable (type method-name)
(cdr (assq method-name (phpinspect-cache-type-variables type))))
(define-inline phpinspect-cache-query--do-get-member (cache group param type member namespace)
(inline-letevals (cache group param member namespace)
(setq type (inline-const-val type))
(when-let ((member-type
(phpinspect-cache-transact ,cache (list (phpinspect-cache-group-spec ,group))
:get ,member
:as @type
:in ,namespace))))
,(pcase type
((or '@function '@method)
(if (phpinspect--inline-wildcard-param-p param)
`(cons 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult
(phpinspect--alist-values (phpinspect-cache-type-methods member-type)))
`(phpinspect-cache-type-get-method member-type ,param)))
(if (phpinspect--inline-wildcard-param-p param)
`(cons 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult
(phpinspect--alist-values (phpinspect-cache-type-variables member-type)))
`(phpinspect-cache-type-get-variable member-type ,param)))
(_ (error "Get not supported for member entity type %s" type)))))))
(defmacro phpinspect-cache-query--do-get
(cache group param type member namespace implements extends)
(cl-assert (symbolp type))
((memq type (cons '@type phpinspect-cache-containing-types))
,group ,param (quote ,type) ,member ,namespace ,implements ,extends))
((and (eq '@function type) (not member))
,group ,param ,type ,member ,namespace ,implements ,extends))
((and (memq type phpinspect-cache-member-types) member)
,cache ,group ,param (quote ,type) ,member ,namespace))
(t (error "Get not supported for entity type %s" type))))
(defmacro phpinspect-cache-query--wrap-action
(action cache group param type member namespace implements extends)
(let* ((param-sym (gensym "param")))
`(let ((,param-sym ,param))
(if (and (sequencep ,param-sym) (not (phpinspect-name-p ,param-sym)))
(let* ((result (cons 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult nil))
(result-rear result))
(seq-doseq (p ,param-sym)
(when-let ((action-result
(,action ,cache ,group p ,type ,member
,namespace ,implements ,extends)))
(setq result-rear
(setcdr result-rear
(cons action-result nil)))))
(,action ,cache ,group ,param ,type ,member ,namespace ,implements ,extends)))))
(defun phpinspect-cache-query--compile-groups (cache group-specs intent)
(cl-assert (phpinspect-cache-p cache))
(let (groups)
(if group-specs
(dolist (spec group-specs)
(cl-assert (listp spec))
(cl-assert (memq (car spec) '(project label))
t "Spec car must be the symbol `project' or `label'")
(let ((group (gethash spec (phpinspect-cache-groups cache))))
(when (and (eq :insert intent) (not group))
(setq group (puthash spec (phpinspect-make-cache-group :spec spec)
(phpinspect-cache-groups cache))))
(push group groups)))
(if (eq :insert intent)
(error "Cannot insert without defining cache group")
(setq groups (hash-table-values (phpinspect-cache-groups cache)))))
(defmacro phpinspect-cache-transact (cache group-specs &rest query)
(declare (indent 2))
(cl-assert (listp query))
(let (type intent intent-param member namespace implements extends key value)
(while (setq key (pop query))
(cl-assert (keywordp key) t "Query keys must be keywords, %s provided" key)
(setq value (pop query))
;; Namespace is allowed to be dynamic/nil
(unless (eq :in key)
(cl-assert value t "Key %s has no value" key))
(pcase key
((or :insert :get :delete)
(when intent
(error "Defined duplicate intent: %s, %s" intent key))
(setq intent key
intent-param value))
(:as (unless (and (symbolp value)
(memq value phpinspect-cache-types))
(error ":type must be one of %s, %s provided"
phpinspect-cache-types value))
(setq type value))
(:member-of (setq member value))
(:in (setq namespace value))
(:implementing (setq implements value))
(:extending (setq extends value))
(_ (error "Unexpected query keyword %s" key))))
;; Query validation
(unless type
(error "Providing entity type with keyword :as is required."))
