You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

7350 lines
397 KiB

This file contains invisible Unicode characters!

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that may be processed differently from what appears below. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal hidden characters.

function zend_version(): string {}
function func_num_args(): int {}
function func_get_arg(int $position): mixed {}
function func_get_args(): array {}
function strlen(string $string): int {}
function strcmp(string $string1, string $string2): int {}
function strncmp(string $string1, string $string2, int $length): int {}
function strcasecmp(string $string1, string $string2): int {}
function strncasecmp(string $string1, string $string2, int $length): int {}
function error_reporting(?int $error_level = NULL): int {}
function define(string $constant_name, mixed $value, bool $case_insensitive = false): bool {}
function defined(string $constant_name): bool {}
function get_class(object $object): string {}
function get_called_class(): string {}
function get_parent_class(object|string $object_or_class): string|false {}
function is_subclass_of(mixed $object_or_class, string $class, bool $allow_string = true): bool {}
function is_a(mixed $object_or_class, string $class, bool $allow_string = false): bool {}
function get_class_vars(string $class): array {}
function get_object_vars(object $object): array {}
function get_mangled_object_vars(object $object): array {}
function get_class_methods(object|string $object_or_class): array {}
function method_exists($object_or_class, string $method): bool {}
function property_exists($object_or_class, string $property): bool {}
function class_exists(string $class, bool $autoload = true): bool {}
function interface_exists(string $interface, bool $autoload = true): bool {}
function trait_exists(string $trait, bool $autoload = true): bool {}
function enum_exists(string $enum, bool $autoload = true): bool {}
function function_exists(string $function): bool {}
function class_alias(string $class, string $alias, bool $autoload = true): bool {}
function get_included_files(): array {}
function get_required_files(): array {}
function trigger_error(string $message, int $error_level = 1024): bool {}
function user_error(string $message, int $error_level = 1024): bool {}
function set_error_handler(?callable $callback, int $error_levels = 32767) {}
function restore_error_handler(): true {}
function set_exception_handler(?callable $callback) {}
function restore_exception_handler(): true {}
function get_declared_classes(): array {}
function get_declared_traits(): array {}
function get_declared_interfaces(): array {}
function get_defined_functions(bool $exclude_disabled = true): array {}
function get_defined_vars(): array {}
function get_resource_type($resource): string {}
function get_resource_id($resource): int {}
function get_resources(?string $type = NULL): array {}
function get_loaded_extensions(bool $zend_extensions = false): array {}
function get_defined_constants(bool $categorize = false): array {}
function debug_backtrace(int $options = 1, int $limit = 0): array {}
function debug_print_backtrace(int $options = 0, int $limit = 0): void {}
function extension_loaded(string $extension): bool {}
function get_extension_funcs(string $extension): array|false {}
function gc_mem_caches(): int {}
function gc_collect_cycles(): int {}
function gc_enabled(): bool {}
function gc_enable(): void {}
function gc_disable(): void {}
function gc_status(): array {}
function strtotime(string $datetime, ?int $baseTimestamp = NULL): int|false {}
function date(string $format, ?int $timestamp = NULL): string {}
function idate(string $format, ?int $timestamp = NULL): int|false {}
function gmdate(string $format, ?int $timestamp = NULL): string {}
function mktime(int $hour, ?int $minute = NULL, ?int $second = NULL, ?int $month = NULL, ?int $day = NULL, ?int $year = NULL): int|false {}
function gmmktime(int $hour, ?int $minute = NULL, ?int $second = NULL, ?int $month = NULL, ?int $day = NULL, ?int $year = NULL): int|false {}
function checkdate(int $month, int $day, int $year): bool {}
function strftime(string $format, ?int $timestamp = NULL): string|false {}
function gmstrftime(string $format, ?int $timestamp = NULL): string|false {}
function time(): int {}
function localtime(?int $timestamp = NULL, bool $associative = false): array {}
function getdate(?int $timestamp = NULL): array {}
function date_create(string $datetime = 'now', ?DateTimeZone $timezone = NULL): DateTime|false {}
function date_create_immutable(string $datetime = 'now', ?DateTimeZone $timezone = NULL): DateTimeImmutable|false {}
function date_create_from_format(string $format, string $datetime, ?DateTimeZone $timezone = NULL): DateTime|false {}
function date_create_immutable_from_format(string $format, string $datetime, ?DateTimeZone $timezone = NULL): DateTimeImmutable|false {}
function date_parse(string $datetime): array {}
function date_parse_from_format(string $format, string $datetime): array {}
function date_get_last_errors(): array|false {}
function date_format(DateTimeInterface $object, string $format): string {}
function date_modify(DateTime $object, string $modifier): DateTime|false {}
function date_add(DateTime $object, DateInterval $interval): DateTime {}
function date_sub(DateTime $object, DateInterval $interval): DateTime {}
function date_timezone_get(DateTimeInterface $object): DateTimeZone|false {}
function date_timezone_set(DateTime $object, DateTimeZone $timezone): DateTime {}
function date_offset_get(DateTimeInterface $object): int {}
function date_diff(DateTimeInterface $baseObject, DateTimeInterface $targetObject, bool $absolute = false): DateInterval {}
function date_time_set(DateTime $object, int $hour, int $minute, int $second = 0, int $microsecond = 0): DateTime {}
function date_date_set(DateTime $object, int $year, int $month, int $day): DateTime {}
function date_isodate_set(DateTime $object, int $year, int $week, int $dayOfWeek = 1): DateTime {}
function date_timestamp_set(DateTime $object, int $timestamp): DateTime {}
function date_timestamp_get(DateTimeInterface $object): int {}
function timezone_open(string $timezone): DateTimeZone|false {}
function timezone_name_get(DateTimeZone $object): string {}
function timezone_name_from_abbr(string $abbr, int $utcOffset = -1, int $isDST = -1): string|false {}
function timezone_offset_get(DateTimeZone $object, DateTimeInterface $datetime): int {}
function timezone_transitions_get(DateTimeZone $object, int $timestampBegin = -9223372036854775807-1, int $timestampEnd = 9223372036854775807): array|false {}
function timezone_location_get(DateTimeZone $object): array|false {}
function timezone_identifiers_list(int $timezoneGroup = 2047, ?string $countryCode = NULL): array {}
function timezone_abbreviations_list(): array {}
function timezone_version_get(): string {}
function date_interval_create_from_date_string(string $datetime): DateInterval|false {}
function date_interval_format(DateInterval $object, string $format): string {}
function date_default_timezone_set(string $timezoneId): bool {}
function date_default_timezone_get(): string {}
function date_sunrise(int $timestamp, int $returnFormat = 1, ?float $latitude = NULL, ?float $longitude = NULL, ?float $zenith = NULL, ?float $utcOffset = NULL): string|int|float|false {}
function date_sunset(int $timestamp, int $returnFormat = 1, ?float $latitude = NULL, ?float $longitude = NULL, ?float $zenith = NULL, ?float $utcOffset = NULL): string|int|float|false {}
function date_sun_info(int $timestamp, float $latitude, float $longitude): array {}
function libxml_set_streams_context($context): void {}
function libxml_use_internal_errors(?bool $use_errors = NULL): bool {}
function libxml_get_last_error(): LibXMLError|false {}
function libxml_get_errors(): array {}
function libxml_clear_errors(): void {}
function libxml_disable_entity_loader(bool $disable = true): bool {}
function libxml_set_external_entity_loader(?callable $resolver_function): bool {}
function libxml_get_external_entity_loader(): ?callable {}
function openssl_x509_export_to_file(OpenSSLCertificate|string $certificate, string $output_filename, bool $no_text = true): bool {}
function openssl_x509_export(OpenSSLCertificate|string $certificate, $output, bool $no_text = true): bool {}
function openssl_x509_fingerprint(OpenSSLCertificate|string $certificate, string $digest_algo = 'sha1', bool $binary = false): string|false {}
function openssl_x509_check_private_key(OpenSSLCertificate|string $certificate, $private_key): bool {}
function openssl_x509_verify(OpenSSLCertificate|string $certificate, $public_key): int {}
function openssl_x509_parse(OpenSSLCertificate|string $certificate, bool $short_names = true): array|false {}
function openssl_x509_checkpurpose(OpenSSLCertificate|string $certificate, int $purpose, array $ca_info = array (
), ?string $untrusted_certificates_file = NULL): int|bool {}
function openssl_x509_read(OpenSSLCertificate|string $certificate): OpenSSLCertificate|false {}
function openssl_x509_free(OpenSSLCertificate $certificate): void {}
function openssl_pkcs12_export_to_file(OpenSSLCertificate|string $certificate, string $output_filename, $private_key, string $passphrase, array $options = array (
)): bool {}
function openssl_pkcs12_export(OpenSSLCertificate|string $certificate, $output, $private_key, string $passphrase, array $options = array (
)): bool {}
function openssl_pkcs12_read(string $pkcs12, $certificates, string $passphrase): bool {}
function openssl_csr_export_to_file(OpenSSLCertificateSigningRequest|string $csr, string $output_filename, bool $no_text = true): bool {}
function openssl_csr_export(OpenSSLCertificateSigningRequest|string $csr, $output, bool $no_text = true): bool {}
function openssl_csr_sign(OpenSSLCertificateSigningRequest|string $csr, OpenSSLCertificate|string|null $ca_certificate, $private_key, int $days, ?array $options = NULL, int $serial = 0): OpenSSLCertificate|false {}
function openssl_csr_new(array $distinguished_names, $private_key, ?array $options = NULL, ?array $extra_attributes = NULL): OpenSSLCertificateSigningRequest|false {}
function openssl_csr_get_subject(OpenSSLCertificateSigningRequest|string $csr, bool $short_names = true): array|false {}
function openssl_csr_get_public_key(OpenSSLCertificateSigningRequest|string $csr, bool $short_names = true): OpenSSLAsymmetricKey|false {}
function openssl_pkey_new(?array $options = NULL): OpenSSLAsymmetricKey|false {}
function openssl_pkey_export_to_file($key, string $output_filename, ?string $passphrase = NULL, ?array $options = NULL): bool {}
function openssl_pkey_export($key, $output, ?string $passphrase = NULL, ?array $options = NULL): bool {}
function openssl_pkey_get_public($public_key): OpenSSLAsymmetricKey|false {}
function openssl_get_publickey($public_key): OpenSSLAsymmetricKey|false {}
function openssl_pkey_free(OpenSSLAsymmetricKey $key): void {}
function openssl_free_key(OpenSSLAsymmetricKey $key): void {}
function openssl_pkey_get_private($private_key, ?string $passphrase = NULL): OpenSSLAsymmetricKey|false {}
function openssl_get_privatekey($private_key, ?string $passphrase = NULL): OpenSSLAsymmetricKey|false {}
function openssl_pkey_get_details(OpenSSLAsymmetricKey $key): array|false {}
function openssl_pbkdf2(string $password, string $salt, int $key_length, int $iterations, string $digest_algo = 'sha1'): string|false {}
function openssl_pkcs7_verify(string $input_filename, int $flags, ?string $signers_certificates_filename = NULL, array $ca_info = array (
), ?string $untrusted_certificates_filename = NULL, ?string $content = NULL, ?string $output_filename = NULL): int|bool {}
function openssl_pkcs7_encrypt(string $input_filename, string $output_filename, $certificate, ?array $headers, int $flags = 0, int $cipher_algo = 5): bool {}
function openssl_pkcs7_sign(string $input_filename, string $output_filename, OpenSSLCertificate|string $certificate, $private_key, ?array $headers, int $flags = 64, ?string $untrusted_certificates_filename = NULL): bool {}
function openssl_pkcs7_decrypt(string $input_filename, string $output_filename, $certificate, $private_key = NULL): bool {}
function openssl_pkcs7_read(string $data, $certificates): bool {}
function openssl_cms_verify(string $input_filename, int $flags = 0, ?string $certificates = NULL, array $ca_info = array (
), ?string $untrusted_certificates_filename = NULL, ?string $content = NULL, ?string $pk7 = NULL, ?string $sigfile = NULL, int $encoding = 1): bool {}
function openssl_cms_encrypt(string $input_filename, string $output_filename, $certificate, ?array $headers, int $flags = 0, int $encoding = 1, int $cipher_algo = 5): bool {}
function openssl_cms_sign(string $input_filename, string $output_filename, OpenSSLCertificate|string $certificate, $private_key, ?array $headers, int $flags = 0, int $encoding = 1, ?string $untrusted_certificates_filename = NULL): bool {}
function openssl_cms_decrypt(string $input_filename, string $output_filename, $certificate, $private_key = NULL, int $encoding = 1): bool {}
function openssl_cms_read(string $input_filename, $certificates): bool {}
function openssl_private_encrypt(string $data, $encrypted_data, $private_key, int $padding = 1): bool {}
function openssl_private_decrypt(string $data, $decrypted_data, $private_key, int $padding = 1): bool {}
function openssl_public_encrypt(string $data, $encrypted_data, $public_key, int $padding = 1): bool {}
function openssl_public_decrypt(string $data, $decrypted_data, $public_key, int $padding = 1): bool {}
function openssl_error_string(): string|false {}
function openssl_sign(string $data, $signature, $private_key, string|int $algorithm = 1): bool {}
function openssl_verify(string $data, string $signature, $public_key, string|int $algorithm = 1): int|false {}
function openssl_seal(string $data, $sealed_data, $encrypted_keys, array $public_key, string $cipher_algo, $iv = NULL): int|false {}
function openssl_open(string $data, $output, string $encrypted_key, $private_key, string $cipher_algo, ?string $iv = NULL): bool {}
function openssl_get_md_methods(bool $aliases = false): array {}
function openssl_get_cipher_methods(bool $aliases = false): array {}
function openssl_get_curve_names(): array|false {}
function openssl_digest(string $data, string $digest_algo, bool $binary = false): string|false {}
function openssl_encrypt(string $data, string $cipher_algo, string $passphrase, int $options = 0, string $iv = '', $tag = NULL, string $aad = '', int $tag_length = 16): string|false {}
function openssl_decrypt(string $data, string $cipher_algo, string $passphrase, int $options = 0, string $iv = '', ?string $tag = NULL, string $aad = ''): string|false {}
function openssl_cipher_iv_length(string $cipher_algo): int|false {}
function openssl_cipher_key_length(string $cipher_algo): int|false {}
function openssl_dh_compute_key(string $public_key, OpenSSLAsymmetricKey $private_key): string|false {}
function openssl_pkey_derive($public_key, $private_key, int $key_length = 0): string|false {}
function openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(int $length, $strong_result = NULL): string {}
function openssl_spki_new(OpenSSLAsymmetricKey $private_key, string $challenge, int $digest_algo = 2): string|false {}
function openssl_spki_verify(string $spki): bool {}
function openssl_spki_export(string $spki): string|false {}
function openssl_spki_export_challenge(string $spki): string|false {}
function openssl_get_cert_locations(): array {}
function preg_match(string $pattern, string $subject, $matches = NULL, int $flags = 0, int $offset = 0): int|false {}
function preg_match_all(string $pattern, string $subject, $matches = NULL, int $flags = 0, int $offset = 0): int|false {}
function preg_replace(array|string $pattern, array|string $replacement, array|string $subject, int $limit = -1, $count = NULL): array|string|null {}
function preg_filter(array|string $pattern, array|string $replacement, array|string $subject, int $limit = -1, $count = NULL): array|string|null {}
function preg_replace_callback(array|string $pattern, callable $callback, array|string $subject, int $limit = -1, $count = NULL, int $flags = 0): array|string|null {}
function preg_replace_callback_array(array $pattern, array|string $subject, int $limit = -1, $count = NULL, int $flags = 0): array|string|null {}
function preg_split(string $pattern, string $subject, int $limit = -1, int $flags = 0): array|false {}
function preg_quote(string $str, ?string $delimiter = NULL): string {}
function preg_grep(string $pattern, array $array, int $flags = 0): array|false {}
function preg_last_error(): int {}
function preg_last_error_msg(): string {}
function ob_gzhandler(string $data, int $flags): string|false {}
function zlib_get_coding_type(): string|false {}
function gzfile(string $filename, int $use_include_path = 0): array|false {}
function gzopen(string $filename, string $mode, int $use_include_path = 0) {}
function readgzfile(string $filename, int $use_include_path = 0): int|false {}
function zlib_encode(string $data, int $encoding, int $level = -1): string|false {}
function zlib_decode(string $data, int $max_length = 0): string|false {}
function gzdeflate(string $data, int $level = -1, int $encoding = -15): string|false {}
function gzencode(string $data, int $level = -1, int $encoding = 31): string|false {}
function gzcompress(string $data, int $level = -1, int $encoding = 15): string|false {}
function gzinflate(string $data, int $max_length = 0): string|false {}
function gzdecode(string $data, int $max_length = 0): string|false {}
function gzuncompress(string $data, int $max_length = 0): string|false {}
function gzwrite($stream, string $data, ?int $length = NULL): int|false {}
function gzputs($stream, string $data, ?int $length = NULL): int|false {}
function gzrewind($stream): bool {}
function gzclose($stream): bool {}
function gzeof($stream): bool {}
function gzgetc($stream): string|false {}
function gzpassthru($stream): int {}
function gzseek($stream, int $offset, int $whence = 0): int {}
function gztell($stream): int|false {}
function gzread($stream, int $length): string|false {}
function gzgets($stream, ?int $length = NULL): string|false {}
function deflate_init(int $encoding, array $options = array (
)): DeflateContext|false {}
function deflate_add(DeflateContext $context, string $data, int $flush_mode = 2): string|false {}
function inflate_init(int $encoding, array $options = array (
)): InflateContext|false {}
function inflate_add(InflateContext $context, string $data, int $flush_mode = 2): string|false {}
function inflate_get_status(InflateContext $context): int {}
function inflate_get_read_len(InflateContext $context): int {}
function filter_has_var(int $input_type, string $var_name): bool {}
function filter_input(int $type, string $var_name, int $filter = 516, array|int $options = 0): mixed {}
function filter_var(mixed $value, int $filter = 516, array|int $options = 0): mixed {}
function filter_input_array(int $type, array|int $options = 516, bool $add_empty = true): array|false|null {}
function filter_var_array(array $array, array|int $options = 516, bool $add_empty = true): array|false|null {}
