Hugo's Homepage

Hello and welcome to my personal homepage! A little bit about myself: My name is Hugo. I am a software developer from the Netherlands and mainly like to work with golang, PHP, elisp, BASH and web technologies (javascript/html etc). I am interested in infrastructure, open source, decentralized technologies, linux and shell scripting. I am also a big proponent of not using javascript wen you don't need it, so this website is entirely functional without having javascript enabled!

Read my My Curriculum Vitae

Other places you can find me at on the web:

My Projects

I regularly work on software projects that I make publicly available. Below is a selected few of my projects that I am either currently working on or am the most proud of. If you want to see all of the open source projects that I have worked on in the past, feel free to checkout the github or snorbaart links above!


Enrich emacs with completion and other intellisense features for PHP. Backed by a PHP parser implemented in 100% pure emacs lisp!


Manage DNS records through version controlled yaml files.

Gitea API Protector

Shield your gitea API from bad actors on public instances.

Docker Images

A set of docker images that I maintain.