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; phpinspect-imports.el --- PHP parsing and completion package -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc
;; Author: Hugo Thunnissen <>
;; Keywords: php, languages, tools, convenience
;; Version: 0
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; See docstrings for documentation, starting with `phpinspect-mode'.
;;; Code:
(require 'phpinspect-token-predicates)
(require 'phpinspect-index)
(require 'phpinspect-autoload)
(require 'phpinspect-buffer)
(require 'phpinspect-cache)
(require 'phpinspect-util)
(require 'phpinspect-type)
(defun phpinspect-insert-at-point (point data)
(goto-char point)
(insert data)))
(defun phpinspect-find-first-use (token-meta)
(if (and (phpinspect-namespace-p (phpinspect-meta-token token-meta))
(phpinspect-namespace-is-blocked-p (phpinspect-meta-token token-meta)))
(phpinspect-find-first-use (phpinspect-meta-last-child token-meta))
token-meta (phpinspect-meta-wrap-token-pred #'phpinspect-use-p))))
(defun phpinspect-add-use (fqn buffer &optional namespace-meta)
"Add use statement for FQN to BUFFER.
If NAMESPACE-TOKEN is non-nil, it is assumed to be a token that
was parsed from BUFFER and its location will be used to find a
buffer position to insert the use statement at."
(when (string-match "^\\\\" fqn)
(setq fqn (string-trim-left fqn "\\\\")))
(if namespace-meta
(let* ((namespace-block (and (phpinspect-namespace-is-blocked-p
(phpinspect-meta-token namespace-meta))
(phpinspect-meta-last-child namespace-meta)))
(existing-use (phpinspect-find-first-use namespace-meta)))
(if existing-use
(phpinspect-meta-start existing-use) (format "use %s;%c" fqn ?\n))
(if namespace-block
(+ 1 (phpinspect-meta-start namespace-block))
(format "%c%cuse %s;%c" ?\n ?\n fqn ?\n))
namespace-meta (phpinspect-meta-wrap-token-pred #'phpinspect-terminator-p)))
(format "%c%cuse %s;%c" ?\n ?\n fqn ?\n)))))
;; else
(let ((existing-use (phpinspect-meta-find-first-child-matching
(phpinspect-buffer-root-meta buffer)
(phpinspect-meta-wrap-token-pred #'phpinspect-use-p))))
(if existing-use
(phpinspect-meta-start existing-use)
(format "use %s;%c" fqn ?\n))
(let* ((first-token (phpinspect-meta-first-child (phpinspect-buffer-root-meta buffer)))
(when (and (phpinspect-word-p (phpinspect-meta-token first-token))
(string= "declare" (cadr (phpinspect-meta-token first-token))))
(setq token-after first-token)
(while (and token-after (not (phpinspect-terminator-p
(phpinspect-meta-token token-after))))
(setq token-after (phpinspect-meta-find-right-sibling token-after)))))
(if token-after
(phpinspect-meta-end token-after) (format "%c%cuse %s;%c" ?\n ?\n fqn ?\n))
(phpinspect-meta-start first-token)
(format "%c%cuse %s;%c%c" ?\n ?\n fqn ?\n ?\n))))))))
(defun phpinspect-add-use-interactive (typename buffer project &optional namespace-token)
(let* ((autoloader (phpinspect-project-autoload project))
(fqns (phpinspect-autoloader-get-type-bag autoloader typename)))
(cond ((= 1 (length fqns))
(phpinspect-add-use (phpinspect-name-string (car fqns)) buffer namespace-token))
((> (length fqns) 1)
(phpinspect-add-use (completing-read "Class: " (phpinspect-names-to-alist fqns))
buffer namespace-token))
(t (phpinspect-message "No import found for type %s" typename)))))
(defun phpinspect-namespace-part-of-typename (typename)
(string-trim-right typename "\\\\?[^\\]+"))
(defalias 'phpinspect-fix-uses-interactive #'phpinspect-fix-imports
"Alias for backwards compatibility")
(defsubst phpinspect-namespace-meta-body (namespace-meta)
"Return the token metadata of NAMESPACE-META's body.
More specifically, returns the token itself if it is a namespace
without block. If the namespace is defined with a block ('{}'),
NAMESPACE-META itself is returned without alterations."