function filter_list(): array {}
function filter_id(string $name): int|false {}
function hash(string $algo, string $data, bool $binary = false, array $options = array (
)): string {}
function hash_file(string $algo, string $filename, bool $binary = false, array $options = array (
)): string|false {}
function hash_hmac(string $algo, string $data, string $key, bool $binary = false): string {}
function hash_hmac_file(string $algo, string $filename, string $key, bool $binary = false): string|false {}
function hash_init(string $algo, int $flags = 0, string $key = '', array $options = array (
)): HashContext {}
function hash_update(HashContext $context, string $data): bool {}
function hash_update_stream(HashContext $context, $stream, int $length = -1): int {}
function hash_update_file(HashContext $context, string $filename, $stream_context = NULL): bool {}
function hash_final(HashContext $context, bool $binary = false): string {}
function hash_copy(HashContext $context): HashContext {}
function hash_algos(): array {}
function hash_hmac_algos(): array {}
function hash_pbkdf2(string $algo, string $password, string $salt, int $iterations, int $length = 0, bool $binary = false): string {}
function hash_equals(string $known_string, string $user_string): bool {}
function hash_hkdf(string $algo, string $key, int $length = 0, string $info = '', string $salt = ''): string {}
function mhash_get_block_size(int $algo): int|false {}
function mhash_get_hash_name(int $algo): string|false {}
function mhash_keygen_s2k(int $algo, string $password, string $salt, int $length): string|false {}
function mhash_count(): int {}
function mhash(int $algo, string $data, ?string $key = NULL): string|false {}
function json_encode(mixed $value, int $flags = 0, int $depth = 512): string|false {}
function json_decode(string $json, ?bool $associative = NULL, int $depth = 512, int $flags = 0): mixed {}
function json_last_error(): int {}
function json_last_error_msg(): string {}
function pcntl_fork(): int {}
function pcntl_waitpid(int $process_id, $status, int $flags = 0, $resource_usage = array (
)): int {}
function pcntl_wait($status, int $flags = 0, $resource_usage = array (
)): int {}
function pcntl_signal(int $signal, $handler, bool $restart_syscalls = true): bool {}
function pcntl_signal_get_handler(int $signal) {}
function pcntl_signal_dispatch(): bool {}
function pcntl_sigprocmask(int $mode, array $signals, $old_signals = NULL): bool {}
function pcntl_sigwaitinfo(array $signals, $info = array (
)): int|false {}
function pcntl_sigtimedwait(array $signals, $info = array (
), int $seconds = 0, int $nanoseconds = 0): int|false {}
function pcntl_wifexited(int $status): bool {}
function pcntl_wifstopped(int $status): bool {}
function pcntl_wifcontinued(int $status): bool {}
function pcntl_wifsignaled(int $status): bool {}
function pcntl_wexitstatus(int $status): int|false {}
function pcntl_wtermsig(int $status): int|false {}
function pcntl_wstopsig(int $status): int|false {}
function pcntl_exec(string $path, array $args = array (
), array $env_vars = array (
)): bool {}
function pcntl_alarm(int $seconds): int {}
function pcntl_get_last_error(): int {}
function pcntl_errno(): int {}
function pcntl_getpriority(?int $process_id = NULL, int $mode = 0): int|false {}
function pcntl_setpriority(int $priority, ?int $process_id = NULL, int $mode = 0): bool {}
function pcntl_strerror(int $error_code): string {}
function pcntl_async_signals(?bool $enable = NULL): bool {}
function pcntl_unshare(int $flags): bool {}
function lcg_value(): float {}
function mt_srand(int $seed, int $mode = 0): void {}
function srand(int $seed, int $mode = 0): void {}
function rand(int $min, int $max): int {}
function mt_rand(int $min, int $max): int {}
function mt_getrandmax(): int {}
function getrandmax(): int {}
function random_bytes(int $length): string {}
function random_int(int $min, int $max): int {}
function set_time_limit(int $seconds): bool {}
function header_register_callback(callable $callback): bool {}
function ob_start($callback = NULL, int $chunk_size = 0, int $flags = 112): bool {}
function ob_flush(): bool {}
function ob_clean(): bool {}
function ob_end_flush(): bool {}
function ob_end_clean(): bool {}
function ob_get_flush(): string|false {}
function ob_get_clean(): string|false {}
function ob_get_contents(): string|false {}
function ob_get_level(): int {}
function ob_get_length(): int|false {}
function ob_list_handlers(): array {}
function ob_get_status(bool $full_status = false): array {}
function ob_implicit_flush(bool $enable = true): void {}
function output_reset_rewrite_vars(): bool {}
function output_add_rewrite_var(string $name, string $value): bool {}
function stream_wrapper_register(string $protocol, string $class, int $flags = 0): bool {}
function stream_register_wrapper(string $protocol, string $class, int $flags = 0): bool {}
function stream_wrapper_unregister(string $protocol): bool {}
function stream_wrapper_restore(string $protocol): bool {}
function array_push(array $array, mixed $values): int {}
function krsort(array $array, int $flags = 0): true {}
function ksort(array $array, int $flags = 0): true {}
function count(Countable|array $value, int $mode = 0): int {}
function sizeof(Countable|array $value, int $mode = 0): int {}
function natsort(array $array): bool {}
function natcasesort(array $array): bool {}
function asort(array $array, int $flags = 0): true {}
function arsort(array $array, int $flags = 0): true {}
function sort(array $array, int $flags = 0): true {}
function rsort(array $array, int $flags = 0): bool {}
function usort(array $array, callable $callback): true {}
function uasort(array $array, callable $callback): true {}
function uksort(array $array, callable $callback): true {}
function end(object|array $array): mixed {}
function prev(object|array $array): mixed {}
function next(object|array $array): mixed {}
function reset(object|array $array): mixed {}
function current(object|array $array): mixed {}
function pos(object|array $array): mixed {}
function key(object|array $array): string|int|null {}
function min(mixed $value, mixed $values): mixed {}
function max(mixed $value, mixed $values): mixed {}
function array_walk(object|array $array, callable $callback, mixed $arg): true {}
function array_walk_recursive(object|array $array, callable $callback, mixed $arg): true {}
function in_array(mixed $needle, array $haystack, bool $strict = false): bool {}
function array_search(mixed $needle, array $haystack, bool $strict = false): string|int|false {}
function extract(array $array, int $flags = 0, string $prefix = ''): int {}
function compact($var_name, $var_names): array {}
function array_fill(int $start_index, int $count, mixed $value): array {}
function array_fill_keys(array $keys, mixed $value): array {}
function range($start, $end, int|float $step = 1): array {}
function shuffle(array $array): true {}
function array_pop(array $array): mixed {}
function array_shift(array $array): mixed {}
function array_unshift(array $array, mixed $values): int {}
function array_splice(array $array, int $offset, ?int $length = NULL, mixed $replacement = array (
)): array {}
function array_slice(array $array, int $offset, ?int $length = NULL, bool $preserve_keys = false): array {}
function array_merge(array $arrays): array {}
function array_merge_recursive(array $arrays): array {}
function array_replace(array $array, array $replacements): array {}
function array_replace_recursive(array $array, array $replacements): array {}
function array_keys(array $array, mixed $filter_value, bool $strict = false): array {}
function array_key_first(array $array): string|int|null {}
function array_key_last(array $array): string|int|null {}
function array_values(array $array): array {}
function array_count_values(array $array): array {}
function array_column(array $array, string|int|null $column_key, string|int|null $index_key = NULL): array {}
function array_reverse(array $array, bool $preserve_keys = false): array {}
function array_pad(array $array, int $length, mixed $value): array {}
function array_flip(array $array): array {}
function array_change_key_case(array $array, int $case = 0): array {}
function array_unique(array $array, int $flags = 2): array {}
function array_intersect_key(array $array, array $arrays): array {}
function array_intersect_ukey(array $array, $rest): array {}
function array_intersect(array $array, array $arrays): array {}
function array_uintersect(array $array, $rest): array {}
function array_intersect_assoc(array $array, array $arrays): array {}
function array_uintersect_assoc(array $array, $rest): array {}
function array_intersect_uassoc(array $array, $rest): array {}
function array_uintersect_uassoc(array $array, $rest): array {}
function array_diff_key(array $array, array $arrays): array {}
function array_diff_ukey(array $array, $rest): array {}
function array_diff(array $array, array $arrays): array {}
function array_udiff(array $array, $rest): array {}
function array_diff_assoc(array $array, array $arrays): array {}
function array_diff_uassoc(array $array, $rest): array {}
function array_udiff_assoc(array $array, $rest): array {}
function array_udiff_uassoc(array $array, $rest): array {}
function array_multisort($array, $rest): bool {}
function array_rand(array $array, int $num = 1): array|string|int {}
function array_sum(array $array): int|float {}
function array_product(array $array): int|float {}
function array_reduce(array $array, callable $callback, mixed $initial = NULL): mixed {}
function array_filter(array $array, ?callable $callback = NULL, int $mode = 0): array {}
function array_map(?callable $callback, array $array, array $arrays): array {}
function array_key_exists($key, array $array): bool {}
function key_exists($key, array $array): bool {}
function array_chunk(array $array, int $length, bool $preserve_keys = false): array {}
function array_combine(array $keys, array $values): array {}
function array_is_list(array $array): bool {}
function base64_encode(string $string): string {}
function base64_decode(string $string, bool $strict = false): string|false {}
function constant(string $name): mixed {}
function ip2long(string $ip): int|false {}
function long2ip(int $ip): string|false {}
function getenv(?string $name = NULL, bool $local_only = false): array|string|false {}
function putenv(string $assignment): bool {}
function getopt(string $short_options, array $long_options = array (
), $rest_index = NULL): array|false {}
function flush(): void {}
function sleep(int $seconds): int {}
function usleep(int $microseconds): void {}
function time_nanosleep(int $seconds, int $nanoseconds): array|bool {}
function time_sleep_until(float $timestamp): bool {}
function get_current_user(): string {}
function get_cfg_var(string $option): array|string|false {}
function error_log(string $message, int $message_type = 0, ?string $destination = NULL, ?string $additional_headers = NULL): bool {}
function error_get_last(): ?array {}
function error_clear_last(): void {}
function call_user_func(callable $callback, mixed $args): mixed {}
function call_user_func_array(callable $callback, array $args): mixed {}
function forward_static_call(callable $callback, mixed $args): mixed {}
function forward_static_call_array(callable $callback, array $args): mixed {}
function register_shutdown_function(callable $callback, mixed $args): void {}
function highlight_file(string $filename, bool $return = false): string|bool {}
function show_source(string $filename, bool $return = false): string|bool {}
function php_strip_whitespace(string $filename): string {}
function highlight_string(string $string, bool $return = false): string|bool {}
function ini_get(string $option): string|false {}
function ini_get_all(?string $extension = NULL, bool $details = true): array|false {}
function ini_set(string $option, string|int|float|bool|null $value): string|false {}
function ini_alter(string $option, string|int|float|bool|null $value): string|false {}
function ini_restore(string $option): void {}
function ini_parse_quantity(string $shorthand): int {}
function set_include_path(string $include_path): string|false {}
function get_include_path(): string|false {}
function print_r(mixed $value, bool $return = false): string|bool {}
function connection_aborted(): int {}
function connection_status(): int {}
function ignore_user_abort(?bool $enable = NULL): int {}
function getservbyname(string $service, string $protocol): int|false {}
function getservbyport(int $port, string $protocol): string|false {}
function getprotobyname(string $protocol): int|false {}
function getprotobynumber(int $protocol): string|false {}
function register_tick_function(callable $callback, mixed $args): bool {}
function unregister_tick_function(callable $callback): void {}
function is_uploaded_file(string $filename): bool {}
function move_uploaded_file(string $from, string $to): bool {}
function parse_ini_file(string $filename, bool $process_sections = false, int $scanner_mode = 0): array|false {}
function parse_ini_string(string $ini_string, bool $process_sections = false, int $scanner_mode = 0): array|false {}
function sys_getloadavg(): array|false {}
function get_browser(?string $user_agent = NULL, bool $return_array = false): object|array|false {}
function crc32(string $string): int {}
function crypt(string $string, string $salt): string {}
function strptime(string $timestamp, string $format): array|false {}
function gethostname(): string|false {}
function gethostbyaddr(string $ip): string|false {}
function gethostbyname(string $hostname): string {}
function gethostbynamel(string $hostname): array|false {}
function dns_check_record(string $hostname, string $type = 'MX'): bool {}
function checkdnsrr(string $hostname, string $type = 'MX'): bool {}
function dns_get_record(string $hostname, int $type = 268435456, $authoritative_name_servers = NULL, $additional_records = NULL, bool $raw = false): array|false {}
function dns_get_mx(string $hostname, $hosts, $weights = NULL): bool {}
function getmxrr(string $hostname, $hosts, $weights = NULL): bool {}
function net_get_interfaces(): array|false {}
function ftok(string $filename, string $project_id): int {}
function hrtime(bool $as_number = false): array|int|float|false {}
function md5(string $string, bool $binary = false): string {}
function md5_file(string $filename, bool $binary = false): string|false {}
function getmyuid(): int|false {}
function getmygid(): int|false {}
function getmypid(): int|false {}
function getmyinode(): int|false {}
function getlastmod(): int|false {}
function sha1(string $string, bool $binary = false): string {}
function sha1_file(string $filename, bool $binary = false): string|false {}
function openlog(string $prefix, int $flags, int $facility): true {}
function closelog(): true {}
function syslog(int $priority, string $message): true {}
function inet_ntop(string $ip): string|false {}
function inet_pton(string $ip): string|false {}
function metaphone(string $string, int $max_phonemes = 0): string {}
function header(string $header, bool $replace = true, int $response_code = 0): void {}
function header_remove(?string $name = NULL): void {}
function setrawcookie(string $name, string $value = '', array|int $expires_or_options = 0, string $path = '', string $domain = '', bool $secure = false, bool $httponly = false): bool {}
function setcookie(string $name, string $value = '', array|int $expires_or_options = 0, string $path = '', string $domain = '', bool $secure = false, bool $httponly = false): bool {}
function http_response_code(int $response_code = 0): int|bool {}
function headers_sent($filename = NULL, $line = NULL): bool {}
function headers_list(): array {}
function htmlspecialchars(string $string, int $flags = 11, ?string $encoding = NULL, bool $double_encode = true): string {}
function htmlspecialchars_decode(string $string, int $flags = 11): string {}
function html_entity_decode(string $string, int $flags = 11, ?string $encoding = NULL): string {}
function htmlentities(string $string, int $flags = 11, ?string $encoding = NULL, bool $double_encode = true): string {}
function get_html_translation_table(int $table = 0, int $flags = 11, string $encoding = 'UTF-8'): array {}
function assert(mixed $assertion, Throwable|string|null $description = NULL): bool {}
function assert_options(int $option, mixed $value): mixed {}
function bin2hex(string $string): string {}
function hex2bin(string $string): string|false {}
function strspn(string $string, string $characters, int $offset = 0, ?int $length = NULL): int {}
function strcspn(string $string, string $characters, int $offset = 0, ?int $length = NULL): int {}
function nl_langinfo(int $item): string|false {}
function strcoll(string $string1, string $string2): int {}
function trim(string $string, string $characters = '
' . "\0" . ''): string {}
function rtrim(string $string, string $characters = '
' . "\0" . ''): string {}
function chop(string $string, string $characters = '
' . "\0" . ''): string {}
function ltrim(string $string, string $characters = '
' . "\0" . ''): string {}
function wordwrap(string $string, int $width = 75, string $break = '
', bool $cut_long_words = false): string {}
function explode(string $separator, string $string, int $limit = 9223372036854775807): array {}
function implode(array|string $separator, ?array $array = NULL): string {}
function join(array|string $separator, ?array $array = NULL): string {}
function strtok(string $string, ?string $token = NULL): string|false {}
function strtoupper(string $string): string {}
function strtolower(string $string): string {}
function basename(string $path, string $suffix = ''): string {}
function dirname(string $path, int $levels = 1): string {}
function pathinfo(string $path, int $flags = 15): array|string {}
function stristr(string $haystack, string $needle, bool $before_needle = false): string|false {}
function strstr(string $haystack, string $needle, bool $before_needle = false): string|false {}
function strchr(string $haystack, string $needle, bool $before_needle = false): string|false {}
function strpos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0): int|false {}
function stripos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0): int|false {}
function strrpos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0): int|false {}
function strripos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0): int|false {}
function strrchr(string $haystack, string $needle): string|false {}
function str_contains(string $haystack, string $needle): bool {}
function str_starts_with(string $haystack, string $needle): bool {}
function str_ends_with(string $haystack, string $needle): bool {}
function chunk_split(string $string, int $length = 76, string $separator = '
'): string {}
function substr(string $string, int $offset, ?int $length = NULL): string {}
function substr_replace(array|string $string, array|string $replace, array|int $offset, array|int|null $length = NULL): array|string {}
function quotemeta(string $string): string {}
function ord(string $character): int {}
function chr(int $codepoint): string {}
function ucfirst(string $string): string {}
function lcfirst(string $string): string {}
function ucwords(string $string, string $separators = '
