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; test-cache.el --- Unit tests for phpinspect.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Author: Hugo Thunnissen <>
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'ert)
(require 'phpinspect-cache)
(ert-deftest phpinspect-cache-insert-type ()
(let ((cache (phpinspect-make-cache))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass") :as @class)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass") :as @class))
(should result)
(should (listp result))
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (phpinspect-cache-type-p (car result)))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface") :as @interface)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface") :as @interface))
(should result)
(should (listp result))
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (phpinspect-cache-type-p (car result)))
;; When a query defines an entity category other than the one the existing
;; entity was inserted as, nothing should be returned.
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface") :as @class))
(should-not result)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface") :as @type))
(should result)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get `(,(phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface")
,(phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass"))
:as @type))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))
(should (seq-every-p #'phpinspect-cache-type-p result))
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get `(,(phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface")
,(phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass"))
:as @interface))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (seq-every-p #'phpinspect-cache-type-p result))
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get * :as @type))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))
(should (seq-every-p #'phpinspect-cache-type-p result))
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass") :as @type))
(should result)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass") :as @type))
(should result)
(should (phpinspect-cache-type-p (car result)))
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass") :as @type))
(should-not result)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass") :as @type))
(should-not result)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface") :as @type))
(should result)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface") :as @class))
(should-not result)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface") :as @type))
(should result)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface") :as @interface))
(should result)
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestInterface") :as @type))
(should-not result)))
(ert-deftest phpinspect-cache-namespace-query ()
(let ((cache (phpinspect-make-cache))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (list (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace1\\TestClass")
(phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace2\\TestClass")
(phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace2\\TestClass1"))
:as @class)
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get * :as @class :in (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Namespace1")))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (eq (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Namespace1\\TestClass")
(phpinspect-cache-type-name (car result))))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get * :as @class :in (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Namespace2")))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))))
(ert-deftest phpinspect-cache-delete-wildcard-types ()
(let ((cache (phpinspect-make-cache))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (list (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace1\\TestClass")
(phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace2\\TestClass")
(phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace2\\TestClass1"))
:as @class)
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete * :as @class)
(should-not (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get * :as @class))))
(ert-deftest phpinspect-cache-delete-wildcard-namespace-types ()
(let ((cache (phpinspect-make-cache))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (list (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace1\\TestClass")
(phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace2\\TestClass")
(phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace2\\TestClass1"))
:as @class)
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete * :as @class :in (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Namespace2"))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test)) :get * :as @class))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (eq (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Namespace1\\TestClass")
(phpinspect-cache-type-name (car result))))))
(ert-deftest phpinspect-cache-insert-function ()
(let ((cache (phpinspect-make-cache))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-function :name "test_func")
:as @function))
(should result)
(should (phpinspect--function-p (car result)))
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (list (phpinspect--make-function :name "test_func")
(phpinspect--make-function :name "other_func"))
:as @function
:in (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Namespace1")))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect-intern-name "\\test_func")
:as @function))
(should result)
(should (phpinspect--function-p (car result)))
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete (phpinspect-intern-name "\\test_func")
:as @function))
(should result)
(should (phpinspect--function-p (car result)))
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:as @function
:in (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Namespace1")))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete *
:as @function
:in (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Namespace1")))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (list (phpinspect--make-function :name "\\Ns\\test_func")
(phpinspect--make-function :name "\\Ns\\other_func")
(phpinspect--make-function :name "\\root_func"))
:as @function)
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get * :as @function :in (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Ns")))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get * :as @function :in (phpinspect-intern-name "\\")))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get * :as @function))
(should result)
(should (= 3 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete * :as @function))
(should result)
(should (= 3 (length result)))))
(ert-deftest phpinspect-insert-type-extending/implementing ()
