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;;; phpinspect-pipeline.el --- PHP parsing and completion package -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc
;; Author: Hugo Thunnissen <>
;; Keywords: php, languages, tools, convenience
;; Version: 1
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'phpinspect-queue)
(require 'phpinspect-util)
(define-error 'phpinspect-pipeline-incoming "Signal for incoming pipeline data")
(define-error 'phpinspect-pipeline-error "Signal for pipeline errors")
(defcustom phpinspect-pipeline-pause-time 0.5
"Number of seconds to pause a pipeline thread when emacs receives
user input. This is similar to `phpinspect-worker-pause-time',
but pipelines are meant to run in bursts. For that reason, the
default pause time for pipelines is lower to be a little more
aggressive in hogging cpu time.
Set this variable to a higher value if you experience a lot of
jitter when editing during pipeline operations. At the time of
writing, pipelines are used to refresh the project
index/autoloader and for the indexation of \"include\"
:type 'number
:group 'phpinspect)
(cl-defstruct (phpinspect-pipeline-end (:constructor phpinspect-make-pipeline-end))
(value nil
:type any)
(error nil)
(thread nil
:type thread))
(cl-defstruct (phpinspect-pipeline-emission (:constructor phpinspect-make-pipeline-emission))
(collection nil
:type list))
(cl-defstruct (phpinspect-pipeline-thread (:constructor phpinspect-make-pipeline-thread))
(in-queue nil
:type phpinspect-queue)
(end nil
:type boolean))
(cl-defstruct (phpinspect-pipeline-ctx (:constructor phpinspect-make-pipeline-ctx))
(threads nil
:type alist))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-register-thread ((ctx phpinspect-pipeline-ctx) thread in-queue)
(push (cons thread (phpinspect-make-pipeline-thread :in-queue in-queue))
(phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-threads ctx)))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-get-thread ((ctx phpinspect-pipeline-ctx) thread)
(alist-get thread (phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-threads ctx)
nil nil #'eq))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-register-end ((ctx phpinspect-pipeline-ctx) (end phpinspect-pipeline-end))
(let ((thread (phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-get-thread ctx (phpinspect-pipeline-end-thread end))))
(setf (phpinspect-pipeline-thread-end thread) end)))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-close ((ctx phpinspect-pipeline-ctx))
(let (errors err end thread-live)
(dolist (thread (phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-threads ctx))
(setq end (phpinspect-pipeline-thread-end (cdr thread))
err (or (thread-last-error (car thread))
(and end (phpinspect-pipeline-end-error end)))
thread-live (thread-live-p (car thread)))
(when thread-live
(if end
(setq errors (nconc errors (list (format "Thread %s ended pipeline, but is still running"
(thread-name (car thread))))))
(setq errors (nconc errors (list (format "Thread %s is still running when pipeline is closing"
(thread-name (car thread))))))))
(when err
(setq errors (nconc errors (list (format "Thread %s signaled error: %s"
(thread-name (car thread))
(unless end
(setq errors (nconc errors (list (format "Thread %s never ended"
(thread-name (car thread)))))))
(when (thread-live-p (car thread))
(thread-signal (car thread) 'quit nil)))
(when errors
(signal 'phpinspect-pipeline-error errors))))
(define-inline phpinspect-pipeline-emit (data)
(inline-letevals (data)
(throw 'phpinspect-pipeline-emit ,data))))
(define-inline phpinspect-pipeline-emit-all (collection)
(inline-letevals (collection)
(throw 'phpinspect-pipeline-emit
(if ,collection
:collection ,collection)
(defmacro phpinspect-pipeline-end (&optional value)
(if value
`(throw 'phpinspect-pipeline-emit
(phpinspect-make-pipeline-end :value ,value :thread (current-thread)))
`(throw 'phpinspect-pipeline-emit
(phpinspect-make-pipeline-end :thread (current-thread)))))
