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;;; phpinspect-meta.el --- PHP parsing and completion package -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc
;; Author: Hugo Thunnissen <>
;; Keywords: php, languages, tools, convenience
;; Version: 1.1.0
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; This file contains code for the storing and reading of metadata related to
;; the tokens in a parsed syntax tree.
;; Phpinspect's parser uses basic lists as datastructure for its parsing
;; result. The simplicity of the datastructure makes it performant as the amount
;; of GC's triggered by simple lists is not as large as when using more complex
;; datastructures.
;; A drawback of this simplicity is that attaching additional metadata to the
;; parsed tokens is nontrivial. A list is a list: There is no way to store
;; additional metadata in a separate slot that is not part of its overall
;; members. This is fine when parsing entire files and indexing their
;; contents. Efficiently maintaining the state of code in a buffer, however, is
;; a more involved process. It requires the storage of more metadata than just
;; the parsed tokens.
;; For this reason, phpinspect uses a metadata tree for live buffers. The
;; metadata tree can be interacted with through functions prefixed with
;; "phpinspect-meta". It is an n-ary tree that can be navigated and searched
;; through using the start position of parsed tokens. Each metadata object
;; stores its direct children in a binary search tree (see phpinspect-splayt.el).
;; The metadata tree makes it easy to dig down in a buffer's syntax tree and
;; determine the context from which a user is interacting with the PHP code in
;; it.
;;; Code:
(require 'phpinspect-splayt)
(define-inline phpinspect-make-meta
(parent start end whitespace-before token &optional overlay children parent-offset)
(inline-quote (list 'meta ,parent ,start ,end ,whitespace-before ,token ,overlay
;;,children ,parent-offset)))
(or ,children (phpinspect-make-splayt)) ,parent-offset)))
(define-inline phpinspect-meta-parent (meta)
(inline-quote (cadr ,meta)))
(define-inline phpinspect-meta-children (meta)
(inline-quote (car (nthcdr 7 ,meta))))
(define-inline phpinspect-meta-parent-offset (meta)
(inline-quote (car (nthcdr 8 ,meta))))
(define-inline phpinspect-meta-overlay (meta)
(inline-quote (car (nthcdr 6 ,meta))))
(define-inline phpinspect-meta-token (meta)
(inline-quote (car (nthcdr 5 ,meta))))
(define-inline phpinspect-meta-absolute-end (meta)
(inline-quote (cadddr ,meta)))
(define-inline phpinspect-meta-whitespace-before (meta)
(inline-quote (car (cddddr ,meta))))
(define-inline phpinspect-meta-parent-start (meta)
"Calculate parent start position iteratively based on parent offsets."
(inline-letevals (meta)
(let ((start (or (phpinspect-meta-parent-offset ,meta) 0))
(current ,meta))
(while (phpinspect-meta-parent current)
(setq current (phpinspect-meta-parent current)
start (+ start (or (phpinspect-meta-parent-offset current) 0))))
(+ (phpinspect-meta-absolute-start current) start)))))
(define-inline phpinspect-meta-start (meta)
"Calculate the start position of META."
(if (phpinspect-meta-parent ,meta)
(+ (phpinspect-meta-parent-start (phpinspect-meta-parent ,meta))
(phpinspect-meta-parent-offset ,meta))
(phpinspect-meta-absolute-start ,meta))))
(define-inline phpinspect-meta-width (meta)
(inline-letevals (meta)
(- (phpinspect-meta-absolute-end ,meta) (phpinspect-meta-absolute-start ,meta)))))
(define-inline phpinspect-meta-end (meta)
(inline-letevals (meta)
(+ (phpinspect-meta-start ,meta) (phpinspect-meta-width ,meta)))))
(defsubst phpinspect-meta-find-root (meta)
(while (phpinspect-meta-parent meta)
(setq meta (phpinspect-meta-parent meta)))
(defun phpinspect-meta-sort-width (meta1 meta2)
(< (phpinspect-meta-width meta1) (phpinspect-meta-width meta2)))
(defun phpinspect-meta-sort-start (meta1 meta2)
(< (phpinspect-meta-start meta1) (phpinspect-meta-start meta2)))
(define-inline phpinspect-meta-absolute-start (meta)
(inline-quote (caddr ,meta)))
(define-inline phpinspect-meta-overlaps-point (meta point)
"Check if META's region overlaps POINT."
(inline-letevals (point meta)
(and (> (phpinspect-meta-end ,meta) ,point)
(<= (phpinspect-meta-start ,meta) ,point)))))
(defun phpinspect-meta-find-parent-matching-token (meta predicate)
"Find a parent metadata node of META, the token of which matches PREDICATE."
(if (funcall predicate (phpinspect-meta-token meta))
(catch 'found
(while (phpinspect-meta-parent meta)
(setq meta (phpinspect-meta-parent meta))
(when (funcall predicate (phpinspect-meta-token meta))
(throw 'found meta))))))
(define-inline phpinspect-meta-set-parent (meta parent)
(inline-letevals (meta parent)
(when ,parent
(setf (phpinspect-meta-parent-offset ,meta)
(- (phpinspect-meta-start ,meta) (phpinspect-meta-start ,parent)))
(phpinspect-meta-add-child ,parent ,meta))
(setcar (cdr ,meta) ,parent)
;; Note: using defsubst here causes a byte code overflow
(defun phpinspect-meta-add-child (meta child)
(phpinspect-splayt-insert (phpinspect-meta-children meta) (phpinspect-meta-parent-offset child) child))
(define-inline phpinspect-meta-detach-parent (meta)
(inline-letevals (meta)
(when (phpinspect-meta-parent ,meta)
;; Update absolute start and end
(setf (phpinspect-meta-absolute-end ,meta) (phpinspect-meta-end ,meta))
;; Note: start should always be updated after end, as end is derived from
;; it.