(let ((cache (phpinspect-make-cache))
(setq result
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace1\\TestClass")
:as @class
:extending (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\App\\TestClassAbstract")
:implementing (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\App\\TestInterface")))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(setq result (car result))
(should (phpinspect-cache-type-get-implements result))
(should (= 1 (length (phpinspect-cache-type-get-implements result))))
(should (eq (phpinspect-intern-name "\\App\\TestInterface")
(car (phpinspect-cache-type-get-implements result))))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:implementing (phpinspect-intern-name "\\App\\TestInterface")
:as @type))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (eq (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Namespace1\\TestClass")
(phpinspect-cache-type-name (car result))))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:extending (phpinspect-intern-name "\\App\\TestClassAbstract")
:as @type))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (eq (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Namespace1\\TestClass")
(phpinspect-cache-type-name (car result))))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:extending (phpinspect-intern-name "\\App\\TestClass")
:as @type))
(should-not result)
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace1\\TestClass")
:as @type))
(should result)
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:extending (phpinspect-intern-name "\\App\\TestClassAbstract")
:as @type))
(should-not result)
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Namespace1\\TestClass")
:as @class)
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:extending (phpinspect-intern-name "\\App\\TestClassAbstract")
:as @type))
(should-not result)
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:implementing (phpinspect-intern-name "\\App\\TestInterface")
:as @type))
(should-not result)))
(ert-deftest phpinspect-cache-insert-method ()
(let ((cache (phpinspect-make-cache))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")
:as @class)
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-function :name "testMethod")
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect-intern-name "testMethod")
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (phpinspect--function-p (car result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect-intern-name "testMethod")
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Banana")))
(should-not result)
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-function :name "newTestMethod")
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass"))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect-intern-name "testMethod")
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (phpinspect--function-p (car result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete (phpinspect-intern-name "testMethod")
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-function :name "testMethod")
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass"))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete *
:as @function
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))))
(ert-deftest phpinspect-cache-delete-method-multi ()
(let ((cache (phpinspect-make-cache))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass") :as @class)
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (list (phpinspect--make-function :name "test1")
(phpinspect--make-function :name "test3")
(phpinspect--make-function :name "test2"))
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass"))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete (list (phpinspect-intern-name "test1")
(phpinspect-intern-name "test2"))
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (string= "test3" (phpinspect--function-name (car result))))))
(ert-deftest phpinspect-cache-insert-variable ()
(let ((cache (phpinspect-make-cache))
(phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass") :as @class)
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:insert (list (phpinspect--make-variable :name "test1")
(phpinspect--make-variable :name "test3")
(phpinspect--make-variable :name "test2"))
:as @variable
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 3 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:as @variable
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 3 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get (phpinspect-intern-name "test2")
:as @variable
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete (phpinspect-intern-name "test2")
:as @variable
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:delete *
:as @variable
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))
(should-not (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:as @variable
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\TestClass")))))
(ert-deftest phpinspect-cache-insert-index ()
(let ((cache (phpinspect-make-cache))
(index (phpinspect--index-tokens
function foo() {};
namespace Bar;
class Baz {
private $boo;
const BEE;
function baa() {}
interface Banana {
function shouldImplement(): void;
trait Atrait {
function isOftenEvil() {}
(phpinspect-cache-insert-index cache '((label test)) index)
(let ((result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get * :as @interface)))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (phpinspect--type= (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Bar\\Banana")
(phpinspect-cache-type-name (car result)))))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get * :as @class))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (phpinspect--type= (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Bar\\Baz")
(phpinspect-cache-type-name (car result)))))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get * :as @trait))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (phpinspect--type= (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Bar\\Atrait")
(phpinspect-cache-type-name (car result)))))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:as @variable
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Bar\\Baz")))
(should result)
(should (= 2 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Bar\\Baz")))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get *
:as @method
:member-of (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Bar\\Banana")))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (string= "shouldImplement"
(phpinspect--function-name (car result))))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get * :as @type :in (phpinspect-intern-name "\\Bar")))
(should result)
(should (= 3 (length result)))
(setq result (phpinspect-cache-transact cache '((label test))
:get * :as @function))
(should result)
(should (= 1 (length result)))
(should (string= "foo"
(phpinspect--function-name (car result)))))))