(when (and member (not (memq type phpinspect-cache-member-types)))
(error "Keyword :member-of can only be used for types %s"
(when (and extends (not (memq type '(@class @trait @interface @type))))
(error "Keyword :extending cannot be used for types other than %s"
'(class trait interface)))
(when (eq :insert intent)
(when (and (memq type '(@variable @method @abstract-method)) (not member))
(error "Variable and methods must be member of %s."
(when (eq '@type type)
(error ":as @type cannot be used for insertions.")))
(when (and intent (not intent-param))
(error "Intent %s must have a parameter %s" intent))
(let ((group-specs-sym (make-symbol "group-specs"))
(intent-param-sym (make-symbol "intent-param"))
(cache-sym (make-symbol "cache"))
(member-sym (make-symbol "member"))
(namespace-sym (make-symbol "namespace"))
(implements-sym (make-symbol "implements"))
(extends-sym (make-symbol "extends"))
(resultset-sym (make-symbol "resultset"))
(groups-sym (make-symbol "groups")))
(let* ((action-args
`(,(if (eq '* intent-param) `(quote ,intent-param) intent-param-sym)
,(if member member-sym nil)
,(if namespace namespace-sym nil)
,(if implements implements-sym nil)
,(if extends extends-sym nil)))
`(,(if (eq '* intent-param) `(quote ,intent-param) intent-param-sym)
(quote ,type)
,(if member member-sym nil)
,(if namespace namespace-sym nil)
,(if implements implements-sym nil)
,(if extends extends-sym nil)))
(action (pcase intent
(:insert 'phpinspect-cache-query--do-insert)
(:delete 'phpinspect-cache-query--do-delete)
(:get 'phpinspect-cache-query--do-get)
(_ (error "Invalid intent %s" intent)))))
`(let* ,(seq-filter
(lambda (val) val)
`((,group-specs-sym ,group-specs)
,(unless (eq '* intent-param) `(,intent-param-sym ,intent-param))
,(when cache `(,cache-sym ,cache))
,(when member `(,member-sym ,member))
,(when namespace `(,namespace-sym ,namespace))
,(when implements `(,implements-sym ,implements))
,(when extends `(,extends-sym ,extends))
(,groups-sym (phpinspect-cache-query--compile-groups ,cache ,group-specs ,intent))
,(cons 'phpinspect-cache-query--validate (cons intent validate-args))
(dolist (group ,groups-sym)
(when-let ((result ,(cons 'phpinspect-cache-query--wrap-action
(cons action (cons cache (cons 'group action-args))))))
(if (and (listp result) (eq 'phpinspect-cache-multiresult (car result)))
(setq ,resultset-sym (nconc ,resultset-sym (cdr result)))
(push result ,resultset-sym))))
(defun phpinspect-cache-query--validate
(intent intent-param type member namespace implements extends)
;; Validate intent-param
((phpinspect--type-p intent-param)
((not (memq type '(@class @trait @interface @type)))
(error "Cannot use intent-param of type phpinspect--type when querying for %s" type))
((and (phpinspect--type-fully-qualified intent-param)
(error "Use of fully qualified type %s while specifying namespace %s in query"
intent-param namespace)))
((phpinspect-name-p intent-param) t)
((listp intent-param)
(if (memq type '(@class @trait @interface @type))
(unless (seq-every-p #'phpinspect--type-p intent-param)
(error "Each intent param must be of type `phpinspect--type'. Got: %s" intent-param))
(pcase intent
(unless (or (seq-every-p #'phpinspect--variable-p intent-param)
(seq-every-p #'phpinspect--function-p intent-param))
(error "Each intent param must be an instance of `phpinspect--function' or `phpinspect--variable'")))
(unless (seq-every-p #'phpinspect-name-p intent-param)
(error "Each intent param must be a name, got: %s" intent-param)))
(unless (or (seq-every-p #'phpinspect-name-p intent-param))
(error "Each intent param must be an instance of `phpinspect--function', `phpinspect--variable' or `phpinspect-name'")))))
((eq '* intent-param)
(unless (memq intent '(:get :delete))
(error "Wildcard '* cannot be used with intent %s" intent)))
((phpinspect--function-p intent-param)
((not (memq intent '(:insert :delete)))
(error "`phpinspect--function' can only be used as parameter for :insert and :delete intents."))
