Add description of DNS YAML

Hugo Thunnissen 2 years ago
parent 0e566648a3
commit 0ee3420855

@ -1,9 +1,160 @@
<header>DNS YAML</header>
DNS YAML is infrastructure of code for the management of authoritative DNS
records. It allows its users to create yaml files describing the desired state
of their authoritative DNS records, which can then be applied to their DNS
server. DNS YAML does this through a concept called "mappers", which are
adapters that are able to interact with different types of authoritative DNS
solutions. The currently supported mappers are:
<tr><td><b>powerdns</b></td><td>Maps to a powerdns mysql database.</td></tr>
<tr><td><b>scaleway</b></td><td>Maps to the scaleway DNS service.</td></tr>
<tr><td><b>dry</b></td><td>Reads in the document and checks if it's valid
without actually mapping to anything.</td></tr>
The software can be obtained from the
<a href="">source code repository</a> or
as a docker image from <a href="">docker hub</a>.
<header>Who Would This Be Useful For?</header>
<header>The Lone Selfhoster</header>
If you're just managing your personal infrastructure and want to have a way to
manage the state of your DNS within the same version control repository as your
ansible scripts, DNS YAML will be the missing piece of the puzzle for you.
<header>The Cloud-Native Company</header>
While it hasn't been tested in large deployments, I think that this DNS YAML
could theoretically be a great addition for large bodies of people who work
on applications within the same infrastructure. Traditionally, DNS records
are something that is managed by sysadmins who edit zone files by hand, or
through self-service UIs that some employees are allowed to acces. If one
were to, in stead, use version controlled DNS YAML documents in combination
with CI/CD, the following things would be achieved:
Employees can create pull requests with DNS record changes that their
projects require. These could be reviewed and merged by employees who are
responsible for infrastructure, after which they can be applied to
staging/production environments through the CI/CD system.
The state of the DNS is reproducible. If the DNS service were to fail and
its state was lost, it would be trivial to replace it and reapply its state
with the DNS YAML document.
Changes to DNS records are autidable through version control.
Lastly, but not unimportantly, automated CI jobs could be setup for DNS YAML
repositories to scan for stale DNS records that point to infrastructure that
is no longer under the companies control. This is important, because leaving
stale records unattended can be a security risk. Take A records that point
to IP addresses that are not controlled by the company anymore for
example. Those could be abused by bad actors who want to impersonate the
company if they were to get their hands on that old IP address.
<header>An Example</header>
To help you get an idea, here is an example of a DNS YAML document, with below
it a Done CI file that could be used to check the document for validity and
apply it to production. The document contains examples of the different types
of record values that DNS YAML allows to be configured, which
are <code>raw</code>, <code>file</code> or <code>round-robin</code>.
<div class="code-sample">
<pre> <span></span></pre>
<pre> <span>records:</span></pre>
<pre> - <span>type: A</span></pre>
<pre> <span>name:</span></pre>
<pre> <span>content:</span></pre>
<pre> <span>type: raw</span></pre>
<pre> <span>value:</span></pre>
<pre> - <span>type: A</span></pre>
<pre> <span>name:</span></pre>
<pre> <span>content:</span></pre>
<pre> <span>type: round-robin</span></pre>
<pre> <span>value: http-cluster</span></pre>
<pre> <span></span></pre>
<pre> <span>records:</span></pre>
<pre> - <span>type: MX</span></pre>
<pre> <span>name:</span></pre>
<pre> <span>content:</span></pre>
<pre> <span>type: round-robin</span></pre>
<pre> <span>value: mail-exchange</span></pre>
<pre> - <span>type: TXT</span></pre>
<pre> <span>name:</span></pre>
<pre> <span>content:</span></pre>
<pre> <span>type: file</span></pre>
<pre> <span>value: dkim/</span></pre>
<pre> <span>http-cluster:</span></pre>
<pre> - <span></span></pre>
<pre> - <span></span></pre>
<pre> - <span></span></pre>
<pre> <span>mail-exchange:</span></pre>
<pre> - <span></span></pre>
<pre> - <span></span></pre>
Below is a Drone CI pipeline configuration that validates the documents by
using the <code>dry</code> mapper and then applies the document to production
through the scaleway DNS service API using the <code>scaleway</code> mapper.
<div class="code-sample">
<pre>kind: pipeline</pre>
<pre>type: docker</pre>
<pre>name: default</pre>
<pre> - name: validate</pre>
<pre> image: hugotty/dns-yml:latest</pre>
<pre> commands:</pre>
<pre> - /dns-yml -mapper dry ./dns.yml</pre>
<pre> - name: publish</pre>
<pre> image: hugotty/dns-yml:latest</pre>
<pre> environment:</pre>
<pre> DNS_YML_SCW_ORG_ID:</pre>
<pre> from_secret: scaleway_org_id</pre>
<pre> from_secret: scaleway_access_key</pre>
<pre> from_secret: scaleway_secret</pre>
<pre> commands:</pre>
<pre> - /dns-yml ./dns.yml</pre>
<pre> when:</pre>
<pre> branch:</pre>
<pre> - master</pre>
<pre> event:</pre>
<pre> - push</pre>
<!-- Local Variables: -->
<!-- sgml-basic-offset: 1 -->
<!-- End: -->

@ -1 +1 @@
675167167 108
72850756 6424

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
of them had problems for my use cases. I encountered performance issues
(language servers implemented in PHP would have massive memory consumption),
lack of sophistication (ctags based solutions don't understand object oriented
code well enough) or simply a lack of features. After a while I got obsessed
code well enough) or simply a lack of features. After a while I got invested
enough to start implementing a solution myself with the main goals of being
able to work with large projects, being sophisticated enough to understand
object oriented code and being simple to setup from within emacs.

@ -1 +1 @@
4156153914 2489
2123635943 2489

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