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;;; test-eldoc.el --- Unit tests for phpinspect.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(require 'phpinspect)
(require 'phpinspect-eldoc)
(ert-deftest phpinspect-eld-method-call ()
(let* ((php-code "
class Thing
function getThis(\\DateTime $moment, Thing $thing, $other): static
return $this;
function doStuff()
$this->getThis(new \\DateTime(), bla)")
(tokens (phpinspect-parse-string php-code))
(index (phpinspect--index-tokens tokens))
(phpinspect-project-root-function (lambda () "phpinspect-test"))
(phpinspect-eldoc-word-width 100)
(buffer (phpinspect-make-buffer :buffer (current-buffer)))
second-arg-pos inside-nested-list-pos first-arg-pos)
(cdar (alist-get 'classes (cdr index))))
(insert php-code)
(setq second-arg-pos (point))
(backward-char 6)
(setq inside-nested-list-pos (point))
(backward-char 8)
(setq first-arg-pos (point))
(let ((result (phpinspect-eldoc-query-execute
(phpinspect-make-eldoc-query :point second-arg-pos :buffer buffer))))
(should (phpinspect-function-doc-p result))
(should (= 1 (phpinspect-function-doc-arg-pos result)))
(should (string= "getThis" (phpinspect--function-name (phpinspect-function-doc-fn result))))
(setq result (phpinspect-eldoc-query-execute
(phpinspect-make-eldoc-query :point inside-nested-list-pos :buffer buffer)))
(should-not result)
(setq result (phpinspect-eldoc-query-execute
(phpinspect-make-eldoc-query :point first-arg-pos :buffer buffer)))
(should (phpinspect-function-doc-p result))
(should (= 0 (phpinspect-function-doc-arg-pos result)))
(should (string= "getThis" (phpinspect--function-name (phpinspect-function-doc-fn result))))))))
;; (ert-deftest phpinspect-eld-attribute ()
;; (with-temp-buffer
;; (let* ((php-code "
;; class Thing
;; {
;; /** @var \\DateTime **/
;; public $banana;
;; function getThis(\\DateTime $moment, Thing $thing, $other): static
;; {
;; return $this;
;; }
;; function doStuff()
;; {
;; $this->banana;
;; $this->getThis(new \\DateTime(), bla)")
;; (tokens (phpinspect-parse-string php-code))
;; (index (phpinspect--index-tokens tokens))
;; (phpinspect-project-root-function (lambda () "phpinspect-test"))
;; (phpinspect-eldoc-word-width 100)
;; (buffer (phpinspect-make-buffer :buffer (current-buffer)))
;; getThis-pos banana-pos)
;; (insert php-code)
;; (backward-char 28)
;; (setq getThis-pos (point))
;; (backward-char 22)
;; (setq banana-pos (point))
;; (phpinspect-ensure-worker)
;; (phpinspect-purge-cache)
;; (phpinspect-cache-project-class
;; (phpinspect-current-project-root)
;; (cdar (alist-get 'classes (cdr index))))
;; (let ((result (phpinspect-eldoc-query-execute
;; (phpinspect-make-eldoc-query :point getThis-pos :buffer buffer))))
;; (message "Result: %s" result)))))