((not (memq type '(@function @method @abstract-method)))
(error "Inserting/deleting `phpinspect--function' as type %s is not supported" type)))
(t (error "Unsupported intent-param %s" intent-param)))
;; Validate member
((phpinspect--type-p member) t)
((not member) t)
(t (error "unsupported member type (allowed `phpinspect--type'): %s" member)))
;; Validate namespace
((phpinspect-name-p namespace) t)
((not namespace) t)
(t (error "unsupported namespace type (allowed `phpinspect-name'): %s" namespace)))
;; Validate implements
((listp implements)
(unless (seq-every-p #'phpinspect--type-p implements)
(error "Each parameter of :implementing must be of type `phpinspect--type'. Got: %s" implements))
((phpinspect--type-p implements) t)
((not implements) t)
(t (error "unsupported parameter for :implementing (allowed `phpinspect--type': %s" implements)))
;; Validate extends
((listp extends)
(unless (seq-every-p #'phpinspect--type-or-name-p extends)
(error "Each parameter of :extending must be of type `phpinspect--type'. Got: %s" extends))
((phpinspect--type-p extends) t)
((not extends) t)
(t (error "unsupported parameter for :extending (allowed `phpinspect--type': %s" extends)))))
;;; phpinspect.el ends here
(provide 'phpinspect-cache)

@ -218,9 +218,7 @@ Conditionally executes BODY depending on
(let ((existing (gethash (phpinspect--function-name-symbol method)
(phpinspect--class-static-methods class))))
(if existing
(alist-get 'class-name (phpinspect--class-index class))
existing method extended)
(phpinspect--merge-method (phpinspect--class-name class) existing method extended)
(setf (phpinspect--function--inherited method) extended)
(phpinspect--class-set-static-method class method)))))
@ -232,9 +230,7 @@ Conditionally executes BODY depending on
(phpinspect--class-methods class))))
(if existing
(alist-get 'class-name (phpinspect--class-index class))
existing method extended)
(phpinspect--merge-method (phpinspect--class-name class) existing method extended)
(setf (phpinspect--function--inherited method) extended)
(phpinspect--class-set-method class method)))))

@ -275,38 +275,38 @@ Returns list of `phpinspect--completion'."
(defun phpinspect-complete-at-point ()
(let ((comp-list (phpinspect-completion-query-execute (phpinspect--get-completion-query)))
(obarray-map (lambda (sym) (push (symbol-name sym) strings)) (phpinspect--completion-list-completions comp-list))
(and (phpinspect--completion-list-has-candidates comp-list)
(list (phpinspect--completion-list-completion-start comp-list)
(phpinspect--completion-list-completion-end comp-list)
(lambda (completions)
(let (affixated completion)
(dolist (comp completions)
(setq completion (phpinspect--completion-list-get-metadata comp-list comp))
(push (list comp (phpinspect--prefix-for-completion completion)
(phpinspect--completion-meta completion))
(nreverse affixated)))
(lambda (comp-name state)
(let ((comp (phpinspect--completion-list-get-metadata
(when (and (eq 'finished state)
(eq 'function (phpinspect--completion-kind comp)))
(insert "(")
(when (= 0 (length (phpinspect--function-arguments
(phpinspect--completion-target comp))))
(insert ")")))))
:company-kind (lambda (comp-name)
(catch 'phpinspect-parse-interrupted
(let ((comp-list (phpinspect-completion-query-execute (phpinspect--get-completion-query)))
(obarray-map (lambda (sym) (push (symbol-name sym) strings)) (phpinspect--completion-list-completions comp-list))
(and (phpinspect--completion-list-has-candidates comp-list)
(list (phpinspect--completion-list-completion-start comp-list)
(phpinspect--completion-list-completion-end comp-list)
(lambda (completions)
(let (affixated completion)
(dolist (comp completions)
(setq completion (phpinspect--completion-list-get-metadata comp-list comp))
(push (list comp (phpinspect--prefix-for-completion completion)
(phpinspect--completion-meta completion))
(nreverse affixated)))
(lambda (comp-name state)
(let ((comp (phpinspect--completion-list-get-metadata
(when (and (eq 'finished state)
(eq 'function (phpinspect--completion-kind comp)))
(insert "(")
(when (= 0 (length (phpinspect--function-arguments
(phpinspect--completion-target comp))))
(insert ")")))))
:company-kind (lambda (comp-name)
(provide 'phpinspect-completion)

@ -106,9 +106,6 @@ buffer position to insert the use statement at."