(if (phpinspect-block-p (caddr (phpinspect-meta-token namespace-meta)))
(phpinspect-meta-find-first-child-matching-token namespace-meta #'phpinspect-block-p)
(defun phpinspect-find-use-statement-for-import (parent-token import-type)
(if (phpinspect-namespace-p (phpinspect-meta-token parent-token))
(phpinspect-namespace-meta-body parent-token)
(lambda (token)
(and (phpinspect-use-p token)
(phpinspect-word-p (cadr token))
(phpinspect--type= import-type (phpinspect-use-name-to-type (cadadr token)))))))
(defun phpinspect-remove-unneeded-use-statements (types buffer imports parent-token)
(dolist (import imports)
;; Namespace must be inferred within the loop, see comments in
;; `phpinspect-add-use-statements-for-missing-types' for context.
(let ((namespace (phpinspect-meta-find-parent-matching-token parent-token #'phpinspect-namespace-p)))
(unless (member (car import) types)
(when-let ((use-meta (phpinspect-find-use-statement-for-import namespace (cdr import))))
(let ((start-point (phpinspect-meta-start use-meta))
(use-before (phpinspect-meta-find-left-sibling use-meta)))
(if (phpinspect-use-p (phpinspect-meta-token use-before))
;; left-sibling is another use statement, remove all preceding whitespace
(setq start-point (- start-point (length (phpinspect-meta-whitespace-before use-meta))))
;; left-sibling isn't a use statement, just remove a newline if
;; any whitespace is present
(when (length> (phpinspect-meta-whitespace-before use-meta) 0)
(setq start-point (- start-point 1))))
(delete-region start-point (phpinspect-meta-end use-meta))
(phpinspect-buffer-parse buffer 'no-interrupt)))))))
(defun phpinspect-add-use-statements-for-missing-types (types buffer imports project parent-token)
"Add use statements to BUFFER for TYPES if not already included in IMPORTS.
Uses PROJECT's autoloader to determine available types for import.
PARENT-TOKEN must be a `token-meta' object and is used to
determine the scope of the imports (global or local namespace)."
(dolist (type types)
;; Namespace token must be inferred within the loop, as the ancestors of
;; PARENT-TOKEN may change after a buffer reparse (which happens after each
;; insert)
(let* ((namespace (phpinspect-meta-find-parent-matching-token
parent-token #'phpinspect-namespace-p))
(namespace-name (if namespace
(phpinspect-namespace-name (phpinspect-meta-token namespace))
;; Add use statements for types that aren't imported or already referenced
;; with a fully qualified name.
(unless (or (or (alist-get type imports))
(gethash (phpinspect-intern-name
nil namespace-name (phpinspect-name-string type)))
(phpinspect-project-autoload project))))
(unless (member (phpinspect-name-string type) phpinspect-native-typenames)
(phpinspect-add-use-interactive type buffer project namespace)
(phpinspect-buffer-parse buffer 'no-interrupt))))))
(defun phpinspect-fix-imports ()
"Find types that are used in the current buffer and make sure
that there are import (\"use\") statements for them."
(if phpinspect-current-buffer
(let* ((buffer phpinspect-current-buffer)
;; use buffer-reparse to ensure fully structurally correct
;; tree. (at the time of writing, incremental parsing has some
;; limitations causing reused tokens to lose their special meaning
;; when they are reused. For example the "class" keyword being
;; reused as just a word instead of a special keyword marking the
;; start of a class)
;; FIXME: Change to buffer-parse when this particular problem in
;; incremental parsing has been solved
(tree (phpinspect-buffer-reparse-if-not-fresh buffer))
(index (phpinspect--index-tokens
tree nil (phpinspect-buffer-location-resolver buffer)))
(classes (alist-get 'classes index))
(imports (alist-get 'imports index))
(project (phpinspect--cache-get-project-create
(used-types (alist-get 'used-types index)))
used-types buffer imports project (phpinspect-buffer-root-meta buffer))
used-types buffer imports (phpinspect-buffer-root-meta buffer))
(dolist (class classes)
(let* ((class-imports (alist-get 'imports class))
(used-types (alist-get 'used-types class))
(class-name (alist-get 'class-name class))
(region (alist-get 'location class))
(setq token-meta (phpinspect-meta-find-parent-matching-token
(phpinspect-buffer-map buffer)
(+ (phpinspect-region-start region) 1))
(unless token-meta
(error "Unable to find token for class %s" class-name))
used-types buffer (append imports class-imports) project token-meta)
used-types buffer class-imports token-meta))))))
(provide 'phpinspect-imports)