'): string {}
function strtr(string $string, array|string $from, ?string $to = NULL): string {}
function strrev(string $string): string {}
function similar_text(string $string1, string $string2, $percent = NULL): int {}
function addcslashes(string $string, string $characters): string {}
function addslashes(string $string): string {}
function stripcslashes(string $string): string {}
function stripslashes(string $string): string {}
function str_replace(array|string $search, array|string $replace, array|string $subject, $count = NULL): array|string {}
function str_ireplace(array|string $search, array|string $replace, array|string $subject, $count = NULL): array|string {}
function hebrev(string $string, int $max_chars_per_line = 0): string {}
function nl2br(string $string, bool $use_xhtml = true): string {}
function strip_tags(string $string, array|string|null $allowed_tags = NULL): string {}
function setlocale(int $category, $locales, $rest): string|false {}
function parse_str(string $string, $result): void {}
function str_getcsv(string $string, string $separator = ',', string $enclosure = '"', string $escape = '\\'): array {}
function str_repeat(string $string, int $times): string {}
function count_chars(string $string, int $mode = 0): array|string {}
function strnatcmp(string $string1, string $string2): int {}
function localeconv(): array {}
function strnatcasecmp(string $string1, string $string2): int {}
function substr_count(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0, ?int $length = NULL): int {}
function str_pad(string $string, int $length, string $pad_string = ' ', int $pad_type = 1): string {}
function sscanf(string $string, string $format, mixed $vars): array|int|null {}
function str_rot13(string $string): string {}
function str_shuffle(string $string): string {}
function str_word_count(string $string, int $format = 0, ?string $characters = NULL): array|int {}
function str_split(string $string, int $length = 1): array {}
function strpbrk(string $string, string $characters): string|false {}
function substr_compare(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset, ?int $length = NULL, bool $case_insensitive = false): int {}
function utf8_encode(string $string): string {}
function utf8_decode(string $string): string {}
function opendir(string $directory, $context = NULL) {}
function dir(string $directory, $context = NULL): Directory|false {}
function closedir($dir_handle = NULL): void {}
function chdir(string $directory): bool {}
function chroot(string $directory): bool {}
function getcwd(): string|false {}
function rewinddir($dir_handle = NULL): void {}
function readdir($dir_handle = NULL): string|false {}
function scandir(string $directory, int $sorting_order = 0, $context = NULL): array|false {}
function glob(string $pattern, int $flags = 0): array|false {}
function exec(string $command, $output = NULL, $result_code = NULL): string|false {}
function system(string $command, $result_code = NULL): string|false {}
function passthru(string $command, $result_code = NULL): ?false {}
function escapeshellcmd(string $command): string {}
function escapeshellarg(string $arg): string {}
function shell_exec(string $command): string|false|null {}
function proc_nice(int $priority): bool {}
function flock($stream, int $operation, $would_block = NULL): bool {}
function get_meta_tags(string $filename, bool $use_include_path = false): array|false {}
function pclose($handle): int {}
function popen(string $command, string $mode) {}
function readfile(string $filename, bool $use_include_path = false, $context = NULL): int|false {}
function rewind($stream): bool {}
function rmdir(string $directory, $context = NULL): bool {}
function umask(?int $mask = NULL): int {}
function fclose($stream): bool {}
function feof($stream): bool {}
function fgetc($stream): string|false {}
function fgets($stream, ?int $length = NULL): string|false {}
function fread($stream, int $length): string|false {}
function fopen(string $filename, string $mode, bool $use_include_path = false, $context = NULL) {}
function fscanf($stream, string $format, mixed $vars): array|int|false|null {}
function fpassthru($stream): int {}
function ftruncate($stream, int $size): bool {}
function fstat($stream): array|false {}
function fseek($stream, int $offset, int $whence = 0): int {}
function ftell($stream): int|false {}
function fflush($stream): bool {}
function fsync($stream): bool {}
function fdatasync($stream): bool {}
function fwrite($stream, string $data, ?int $length = NULL): int|false {}
function fputs($stream, string $data, ?int $length = NULL): int|false {}
function mkdir(string $directory, int $permissions = 511, bool $recursive = false, $context = NULL): bool {}
function rename(string $from, string $to, $context = NULL): bool {}
function copy(string $from, string $to, $context = NULL): bool {}
function tempnam(string $directory, string $prefix): string|false {}
function tmpfile() {}
function file(string $filename, int $flags = 0, $context = NULL): array|false {}
function file_get_contents(string $filename, bool $use_include_path = false, $context = NULL, int $offset = 0, ?int $length = NULL): string|false {}
function unlink(string $filename, $context = NULL): bool {}
function file_put_contents(string $filename, mixed $data, int $flags = 0, $context = NULL): int|false {}
function fputcsv($stream, array $fields, string $separator = ',', string $enclosure = '"', string $escape = '\\', string $eol = '
'): int|false {}
function fgetcsv($stream, ?int $length = NULL, string $separator = ',', string $enclosure = '"', string $escape = '\\'): array|false {}
function realpath(string $path): string|false {}
function fnmatch(string $pattern, string $filename, int $flags = 0): bool {}
function sys_get_temp_dir(): string {}
function fileatime(string $filename): int|false {}
function filectime(string $filename): int|false {}
function filegroup(string $filename): int|false {}
function fileinode(string $filename): int|false {}
function filemtime(string $filename): int|false {}
function fileowner(string $filename): int|false {}
function fileperms(string $filename): int|false {}
function filesize(string $filename): int|false {}
function filetype(string $filename): string|false {}
function file_exists(string $filename): bool {}
function is_writable(string $filename): bool {}
function is_writeable(string $filename): bool {}
function is_readable(string $filename): bool {}
function is_executable(string $filename): bool {}
function is_file(string $filename): bool {}
function is_dir(string $filename): bool {}
function is_link(string $filename): bool {}
function stat(string $filename): array|false {}
function lstat(string $filename): array|false {}
function chown(string $filename, string|int $user): bool {}
function chgrp(string $filename, string|int $group): bool {}
function lchown(string $filename, string|int $user): bool {}
function lchgrp(string $filename, string|int $group): bool {}
function chmod(string $filename, int $permissions): bool {}
function touch(string $filename, ?int $mtime = NULL, ?int $atime = NULL): bool {}
function clearstatcache(bool $clear_realpath_cache = false, string $filename = ''): void {}
function disk_total_space(string $directory): float|false {}
function disk_free_space(string $directory): float|false {}
function diskfreespace(string $directory): float|false {}
function realpath_cache_get(): array {}
function realpath_cache_size(): int {}
function sprintf(string $format, mixed $values): string {}
function printf(string $format, mixed $values): int {}
function vprintf(string $format, array $values): int {}
function vsprintf(string $format, array $values): string {}
function fprintf($stream, string $format, mixed $values): int {}
function vfprintf($stream, string $format, array $values): int {}
function fsockopen(string $hostname, int $port = -1, $error_code = NULL, $error_message = NULL, ?float $timeout = NULL) {}
function pfsockopen(string $hostname, int $port = -1, $error_code = NULL, $error_message = NULL, ?float $timeout = NULL) {}
function http_build_query(object|array $data, string $numeric_prefix = '', ?string $arg_separator = NULL, int $encoding_type = 1): string {}
function image_type_to_mime_type(int $image_type): string {}
function image_type_to_extension(int $image_type, bool $include_dot = true): string|false {}
function getimagesize(string $filename, $image_info = NULL): array|false {}
function getimagesizefromstring(string $string, $image_info = NULL): array|false {}
function phpinfo(int $flags = 4294967295): true {}
function phpversion(?string $extension = NULL): string|false {}
function phpcredits(int $flags = 4294967295): true {}
function php_sapi_name(): string|false {}
function php_uname(string $mode = 'a'): string {}
function php_ini_scanned_files(): string|false {}
function php_ini_loaded_file(): string|false {}
function iptcembed(string $iptc_data, string $filename, int $spool = 0): string|bool {}
function iptcparse(string $iptc_block): array|false {}
function levenshtein(string $string1, string $string2, int $insertion_cost = 1, int $replacement_cost = 1, int $deletion_cost = 1): int {}
function readlink(string $path): string|false {}
function linkinfo(string $path): int|false {}
function symlink(string $target, string $link): bool {}
function link(string $target, string $link): bool {}
function mail(string $to, string $subject, string $message, array|string $additional_headers = array (
), string $additional_params = ''): bool {}
function abs(int|float $num): int|float {}
function ceil(int|float $num): float {}
function floor(int|float $num): float {}
function round(int|float $num, int $precision = 0, int $mode = 1): float {}
function sin(float $num): float {}
function cos(float $num): float {}
function tan(float $num): float {}
function asin(float $num): float {}
function acos(float $num): float {}
function atan(float $num): float {}
function atanh(float $num): float {}
function atan2(float $y, float $x): float {}
function sinh(float $num): float {}
function cosh(float $num): float {}
function tanh(float $num): float {}
function asinh(float $num): float {}
function acosh(float $num): float {}
function expm1(float $num): float {}
function log1p(float $num): float {}
function pi(): float {}
function is_finite(float $num): bool {}
function is_nan(float $num): bool {}
function intdiv(int $num1, int $num2): int {}
function is_infinite(float $num): bool {}
function pow(mixed $num, mixed $exponent): object|int|float {}
function exp(float $num): float {}
function log(float $num, float $base = 2.718281828459045): float {}
function log10(float $num): float {}
function sqrt(float $num): float {}
function hypot(float $x, float $y): float {}
function deg2rad(float $num): float {}
function rad2deg(float $num): float {}
function bindec(string $binary_string): int|float {}
function hexdec(string $hex_string): int|float {}
function octdec(string $octal_string): int|float {}
function decbin(int $num): string {}
function decoct(int $num): string {}
function dechex(int $num): string {}
function base_convert(string $num, int $from_base, int $to_base): string {}
function number_format(float $num, int $decimals = 0, ?string $decimal_separator = '.', ?string $thousands_separator = ','): string {}
function fmod(float $num1, float $num2): float {}
function fdiv(float $num1, float $num2): float {}
function microtime(bool $as_float = false): string|float {}
function gettimeofday(bool $as_float = false): array|float {}
function getrusage(int $mode = 0): array|false {}
function pack(string $format, mixed $values): string {}
function unpack(string $format, string $string, int $offset = 0): array|false {}
function password_get_info(string $hash): array {}
function password_hash(string $password, string|int|null $algo, array $options = array (
)): string {}
function password_needs_rehash(string $hash, string|int|null $algo, array $options = array (
)): bool {}
function password_verify(string $password, string $hash): bool {}
function password_algos(): array {}
function proc_open(array|string $command, array $descriptor_spec, $pipes, ?string $cwd = NULL, ?array $env_vars = NULL, ?array $options = NULL) {}
function proc_close($process): int {}
function proc_terminate($process, int $signal = 15): bool {}
function proc_get_status($process): array {}
function quoted_printable_decode(string $string): string {}
function quoted_printable_encode(string $string): string {}
function soundex(string $string): string {}
function stream_select(?array $read, ?array $write, ?array $except, ?int $seconds, ?int $microseconds = NULL): int|false {}
function stream_context_create(?array $options = NULL, ?array $params = NULL) {}
function stream_context_set_params($context, array $params): bool {}
function stream_context_get_params($context): array {}
function stream_context_set_option($context, array|string $wrapper_or_options, ?string $option_name = NULL, mixed $value): bool {}
function stream_context_get_options($stream_or_context): array {}
function stream_context_get_default(?array $options = NULL) {}
function stream_context_set_default(array $options) {}
function stream_filter_prepend($stream, string $filter_name, int $mode = 0, mixed $params) {}
function stream_filter_append($stream, string $filter_name, int $mode = 0, mixed $params) {}
function stream_filter_remove($stream_filter): bool {}
function stream_socket_client(string $address, $error_code = NULL, $error_message = NULL, ?float $timeout = NULL, int $flags = 4, $context = NULL) {}
function stream_socket_server(string $address, $error_code = NULL, $error_message = NULL, int $flags = 12, $context = NULL) {}
function stream_socket_accept($socket, ?float $timeout = NULL, $peer_name = NULL) {}
function stream_socket_get_name($socket, bool $remote): string|false {}
function stream_socket_recvfrom($socket, int $length, int $flags = 0, $address = NULL): string|false {}
function stream_socket_sendto($socket, string $data, int $flags = 0, string $address = ''): int|false {}
function stream_socket_enable_crypto($stream, bool $enable, ?int $crypto_method = NULL, $session_stream = NULL): int|bool {}
function stream_socket_shutdown($stream, int $mode): bool {}
function stream_socket_pair(int $domain, int $type, int $protocol): array|false {}
function stream_copy_to_stream($from, $to, ?int $length = NULL, int $offset = 0): int|false {}
function stream_get_contents($stream, ?int $length = NULL, int $offset = -1): string|false {}
function stream_supports_lock($stream): bool {}
function stream_set_write_buffer($stream, int $size): int {}
function set_file_buffer($stream, int $size): int {}
function stream_set_read_buffer($stream, int $size): int {}
function stream_set_blocking($stream, bool $enable): bool {}
function socket_set_blocking($stream, bool $enable): bool {}
function stream_get_meta_data($stream): array {}
function socket_get_status($stream): array {}
function stream_get_line($stream, int $length, string $ending = ''): string|false {}
function stream_resolve_include_path(string $filename): string|false {}
function stream_get_wrappers(): array {}
function stream_get_transports(): array {}
function stream_is_local($stream): bool {}
function stream_isatty($stream): bool {}
function stream_set_chunk_size($stream, int $size): int {}
function stream_set_timeout($stream, int $seconds, int $microseconds = 0): bool {}
function socket_set_timeout($stream, int $seconds, int $microseconds = 0): bool {}
function gettype(mixed $value): string {}
function get_debug_type(mixed $value): string {}
function settype(mixed $var, string $type): bool {}
function intval(mixed $value, int $base = 10): int {}
function floatval(mixed $value): float {}
function doubleval(mixed $value): float {}
function boolval(mixed $value): bool {}
function strval(mixed $value): string {}
function is_null(mixed $value): bool {}
function is_resource(mixed $value): bool {}
function is_bool(mixed $value): bool {}
function is_int(mixed $value): bool {}
function is_integer(mixed $value): bool {}
function is_long(mixed $value): bool {}
function is_float(mixed $value): bool {}
function is_double(mixed $value): bool {}
function is_numeric(mixed $value): bool {}
function is_string(mixed $value): bool {}
function is_array(mixed $value): bool {}
function is_object(mixed $value): bool {}
function is_scalar(mixed $value): bool {}
function is_callable(mixed $value, bool $syntax_only = false, $callable_name = NULL): bool {}
function is_iterable(mixed $value): bool {}
function is_countable(mixed $value): bool {}
function uniqid(string $prefix = '', bool $more_entropy = false): string {}
function parse_url(string $url, int $component = -1): array|string|int|false|null {}
function urlencode(string $string): string {}
function urldecode(string $string): string {}
function rawurlencode(string $string): string {}
function rawurldecode(string $string): string {}
function get_headers(string $url, bool $associative = false, $context = NULL): array|false {}
function stream_bucket_make_writeable($brigade): ?object {}
function stream_bucket_prepend($brigade, object $bucket): void {}
function stream_bucket_append($brigade, object $bucket): void {}
function stream_bucket_new($stream, string $buffer): object {}
function stream_get_filters(): array {}
function stream_filter_register(string $filter_name, string $class): bool {}
function convert_uuencode(string $string): string {}
function convert_uudecode(string $string): string|false {}
function var_dump(mixed $value, mixed $values): void {}
function var_export(mixed $value, bool $return = false): ?string {}
function debug_zval_dump(mixed $value, mixed $values): void {}
function serialize(mixed $value): string {}
function unserialize(string $data, array $options = array (
)): mixed {}
function memory_get_usage(bool $real_usage = false): int {}
function memory_get_peak_usage(bool $real_usage = false): int {}
function memory_reset_peak_usage(): void {}
function version_compare(string $version1, string $version2, ?string $operator = NULL): int|bool {}
function class_implements($object_or_class, bool $autoload = true): array|false {}
function class_parents($object_or_class, bool $autoload = true): array|false {}
function class_uses($object_or_class, bool $autoload = true): array|false {}
function spl_autoload(string $class, ?string $file_extensions = NULL): void {}
function spl_autoload_call(string $class): void {}
function spl_autoload_extensions(?string $file_extensions = NULL): string {}
function spl_autoload_functions(): array {}
function spl_autoload_register(?callable $callback = NULL, bool $throw = true, bool $prepend = false): bool {}
function spl_autoload_unregister(callable $callback): bool {}
function spl_classes(): array {}
function spl_object_hash(object $object): string {}
function spl_object_id(object $object): int {}
function iterator_apply(Traversable $iterator, callable $callback, ?array $args = NULL): int {}
function iterator_count(Traversable|array $iterator): int {}
function iterator_to_array(Traversable|array $iterator, bool $preserve_keys = true): array {}
function session_name(?string $name = NULL): string|false {}
function session_module_name(?string $module = NULL): string|false {}
function session_save_path(?string $path = NULL): string|false {}