buffer namespace-token))
(t (phpinspect-message "No import found for type %s" typename))))))
(defun phpinspect-namespace-part-of-typename (typename)
(string-trim-right typename "\\\\?[^\\]+"))
(defalias 'phpinspect-fix-uses-interactive #'phpinspect-fix-imports
"Alias for backwards compatibility")

@ -60,6 +60,27 @@ of TYPE, if available."
(or (not type)
(phpinspect--type= type phpinspect--object-type)))
(defun phpinspect--index-function-declaration (declaration type-resolver add-used-types)
(let (current name function-args return-type)
(catch 'break
(while (setq current (pop declaration))
(cond ((and (phpinspect-word-p current)
(phpinspect-word-p (car declaration))
(string= "function" (cadr current)))
(setq name (cadr (pop declaration))))
((phpinspect-list-p current)
(setq function-args
type-resolver current add-used-types))
(when (setq return-type (seq-find #'phpinspect-word-p declaration))
(setq return-type (funcall type-resolver
(phpinspect--make-type :name (cadr return-type)))))
(throw 'break nil)))))
(list name function-args return-type)))
(defun phpinspect--index-function-from-scope (type-resolver scope comment-before &optional add-used-types namespace)
"Index a function inside SCOPE token using phpdoc metadata in COMMENT-BEFORE.
@ -69,9 +90,16 @@ function (think \"new\" statements, return types etc.)."
(phpinspect--log "Indexing function")
(let* ((php-func (cadr scope))
(declaration (cadr php-func))
(type (if (phpinspect-word-p (car (last declaration)))
(funcall type-resolver
(phpinspect--make-type :name (cadar (last declaration)))))))
name type arguments)
(pcase-setq `(,name ,arguments ,type)
declaration type-resolver add-used-types))
;; FIXME: Anonymous functions should not be indexed! (or if they are, they
;; should at least not be visible from various UIs unless assigned to a
;; variable as a closure).
(unless name (setq name "anonymous"))
(phpinspect--log "Checking function return annotations")
@ -114,12 +142,9 @@ function (think \"new\" statements, return types etc.)."
:scope `(,(car scope))
:token php-func
:name (concat (if namespace (concat namespace "\\") "") (cadadr (cdr declaration)))
:name (concat (if namespace (concat namespace "\\") "") name)
:return-type (or type phpinspect--null-type)
:arguments (phpinspect--index-function-arg-list
(phpinspect-function-argument-list php-func)
:arguments arguments)))
(define-inline phpinspect--safe-cadr (list)
(inline-letevals (list)

@ -55,6 +55,20 @@ that the collection is expected to contain")
,@(phpinspect--wrap-plist-name-in-symbol property-list)))
(defun phpinspect-type-name-namespace (typename)
(let ((ns (string-trim-right typename "\\\\?[^\\]+")))
(if (string= "" ns)
(defun phpinspect--type-namespace (type)
(phpinspect-type-name-namespace (phpinspect--type-name type))))
(defun phpinspect--type-short-name (type)
(phpinspect-type-name-short (phpinspect--type-name type))))
(defun phpinspect--make-types (type-names)
(mapcar (lambda (name) (phpinspect--make-type :name name))
@ -125,12 +139,12 @@ See ."
(cl-defmethod phpinspect--type-name ((type phpinspect--type))
(phpinspect-name-string (phpinspect--type-name-symbol type)))
(defun phpinspect--get-bare-class-name-from-fqn (fqn)
(defun phpinspect-type-name-short (fqn)
(car (last (split-string fqn "\\\\"))))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect--type-bare-name ((type phpinspect--type))
"Return just the name, without namespace part, of TYPE."