(define-inline phpinspect-pipeline-pause ()
"Pause the current pipeline thread"
(if (phpinspect--input-pending-p)
(let ((mx (make-mutex)))
phpinspect-pipeline-pause-time mx (make-condition-variable mx "phpinspect-pipeline-pause")))
(define-inline phpinspect--read-pipeline-emission (&rest body)
(push 'progn body)
(catch 'phpinspect-pipeline-emit
(defmacro phpinspect--run-as-pipeline-step (func-name queue consumer-queue pipeline-ctx &optional local-ctx)
(unless (symbolp func-name)
(error "Function name must be a symbol, got: %s" func-name))
(let* ((thread-name (concat "phpinspect-pipeline-" (symbol-name func-name)))
(statement (list func-name))
(statement-rear statement)
(incoming (gensym "incoming"))
(outgoing (gensym "outgoing"))
(inc-queue (gensym "queue"))
(out-queue (gensym "queue"))
(context-sym (gensym "context"))
(continue-running (gensym "continue-running"))
(pctx-sym (gensym "pipeline-ctx"))
(incoming-end (gensym "incoming-end"))
(end (gensym "end")))
(when local-ctx
(setq statement-rear (setcdr statement-rear (cons context-sym nil))))
(setq statement-rear (setcdr statement-rear (cons incoming nil)))
`(let ((,inc-queue ,queue)
(,out-queue ,consumer-queue)
(,context-sym ,local-ctx)
(,pctx-sym ,pipeline-ctx))
(lambda ()
(let ((,continue-running t)
,incoming ,outgoing ,end ,incoming-end)
(phpinspect-pipeline--register-wakeup-function ,inc-queue)
(while ,continue-running
(condition-case-unless-debug err
;; Prevent quitting during step execution, as this could
;; break data integrity.
(let ((inhibit-quit t))
(setq ,incoming (phpinspect-pipeline-receive ,inc-queue))
(if (phpinspect-pipeline-end-p ,incoming)
(setq ,incoming-end ,incoming)
(when (phpinspect-pipeline-end-value ,incoming)
(setq ,incoming (phpinspect-pipeline-end-value ,incoming)
,outgoing (phpinspect--read-pipeline-emission ,statement))
(phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue ,out-queue ,outgoing 'no-notify)))
(setq ,end (phpinspect-make-pipeline-end :thread (current-thread)))
(phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-register-end ,pctx-sym ,end)
(setq ,continue-running nil)
(phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue ,out-queue ,end))
;; Else
(setq ,outgoing (phpinspect--read-pipeline-emission ,statement))
(when (phpinspect-pipeline-end-p ,outgoing)
(setq ,end (phpinspect-make-pipeline-end :thread (current-thread)))
(phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-register-end ,pctx-sym ,end)
(setq ,continue-running nil))
(phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue ,out-queue ,outgoing))))
(quit (ignore-error phpinspect-pipeline-incoming
(t (phpinspect--log "Pipeline thread errored: %s" err)
(setq ,end (phpinspect-make-pipeline-end :thread (current-thread) :error err))
(setq ,continue-running nil)
(phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-register-end ,pctx-sym ,end)
(phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue ,out-queue ,end))))))
(defun phpinspect--chain-pipeline-steps (steps start-queue end-queue ctx)
(let ((result (gensym "result"))
(incoming (gensym "incoming"))
(outgoing (gensym "outgoing"))
(ctx-sym (gensym "ctx"))
body name step statement)
(while (setq step (pop steps))
(setq name (phpinspect--pipeline-step-name step))
(setq statement
(if (phpinspect--pipeline-step--context-var-name step)
,name ,incoming ,outgoing ,ctx-sym ,(phpinspect--pipeline-step--context-var-name step))
`(phpinspect--run-as-pipeline-step ,name ,incoming ,outgoing ,ctx-sym)))
(setq body (nconc body `(,(if steps
`(setq ,outgoing (phpinspect-make-queue))
`(setq ,outgoing ,end-queue))
(phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-register-thread ,ctx-sym ,statement ,incoming)
(setq ,incoming ,outgoing)))))
`(let ((,incoming ,start-queue) (,ctx-sym ,ctx) ,result ,outgoing)
(cl-defstruct (phpinspect--pipeline-step (:constructor phpinspect--make-pipeline-step))
(context nil
:type any
"An object that is passed as first argument to all step executions")