function session_id(?string $id = NULL): string|false {}
function session_create_id(string $prefix = ''): string|false {}
function session_regenerate_id(bool $delete_old_session = false): bool {}
function session_decode(string $data): bool {}
function session_encode(): string|false {}
function session_destroy(): bool {}
function session_unset(): bool {}
function session_gc(): int|false {}
function session_get_cookie_params(): array {}
function session_write_close(): bool {}
function session_abort(): bool {}
function session_reset(): bool {}
function session_status(): int {}
function session_register_shutdown(): void {}
function session_commit(): bool {}
function session_set_save_handler($open, $close, callable $read, callable $write, callable $destroy, callable $gc, callable $create_sid, callable $validate_sid, callable $update_timestamp): bool {}
function session_cache_limiter(?string $value = NULL): string|false {}
function session_cache_expire(?int $value = NULL): int|false {}
function session_set_cookie_params(array|int $lifetime_or_options, ?string $path = NULL, ?string $domain = NULL, ?bool $secure = NULL, ?bool $httponly = NULL): bool {}
function session_start(array $options = array (
)): bool {}
function sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_is_available(): bool {}
function sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_decrypt(string $ciphertext, string $additional_data, string $nonce, string $key): string|false {}
function sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_encrypt(string $message, string $additional_data, string $nonce, string $key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_keygen(): string {}
function sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_decrypt(string $ciphertext, string $additional_data, string $nonce, string $key): string|false {}
function sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_encrypt(string $message, string $additional_data, string $nonce, string $key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_keygen(): string {}
function sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt(string $ciphertext, string $additional_data, string $nonce, string $key): string|false {}
function sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt(string $message, string $additional_data, string $nonce, string $key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_keygen(): string {}
function sodium_crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt(string $ciphertext, string $additional_data, string $nonce, string $key): string|false {}
function sodium_crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_keygen(): string {}
function sodium_crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt(string $message, string $additional_data, string $nonce, string $key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_auth(string $message, string $key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_auth_keygen(): string {}
function sodium_crypto_auth_verify(string $mac, string $message, string $key): bool {}
function sodium_crypto_box(string $message, string $nonce, string $key_pair): string {}
function sodium_crypto_box_keypair(): string {}
function sodium_crypto_box_seed_keypair(string $seed): string {}
function sodium_crypto_box_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey(string $secret_key, string $public_key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_box_open(string $ciphertext, string $nonce, string $key_pair): string|false {}
function sodium_crypto_box_publickey(string $key_pair): string {}
function sodium_crypto_box_publickey_from_secretkey(string $secret_key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_box_seal(string $message, string $public_key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_box_seal_open(string $ciphertext, string $key_pair): string|false {}
function sodium_crypto_box_secretkey(string $key_pair): string {}
function sodium_crypto_core_ristretto255_add(string $p, string $q): string {}
function sodium_crypto_core_ristretto255_from_hash(string $s): string {}
function sodium_crypto_core_ristretto255_is_valid_point(string $s): bool {}
function sodium_crypto_core_ristretto255_random(): string {}
function sodium_crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_add(string $x, string $y): string {}
function sodium_crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_complement(string $s): string {}
function sodium_crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_invert(string $s): string {}
function sodium_crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_mul(string $x, string $y): string {}
function sodium_crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_negate(string $s): string {}
function sodium_crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_random(): string {}
function sodium_crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_reduce(string $s): string {}
function sodium_crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_sub(string $x, string $y): string {}
function sodium_crypto_core_ristretto255_sub(string $p, string $q): string {}
function sodium_crypto_kx_keypair(): string {}
function sodium_crypto_kx_publickey(string $key_pair): string {}
function sodium_crypto_kx_secretkey(string $key_pair): string {}
function sodium_crypto_kx_seed_keypair(string $seed): string {}
function sodium_crypto_kx_client_session_keys(string $client_key_pair, string $server_key): array {}
function sodium_crypto_kx_server_session_keys(string $server_key_pair, string $client_key): array {}
function sodium_crypto_generichash(string $message, string $key = '', int $length = 32): string {}
function sodium_crypto_generichash_keygen(): string {}
function sodium_crypto_generichash_init(string $key = '', int $length = 32): string {}
function sodium_crypto_generichash_update(string $state, string $message): true {}
function sodium_crypto_generichash_final(string $state, int $length = 32): string {}
function sodium_crypto_kdf_derive_from_key(int $subkey_length, int $subkey_id, string $context, string $key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_kdf_keygen(): string {}
function sodium_crypto_pwhash(int $length, string $password, string $salt, int $opslimit, int $memlimit, int $algo = 2): string {}
function sodium_crypto_pwhash_str(string $password, int $opslimit, int $memlimit): string {}
function sodium_crypto_pwhash_str_verify(string $hash, string $password): bool {}
function sodium_crypto_pwhash_str_needs_rehash(string $password, int $opslimit, int $memlimit): bool {}
function sodium_crypto_pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256(int $length, string $password, string $salt, int $opslimit, int $memlimit): string {}
function sodium_crypto_pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256_str(string $password, int $opslimit, int $memlimit): string {}
function sodium_crypto_pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256_str_verify(string $hash, string $password): bool {}
function sodium_crypto_scalarmult(string $n, string $p): string {}
function sodium_crypto_scalarmult_ristretto255(string $n, string $p): string {}
function sodium_crypto_scalarmult_ristretto255_base(string $n): string {}
function sodium_crypto_secretbox(string $message, string $nonce, string $key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_secretbox_keygen(): string {}
function sodium_crypto_secretbox_open(string $ciphertext, string $nonce, string $key): string|false {}
function sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_keygen(): string {}
function sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_init_push(string $key): array {}
function sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_push(string $state, string $message, string $additional_data = '', int $tag = 0): string {}
function sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_init_pull(string $header, string $key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_pull(string $state, string $ciphertext, string $additional_data = ''): array|false {}
function sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_rekey(string $state): void {}
function sodium_crypto_shorthash(string $message, string $key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_shorthash_keygen(): string {}
function sodium_crypto_sign(string $message, string $secret_key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_sign_detached(string $message, string $secret_key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(string $public_key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519(string $secret_key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_sign_keypair(): string {}
function sodium_crypto_sign_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey(string $secret_key, string $public_key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_sign_open(string $signed_message, string $public_key): string|false {}
function sodium_crypto_sign_publickey(string $key_pair): string {}
function sodium_crypto_sign_secretkey(string $key_pair): string {}
function sodium_crypto_sign_publickey_from_secretkey(string $secret_key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_sign_seed_keypair(string $seed): string {}
function sodium_crypto_sign_verify_detached(string $signature, string $message, string $public_key): bool {}
function sodium_crypto_stream(int $length, string $nonce, string $key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_stream_keygen(): string {}
function sodium_crypto_stream_xor(string $message, string $nonce, string $key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_stream_xchacha20(int $length, string $nonce, string $key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_stream_xchacha20_keygen(): string {}
function sodium_crypto_stream_xchacha20_xor(string $message, string $nonce, string $key): string {}
function sodium_crypto_stream_xchacha20_xor_ic(string $message, string $nonce, int $counter, string $key): string {}
function sodium_add(string $string1, string $string2): void {}
function sodium_compare(string $string1, string $string2): int {}
function sodium_increment(string $string): void {}
function sodium_memcmp(string $string1, string $string2): int {}
function sodium_memzero(string $string): void {}
function sodium_pad(string $string, int $block_size): string {}
function sodium_unpad(string $string, int $block_size): string {}
function sodium_bin2hex(string $string): string {}
function sodium_hex2bin(string $string, string $ignore = ''): string {}
function sodium_bin2base64(string $string, int $id): string {}
function sodium_base642bin(string $string, int $id, string $ignore = ''): string {}
function sodium_crypto_scalarmult_base(string $secret_key): string {}
function pdo_drivers(): array {}
function xml_parser_create(?string $encoding = NULL): XMLParser {}
function xml_parser_create_ns(?string $encoding = NULL, string $separator = ':'): XMLParser {}
function xml_set_object(XMLParser $parser, object $object): true {}
function xml_set_element_handler(XMLParser $parser, $start_handler, $end_handler): true {}
function xml_set_character_data_handler(XMLParser $parser, $handler): true {}
function xml_set_processing_instruction_handler(XMLParser $parser, $handler): true {}
function xml_set_default_handler(XMLParser $parser, $handler): true {}
function xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler(XMLParser $parser, $handler): true {}
function xml_set_notation_decl_handler(XMLParser $parser, $handler): true {}
function xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler(XMLParser $parser, $handler): true {}
function xml_set_start_namespace_decl_handler(XMLParser $parser, $handler): true {}
function xml_set_end_namespace_decl_handler(XMLParser $parser, $handler): true {}
function xml_parse(XMLParser $parser, string $data, bool $is_final = false): int {}
function xml_parse_into_struct(XMLParser $parser, string $data, $values, $index = NULL): int {}
function xml_get_error_code(XMLParser $parser): int {}
function xml_error_string(int $error_code): ?string {}
function xml_get_current_line_number(XMLParser $parser): int {}
function xml_get_current_column_number(XMLParser $parser): int {}
function xml_get_current_byte_index(XMLParser $parser): int {}
function xml_parser_free(XMLParser $parser): bool {}
function xml_parser_set_option(XMLParser $parser, int $option, $value): bool {}
function xml_parser_get_option(XMLParser $parser, int $option): string|int {}
function apcu_clear_cache(): bool {}
function apcu_cache_info(bool $limited = false): array|false {}
function apcu_key_info(string $key): ?array {}
function apcu_sma_info(bool $limited = false): array|false {}
function apcu_enabled(): bool {}
function apcu_store($key, mixed $value, int $ttl = 0): array|bool {}
function apcu_add($key, mixed $value, int $ttl = 0): array|bool {}
function apcu_inc(string $key, int $step = 1, $success = NULL, int $ttl = 0): int|false {}
function apcu_dec(string $key, int $step = 1, $success = NULL, int $ttl = 0): int|false {}
function apcu_cas(string $key, int $old, int $new): bool {}
function apcu_fetch($key, $success = NULL): mixed {}
function apcu_exists($key): array|bool {}
function apcu_delete($key): array|bool {}
function apcu_entry(string $key, callable $callback, int $ttl = 0): mixed {}
function bcadd(string $num1, string $num2, ?int $scale = NULL): string {}
function bcsub(string $num1, string $num2, ?int $scale = NULL): string {}
function bcmul(string $num1, string $num2, ?int $scale = NULL): string {}
function bcdiv(string $num1, string $num2, ?int $scale = NULL): string {}
function bcmod(string $num1, string $num2, ?int $scale = NULL): string {}
function bcpowmod(string $num, string $exponent, string $modulus, ?int $scale = NULL): string {}
function bcpow(string $num, string $exponent, ?int $scale = NULL): string {}
function bcsqrt(string $num, ?int $scale = NULL): string {}
function bccomp(string $num1, string $num2, ?int $scale = NULL): int {}
function bcscale(?int $scale = NULL): int {}
function bzopen($file, string $mode) {}
function bzread($bz, int $length = 1024): string|false {}
function bzwrite($bz, string $data, ?int $length = NULL): int|false {}
function bzflush($bz): bool {}
function bzclose($bz): bool {}
function bzerrno($bz): int {}
function bzerrstr($bz): string {}
function bzerror($bz): array {}
function bzcompress(string $data, int $block_size = 4, int $work_factor = 0): string|int {}
function bzdecompress(string $data, bool $use_less_memory = false): string|int|false {}
function cal_days_in_month(int $calendar, int $month, int $year): int {}
function cal_from_jd(int $julian_day, int $calendar): array {}
function cal_info(int $calendar = -1): array {}
function cal_to_jd(int $calendar, int $month, int $day, int $year): int {}
function easter_date(?int $year = NULL, int $mode = 0): int {}
function easter_days(?int $year = NULL, int $mode = 0): int {}
function frenchtojd(int $month, int $day, int $year): int {}
function gregoriantojd(int $month, int $day, int $year): int {}
function jddayofweek(int $julian_day, int $mode = 0): string|int {}
function jdmonthname(int $julian_day, int $mode): string {}
function jdtofrench(int $julian_day): string {}
function jdtogregorian(int $julian_day): string {}
function jdtojewish(int $julian_day, bool $hebrew = false, int $flags = 0): string {}
function jdtojulian(int $julian_day): string {}
function jdtounix(int $julian_day): int {}
function jewishtojd(int $month, int $day, int $year): int {}
function juliantojd(int $month, int $day, int $year): int {}
function unixtojd(?int $timestamp = NULL): int|false {}
function ctype_alnum(mixed $text): bool {}
function ctype_alpha(mixed $text): bool {}
function ctype_cntrl(mixed $text): bool {}
function ctype_digit(mixed $text): bool {}
function ctype_lower(mixed $text): bool {}
function ctype_graph(mixed $text): bool {}
function ctype_print(mixed $text): bool {}
function ctype_punct(mixed $text): bool {}
function ctype_space(mixed $text): bool {}
function ctype_upper(mixed $text): bool {}
function ctype_xdigit(mixed $text): bool {}
function curl_close(CurlHandle $handle): void {}
function curl_copy_handle(CurlHandle $handle): CurlHandle|false {}
function curl_errno(CurlHandle $handle): int {}
function curl_error(CurlHandle $handle): string {}
function curl_escape(CurlHandle $handle, string $string): string|false {}
function curl_unescape(CurlHandle $handle, string $string): string|false {}
function curl_multi_setopt(CurlMultiHandle $multi_handle, int $option, mixed $value): bool {}
function curl_exec(CurlHandle $handle): string|bool {}
function curl_file_create(string $filename, ?string $mime_type = NULL, ?string $posted_filename = NULL): CURLFile {}
function curl_getinfo(CurlHandle $handle, ?int $option = NULL): mixed {}
function curl_init(?string $url = NULL): CurlHandle|false {}
function curl_upkeep(CurlHandle $handle): bool {}
function curl_multi_add_handle(CurlMultiHandle $multi_handle, CurlHandle $handle): int {}
function curl_multi_close(CurlMultiHandle $multi_handle): void {}
function curl_multi_errno(CurlMultiHandle $multi_handle): int {}
function curl_multi_exec(CurlMultiHandle $multi_handle, $still_running): int {}
function curl_multi_getcontent(CurlHandle $handle): ?string {}
function curl_multi_info_read(CurlMultiHandle $multi_handle, $queued_messages = NULL): array|false {}
function curl_multi_init(): CurlMultiHandle {}
function curl_multi_remove_handle(CurlMultiHandle $multi_handle, CurlHandle $handle): int {}
function curl_multi_select(CurlMultiHandle $multi_handle, float $timeout = 1.0): int {}
function curl_multi_strerror(int $error_code): ?string {}
function curl_pause(CurlHandle $handle, int $flags): int {}
function curl_reset(CurlHandle $handle): void {}
function curl_setopt_array(CurlHandle $handle, array $options): bool {}
function curl_setopt(CurlHandle $handle, int $option, mixed $value): bool {}
function curl_share_close(CurlShareHandle $share_handle): void {}
function curl_share_errno(CurlShareHandle $share_handle): int {}
function curl_share_init(): CurlShareHandle {}
function curl_share_setopt(CurlShareHandle $share_handle, int $option, mixed $value): bool {}
function curl_share_strerror(int $error_code): ?string {}
function curl_strerror(int $error_code): ?string {}
function curl_version(): array|false {}
function dom_import_simplexml(object $node): DOMElement {}
function exif_tagname(int $index): string|false {}
function exif_read_data($file, ?string $required_sections = NULL, bool $as_arrays = false, bool $read_thumbnail = false): array|false {}
function exif_thumbnail($file, $width = NULL, $height = NULL, $image_type = NULL): string|false {}
function exif_imagetype(string $filename): int|false {}
function finfo_open(int $flags = 0, ?string $magic_database = NULL): finfo|false {}
function finfo_close(finfo $finfo): bool {}
function finfo_set_flags(finfo $finfo, int $flags): bool {}
function finfo_file(finfo $finfo, string $filename, int $flags = 0, $context = NULL): string|false {}
function finfo_buffer(finfo $finfo, string $string, int $flags = 0, $context = NULL): string|false {}
function mime_content_type($filename): string|false {}
