package core import ( "encoding/binary" "errors" "fmt" "os" "" "" ) func DcClientFromConfig( databasePath string, logger deltachat.Logger, config map[string]string, ) *deltachat.Client { client := deltachat.NewClient(logger) // Handler for info logs from libdeltachat client.On(deltachat.DC_EVENT_INFO, func(c *deltachat.Context, e *deltachat.Event) { info, _ := e.Data2.String() logger.Println(*info) }) client.Open(databasePath) for key, value := range config { client.SetConfig(key, value) } // TODO: Make this configurable for users client.SetConfig( "server_flags", fmt.Sprintf( "%d", deltachat.DC_LP_AUTH_NORMAL| deltachat.DC_LP_IMAP_SOCKET_SSL| deltachat.DC_LP_SMTP_SOCKET_STARTTLS, ), ) client.Configure() return client } // Note: this manipulates the BridgeContext. func BootstrapDcClientFromConfig(config Config, ctx *BridgeContext) (*deltachat.Client, error) { dcClient := DcClientFromConfig( config.App.DataFolder+"/deltachat.db", ctx.Logger(), config.Deltachat, ) DCCtx := dcClient.Context() ctx.Logger().Println("Waiting for deltachat client to be configured") for !DCCtx.IsConfigured() { } userName := "user" dcUserID := DCCtx.CreateContact(&userName, &config.App.UserAddress) var ( userChatID uint32 err error ) if config.App.VerifiedGroups { // Send a message in a 1:1 chat first, this will let the user's client know that the // crypto setup has changed if it has DCCtx.SendTextMessage( DCCtx.CreateChatByContactID(dcUserID), "Hi, Whapp-Deltachat is initializing", ) userChatIDRaw := ctx.DB.Get([]byte("user-chat-id")) // The verified group chat that is used as 1:1 between whappDC and the user is // created here if verified groups are enabled. if userChatIDRaw == nil { userChatID, err = AddUserAsVerifiedContact(dcUserID, dcClient, ctx.Logger()) if err != nil { return nil, err } } else { userChatID = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(userChatIDRaw) } userChatIDbs := make([]byte, 4) binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(userChatIDbs, userChatID) err = ctx.DB.Put([]byte("user-chat-id"), userChatIDbs) } else { userChatID = DCCtx.CreateChatByContactID(dcUserID) } ctx.DCUserID = dcUserID ctx.DCUserChatID = userChatID ctx.DCContext = DCCtx ctx.DCClient = dcClient return dcClient, err } // Add a user as verified contact to the deltachat context. This is necessary to be able // to create verified groups. func AddUserAsVerifiedContact( dcUserID uint32, client *deltachat.Client, logger deltachat.Logger, ) (uint32, error) { confirmChan := make(chan bool) client.On( deltachat.DC_EVENT_SECUREJOIN_INVITER_PROGRESS, func(c *deltachat.Context, e *deltachat.Event) { contactIDInt, err := e.Data1.Int() if err != nil { logger.Println(err) confirmChan <- false return } contactID := uint32(*contactIDInt) if contactID != dcUserID { logger.Println( fmt.Sprintf( "Unexpected contact ID encountered for securejoin progress: %v", contactID, ), ) return } progress, err := e.Data2.Int() if err != nil { logger.Println(err) confirmChan <- false return } if *progress == 1000 { confirmChan <- true } }, ) ctx := client.Context() chatID := ctx.CreateGroupChat(true, "Whapp-DC ***status***") fmt.Println("Scan this qr code with your DC client:") qrterminal.Generate( ctx.GetSecurejoinQR(chatID), qrterminal.L, os.Stdout, ) success := <-confirmChan if !success { errorString := "Contact Verification process failed" fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, errorString) return chatID, errors.New(errorString) } successString := "Securejoin verification completed" fmt.Println(successString) logger.Println(successString) return chatID, nil }