package shell import ( "bufio" "fmt" "strings" "testing" "" "" ) type QuotesTest struct { suite.Suite } func (t *QuotesTest) TestParse() { expectedContents := fmt.Sprintf("'%s'", "word1 word2 word3\n word4") parser := &BaseParser{&SingleQuoteParameters{}} reader := bufio.NewReader(strings.NewReader(expectedContents)) iterator, err := NewCharIterator(reader) t.NoError(err) token, err := parser.Parse(iterator, &CharCollection{}) t.NoError(err) expanded, _ := token.(Expandable).Expand(nil, nil, nil) t.Equal(1, len(expanded)) t.Equal("word1 word2 word3\n word4", expanded[0]) } func (t *QuotesTest) TestExpandVariables() { parser := &BaseParser{&QuoteParameters{}} reader := bufio.NewReader( strings.NewReader("\"This is a $variable ${variable2} $variable\""), ) state := NewShellState() state.SetVariable("variable", "supergood") state.SetVariable("variable2", "thing") iterator, err := NewCharIterator(reader) t.NoError(err) token, err := parser.Parse(iterator, &CharCollection{}) t.NoError(err) expanded, _ := token.(Expandable).Expand(state, nil, nil) t.Equal("This is a supergood thing supergood", expanded[0]) } func (t *QuotesTest) TestExpandSubshell() { parser := &BaseParser{&QuoteParameters{}} reader := bufio.NewReader( strings.NewReader("\"This is $(echo a subshell)\""), ) state := NewShellState() echo := &builtins.Echo{} state.SetCommand(echo.Name(), echo) iterator, err := NewCharIterator(reader) t.NoError(err) token, err := parser.Parse(iterator, &CharCollection{}) t.NoError(err) expanded, _ := token.(Expandable).Expand(state, nil, nil) t.Equal(1, len(expanded)) t.Equal("This is a subshell", expanded[0]) } func (t *QuotesTest) TestExpandBacktick() { parser := &BaseParser{&QuoteParameters{}} reader := bufio.NewReader( strings.NewReader("\"This is `echo a backtick`\""), ) state := NewShellState() echo := &builtins.Echo{} state.SetCommand(echo.Name(), echo) iterator, err := NewCharIterator(reader) t.NoError(err) token, err := parser.Parse(iterator, &CharCollection{}) t.NoError(err) expanded, _ := token.(Expandable).Expand(state, nil, nil) t.Equal(1, len(expanded)) t.Equal("This is a backtick", expanded[0]) } // The only way backticks can be nested at the moment is by wrapping them in // quotes. func (t *QuotesTest) TestExpandNestedBacktick() { parser := &BaseParser{&QuoteParameters{}} reader := bufio.NewReader( strings.NewReader("\"This is `echo a \"`echo backtick`\"`\""), ) state := NewShellState() echo := &builtins.Echo{} state.SetCommand(echo.Name(), echo) iterator, err := NewCharIterator(reader) t.NoError(err) token, err := parser.Parse(iterator, &CharCollection{}) t.NoError(err) expanded, _ := token.(Expandable).Expand(state, nil, nil) t.Equal(1, len(expanded)) t.Equal("This is a backtick", expanded[0]) } func TestQuotesTest(t *testing.T) { suite.Run(t, new(QuotesTest)) }