function ftp_connect(string $hostname, int $port = 21, int $timeout = 90): FTP\Connection|false {}
function ftp_ssl_connect(string $hostname, int $port = 21, int $timeout = 90): FTP\Connection|false {}
function ftp_login(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $username, string $password): bool {}
function ftp_pwd(FTP\Connection $ftp): string|false {}
function ftp_cdup(FTP\Connection $ftp): bool {}
function ftp_chdir(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $directory): bool {}
function ftp_exec(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $command): bool {}
function ftp_raw(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $command): ?array {}
function ftp_mkdir(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $directory): string|false {}
function ftp_rmdir(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $directory): bool {}
function ftp_chmod(FTP\Connection $ftp, int $permissions, string $filename): int|false {}
function ftp_alloc(FTP\Connection $ftp, int $size, $response = NULL): bool {}
function ftp_nlist(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $directory): array|false {}
function ftp_rawlist(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $directory, bool $recursive = false): array|false {}
function ftp_mlsd(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $directory): array|false {}
function ftp_systype(FTP\Connection $ftp): string|false {}
function ftp_fget(FTP\Connection $ftp, $stream, string $remote_filename, int $mode = 2, int $offset = 0): bool {}
function ftp_nb_fget(FTP\Connection $ftp, $stream, string $remote_filename, int $mode = 2, int $offset = 0): int {}
function ftp_pasv(FTP\Connection $ftp, bool $enable): bool {}
function ftp_get(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $local_filename, string $remote_filename, int $mode = 2, int $offset = 0): bool {}
function ftp_nb_get(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $local_filename, string $remote_filename, int $mode = 2, int $offset = 0): int|false {}
function ftp_nb_continue(FTP\Connection $ftp): int {}
function ftp_fput(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $remote_filename, $stream, int $mode = 2, int $offset = 0): bool {}
function ftp_nb_fput(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $remote_filename, $stream, int $mode = 2, int $offset = 0): int {}
function ftp_put(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $remote_filename, string $local_filename, int $mode = 2, int $offset = 0): bool {}
function ftp_append(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $remote_filename, string $local_filename, int $mode = 2): bool {}
function ftp_nb_put(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $remote_filename, string $local_filename, int $mode = 2, int $offset = 0): int|false {}
function ftp_size(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $filename): int {}
function ftp_mdtm(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $filename): int {}
function ftp_rename(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $from, string $to): bool {}
function ftp_delete(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $filename): bool {}
function ftp_site(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $command): bool {}
function ftp_close(FTP\Connection $ftp): bool {}
function ftp_quit(FTP\Connection $ftp): bool {}
function ftp_set_option(FTP\Connection $ftp, int $option, $value): bool {}
function ftp_get_option(FTP\Connection $ftp, int $option): int|bool {}
function gd_info(): array {}
function imageloadfont(string $filename): GdFont|false {}
function imagesetstyle(GdImage $image, array $style): bool {}
function imagecreatetruecolor(int $width, int $height): GdImage|false {}
function imageistruecolor(GdImage $image): bool {}
function imagetruecolortopalette(GdImage $image, bool $dither, int $num_colors): bool {}
function imagepalettetotruecolor(GdImage $image): bool {}
function imagecolormatch(GdImage $image1, GdImage $image2): bool {}
function imagesetthickness(GdImage $image, int $thickness): bool {}
function imagefilledellipse(GdImage $image, int $center_x, int $center_y, int $width, int $height, int $color): bool {}
function imagefilledarc(GdImage $image, int $center_x, int $center_y, int $width, int $height, int $start_angle, int $end_angle, int $color, int $style): bool {}
function imagealphablending(GdImage $image, bool $enable): bool {}
function imagesavealpha(GdImage $image, bool $enable): bool {}
function imagelayereffect(GdImage $image, int $effect): bool {}
function imagecolorallocatealpha(GdImage $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue, int $alpha): int|false {}
function imagecolorresolvealpha(GdImage $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue, int $alpha): int {}
function imagecolorclosestalpha(GdImage $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue, int $alpha): int {}
function imagecolorexactalpha(GdImage $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue, int $alpha): int {}
function imagecopyresampled(GdImage $dst_image, GdImage $src_image, int $dst_x, int $dst_y, int $src_x, int $src_y, int $dst_width, int $dst_height, int $src_width, int $src_height): bool {}
function imagerotate(GdImage $image, float $angle, int $background_color, bool $ignore_transparent = false): GdImage|false {}
function imagesettile(GdImage $image, GdImage $tile): bool {}
function imagesetbrush(GdImage $image, GdImage $brush): bool {}
function imagecreate(int $width, int $height): GdImage|false {}
function imagetypes(): int {}
function imagecreatefromstring(string $data): GdImage|false {}
function imagecreatefromavif(string $filename): GdImage|false {}
function imagecreatefromgif(string $filename): GdImage|false {}
function imagecreatefromjpeg(string $filename): GdImage|false {}
function imagecreatefrompng(string $filename): GdImage|false {}
function imagecreatefromwebp(string $filename): GdImage|false {}
function imagecreatefromxbm(string $filename): GdImage|false {}
function imagecreatefromxpm(string $filename): GdImage|false {}
function imagecreatefromwbmp(string $filename): GdImage|false {}
function imagecreatefromgd(string $filename): GdImage|false {}
function imagecreatefromgd2(string $filename): GdImage|false {}
function imagecreatefromgd2part(string $filename, int $x, int $y, int $width, int $height): GdImage|false {}
function imagecreatefrombmp(string $filename): GdImage|false {}
function imagecreatefromtga(string $filename): GdImage|false {}
function imagexbm(GdImage $image, ?string $filename, ?int $foreground_color = NULL): bool {}
function imageavif(GdImage $image, $file = NULL, int $quality = -1, int $speed = -1): bool {}
function imagegif(GdImage $image, $file = NULL): bool {}
function imagepng(GdImage $image, $file = NULL, int $quality = -1, int $filters = -1): bool {}
function imagewebp(GdImage $image, $file = NULL, int $quality = -1): bool {}
function imagejpeg(GdImage $image, $file = NULL, int $quality = -1): bool {}
function imagewbmp(GdImage $image, $file = NULL, ?int $foreground_color = NULL): bool {}
function imagegd(GdImage $image, ?string $file = NULL): bool {}
function imagegd2(GdImage $image, ?string $file = NULL, int $chunk_size, int $mode): bool {}
function imagebmp(GdImage $image, $file = NULL, bool $compressed = true): bool {}
function imagedestroy(GdImage $image): bool {}
function imagecolorallocate(GdImage $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue): int|false {}
function imagepalettecopy(GdImage $dst, GdImage $src): void {}
function imagecolorat(GdImage $image, int $x, int $y): int|false {}
function imagecolorclosest(GdImage $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue): int {}
function imagecolorclosesthwb(GdImage $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue): int {}
function imagecolordeallocate(GdImage $image, int $color): bool {}
function imagecolorresolve(GdImage $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue): int {}
function imagecolorexact(GdImage $image, int $red, int $green, int $blue): int {}
function imagecolorset(GdImage $image, int $color, int $red, int $green, int $blue, int $alpha = 0): ?false {}
function imagecolorsforindex(GdImage $image, int $color): array {}
function imagegammacorrect(GdImage $image, float $input_gamma, float $output_gamma): bool {}
function imagesetpixel(GdImage $image, int $x, int $y, int $color): bool {}
function imageline(GdImage $image, int $x1, int $y1, int $x2, int $y2, int $color): bool {}
function imagedashedline(GdImage $image, int $x1, int $y1, int $x2, int $y2, int $color): bool {}
function imagerectangle(GdImage $image, int $x1, int $y1, int $x2, int $y2, int $color): bool {}
function imagefilledrectangle(GdImage $image, int $x1, int $y1, int $x2, int $y2, int $color): bool {}
function imagearc(GdImage $image, int $center_x, int $center_y, int $width, int $height, int $start_angle, int $end_angle, int $color): bool {}
function imageellipse(GdImage $image, int $center_x, int $center_y, int $width, int $height, int $color): bool {}
function imagefilltoborder(GdImage $image, int $x, int $y, int $border_color, int $color): bool {}
function imagefill(GdImage $image, int $x, int $y, int $color): bool {}
function imagecolorstotal(GdImage $image): int {}
function imagecolortransparent(GdImage $image, ?int $color = NULL): int {}
function imageinterlace(GdImage $image, ?bool $enable = NULL): bool {}
function imagepolygon(GdImage $image, array $points, int $num_points_or_color, ?int $color = NULL): bool {}
function imageopenpolygon(GdImage $image, array $points, int $num_points_or_color, ?int $color = NULL): bool {}
function imagefilledpolygon(GdImage $image, array $points, int $num_points_or_color, ?int $color = NULL): bool {}
function imagefontwidth(GdFont|int $font): int {}
function imagefontheight(GdFont|int $font): int {}
function imagechar(GdImage $image, GdFont|int $font, int $x, int $y, string $char, int $color): bool {}
function imagecharup(GdImage $image, GdFont|int $font, int $x, int $y, string $char, int $color): bool {}
function imagestring(GdImage $image, GdFont|int $font, int $x, int $y, string $string, int $color): bool {}
function imagestringup(GdImage $image, GdFont|int $font, int $x, int $y, string $string, int $color): bool {}
function imagecopy(GdImage $dst_image, GdImage $src_image, int $dst_x, int $dst_y, int $src_x, int $src_y, int $src_width, int $src_height): bool {}
function imagecopymerge(GdImage $dst_image, GdImage $src_image, int $dst_x, int $dst_y, int $src_x, int $src_y, int $src_width, int $src_height, int $pct): bool {}
function imagecopymergegray(GdImage $dst_image, GdImage $src_image, int $dst_x, int $dst_y, int $src_x, int $src_y, int $src_width, int $src_height, int $pct): bool {}
function imagecopyresized(GdImage $dst_image, GdImage $src_image, int $dst_x, int $dst_y, int $src_x, int $src_y, int $dst_width, int $dst_height, int $src_width, int $src_height): bool {}
function imagesx(GdImage $image): int {}
function imagesy(GdImage $image): int {}
function imagesetclip(GdImage $image, int $x1, int $y1, int $x2, int $y2): bool {}
function imagegetclip(GdImage $image): array {}
function imageftbbox(float $size, float $angle, string $font_filename, string $string, array $options = array (
)): array|false {}
function imagefttext(GdImage $image, float $size, float $angle, int $x, int $y, int $color, string $font_filename, string $text, array $options = array (
)): array|false {}
function imagettfbbox(float $size, float $angle, string $font_filename, string $string, array $options = array (
)): array|false {}
function imagettftext(GdImage $image, float $size, float $angle, int $x, int $y, int $color, string $font_filename, string $text, array $options = array (
)): array|false {}
function imagefilter(GdImage $image, int $filter, $args): bool {}
function imageconvolution(GdImage $image, array $matrix, float $divisor, float $offset): bool {}
function imageflip(GdImage $image, int $mode): bool {}
function imageantialias(GdImage $image, bool $enable): bool {}
function imagecrop(GdImage $image, array $rectangle): GdImage|false {}
function imagecropauto(GdImage $image, int $mode = 0, float $threshold = 0.5, int $color = -1): GdImage|false {}
function imagescale(GdImage $image, int $width, int $height = -1, int $mode = 3): GdImage|false {}
function imageaffine(GdImage $image, array $affine, ?array $clip = NULL): GdImage|false {}
function imageaffinematrixget(int $type, $options): array|false {}
function imageaffinematrixconcat(array $matrix1, array $matrix2): array|false {}
function imagegetinterpolation(GdImage $image): int {}
function imagesetinterpolation(GdImage $image, int $method = 3): bool {}
function imageresolution(GdImage $image, ?int $resolution_x = NULL, ?int $resolution_y = NULL): array|bool {}
function textdomain(?string $domain): string {}
function gettext(string $message): string {}
function _(string $message): string {}
function dgettext(string $domain, string $message): string {}
function dcgettext(string $domain, string $message, int $category): string {}
function bindtextdomain(string $domain, ?string $directory): string|false {}
function ngettext(string $singular, string $plural, int $count): string {}
function dngettext(string $domain, string $singular, string $plural, int $count): string {}
function dcngettext(string $domain, string $singular, string $plural, int $count, int $category): string {}
function bind_textdomain_codeset(string $domain, ?string $codeset): string|false {}
function gmp_init(string|int $num, int $base = 0): GMP {}
function gmp_import(string $data, int $word_size = 1, int $flags = 17): GMP {}
function gmp_export(GMP|string|int $num, int $word_size = 1, int $flags = 17): string {}
function gmp_intval(GMP|string|int $num): int {}
function gmp_strval(GMP|string|int $num, int $base = 10): string {}
function gmp_add(GMP|string|int $num1, GMP|string|int $num2): GMP {}
function gmp_sub(GMP|string|int $num1, GMP|string|int $num2): GMP {}
function gmp_mul(GMP|string|int $num1, GMP|string|int $num2): GMP {}
function gmp_div_qr(GMP|string|int $num1, GMP|string|int $num2, int $rounding_mode = 0): array {}
function gmp_div_q(GMP|string|int $num1, GMP|string|int $num2, int $rounding_mode = 0): GMP {}
function gmp_div_r(GMP|string|int $num1, GMP|string|int $num2, int $rounding_mode = 0): GMP {}
function gmp_div(GMP|string|int $num1, GMP|string|int $num2, int $rounding_mode = 0): GMP {}
function gmp_mod(GMP|string|int $num1, GMP|string|int $num2): GMP {}
function gmp_divexact(GMP|string|int $num1, GMP|string|int $num2): GMP {}
function gmp_neg(GMP|string|int $num): GMP {}
function gmp_abs(GMP|string|int $num): GMP {}
function gmp_fact(GMP|string|int $num): GMP {}
function gmp_sqrt(GMP|string|int $num): GMP {}
function gmp_sqrtrem(GMP|string|int $num): array {}
function gmp_root(GMP|string|int $num, int $nth): GMP {}
function gmp_rootrem(GMP|string|int $num, int $nth): array {}
function gmp_pow(GMP|string|int $num, int $exponent): GMP {}
function gmp_powm(GMP|string|int $num, GMP|string|int $exponent, GMP|string|int $modulus): GMP {}
function gmp_perfect_square(GMP|string|int $num): bool {}
function gmp_perfect_power(GMP|string|int $num): bool {}
function gmp_prob_prime(GMP|string|int $num, int $repetitions = 10): int {}
function gmp_gcd(GMP|string|int $num1, GMP|string|int $num2): GMP {}
function gmp_gcdext(GMP|string|int $num1, GMP|string|int $num2): array {}
function gmp_lcm(GMP|string|int $num1, GMP|string|int $num2): GMP {}
function gmp_invert(GMP|string|int $num1, GMP|string|int $num2): GMP|false {}
function gmp_jacobi(GMP|string|int $num1, GMP|string|int $num2): int {}
function gmp_legendre(GMP|string|int $num1, GMP|string|int $num2): int {}
function gmp_kronecker(GMP|string|int $num1, GMP|string|int $num2): int {}
function gmp_cmp(GMP|string|int $num1, GMP|string|int $num2): int {}
function gmp_sign(GMP|string|int $num): int {}
function gmp_random_seed(GMP|string|int $seed): void {}
function gmp_random_bits(int $bits): GMP {}
function gmp_random_range(GMP|string|int $min, GMP|string|int $max): GMP {}
function gmp_and(GMP|string|int $num1, GMP|string|int $num2): GMP {}
function gmp_or(GMP|string|int $num1, GMP|string|int $num2): GMP {}
function gmp_com(GMP|string|int $num): GMP {}
function gmp_xor(GMP|string|int $num1, GMP|string|int $num2): GMP {}
function gmp_setbit(GMP $num, int $index, bool $value = true): void {}
function gmp_clrbit(GMP $num, int $index): void {}
function gmp_testbit(GMP|string|int $num, int $index): bool {}
function gmp_scan0(GMP|string|int $num1, int $start): int {}
function gmp_scan1(GMP|string|int $num1, int $start): int {}
function gmp_popcount(GMP|string|int $num): int {}
function gmp_hamdist(GMP|string|int $num1, GMP|string|int $num2): int {}
function gmp_nextprime(GMP|string|int $num): GMP {}
function gmp_binomial(GMP|string|int $n, int $k): GMP {}
function iconv_strlen(string $string, ?string $encoding = NULL): int|false {}
function iconv_substr(string $string, int $offset, ?int $length = NULL, ?string $encoding = NULL): string|false {}
function iconv_strpos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0, ?string $encoding = NULL): int|false {}
function iconv_strrpos(string $haystack, string $needle, ?string $encoding = NULL): int|false {}
function iconv_mime_encode(string $field_name, string $field_value, array $options = array (
)): string|false {}
function iconv_mime_decode(string $string, int $mode = 0, ?string $encoding = NULL): string|false {}
function iconv_mime_decode_headers(string $headers, int $mode = 0, ?string $encoding = NULL): array|false {}
function iconv(string $from_encoding, string $to_encoding, string $string): string|false {}
function iconv_set_encoding(string $type, string $encoding): bool {}
function iconv_get_encoding(string $type = 'all'): array|string|false {}
function igbinary_serialize($value) {}
function igbinary_unserialize($str) {}
function intlcal_create_instance($timezone = NULL, ?string $locale = NULL): ?IntlCalendar {}
function intlcal_get_keyword_values_for_locale(string $keyword, string $locale, bool $onlyCommon): IntlIterator|false {}
function intlcal_get_now(): float {}
function intlcal_get_available_locales(): array {}
function intlcal_get(IntlCalendar $calendar, int $field): int|false {}
function intlcal_get_time(IntlCalendar $calendar): float|false {}
function intlcal_set_time(IntlCalendar $calendar, float $timestamp): bool {}
function intlcal_add(IntlCalendar $calendar, int $field, int $value): bool {}
function intlcal_set_time_zone(IntlCalendar $calendar, $timezone): bool {}
function intlcal_after(IntlCalendar $calendar, IntlCalendar $other): bool {}
function intlcal_before(IntlCalendar $calendar, IntlCalendar $other): bool {}
function intlcal_set(IntlCalendar $calendar, int $year, int $month, int $dayOfMonth, int $hour, int $minute, int $second): bool {}
function intlcal_roll(IntlCalendar $calendar, int $field, $value): bool {}
function intlcal_clear(IntlCalendar $calendar, ?int $field = NULL): bool {}
function intlcal_field_difference(IntlCalendar $calendar, float $timestamp, int $field): int|false {}
function intlcal_get_actual_maximum(IntlCalendar $calendar, int $field): int|false {}
function intlcal_get_actual_minimum(IntlCalendar $calendar, int $field): int|false {}