(phpinspect--get-bare-class-name-from-fqn (phpinspect--type-name type)))
(phpinspect-type-name-short (phpinspect--type-name type)))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect--type= ((type1 phpinspect--type) (type2 phpinspect--type))
(eq (phpinspect--type-name-symbol type1) (phpinspect--type-name-symbol type2)))
@ -248,6 +262,12 @@ as first element and the type as second element.")
"A phpinspect--type object representing the the
return type of the function."))
(defun phpinspect--function-namespace (func)
(let ((namespace (phpinspect-type-name-namespace (phpinspect--function-name func))))
(when (string= "" namespace)
(setq namespace "\\"))
(phpinspect-intern-name namespace)))
(defmacro phpinspect--make-function (&rest property-list)
,@(phpinspect--wrap-plist-name-in-symbol property-list)))
@ -258,6 +278,14 @@ return type of the function."))
(define-inline phpinspect--function-name (func)
(inline-quote (phpinspect-name-string (phpinspect--function-name-symbol ,func))))
(define-inline phpinspect--function-short-name (func)
(inline-quote (phpinspect-type-name-short
(phpinspect--function-name-symbol ,func)))))
(defun phpinspect--function-short-name-symbol (func)
(phpinspect-intern-name (phpinspect--function-short-name func)))
(cl-defstruct (phpinspect--variable (:constructor phpinspect--make-variable))
"A PHP Variable."
(name nil
@ -293,6 +321,9 @@ mutability of the variable")
(not (or (phpinspect--variable-static-p variable)
(phpinspect--variable-const-p variable))))
(defun phpinspect--variable-name-symbol (variable)
(phpinspect-intern-name (phpinspect--variable-name variable)))
(defun phpinspect--use-to-type (use)
(let* ((fqn (cadr (cadr use)))
(type (phpinspect--make-type :name (if (string-match "^\\\\" fqn)

@ -128,6 +128,12 @@ level of START-FILE in stead of `default-directory`."
(or (gethash name phpinspect-names)
(puthash name name phpinspect-names)))
(define-inline phpinspect-name-p (name)
(inline-letevals (name)
(and (consp ,name)
(eq 'phpinspect-name (car ,name))))))
(defsubst phpinspect--wrap-plist-name-in-symbol (property-list)
(let ((new-plist)
@ -238,8 +244,8 @@ it evaluates to a non-nil value."
(,match-sym (cons nil nil))
(,match-rear-sym ,match-sym))
(and (= ,sequence-length (length ,sequence))
(cdr ,match-sym))))
(cdr ,match-sym)))))
(defun phpinspect--pattern-concat (pattern1 pattern2)
(let* ((pattern1-sequence-length (/ (length (phpinspect--pattern-code pattern1)) 2)))

@ -224,7 +224,8 @@ Example configuration for `company-mode':
(add-hook \\='php-mode-hook #\\='my-php-personal-hook)
;; End example configuration."
:after-hook (phpinspect--mode-function))
:after-hook (phpinspect--mode-function)
:keymap (list (cons (kbd "C-c u") #'phpinspect-fix-imports)))
(defun phpinspect--suggest-at-point ()
(phpinspect--log "Entering suggest at point. Point: %d" (point))

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
rm ./**/*.elc
rm *.elc
for file in ./*.el; do
echo 'Compiling '"$file"' ...'
cask emacs -batch -L . --eval '(setq byte-compile-error-on-warn t)' -f batch-byte-compile "$file" || break
for file in ./**/*.el; do
echo 'Compiling '"$file"' ...'
cask emacs -batch -L . --eval '(setq byte-compile-error-on-warn t)' -f batch-byte-compile "$file" || break
if [[ -z $NO_REMOVE_ELC ]]; then
rm ./**/*.elc
rm *.elc

@ -1,4 +1,26 @@
;;; install-deps.el --- Install dependencies -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; install-deps.el --- Install package dependencies -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc
;; Author: Hugo Thunnissen <>
;; Keywords: script
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'lisp-mnt)

@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ rm *.elc
for file in ./*.el; do
echo 'Compiling '"$file"' ...'