(-context-var-name nil
:type symbol
"Variable name used to store context in")
(name nil
:type symbol
"The name of this step"))
(defmacro phpinspect--pipeline (seed-form &rest parameters)
(let (key value steps let-vars)
(while parameters
(setq key (pop parameters)
value (pop parameters))
(pcase key
(let* ((construct-params (cons nil nil))
(cons-params-rear construct-params)
parameters name)
(if (listp value)
(setq name (car value)
parameters (cdr value)))
(setq name value))
(unless (symbolp name)
(error "Step name should be a symbol"))
(let (key value)
(while parameters
(setq key (pop parameters)
value (pop parameters))
(setq key (intern (string-replace ":with-" ":" (symbol-name key))))
(setq cons-params-rear
(setcdr cons-params-rear (cons key (cons value nil))))))
(push (apply #'phpinspect--make-pipeline-step `(,@(cdr construct-params) :name ,name))
(_ (error "unexpected key %s" key))))
(setq steps (nreverse steps))
(dolist (step steps)
(when (phpinspect--pipeline-step-context step)
(setf (phpinspect--pipeline-step--context-var-name step) (gensym "ctx"))
(push `(,(phpinspect--pipeline-step--context-var-name step)
,(phpinspect--pipeline-step-context step))
(let ((queue-sym (gensym "queue"))
(end-queue-sym (gensym "end-queue"))
(ctx-sym (gensym "ctx"))
(recv-sym (gensym))
(result-sym (gensym))
(seed-sym (gensym))
(collecting-sym (gensym)))
(when (eq main-thread (current-thread))
(error "Pipelines should not run in the main thread"))
(let* (,@let-vars
(,ctx-sym (phpinspect-make-pipeline-ctx))
(,queue-sym (phpinspect-make-queue))
(,end-queue-sym (phpinspect-make-queue))
(,collecting-sym t)
,recv-sym ,result-sym ,seed-sym)
,(phpinspect--chain-pipeline-steps steps queue-sym end-queue-sym ctx-sym)
(setq ,seed-sym ,seed-form)
(when ,seed-sym
(phpinspect-make-pipeline-emission :collection ,seed-sym) 'no-notify))
,queue-sym (phpinspect-make-pipeline-end :thread (current-thread)))
(while ,collecting-sym
(ignore-error phpinspect-pipeline-incoming
(phpinspect-pipeline--register-wakeup-function ,end-queue-sym)
(while (not (phpinspect-pipeline-end-p
(setq ,recv-sym (phpinspect-pipeline-receive ,end-queue-sym))))
(setq ,result-sym (nconc ,result-sym (list ,recv-sym))))
(setq ,collecting-sym nil))))
(phpinspect-pipeline-ctx-close ,ctx-sym)
(defmacro phpinspect-pipeline (seed-form &rest parameters)
(declare (indent defun))
(let ((result (gensym))
(async-sym (gensym))
key value async macro-params)
(while parameters
(setq key (pop parameters)
value (pop parameters))
(pcase key
(:async (setq async value))
(_ (setq macro-params (nconc macro-params (list key value))))))
`(if-let ((,async-sym ,async))
(lambda ()
(condition-case err
(let ((,result (phpinspect--pipeline ,seed-form ,@macro-params)))
(funcall ,async-sym (or ,result 'phpinspect-pipeline-nil-result) nil))
(t (funcall ,async-sym nil err))))
(phpinspect--pipeline ,seed-form ,@macro-params))))
(define-inline phpinspect-pipeline-receive (queue)
(inline-letevals (queue)
(let ((val))
(while (not (setq val (phpinspect-queue-dequeue ,queue)))
(defun phpinspect-pipeline-step-name (name &optional suffix)
(intern (concat (symbol-name name) (if suffix (concat "-" suffix) ""))))
(define-inline phpinspect-pipeline--register-wakeup-function (queue)
(let ((thread (current-thread)))
(setf (phpinspect-queue-subscription ,queue)
(lambda () (thread-signal thread 'phpinspect-pipeline-incoming nil))))))
(define-inline phpinspect-pipeline--enqueue (queue emission &optional no-notify)
(inline-letevals (queue emission no-notify)
(when ,emission
(if (phpinspect-pipeline-emission-p ,emission)
(when (phpinspect-pipeline-emission-collection ,emission)
(while (cdr (phpinspect-pipeline-emission-collection ,emission))
,queue (pop (phpinspect-pipeline-emission-collection ,emission))
,queue (pop (phpinspect-pipeline-emission-collection ,emission)) ,no-notify))
(phpinspect-queue-enqueue ,queue ,emission ,no-notify))))))
(provide 'phpinspect-pipeline)
;;; phpinspect-pipeline.el ends here