function intlcal_get_day_of_week_type(IntlCalendar $calendar, int $dayOfWeek): int|false {}
function intlcal_get_first_day_of_week(IntlCalendar $calendar): int|false {}
function intlcal_get_least_maximum(IntlCalendar $calendar, int $field): int|false {}
function intlcal_get_greatest_minimum(IntlCalendar $calendar, int $field): int|false {}
function intlcal_get_locale(IntlCalendar $calendar, int $type): string|false {}
function intlcal_get_maximum(IntlCalendar $calendar, int $field): int|false {}
function intlcal_get_minimal_days_in_first_week(IntlCalendar $calendar): int|false {}
function intlcal_set_minimal_days_in_first_week(IntlCalendar $calendar, int $days): bool {}
function intlcal_get_minimum(IntlCalendar $calendar, int $field): int|false {}
function intlcal_get_time_zone(IntlCalendar $calendar): IntlTimeZone|false {}
function intlcal_get_type(IntlCalendar $calendar): string {}
function intlcal_get_weekend_transition(IntlCalendar $calendar, int $dayOfWeek): int|false {}
function intlcal_in_daylight_time(IntlCalendar $calendar): bool {}
function intlcal_is_lenient(IntlCalendar $calendar): bool {}
function intlcal_is_set(IntlCalendar $calendar, int $field): bool {}
function intlcal_is_equivalent_to(IntlCalendar $calendar, IntlCalendar $other): bool {}
function intlcal_is_weekend(IntlCalendar $calendar, ?float $timestamp = NULL): bool {}
function intlcal_set_first_day_of_week(IntlCalendar $calendar, int $dayOfWeek): bool {}
function intlcal_set_lenient(IntlCalendar $calendar, bool $lenient): bool {}
function intlcal_get_repeated_wall_time_option(IntlCalendar $calendar): int {}
function intlcal_equals(IntlCalendar $calendar, IntlCalendar $other): bool {}
function intlcal_get_skipped_wall_time_option(IntlCalendar $calendar): int {}
function intlcal_set_repeated_wall_time_option(IntlCalendar $calendar, int $option): bool {}
function intlcal_set_skipped_wall_time_option(IntlCalendar $calendar, int $option): bool {}
function intlcal_from_date_time(DateTime|string $datetime, ?string $locale = NULL): ?IntlCalendar {}
function intlcal_to_date_time(IntlCalendar $calendar): DateTime|false {}
function intlcal_get_error_code(IntlCalendar $calendar): int|false {}
function intlcal_get_error_message(IntlCalendar $calendar): string|false {}
function intlgregcal_create_instance($timezoneOrYear, $localeOrMonth, $day, $hour, $minute, $second): ?IntlGregorianCalendar {}
function intlgregcal_set_gregorian_change(IntlGregorianCalendar $calendar, float $timestamp): bool {}
function intlgregcal_get_gregorian_change(IntlGregorianCalendar $calendar): float {}
function intlgregcal_is_leap_year(IntlGregorianCalendar $calendar, int $year): bool {}
function collator_create(string $locale): ?Collator {}
function collator_compare(Collator $object, string $string1, string $string2): int|false {}
function collator_get_attribute(Collator $object, int $attribute): int|false {}
function collator_set_attribute(Collator $object, int $attribute, int $value): bool {}
function collator_get_strength(Collator $object): int {}
function collator_set_strength(Collator $object, int $strength): bool {}
function collator_sort(Collator $object, array $array, int $flags = 0): bool {}
function collator_sort_with_sort_keys(Collator $object, array $array): bool {}
function collator_asort(Collator $object, array $array, int $flags = 0): bool {}
function collator_get_locale(Collator $object, int $type): string|false {}
function collator_get_error_code(Collator $object): int|false {}
function collator_get_error_message(Collator $object): string|false {}
function collator_get_sort_key(Collator $object, string $string): string|false {}
function intl_get_error_code(): int {}
function intl_get_error_message(): string {}
function intl_is_failure(int $errorCode): bool {}
function intl_error_name(int $errorCode): string {}
function datefmt_create(?string $locale, int $dateType = 0, int $timeType = 0, $timezone = NULL, IntlCalendar|int|null $calendar = NULL, ?string $pattern = NULL): ?IntlDateFormatter {}
function datefmt_get_datetype(IntlDateFormatter $formatter): int|false {}
function datefmt_get_timetype(IntlDateFormatter $formatter): int|false {}
function datefmt_get_calendar(IntlDateFormatter $formatter): int|false {}
function datefmt_set_calendar(IntlDateFormatter $formatter, IntlCalendar|int|null $calendar): bool {}
function datefmt_get_timezone_id(IntlDateFormatter $formatter): string|false {}
function datefmt_get_calendar_object(IntlDateFormatter $formatter): IntlCalendar|false|null {}
function datefmt_get_timezone(IntlDateFormatter $formatter): IntlTimeZone|false {}
function datefmt_set_timezone(IntlDateFormatter $formatter, $timezone): ?bool {}
function datefmt_set_pattern(IntlDateFormatter $formatter, string $pattern): bool {}
function datefmt_get_pattern(IntlDateFormatter $formatter): string|false {}
function datefmt_get_locale(IntlDateFormatter $formatter, int $type = 0): string|false {}
function datefmt_set_lenient(IntlDateFormatter $formatter, bool $lenient): void {}
function datefmt_is_lenient(IntlDateFormatter $formatter): bool {}
function datefmt_format(IntlDateFormatter $formatter, $datetime): string|false {}
function datefmt_format_object($datetime, $format = NULL, ?string $locale = NULL): string|false {}
function datefmt_parse(IntlDateFormatter $formatter, string $string, $offset = NULL): int|float|false {}
function datefmt_localtime(IntlDateFormatter $formatter, string $string, $offset = NULL): array|false {}
function datefmt_get_error_code(IntlDateFormatter $formatter): int {}
function datefmt_get_error_message(IntlDateFormatter $formatter): string {}
function numfmt_create(string $locale, int $style, ?string $pattern = NULL): ?NumberFormatter {}
function numfmt_format(NumberFormatter $formatter, int|float $num, int $type = 0): string|false {}
function numfmt_parse(NumberFormatter $formatter, string $string, int $type = 3, $offset = NULL): int|float|false {}
function numfmt_format_currency(NumberFormatter $formatter, float $amount, string $currency): string|false {}
function numfmt_parse_currency(NumberFormatter $formatter, string $string, $currency, $offset = NULL): float|false {}
function numfmt_set_attribute(NumberFormatter $formatter, int $attribute, int|float $value): bool {}
function numfmt_get_attribute(NumberFormatter $formatter, int $attribute): int|float|false {}
function numfmt_set_text_attribute(NumberFormatter $formatter, int $attribute, string $value): bool {}
function numfmt_get_text_attribute(NumberFormatter $formatter, int $attribute): string|false {}
function numfmt_set_symbol(NumberFormatter $formatter, int $symbol, string $value): bool {}
function numfmt_get_symbol(NumberFormatter $formatter, int $symbol): string|false {}
function numfmt_set_pattern(NumberFormatter $formatter, string $pattern): bool {}
function numfmt_get_pattern(NumberFormatter $formatter): string|false {}
function numfmt_get_locale(NumberFormatter $formatter, int $type = 0): string|false {}
function numfmt_get_error_code(NumberFormatter $formatter): int {}
function numfmt_get_error_message(NumberFormatter $formatter): string {}
function grapheme_strlen(string $string): int|false|null {}
function grapheme_strpos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0): int|false {}
function grapheme_stripos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0): int|false {}
function grapheme_strrpos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0): int|false {}
function grapheme_strripos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0): int|false {}
function grapheme_substr(string $string, int $offset, ?int $length = NULL): string|false {}
function grapheme_strstr(string $haystack, string $needle, bool $beforeNeedle = false): string|false {}
function grapheme_stristr(string $haystack, string $needle, bool $beforeNeedle = false): string|false {}
function grapheme_extract(string $haystack, int $size, int $type = 0, int $offset = 0, $next = NULL): string|false {}
function idn_to_ascii(string $domain, int $flags = 0, int $variant = 1, $idna_info = NULL): string|false {}
function idn_to_utf8(string $domain, int $flags = 0, int $variant = 1, $idna_info = NULL): string|false {}
function locale_get_default(): string {}
function locale_set_default(string $locale): bool {}
function locale_get_primary_language(string $locale): ?string {}
function locale_get_script(string $locale): ?string {}
function locale_get_region(string $locale): ?string {}
function locale_get_keywords(string $locale): array|false|null {}
function locale_get_display_script(string $locale, ?string $displayLocale = NULL): string|false {}
function locale_get_display_region(string $locale, ?string $displayLocale = NULL): string|false {}
function locale_get_display_name(string $locale, ?string $displayLocale = NULL): string|false {}
function locale_get_display_language(string $locale, ?string $displayLocale = NULL): string|false {}
function locale_get_display_variant(string $locale, ?string $displayLocale = NULL): string|false {}
function locale_compose(array $subtags): string|false {}
function locale_parse(string $locale): ?array {}
function locale_get_all_variants(string $locale): ?array {}
function locale_filter_matches(string $languageTag, string $locale, bool $canonicalize = false): ?bool {}
function locale_canonicalize(string $locale): ?string {}
function locale_lookup(array $languageTag, string $locale, bool $canonicalize = false, ?string $defaultLocale = NULL): ?string {}
function locale_accept_from_http(string $header): string|false {}
function msgfmt_create(string $locale, string $pattern): ?MessageFormatter {}
function msgfmt_format(MessageFormatter $formatter, array $values): string|false {}
function msgfmt_format_message(string $locale, string $pattern, array $values): string|false {}
function msgfmt_parse(MessageFormatter $formatter, string $string): array|false {}
function msgfmt_parse_message(string $locale, string $pattern, string $message): array|false {}
function msgfmt_set_pattern(MessageFormatter $formatter, string $pattern): bool {}
function msgfmt_get_pattern(MessageFormatter $formatter): string|false {}
function msgfmt_get_locale(MessageFormatter $formatter): string {}
function msgfmt_get_error_code(MessageFormatter $formatter): int {}
function msgfmt_get_error_message(MessageFormatter $formatter): string {}
function normalizer_normalize(string $string, int $form = 16): string|false {}
function normalizer_is_normalized(string $string, int $form = 16): bool {}
function normalizer_get_raw_decomposition(string $string, int $form = 16): ?string {}
function resourcebundle_create(?string $locale, ?string $bundle, bool $fallback = true): ?ResourceBundle {}
function resourcebundle_get(ResourceBundle $bundle, $index, bool $fallback = true): mixed {}
function resourcebundle_count(ResourceBundle $bundle): int {}
function resourcebundle_locales(string $bundle): array|false {}
function resourcebundle_get_error_code(ResourceBundle $bundle): int {}
function resourcebundle_get_error_message(ResourceBundle $bundle): string {}
function intltz_count_equivalent_ids(string $timezoneId): int|false {}
function intltz_create_default(): IntlTimeZone {}
function intltz_create_enumeration($countryOrRawOffset = NULL): IntlIterator|false {}
function intltz_create_time_zone(string $timezoneId): ?IntlTimeZone {}
function intltz_create_time_zone_id_enumeration(int $type, ?string $region = NULL, ?int $rawOffset = NULL): IntlIterator|false {}
function intltz_from_date_time_zone(DateTimeZone $timezone): ?IntlTimeZone {}
function intltz_get_canonical_id(string $timezoneId, $isSystemId = NULL): string|false {}
function intltz_get_display_name(IntlTimeZone $timezone, bool $dst = false, int $style = 2, ?string $locale = NULL): string|false {}
function intltz_get_dst_savings(IntlTimeZone $timezone): int {}
function intltz_get_equivalent_id(string $timezoneId, int $offset): string|false {}
function intltz_get_error_code(IntlTimeZone $timezone): int|false {}
function intltz_get_error_message(IntlTimeZone $timezone): string|false {}
function intltz_get_gmt(): IntlTimeZone {}
function intltz_get_id(IntlTimeZone $timezone): string|false {}
function intltz_get_offset(IntlTimeZone $timezone, float $timestamp, bool $local, $rawOffset, $dstOffset): bool {}
function intltz_get_raw_offset(IntlTimeZone $timezone): int {}
function intltz_get_region(string $timezoneId): string|false {}
function intltz_get_tz_data_version(): string|false {}
function intltz_get_unknown(): IntlTimeZone {}
function intltz_get_windows_id(string $timezoneId): string|false {}
function intltz_get_id_for_windows_id(string $timezoneId, ?string $region = NULL): string|false {}
function intltz_has_same_rules(IntlTimeZone $timezone, IntlTimeZone $other): bool {}
function intltz_to_date_time_zone(IntlTimeZone $timezone): DateTimeZone|false {}
function intltz_use_daylight_time(IntlTimeZone $timezone): bool {}
function transliterator_create(string $id, int $direction = 0): ?Transliterator {}
function transliterator_create_from_rules(string $rules, int $direction = 0): ?Transliterator {}
function transliterator_list_ids(): array|false {}
function transliterator_create_inverse(Transliterator $transliterator): ?Transliterator {}
function transliterator_transliterate(Transliterator|string $transliterator, string $string, int $start = 0, int $end = -1): string|false {}
function transliterator_get_error_code(Transliterator $transliterator): int|false {}
function transliterator_get_error_message(Transliterator $transliterator): string|false {}
function mb_language(?string $language = NULL): string|bool {}
function mb_internal_encoding(?string $encoding = NULL): string|bool {}
function mb_http_input(?string $type = NULL): array|string|false {}
function mb_http_output(?string $encoding = NULL): string|bool {}
function mb_detect_order(array|string|null $encoding = NULL): array|bool {}
function mb_substitute_character(string|int|null $substitute_character = NULL): string|int|bool {}
function mb_preferred_mime_name(string $encoding): string|false {}
function mb_parse_str(string $string, $result): bool {}
function mb_output_handler(string $string, int $status): string {}
function mb_str_split(string $string, int $length = 1, ?string $encoding = NULL): array {}
function mb_strlen(string $string, ?string $encoding = NULL): int {}
function mb_strpos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0, ?string $encoding = NULL): int|false {}
function mb_strrpos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0, ?string $encoding = NULL): int|false {}
function mb_stripos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0, ?string $encoding = NULL): int|false {}
function mb_strripos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0, ?string $encoding = NULL): int|false {}
function mb_strstr(string $haystack, string $needle, bool $before_needle = false, ?string $encoding = NULL): string|false {}
function mb_strrchr(string $haystack, string $needle, bool $before_needle = false, ?string $encoding = NULL): string|false {}
function mb_stristr(string $haystack, string $needle, bool $before_needle = false, ?string $encoding = NULL): string|false {}
function mb_strrichr(string $haystack, string $needle, bool $before_needle = false, ?string $encoding = NULL): string|false {}
function mb_substr_count(string $haystack, string $needle, ?string $encoding = NULL): int {}
function mb_substr(string $string, int $start, ?int $length = NULL, ?string $encoding = NULL): string {}
function mb_strcut(string $string, int $start, ?int $length = NULL, ?string $encoding = NULL): string {}
function mb_strwidth(string $string, ?string $encoding = NULL): int {}
function mb_strimwidth(string $string, int $start, int $width, string $trim_marker = '', ?string $encoding = NULL): string {}
function mb_convert_encoding(array|string $string, string $to_encoding, array|string|null $from_encoding = NULL): array|string|false {}
function mb_convert_case(string $string, int $mode, ?string $encoding = NULL): string {}
function mb_strtoupper(string $string, ?string $encoding = NULL): string {}
function mb_strtolower(string $string, ?string $encoding = NULL): string {}
function mb_detect_encoding(string $string, array|string|null $encodings = NULL, bool $strict = false): string|false {}
function mb_list_encodings(): array {}
function mb_encoding_aliases(string $encoding): array {}
function mb_encode_mimeheader(string $string, ?string $charset = NULL, ?string $transfer_encoding = NULL, string $newline = '
', int $indent = 0): string {}
function mb_decode_mimeheader(string $string): string {}
function mb_convert_kana(string $string, string $mode = 'KV', ?string $encoding = NULL): string {}
function mb_convert_variables(string $to_encoding, array|string $from_encoding, mixed $var, mixed $vars): string|false {}
function mb_encode_numericentity(string $string, array $map, ?string $encoding = NULL, bool $hex = false): string {}
function mb_decode_numericentity(string $string, array $map, ?string $encoding = NULL): string {}
function mb_send_mail(string $to, string $subject, string $message, array|string $additional_headers = array (
), ?string $additional_params = NULL): bool {}
function mb_get_info(string $type = 'all'): array|string|int|false {}
function mb_check_encoding(array|string|null $value = NULL, ?string $encoding = NULL): bool {}
function mb_scrub(string $string, ?string $encoding = NULL): string {}
function mb_ord(string $string, ?string $encoding = NULL): int|false {}
function mb_chr(int $codepoint, ?string $encoding = NULL): string|false {}
function mb_regex_encoding(?string $encoding = NULL): string|bool {}
function mb_ereg(string $pattern, string $string, $matches = NULL): bool {}
function mb_eregi(string $pattern, string $string, $matches = NULL): bool {}
function mb_ereg_replace(string $pattern, string $replacement, string $string, ?string $options = NULL): string|false|null {}
function mb_eregi_replace(string $pattern, string $replacement, string $string, ?string $options = NULL): string|false|null {}
function mb_ereg_replace_callback(string $pattern, callable $callback, string $string, ?string $options = NULL): string|false|null {}
function mb_split(string $pattern, string $string, int $limit = -1): array|false {}
function mb_ereg_match(string $pattern, string $string, ?string $options = NULL): bool {}
function mb_ereg_search(?string $pattern = NULL, ?string $options = NULL): bool {}
function mb_ereg_search_pos(?string $pattern = NULL, ?string $options = NULL): array|false {}
function mb_ereg_search_regs(?string $pattern = NULL, ?string $options = NULL): array|false {}
function mb_ereg_search_init(string $string, ?string $pattern = NULL, ?string $options = NULL): bool {}
function mb_ereg_search_getregs(): array|false {}
function mb_ereg_search_getpos(): int {}
function mb_ereg_search_setpos(int $offset): bool {}
function mb_regex_set_options(?string $options = NULL): string {}
function msgpack_serialize($value) {}
function msgpack_unserialize($str, $object) {}
function msgpack_pack($value) {}
function msgpack_unpack($str, $object) {}
function mysqli_affected_rows(mysqli $mysql): string|int {}
function mysqli_autocommit(mysqli $mysql, bool $enable): bool {}