cask emacs -batch -L . --eval '(progn '"(require 'comp)"' (setq byte-compile-error-on-warn t native-compile-target-directory (car native-comp-eln-load-path)) (nreverse native-comp-eln-load-path))' -f batch-byte+native-compile "$file" || break
emacs -batch -L . --eval '(progn '"(require 'comp)"' (setq byte-compile-error-on-warn t native-compile-target-directory (car native-comp-eln-load-path)) (nreverse native-comp-eln-load-path))' -f batch-byte+native-compile "$file" || break
for file in ./**/*.el; do
echo 'Compiling '"$file"' ...'
cask emacs -batch -L . --eval '(progn '"(require 'comp)"' (setq byte-compile-error-on-warn t native-compile-target-directory (car native-comp-eln-load-path)) (nreverse native-comp-eln-load-path))' -f batch-byte+native-compile "$file" || break
emacs -batch -L . --eval '(progn '"(require 'comp)"' (setq byte-compile-error-on-warn t native-compile-target-directory (car native-comp-eln-load-path)) (nreverse native-comp-eln-load-path))' -f batch-byte+native-compile "$file" || break

@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
; test-cache.el --- Unit tests for phpinspect.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Author: Hugo Thunnissen <>
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'ert)
(require 'phpinspect-cache)
(ert-deftest phpinspect-cache-insert-type ()
(let ((cache (phpinspect-make-cache))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass") :as @class)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass") :as @class))
(should result)
(should (listp result))
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (phpinspect-cache-type-p (car result)))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface") :as @interface)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface") :as @interface))
(should result)
(should (listp result))
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (phpinspect-cache-type-p (car result)))
;; When a query defines an entity category other than the one the existing
;; entity was inserted as, nothing should be returned.
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface") :as @class))
(should-not result)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface") :as @type))
(should result)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get `(,(phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface")
,(phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass"))
:as @type))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))
(should (seq-every-p #'phpinspect-cache-type-p result))
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get `(,(phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface")
,(phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass"))
:as @interface))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (seq-every-p #'phpinspect-cache-type-p result))
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get * :as @type))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))
(should (seq-every-p #'phpinspect-cache-type-p result))
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass") :as @type))
(should result)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass") :as @type))
(should result)
(should (phpinspect-cache-type-p (car result)))
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass") :as @type))
(should-not result)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass") :as @type))
(should-not result)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface") :as @type))
(should result)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface") :as @class))
(should-not result)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface") :as @type))
(should result)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface") :as @interface))
(should result)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface") :as @type))
(should-not result)))
(ert-deftest phpinspect-cache-namespace-query ()
(let ((cache (phpinspect-make-cache))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (list (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace1\\TestClass")
(phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace2\\TestClass")
(phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace2\\TestClass1"))
:as @class)
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get * :as @class :in (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Namespace1")))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (eq (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Namespace1\\TestClass")
(phpinspect-cache-type-name (car result))))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get * :as @class :in (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Namespace2")))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))))
(ert-deftest phpinspect-cache-delete-wildcard-types ()
(let ((cache (phpinspect-make-cache))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (list (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace1\\TestClass")
(phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace2\\TestClass")
(phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace2\\TestClass1"))
:as @class)
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete * :as @class)
(should-not (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get * :as @class))))
(ert-deftest phpinspect-cache-delete-wildcard-namespace-types ()
(let ((cache (phpinspect-make-cache))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (list (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace1\\TestClass")
(phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace2\\TestClass")
(phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace2\\TestClass1"))
:as @class)
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete * :as @class :in (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Namespace2"))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test)) :get * :as @class))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (eq (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Namespace1\\TestClass")
(phpinspect-cache-type-name (car result))))))
(ert-deftest phpinspect-cache-insert-function ()
(let ((cache (phpinspect-make-cache))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-function :name "test_func")
:as @function))
(should result)
(should (phpinspect--function-p (car result)))
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (list (phpinspect--make-function :name "test_func")
(phpinspect--make-function :name "other_func"))
:as @function
:in (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Namespace1")))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect-intern-name "\\test_func")
