You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

61 lines
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package shell
type Block struct {
type DollarBlock struct {
type BlockParameters struct{}
type DollarBlockParameters struct {
func (p *BlockParameters) Enter(i *CharIterator) error {
return i.Next()
func (p *DollarBlockParameters) SubParsers() []Parser {
return []Parser{
parameters: &WordParameters{},
func (p *DollarBlockParameters) MakeToken() Token {
return &DollarBlock{}
func (p *BlockParameters) SubParsers() []Parser {
return []Parser{
parameters: &StatementParameters{},
func (p *BlockParameters) Supports(charsBefore []rune, r rune) bool {
if r == '{' {
return len(charsBefore) == 0 ||
countBackslashSuffixes(charsBefore)%2 == 0
return false
func (p *BlockParameters) ShouldLeave(charsBefore []rune, r rune) bool {
if r == '}' {
return len(charsBefore) == 0 ||
countBackslashSuffixes(charsBefore)%2 == 0
return false
func (p *BlockParameters) MakeToken() Token {
return &Block{}