function mysqli_begin_transaction(mysqli $mysql, int $flags = 0, ?string $name = NULL): bool {}
function mysqli_change_user(mysqli $mysql, string $username, string $password, ?string $database): bool {}
function mysqli_character_set_name(mysqli $mysql): string {}
function mysqli_close(mysqli $mysql): true {}
function mysqli_commit(mysqli $mysql, int $flags = 0, ?string $name = NULL): bool {}
function mysqli_connect(?string $hostname = NULL, ?string $username = NULL, ?string $password = NULL, ?string $database = NULL, ?int $port = NULL, ?string $socket = NULL): mysqli|false {}
function mysqli_connect_errno(): int {}
function mysqli_connect_error(): ?string {}
function mysqli_data_seek(mysqli_result $result, int $offset): bool {}
function mysqli_dump_debug_info(mysqli $mysql): bool {}
function mysqli_debug(string $options): true {}
function mysqli_errno(mysqli $mysql): int {}
function mysqli_error(mysqli $mysql): string {}
function mysqli_error_list(mysqli $mysql): array {}
function mysqli_stmt_execute(mysqli_stmt $statement, ?array $params = NULL): bool {}
function mysqli_execute(mysqli_stmt $statement, ?array $params = NULL): bool {}
function mysqli_execute_query(mysqli $mysql, string $query, ?array $params = NULL): mysqli_result|bool {}
function mysqli_fetch_field(mysqli_result $result): object|false {}
function mysqli_fetch_fields(mysqli_result $result): array {}
function mysqli_fetch_field_direct(mysqli_result $result, int $index): object|false {}
function mysqli_fetch_lengths(mysqli_result $result): array|false {}
function mysqli_fetch_all(mysqli_result $result, int $mode = 2): array {}
function mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_result $result, int $mode = 3): array|false|null {}
function mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_result $result): array|false|null {}
function mysqli_fetch_object(mysqli_result $result, string $class = 'stdClass', array $constructor_args = array (
)): object|false|null {}
function mysqli_fetch_row(mysqli_result $result): array|false|null {}
function mysqli_fetch_column(mysqli_result $result, int $column = 0): string|int|float|false|null {}
function mysqli_field_count(mysqli $mysql): int {}
function mysqli_field_seek(mysqli_result $result, int $index): bool {}
function mysqli_field_tell(mysqli_result $result): int {}
function mysqli_free_result(mysqli_result $result): void {}
function mysqli_get_connection_stats(mysqli $mysql): array {}
function mysqli_get_client_stats(): array {}
function mysqli_get_charset(mysqli $mysql): ?object {}
function mysqli_get_client_info(?mysqli $mysql = NULL): string {}
function mysqli_get_client_version(): int {}
function mysqli_get_links_stats(): array {}
function mysqli_get_host_info(mysqli $mysql): string {}
function mysqli_get_proto_info(mysqli $mysql): int {}
function mysqli_get_server_info(mysqli $mysql): string {}
function mysqli_get_server_version(mysqli $mysql): int {}
function mysqli_get_warnings(mysqli $mysql): mysqli_warning|false {}
function mysqli_init(): mysqli|false {}
function mysqli_info(mysqli $mysql): ?string {}
function mysqli_insert_id(mysqli $mysql): string|int {}
function mysqli_kill(mysqli $mysql, int $process_id): bool {}
function mysqli_more_results(mysqli $mysql): bool {}
function mysqli_multi_query(mysqli $mysql, string $query): bool {}
function mysqli_next_result(mysqli $mysql): bool {}
function mysqli_num_fields(mysqli_result $result): int {}
function mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_result $result): string|int {}
function mysqli_options(mysqli $mysql, int $option, $value): bool {}
function mysqli_set_opt(mysqli $mysql, int $option, $value): bool {}
function mysqli_ping(mysqli $mysql): bool {}
function mysqli_poll(?array $read, ?array $error, array $reject, int $seconds, int $microseconds = 0): int|false {}
function mysqli_prepare(mysqli $mysql, string $query): mysqli_stmt|false {}
function mysqli_report(int $flags): bool {}
function mysqli_query(mysqli $mysql, string $query, int $result_mode = 0): mysqli_result|bool {}
function mysqli_real_connect(mysqli $mysql, ?string $hostname = NULL, ?string $username = NULL, ?string $password = NULL, ?string $database = NULL, ?int $port = NULL, ?string $socket = NULL, int $flags = 0): bool {}
function mysqli_real_escape_string(mysqli $mysql, string $string): string {}
function mysqli_escape_string(mysqli $mysql, string $string): string {}
function mysqli_real_query(mysqli $mysql, string $query): bool {}
function mysqli_reap_async_query(mysqli $mysql): mysqli_result|bool {}
function mysqli_release_savepoint(mysqli $mysql, string $name): bool {}
function mysqli_rollback(mysqli $mysql, int $flags = 0, ?string $name = NULL): bool {}
function mysqli_savepoint(mysqli $mysql, string $name): bool {}
function mysqli_select_db(mysqli $mysql, string $database): bool {}
function mysqli_set_charset(mysqli $mysql, string $charset): bool {}
function mysqli_stmt_affected_rows(mysqli_stmt $statement): string|int {}
function mysqli_stmt_attr_get(mysqli_stmt $statement, int $attribute): int {}
function mysqli_stmt_attr_set(mysqli_stmt $statement, int $attribute, int $value): bool {}
function mysqli_stmt_bind_param(mysqli_stmt $statement, string $types, mixed $vars): bool {}
function mysqli_stmt_bind_result(mysqli_stmt $statement, mixed $vars): bool {}
function mysqli_stmt_close(mysqli_stmt $statement): true {}
function mysqli_stmt_data_seek(mysqli_stmt $statement, int $offset): void {}
function mysqli_stmt_errno(mysqli_stmt $statement): int {}
function mysqli_stmt_error(mysqli_stmt $statement): string {}
function mysqli_stmt_error_list(mysqli_stmt $statement): array {}
function mysqli_stmt_fetch(mysqli_stmt $statement): ?bool {}
function mysqli_stmt_field_count(mysqli_stmt $statement): int {}
function mysqli_stmt_free_result(mysqli_stmt $statement): void {}
function mysqli_stmt_get_result(mysqli_stmt $statement): mysqli_result|false {}
function mysqli_stmt_get_warnings(mysqli_stmt $statement): mysqli_warning|false {}
function mysqli_stmt_init(mysqli $mysql): mysqli_stmt|false {}
function mysqli_stmt_insert_id(mysqli_stmt $statement): string|int {}
function mysqli_stmt_more_results(mysqli_stmt $statement): bool {}
function mysqli_stmt_next_result(mysqli_stmt $statement): bool {}
function mysqli_stmt_num_rows(mysqli_stmt $statement): string|int {}
function mysqli_stmt_param_count(mysqli_stmt $statement): int {}
function mysqli_stmt_prepare(mysqli_stmt $statement, string $query): bool {}
function mysqli_stmt_reset(mysqli_stmt $statement): bool {}
function mysqli_stmt_result_metadata(mysqli_stmt $statement): mysqli_result|false {}
function mysqli_stmt_send_long_data(mysqli_stmt $statement, int $param_num, string $data): bool {}
function mysqli_stmt_store_result(mysqli_stmt $statement): bool {}
function mysqli_stmt_sqlstate(mysqli_stmt $statement): string {}
function mysqli_sqlstate(mysqli $mysql): string {}
function mysqli_ssl_set(mysqli $mysql, ?string $key, ?string $certificate, ?string $ca_certificate, ?string $ca_path, ?string $cipher_algos): true {}
function mysqli_stat(mysqli $mysql): string|false {}
function mysqli_store_result(mysqli $mysql, int $mode = 0): mysqli_result|false {}
function mysqli_thread_id(mysqli $mysql): int {}
function mysqli_thread_safe(): bool {}
function mysqli_use_result(mysqli $mysql): mysqli_result|false {}
function mysqli_warning_count(mysqli $mysql): int {}
function mysqli_refresh(mysqli $mysql, int $flags): bool {}
function odbc_close_all(): void {}
function odbc_binmode($statement, int $mode): bool {}
function odbc_longreadlen($statement, int $length): bool {}
function odbc_prepare($odbc, string $query) {}
function odbc_execute($statement, array $params = array (
)): bool {}
function odbc_cursor($statement): string|false {}
function odbc_data_source($odbc, int $fetch_type): array|false {}
function odbc_exec($odbc, string $query) {}
function odbc_do($odbc, string $query) {}
function odbc_fetch_object($statement, int $row = -1): stdClass|false {}
function odbc_fetch_array($statement, int $row = -1): array|false {}
function odbc_fetch_into($statement, $array, int $row = 0): int|false {}
function odbc_fetch_row($statement, ?int $row = NULL): bool {}
function odbc_result($statement, string|int $field): string|bool|null {}
function odbc_result_all($statement, string $format = ''): int|false {}
function odbc_free_result($statement): bool {}
function odbc_connect(string $dsn, string $user, string $password, int $cursor_option = 2) {}
function odbc_pconnect(string $dsn, string $user, string $password, int $cursor_option = 2) {}
function odbc_close($odbc): void {}
function odbc_num_rows($statement): int {}
function odbc_next_result($statement): bool {}
function odbc_num_fields($statement): int {}
function odbc_field_name($statement, int $field): string|false {}
function odbc_field_type($statement, int $field): string|false {}
function odbc_field_len($statement, int $field): int|false {}
function odbc_field_precision($statement, int $field): int|false {}
function odbc_field_scale($statement, int $field): int|false {}
function odbc_field_num($statement, string $field): int|false {}
function odbc_autocommit($odbc, bool $enable = false): int|bool {}
function odbc_commit($odbc): bool {}
function odbc_rollback($odbc): bool {}
function odbc_error($odbc = NULL): string {}
function odbc_errormsg($odbc = NULL): string {}
function odbc_setoption($odbc, int $which, int $option, int $value): bool {}
function odbc_tables($odbc, ?string $catalog = NULL, ?string $schema = NULL, ?string $table = NULL, ?string $types = NULL) {}
function odbc_columns($odbc, ?string $catalog = NULL, ?string $schema = NULL, ?string $table = NULL, ?string $column = NULL) {}
function odbc_gettypeinfo($odbc, int $data_type = 0) {}
function odbc_primarykeys($odbc, ?string $catalog, string $schema, string $table) {}
function odbc_procedurecolumns($odbc, ?string $catalog = NULL, ?string $schema = NULL, ?string $procedure = NULL, ?string $column = NULL) {}
function odbc_procedures($odbc, ?string $catalog = NULL, ?string $schema = NULL, ?string $procedure = NULL) {}
function odbc_foreignkeys($odbc, ?string $pk_catalog, string $pk_schema, string $pk_table, string $fk_catalog, string $fk_schema, string $fk_table) {}
function odbc_specialcolumns($odbc, int $type, ?string $catalog, string $schema, string $table, int $scope, int $nullable) {}
function odbc_statistics($odbc, ?string $catalog, string $schema, string $table, int $unique, int $accuracy) {}
function odbc_tableprivileges($odbc, ?string $catalog, string $schema, string $table) {}
function odbc_columnprivileges($odbc, ?string $catalog, string $schema, string $table, string $column) {}
function odbc_connection_string_is_quoted(string $str): bool {}
function odbc_connection_string_should_quote(string $str): bool {}
function odbc_connection_string_quote(string $str): string {}
function pg_connect(string $connection_string, int $flags = 0): PgSql\Connection|false {}
function pg_pconnect(string $connection_string, int $flags = 0): PgSql\Connection|false {}
function pg_connect_poll(PgSql\Connection $connection): int {}
function pg_close(?PgSql\Connection $connection = NULL): bool {}
function pg_dbname(?PgSql\Connection $connection = NULL): string {}
function pg_last_error(?PgSql\Connection $connection = NULL): string {}
function pg_errormessage(?PgSql\Connection $connection = NULL): string {}
function pg_options(?PgSql\Connection $connection = NULL): string {}
function pg_port(?PgSql\Connection $connection = NULL): string {}
function pg_tty(?PgSql\Connection $connection = NULL): string {}
function pg_host(?PgSql\Connection $connection = NULL): string {}
function pg_version(?PgSql\Connection $connection = NULL): array {}
function pg_parameter_status($connection, string $name): string|false {}
function pg_ping(?PgSql\Connection $connection = NULL): bool {}
function pg_query($connection, string $query): PgSql\Result|false {}
function pg_exec($connection, string $query): PgSql\Result|false {}
function pg_query_params($connection, $query, array $params): PgSql\Result|false {}
function pg_prepare($connection, string $statement_name, string $query): PgSql\Result|false {}
function pg_execute($connection, $statement_name, array $params): PgSql\Result|false {}
function pg_num_rows(PgSql\Result $result): int {}
function pg_numrows(PgSql\Result $result): int {}
function pg_num_fields(PgSql\Result $result): int {}
function pg_numfields(PgSql\Result $result): int {}
function pg_affected_rows(PgSql\Result $result): int {}
function pg_cmdtuples(PgSql\Result $result): int {}
function pg_last_notice(PgSql\Connection $connection, int $mode = 1): array|string|bool {}
function pg_field_table(PgSql\Result $result, int $field, bool $oid_only = false): string|int|false {}
function pg_field_name(PgSql\Result $result, int $field): string {}
function pg_fieldname(PgSql\Result $result, int $field): string {}
function pg_field_size(PgSql\Result $result, int $field): int {}
function pg_fieldsize(PgSql\Result $result, int $field): int {}
function pg_field_type(PgSql\Result $result, int $field): string {}
function pg_fieldtype(PgSql\Result $result, int $field): string {}
function pg_field_type_oid(PgSql\Result $result, int $field): string|int {}
function pg_field_num(PgSql\Result $result, string $field): int {}
function pg_fieldnum(PgSql\Result $result, string $field): int {}
function pg_fetch_result(PgSql\Result $result, $row, string|int $field): string|false|null {}
function pg_result(PgSql\Result $result, $row, string|int $field): string|false|null {}
function pg_fetch_row(PgSql\Result $result, ?int $row = NULL, int $mode = 2): array|false {}
function pg_fetch_assoc(PgSql\Result $result, ?int $row = NULL): array|false {}
function pg_fetch_array(PgSql\Result $result, ?int $row = NULL, int $mode = 3): array|false {}
function pg_fetch_object(PgSql\Result $result, ?int $row = NULL, string $class = 'stdClass', array $constructor_args = array (
)): object|false {}
function pg_fetch_all(PgSql\Result $result, int $mode = 1): array {}
function pg_fetch_all_columns(PgSql\Result $result, int $field = 0): array {}
function pg_result_seek(PgSql\Result $result, int $row): bool {}
function pg_field_prtlen(PgSql\Result $result, $row, string|int $field): int|false {}
function pg_fieldprtlen(PgSql\Result $result, $row, string|int $field): int|false {}
function pg_field_is_null(PgSql\Result $result, $row, string|int $field): int|false {}
function pg_fieldisnull(PgSql\Result $result, $row, string|int $field): int|false {}
function pg_free_result(PgSql\Result $result): bool {}
function pg_freeresult(PgSql\Result $result): bool {}
function pg_last_oid(PgSql\Result $result): string|int|false {}
function pg_getlastoid(PgSql\Result $result): string|int|false {}
function pg_trace(string $filename, string $mode = 'w', ?PgSql\Connection $connection = NULL): bool {}
function pg_untrace(?PgSql\Connection $connection = NULL): bool {}
function pg_lo_create($connection, $oid): string|int|false {}
function pg_locreate($connection, $oid): string|int|false {}
function pg_lo_unlink($connection, $oid): bool {}
function pg_lounlink($connection, $oid): bool {}
function pg_lo_open($connection, $oid, string $mode): PgSql\Lob|false {}
function pg_loopen($connection, $oid, string $mode): PgSql\Lob|false {}
function pg_lo_close(PgSql\Lob $lob): bool {}
function pg_loclose(PgSql\Lob $lob): bool {}
function pg_lo_read(PgSql\Lob $lob, int $length = 8192): string|false {}
function pg_loread(PgSql\Lob $lob, int $length = 8192): string|false {}
function pg_lo_write(PgSql\Lob $lob, string $data, ?int $length = NULL): int|false {}
function pg_lowrite(PgSql\Lob $lob, string $data, ?int $length = NULL): int|false {}
function pg_lo_read_all(PgSql\Lob $lob): int {}
function pg_loreadall(PgSql\Lob $lob): int {}
function pg_lo_import($connection, $filename, $oid): string|int|false {}
function pg_loimport($connection, $filename, $oid): string|int|false {}
function pg_lo_export($connection, $oid, $filename): bool {}
function pg_loexport($connection, $oid, $filename): bool {}
function pg_lo_seek(PgSql\Lob $lob, int $offset, int $whence = 1): bool {}
function pg_lo_tell(PgSql\Lob $lob): int {}
function pg_lo_truncate(PgSql\Lob $lob, int $size): bool {}
function pg_set_error_verbosity($connection, int $verbosity): int|false {}
function pg_set_client_encoding($connection, string $encoding): int {}
function pg_setclientencoding($connection, string $encoding): int {}
function pg_client_encoding(?PgSql\Connection $connection = NULL): string {}
function pg_clientencoding(?PgSql\Connection $connection = NULL): string {}
function pg_end_copy(?PgSql\Connection $connection = NULL): bool {}
function pg_put_line($connection, string $query): bool {}
function pg_copy_to(PgSql\Connection $connection, string $table_name, string $separator = ' ', string $null_as = '\\\\N'): array|false {}
function pg_copy_from(PgSql\Connection $connection, string $table_name, array $rows, string $separator = ' ', string $null_as = '\\\\N'): bool {}
function pg_escape_string($connection, string $string): string {}
function pg_escape_bytea($connection, string $string): string {}
function pg_unescape_bytea(string $string): string {}
function pg_escape_literal($connection, string $string): string|false {}
function pg_escape_identifier($connection, string $string): string|false {}
function pg_result_error(PgSql\Result $result): string|false {}
function pg_result_error_field(PgSql\Result $result, int $field_code): string|false|null {}
function pg_connection_status(PgSql\Connection $connection): int {}
function pg_transaction_status(PgSql\Connection $connection): int {}
function pg_connection_reset(PgSql\Connection $connection): bool {}
function pg_cancel_query(PgSql\Connection $connection): bool {}
function pg_connection_busy(PgSql\Connection $connection): bool {}
function pg_send_query(PgSql\Connection $connection, string $query): int|bool {}
function pg_send_query_params(PgSql\Connection $connection, string $query, array $params): int|bool {}
function pg_send_prepare(PgSql\Connection $connection, string $statement_name, string $query): int|bool {}
function pg_send_execute(PgSql\Connection $connection, string $statement_name, array $params): int|bool {}
function pg_get_result(PgSql\Connection $connection): PgSql\Result|false {}
function pg_result_status(PgSql\Result $result, int $mode = 1): string|int {}
function pg_get_notify(PgSql\Connection $connection, int $mode = 1): array|false {}
function pg_get_pid(PgSql\Connection $connection): int {}
function pg_socket(PgSql\Connection $connection) {}
function pg_consume_input(PgSql\Connection $connection): bool {}
function pg_flush(PgSql\Connection $connection): int|bool {}
function pg_meta_data(PgSql\Connection $connection, string $table_name, bool $extended = false): array|false {}
function pg_convert(PgSql\Connection $connection, string $table_name, array $values, int $flags = 0): array|false {}
function pg_insert(PgSql\Connection $connection, string $table_name, array $values, int $flags = 512): PgSql\Result|string|bool {}
function pg_update(PgSql\Connection $connection, string $table_name, array $values, array $conditions, int $flags = 512): string|bool {}
function pg_delete(PgSql\Connection $connection, string $table_name, array $conditions, int $flags = 512): string|bool {}
