You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package main
import (
type WhappHandler struct {
dcContext *deltachat.Context
db *Database
dcUserID uint32
wac *whatsapp.Conn
// Find or create a deltachat verified group chat for a whatsapp JID and return it's ID.
func (h *WhappHandler) getOrCreateDCIDForJID(JID string, isGroup bool) (uint32, error) {
if DCID, _ := h.db.GetDCIDForWhappJID(JID); DCID != nil {
return *DCID, nil
chatName := JID
if isGroup {
chat, ok := h.wac.Store.Chats[JID]
if ok {
chatName = chat.Name
} else {
contact, ok := h.wac.Store.Contacts[JID]
if ok {
chatName = contact.Name
DCID := h.dcContext.CreateGroupChat(true, chatName)
err := h.db.StoreDCIDForJID(JID, DCID)
if err != nil {
return DCID, err
h.dcContext.AddContactToChat(DCID, h.dcUserID)
return DCID, err
func (h *WhappHandler) HandleError(err error) {
log.Println("Whatsapp Error: " + err.Error())
func (h *WhappHandler) HandleTextMessage(m whatsapp.TextMessage) {
JID := m.Info.RemoteJid
DCID, err := h.getOrCreateDCIDForJID(JID, m.Info.RemoteJid != m.Info.SenderJid)
if err != nil {
chatID := h.dcContext.GetChatIDByContactID(h.dcUserID)
senderName := m.Info.SenderJid
contact, ok := h.wac.Store.Contacts[m.Info.SenderJid]
if ok {
senderName = contact.Name
fmt.Sprintf("%s:\n%s", senderName, m.Text),