:as @function))
(should result)
(should (phpinspect--function-p (car result)))
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete (phpinspect-intern-name "\\test_func")
:as @function))
(should result)
(should (phpinspect--function-p (car result)))
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:as @function
:in (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Namespace1")))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete *
:as @function
:in (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Namespace1")))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (list (phpinspect--make-function :name "\\Ns\\test_func")
(phpinspect--make-function :name "\\Ns\\other_func")
(phpinspect--make-function :name "\\root_func"))
:as @function)
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get * :as @function :in (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Ns")))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get * :as @function :in (phpinspect-intern-name "\\")))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get * :as @function))
(should result)
(should (= 3 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete * :as @function))
(should result)
(should (= 3 (length result)))))
(ert-deftest phpinspect-insert-type-extending/implementing ()
(let ((cache (phpinspect-make-cache))
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace1\\TestClass")
:as @class
:extending (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\App\\TestClassAbstract")
:implementing (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\App\\TestInterface")))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(setq result (car result))
(should (phpinspect-cache-type-get-implements result))
(should (= 1 (length (phpinspect-cache-type-get-implements result))))
(should (eq (phpinspect-intern-name "\\App\\TestInterface")
(car (phpinspect-cache-type-get-implements result))))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:implementing (phpinspect-intern-name "\\App\\TestInterface")
:as @type))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (eq (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Namespace1\\TestClass")
(phpinspect-cache-type-name (car result))))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:extending (phpinspect-intern-name "\\App\\TestClassAbstract")
:as @type))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (eq (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Namespace1\\TestClass")
(phpinspect-cache-type-name (car result))))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:extending (phpinspect-intern-name "\\App\\TestClass")
:as @type))
(should-not result)
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace1\\TestClass")
:as @type))
(should result)
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:extending (phpinspect-intern-name "\\App\\TestClassAbstract")
:as @type))
(should-not result)
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace1\\TestClass")
:as @class)
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:extending (phpinspect-intern-name "\\App\\TestClassAbstract")
:as @type))
(should-not result)
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:implementing (phpinspect-intern-name "\\App\\TestInterface")
:as @type))
(should-not result)))
(ert-deftest phpinspect-cache-insert-method ()
(let ((cache (phpinspect-make-cache))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")
:as @class)
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-function :name "testMethod")
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect-intern-name "testMethod")
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (phpinspect--function-p (car result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect-intern-name "testMethod")
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Banana")))
(should-not result)
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-function :name "newTestMethod")
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass"))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect-intern-name "testMethod")
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (phpinspect--function-p (car result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete (phpinspect-intern-name "testMethod")
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-function :name "testMethod")
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass"))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete *
:as @function
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))))
(ert-deftest phpinspect-cache-delete-method-multi ()
(let ((cache (phpinspect-make-cache))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass") :as @class)
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (list (phpinspect--make-function :name "test1")
(phpinspect--make-function :name "test3")
(phpinspect--make-function :name "test2"))
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass"))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete (list (phpinspect-intern-name "test1")
(phpinspect-intern-name "test2"))
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (string= "test3" (phpinspect--function-name (car result))))))
(ert-deftest phpinspect-cache-insert-variable ()
(let ((cache (phpinspect-make-cache))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass") :as @class)
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (list (phpinspect--make-variable :name "test1")
(phpinspect--make-variable :name "test3")
(phpinspect--make-variable :name "test2"))
:as @variable
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 3 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:as @variable
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 3 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect-intern-name "test2")
:as @variable
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete (phpinspect-intern-name "test2")
:as @variable
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete *
:as @variable
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))
(should-not (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:as @variable
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))))

@ -48,3 +48,10 @@
(should (equal '(:m "a" :m * :m "b" :f stringp :m * :m "D") (phpinspect--pattern-code result)))
(should (phpinspect--pattern-match result '("a" "anything" "b" "astring" nil "D")))))
(ert-deftest phpinspect--pattern-match-partially ()
(let ((result (phpinspect--match-sequence '((:variable "this") (:object-attrib (:word "em")))
:m '(:variable "this")
:m '(:object-attrib (:word "not-a-match")))))
(should-not result)))