(setf (phpinspect-meta-absolute-start ,meta) (phpinspect-meta-start ,meta))
(setf (phpinspect-meta-parent ,meta) nil)))))
(defun phpinspect-meta-shift (meta delta)
(setf (phpinspect-meta-absolute-start meta) (+ (phpinspect-meta-start meta) delta))
(setf (phpinspect-meta-absolute-end meta) (+ (phpinspect-meta-end meta) delta)))
(defun phpinspect-meta-right-siblings (meta)
(phpinspect-meta-children (phpinspect-meta-parent meta)) (phpinspect-meta-parent-offset meta))
(defun phpinspect-meta-left-sibling-tokens (meta)
(let* ((tokens (cons nil nil))
(rear tokens))
(dolist (sibling (phpinspect-meta-left-siblings meta))
(setq rear (setcdr rear (cons (phpinspect-meta-token sibling) nil))))
(cdr tokens)))
(defun phpinspect-meta-token-with-left-siblings (meta)
(nconc (phpinspect-meta-left-sibling-tokens meta) (list (phpinspect-meta-token meta))))
(defun phpinspect-meta-left-siblings (meta)
(phpinspect-meta-children (phpinspect-meta-parent meta)) (phpinspect-meta-parent-offset meta))
(defun phpinspect-meta-wrap-token-pred (predicate)
(lambda (meta) (funcall predicate (phpinspect-meta-token meta))))
(define-inline phpinspect-meta--point-offset (meta point)
(- ,point (phpinspect-meta-start ,meta))))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-meta-find-left-sibling ((meta (head meta)))
(when (phpinspect-meta-parent meta)
(phpinspect-splayt-find-largest-before (phpinspect-meta-children (phpinspect-meta-parent meta))
(phpinspect-meta-parent-offset meta))))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-meta-find-right-sibling ((meta (head meta)))
(when (phpinspect-meta-parent meta)
(phpinspect-splayt-find-smallest-after (phpinspect-meta-children (phpinspect-meta-parent meta))
(phpinspect-meta-parent-offset meta))))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-meta-find-overlapping-child ((meta (head meta)) (point integer))
(let ((child (phpinspect-splayt-find-largest-before
(phpinspect-meta-children meta)
;; Use point +1 as a child starting at point still overlaps
(+ (phpinspect-meta--point-offset meta point) 1))))
(when (and child (phpinspect-meta-overlaps-point child point))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-meta-find-overlapping-children ((meta (head meta)) (point integer))
(let ((child meta)
(while (and (setq child (phpinspect-meta-find-overlapping-child child point))
(phpinspect-meta-overlaps-point child point))
(push child children))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-meta-find-child-starting-at ((meta (head meta)) (point integer))
(phpinspect-splayt-find (phpinspect-meta-children meta) (phpinspect-meta--point-offset meta point)))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-meta-find-child-starting-at-recursively ((meta (head meta)) (point integer))
(let ((child (phpinspect-meta-find-child-starting-at meta point)))
(if child
(setq child (phpinspect-meta-find-overlapping-child meta point))
(when child
(phpinspect-meta-find-child-starting-at-recursively child point)))))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-meta-find-child-before ((meta (head meta)) (point integer))
(phpinspect-meta-children meta) (phpinspect-meta--point-offset meta point)))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-meta-find-child-after ((meta (head meta)) (point integer))
(phpinspect-meta-children meta) (phpinspect-meta--point-offset meta point)))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-meta-find-child-before-recursively ((meta (head meta)) (point integer))
(let ((child meta)
(while (setq child (phpinspect-meta-find-child-before child point))
(setq last child))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-meta-find-children-after ((meta (head meta)) (point integer))
(phpinspect-meta-children meta) (phpinspect-meta--point-offset meta point))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-meta-find-children-before ((meta (head meta)) (point integer))
(sort (phpinspect-splayt-find-all-before
(phpinspect-meta-children meta) (phpinspect-meta--point-offset meta point))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-meta-find-first-child-matching ((meta (head meta)) predicate)
(catch 'return
(phpinspect-splayt-traverse-lr (child (phpinspect-meta-children meta))
(when (funcall predicate child)
(throw 'return child)))))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-meta-find-first-child-matching-token ((meta (head meta)) predicate)
(catch 'return
(phpinspect-splayt-traverse-lr (child (phpinspect-meta-children meta))
(when (funcall predicate (phpinspect-meta-token child))
(throw 'return child)))))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-meta-last-child ((meta (head meta)))
(phpinspect-meta-find-child-before meta (phpinspect-meta-end meta)))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-meta-first-child ((meta (head meta)))
(phpinspect-meta-find-child-after meta (- (phpinspect-meta-start meta) 1)))
(defun phpinspect-meta-string (meta)
(if meta
(format "[start: %d, end: %d, token: %s]"
(phpinspect-meta-start meta) (phpinspect-meta-end meta) (phpinspect-meta-token meta))
(provide 'phpinspect-meta)
;;; phpinspect-meta.el ends here