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":"; exec emacs -Q -batch -l ert -l "$0" -f ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SETUP ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(setq cwd default-directory)
(defmacro with-testing-buffer (file-name &rest body)
"Execute 'body using a buffer with the contents of file 'file-name,
killing the buffer afterwards"
(list 'let (list (list 'buffer
(list 'find-file
(list 'format "%s/test/testdata/%s" cwd file-name))))
(let ((to-execute (list 'with-current-buffer 'buffer)))
(append to-execute body (list '(kill-buffer buffer))))))
(load (format "%sstomp.el" default-directory) nil t)
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; START UNIT TESTS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(ert-deftest can-read-simple-frame ()
"Can read a simple message with headers and content"
(setq recieved (stomp-read-frame (current-buffer)))
(should (equal (alist-get 'command recieved) "BLA"))
(should (equal (alist-get 'headers recieved)
'(("ok" . "bye")
("some-header" . "value"))))
(should (equal (alist-get 'content recieved) "content\n"))))
(ert-deftest can-read-carriage-return-frame ()
"Can read a simple frame with headers and content, containing carriage returns"
(setq recieved (stomp-read-frame (current-buffer)))
(should (equal (alist-get 'command recieved) "BLA"))
(should (equal (alist-get 'headers recieved)
'(("ok" . "bye")
("some-header" . "value"))))
(should (equal (alist-get 'content recieved) "content\r\n"))))
(ert-deftest can-delete-one-frame ()
"Can delete the topmost frame in a buffer"
(let ((buffer (current-buffer)))
(stomp-delete-frame buffer)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(should (equal (buffer-string) "BLA\nsome-header:value\nok:bye\n\ncontent\n\u0000\n"))))))
(ert-deftest can-compose-frame ()
"Can compose a valid STOMP frame from a LISP datastructure"
(let ((frame '()) (headers '()))
(map-put frame 'command "SEND")
(map-put headers "header" "value")
(map-put frame 'headers headers)
(map-put frame 'content "Some content")
(should (equal (stomp-frame-to-string frame) "SEND\nheader:value\n\nSome content\u0000"))))