function pg_select(PgSql\Connection $connection, string $table_name, array $conditions, int $flags = 512, int $mode = 1): array|string|false {}
function posix_kill(int $process_id, int $signal): bool {}
function posix_getpid(): int {}
function posix_getppid(): int {}
function posix_getuid(): int {}
function posix_setuid(int $user_id): bool {}
function posix_geteuid(): int {}
function posix_seteuid(int $user_id): bool {}
function posix_getgid(): int {}
function posix_setgid(int $group_id): bool {}
function posix_getegid(): int {}
function posix_setegid(int $group_id): bool {}
function posix_getgroups(): array|false {}
function posix_getlogin(): string|false {}
function posix_getpgrp(): int {}
function posix_setsid(): int {}
function posix_setpgid(int $process_id, int $process_group_id): bool {}
function posix_getpgid(int $process_id): int|false {}
function posix_getsid(int $process_id): int|false {}
function posix_uname(): array|false {}
function posix_times(): array|false {}
function posix_ctermid(): string|false {}
function posix_ttyname($file_descriptor): string|false {}
function posix_isatty($file_descriptor): bool {}
function posix_getcwd(): string|false {}
function posix_mkfifo(string $filename, int $permissions): bool {}
function posix_mknod(string $filename, int $flags, int $major = 0, int $minor = 0): bool {}
function posix_access(string $filename, int $flags = 0): bool {}
function posix_getgrnam(string $name): array|false {}
function posix_getgrgid(int $group_id): array|false {}
function posix_getpwnam(string $username): array|false {}
function posix_getpwuid(int $user_id): array|false {}
function posix_getrlimit(): array|false {}
function posix_setrlimit(int $resource, int $soft_limit, int $hard_limit): bool {}
function posix_get_last_error(): int {}
function posix_errno(): int {}
function posix_strerror(int $error_code): string {}
function posix_initgroups(string $username, int $group_id): bool {}
function readline(?string $prompt = NULL): string|false {}
function readline_info(?string $var_name = NULL, $value = NULL): mixed {}
function readline_add_history(string $prompt): bool {}
function readline_clear_history(): bool {}
function readline_list_history(): array {}
function readline_read_history(?string $filename = NULL): bool {}
function readline_write_history(?string $filename = NULL): bool {}
function readline_completion_function(callable $callback): bool {}
function readline_callback_handler_install(string $prompt, callable $callback): bool {}
function readline_callback_read_char(): void {}
function readline_callback_handler_remove(): bool {}
function readline_redisplay(): void {}
function readline_on_new_line(): void {}
function shmop_open(int $key, string $mode, int $permissions, int $size): Shmop|false {}
function shmop_read(Shmop $shmop, int $offset, int $size): string {}
function shmop_close(Shmop $shmop): void {}
function shmop_size(Shmop $shmop): int {}
function shmop_write(Shmop $shmop, string $data, int $offset): int {}
function shmop_delete(Shmop $shmop): bool {}
function simplexml_load_file(string $filename, ?string $class_name = 'SimpleXMLElement', int $options = 0, string $namespace_or_prefix = '', bool $is_prefix = false): SimpleXMLElement|false {}
function simplexml_load_string(string $data, ?string $class_name = 'SimpleXMLElement', int $options = 0, string $namespace_or_prefix = '', bool $is_prefix = false): SimpleXMLElement|false {}
function simplexml_import_dom(SimpleXMLElement|DOMNode $node, ?string $class_name = 'SimpleXMLElement'): ?SimpleXMLElement {}
function socket_select(?array $read, ?array $write, ?array $except, ?int $seconds, int $microseconds = 0): int|false {}
function socket_create_listen(int $port, int $backlog = 128): Socket|false {}
function socket_accept(Socket $socket): Socket|false {}
function socket_set_nonblock(Socket $socket): bool {}
function socket_set_block(Socket $socket): bool {}
function socket_listen(Socket $socket, int $backlog = 0): bool {}
function socket_close(Socket $socket): void {}
function socket_write(Socket $socket, string $data, ?int $length = NULL): int|false {}
function socket_read(Socket $socket, int $length, int $mode = 2): string|false {}
function socket_getsockname(Socket $socket, $address, $port = NULL): bool {}
function socket_getpeername(Socket $socket, $address, $port = NULL): bool {}
function socket_create(int $domain, int $type, int $protocol): Socket|false {}
function socket_connect(Socket $socket, string $address, ?int $port = NULL): bool {}
function socket_strerror(int $error_code): string {}
function socket_bind(Socket $socket, string $address, int $port = 0): bool {}
function socket_recv(Socket $socket, $data, int $length, int $flags): int|false {}
function socket_send(Socket $socket, string $data, int $length, int $flags): int|false {}
function socket_recvfrom(Socket $socket, $data, int $length, int $flags, $address, $port = NULL): int|false {}
function socket_sendto(Socket $socket, string $data, int $length, int $flags, string $address, ?int $port = NULL): int|false {}
function socket_get_option(Socket $socket, int $level, int $option): array|int|false {}
function socket_getopt(Socket $socket, int $level, int $option): array|int|false {}
function socket_set_option(Socket $socket, int $level, int $option, $value): bool {}
function socket_setopt(Socket $socket, int $level, int $option, $value): bool {}
function socket_create_pair(int $domain, int $type, int $protocol, $pair): bool {}
function socket_shutdown(Socket $socket, int $mode = 2): bool {}
function socket_last_error(?Socket $socket = NULL): int {}
function socket_clear_error(?Socket $socket = NULL): void {}
function socket_import_stream($stream): Socket|false {}
function socket_export_stream(Socket $socket) {}
function socket_sendmsg(Socket $socket, array $message, int $flags = 0): int|false {}
function socket_recvmsg(Socket $socket, array $message, int $flags = 0): int|false {}
function socket_cmsg_space(int $level, int $type, int $num = 0): ?int {}
function socket_addrinfo_lookup(string $host, ?string $service = NULL, array $hints = array (
)): array|false {}
function socket_addrinfo_connect(AddressInfo $address): Socket|false {}
function socket_addrinfo_bind(AddressInfo $address): Socket|false {}
function socket_addrinfo_explain(AddressInfo $address): array {}
function msg_get_queue(int $key, int $permissions = 438): SysvMessageQueue|false {}
function msg_send(SysvMessageQueue $queue, int $message_type, $message, bool $serialize = true, bool $blocking = true, $error_code = NULL): bool {}
function msg_receive(SysvMessageQueue $queue, int $desired_message_type, $received_message_type, int $max_message_size, mixed $message, bool $unserialize = true, int $flags = 0, $error_code = NULL): bool {}
function msg_remove_queue(SysvMessageQueue $queue): bool {}
function msg_stat_queue(SysvMessageQueue $queue): array|false {}
function msg_set_queue(SysvMessageQueue $queue, array $data): bool {}
function msg_queue_exists(int $key): bool {}
function sem_get(int $key, int $max_acquire = 1, int $permissions = 438, bool $auto_release = true): SysvSemaphore|false {}
function sem_acquire(SysvSemaphore $semaphore, bool $non_blocking = false): bool {}
function sem_release(SysvSemaphore $semaphore): bool {}
function sem_remove(SysvSemaphore $semaphore): bool {}
function shm_attach(int $key, ?int $size = NULL, int $permissions = 438): SysvSharedMemory|false {}
function shm_detach(SysvSharedMemory $shm): bool {}
function shm_has_var(SysvSharedMemory $shm, int $key): bool {}
function shm_remove(SysvSharedMemory $shm): bool {}
function shm_put_var(SysvSharedMemory $shm, int $key, mixed $value): bool {}
function shm_get_var(SysvSharedMemory $shm, int $key): mixed {}
function shm_remove_var(SysvSharedMemory $shm, int $key): bool {}
function tidy_parse_string(string $string, array|string|null $config = NULL, ?string $encoding = NULL): tidy|false {}
function tidy_get_error_buffer(tidy $tidy): string|false {}
function tidy_get_output(tidy $tidy): string {}
function tidy_parse_file(string $filename, array|string|null $config = NULL, ?string $encoding = NULL, bool $useIncludePath = false): tidy|false {}
function tidy_clean_repair(tidy $tidy): bool {}
function tidy_repair_string(string $string, array|string|null $config = NULL, ?string $encoding = NULL): string|false {}
function tidy_repair_file(string $filename, array|string|null $config = NULL, ?string $encoding = NULL, bool $useIncludePath = false): string|false {}
function tidy_diagnose(tidy $tidy): bool {}
function tidy_get_release(): string {}
function tidy_get_opt_doc(tidy $tidy, string $option): string|false {}
function tidy_get_config(tidy $tidy): array {}
function tidy_get_status(tidy $tidy): int {}
function tidy_get_html_ver(tidy $tidy): int {}
function tidy_is_xhtml(tidy $tidy): bool {}
function tidy_is_xml(tidy $tidy): bool {}
function tidy_error_count(tidy $tidy): int {}
function tidy_warning_count(tidy $tidy): int {}
function tidy_access_count(tidy $tidy): int {}
function tidy_config_count(tidy $tidy): int {}
function tidy_getopt(tidy $tidy, string $option): string|int|bool {}
function tidy_get_root(tidy $tidy): ?tidyNode {}
function tidy_get_html(tidy $tidy): ?tidyNode {}
function tidy_get_head(tidy $tidy): ?tidyNode {}
function tidy_get_body(tidy $tidy): ?tidyNode {}
function token_get_all(string $code, int $flags = 0): array {}
function token_name(int $id): string {}
function xmlwriter_open_uri(string $uri): XMLWriter|false {}
function xmlwriter_open_memory(): XMLWriter|false {}
function xmlwriter_set_indent(XMLWriter $writer, bool $enable): bool {}
function xmlwriter_set_indent_string(XMLWriter $writer, string $indentation): bool {}
function xmlwriter_start_comment(XMLWriter $writer): bool {}
function xmlwriter_end_comment(XMLWriter $writer): bool {}
function xmlwriter_start_attribute(XMLWriter $writer, string $name): bool {}
function xmlwriter_end_attribute(XMLWriter $writer): bool {}
function xmlwriter_write_attribute(XMLWriter $writer, string $name, string $value): bool {}
function xmlwriter_start_attribute_ns(XMLWriter $writer, ?string $prefix, string $name, ?string $namespace): bool {}
function xmlwriter_write_attribute_ns(XMLWriter $writer, ?string $prefix, string $name, ?string $namespace, string $value): bool {}
function xmlwriter_start_element(XMLWriter $writer, string $name): bool {}
function xmlwriter_end_element(XMLWriter $writer): bool {}
function xmlwriter_full_end_element(XMLWriter $writer): bool {}
function xmlwriter_start_element_ns(XMLWriter $writer, ?string $prefix, string $name, ?string $namespace): bool {}
function xmlwriter_write_element(XMLWriter $writer, string $name, ?string $content = NULL): bool {}
function xmlwriter_write_element_ns(XMLWriter $writer, ?string $prefix, string $name, ?string $namespace, ?string $content = NULL): bool {}
function xmlwriter_start_pi(XMLWriter $writer, string $target): bool {}
function xmlwriter_end_pi(XMLWriter $writer): bool {}
function xmlwriter_write_pi(XMLWriter $writer, string $target, string $content): bool {}
function xmlwriter_start_cdata(XMLWriter $writer): bool {}
function xmlwriter_end_cdata(XMLWriter $writer): bool {}
function xmlwriter_write_cdata(XMLWriter $writer, string $content): bool {}
function xmlwriter_text(XMLWriter $writer, string $content): bool {}
function xmlwriter_write_raw(XMLWriter $writer, string $content): bool {}
function xmlwriter_start_document(XMLWriter $writer, ?string $version = '1.0', ?string $encoding = NULL, ?string $standalone = NULL): bool {}
function xmlwriter_end_document(XMLWriter $writer): bool {}
function xmlwriter_write_comment(XMLWriter $writer, string $content): bool {}
function xmlwriter_start_dtd(XMLWriter $writer, string $qualifiedName, ?string $publicId = NULL, ?string $systemId = NULL): bool {}
function xmlwriter_end_dtd(XMLWriter $writer): bool {}
function xmlwriter_write_dtd(XMLWriter $writer, string $name, ?string $publicId = NULL, ?string $systemId = NULL, ?string $content = NULL): bool {}
function xmlwriter_start_dtd_element(XMLWriter $writer, string $qualifiedName): bool {}
function xmlwriter_end_dtd_element(XMLWriter $writer): bool {}
function xmlwriter_write_dtd_element(XMLWriter $writer, string $name, string $content): bool {}
function xmlwriter_start_dtd_attlist(XMLWriter $writer, string $name): bool {}
function xmlwriter_end_dtd_attlist(XMLWriter $writer): bool {}
function xmlwriter_write_dtd_attlist(XMLWriter $writer, string $name, string $content): bool {}
function xmlwriter_start_dtd_entity(XMLWriter $writer, string $name, bool $isParam): bool {}
function xmlwriter_end_dtd_entity(XMLWriter $writer): bool {}
function xmlwriter_write_dtd_entity(XMLWriter $writer, string $name, string $content, bool $isParam = false, ?string $publicId = NULL, ?string $systemId = NULL, ?string $notationData = NULL): bool {}
function xmlwriter_output_memory(XMLWriter $writer, bool $flush = true): string {}
function xmlwriter_flush(XMLWriter $writer, bool $empty = true): string|int {}
function zip_open(string $filename) {}
function zip_close($zip): void {}
function zip_read($zip) {}
function zip_entry_open($zip_dp, $zip_entry, string $mode = 'rb'): bool {}
function zip_entry_close($zip_entry): bool {}
function zip_entry_read($zip_entry, int $len = 1024): string|false {}
function zip_entry_name($zip_entry): string|false {}
function zip_entry_compressedsize($zip_entry): int|false {}
function zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry): int|false {}
function zip_entry_compressionmethod($zip_entry): string|false {}
function opcache_reset(): bool {}
function opcache_get_status(bool $include_scripts = true): array|false {}
function opcache_compile_file(string $filename): bool {}
function opcache_invalidate(string $filename, bool $force = false): bool {}
function opcache_get_configuration(): array|false {}
function opcache_is_script_cached(string $filename): bool {}
function xdebug_break(): bool {}
function xdebug_call_class(int $depth = 2) {}
function xdebug_call_file(int $depth = 2) {}
function xdebug_call_function(int $depth = 2) {}
function xdebug_call_line(int $depth = 2) {}
function xdebug_code_coverage_started(): bool {}
function xdebug_connect_to_client(): bool {}
function xdebug_debug_zval(string $varname) {}
function xdebug_debug_zval_stdout(string $varname) {}
function xdebug_dump_superglobals() {}
function xdebug_get_code_coverage(): array {}
function xdebug_get_collected_errors(bool $emptyList = false) {}
function xdebug_get_function_count(): int {}
function xdebug_get_function_stack(): array {}
function xdebug_get_gc_run_count(): int {}
function xdebug_get_gc_total_collected_roots(): int {}
function xdebug_get_gcstats_filename() {}
function xdebug_get_headers(): array {}
function xdebug_get_monitored_functions(): array {}
function xdebug_get_profiler_filename() {}
function xdebug_get_stack_depth(): int {}
function xdebug_get_tracefile_name() {}
function xdebug_info(string $category = NULL) {}
function xdebug_is_debugger_active(): bool {}
function xdebug_memory_usage(): int {}
function xdebug_notify(mixed $data): bool {}
function xdebug_peak_memory_usage(): int {}
function xdebug_print_function_stack(string $message = 'user triggered', int $options = 0) {}
function xdebug_set_filter(int $group, int $listType, array $configuration) {}
function xdebug_start_code_coverage(int $options = 0) {}
function xdebug_start_error_collection() {}
function xdebug_start_function_monitor(array $listOfFunctionsToMonitor) {}
function xdebug_start_gcstats(?string $gcstatsFile = NULL) {}
function xdebug_start_trace(?string $traceFile = NULL, int $options = 0): ?string {}
function xdebug_stop_code_coverage(bool $cleanUp = true) {}
function xdebug_stop_error_collection() {}
function xdebug_stop_function_monitor() {}
function xdebug_stop_gcstats() {}
function xdebug_stop_trace() {}
function xdebug_time_index(): float {}
function xdebug_var_dump(mixed $variable) {}
function dl(string $extension_filename): bool {}
function cli_set_process_title(string $title): bool {}
function cli_get_process_title(): ?string {}
final class InternalIterator {
private function __construct() {}
public function current(): mixed {}
public function key(): mixed {}
public function next(): void {}
public function valid(): bool {}
public function rewind(): void {}
class Exception {
private function __clone(): void {}
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class ErrorException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, int $severity = 1, ?string $filename = NULL, ?int $line = NULL, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
final public function getSeverity(): int {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class Error {
private function __clone(): void {}
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class CompileError {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class ParseError {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class TypeError {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class ArgumentCountError {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class ValueError {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class ArithmeticError {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class DivisionByZeroError {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class UnhandledMatchError {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
final class Closure {
private function __construct() {}
public static function bind(Closure $closure, ?object $newThis, object|string|null $newScope = 'static'): ?Closure {}
public function bindTo(?object $newThis, object|string|null $newScope = 'static'): ?Closure {}
public function call(object $newThis, mixed $args): mixed {}
public static function fromCallable(callable $callback): Closure {}
public function __invoke() {}
final class Generator {
public function rewind(): void {}
public function valid(): bool {}
public function current(): mixed {}
public function key(): mixed {}
public function next(): void {}
public function send(mixed $value): mixed {}
public function throw(Throwable $exception): mixed {}
public function getReturn(): mixed {}
class ClosedGeneratorException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
final class WeakReference {
public function __construct() {}
public static function create(object $object): WeakReference {}
public function get(): ?object {}
final class WeakMap {
public function offsetGet($object): mixed {}
public function offsetSet($object, mixed $value): void {}
public function offsetExists($object): bool {}
public function offsetUnset($object): void {}
public function count(): int {}
public function getIterator(): Iterator {}
final class Attribute {
public function __construct(int $flags = 63) {}
final class ReturnTypeWillChange {
public function __construct() {}
final class AllowDynamicProperties {
public function __construct() {}
final class SensitiveParameter {
public function __construct() {}
final class SensitiveParameterValue {
public function __construct(mixed $value) {}
public function getValue(): mixed {}
public function __debugInfo(): array {}
final class Fiber {
public function __construct(callable $callback) {}
public function start(mixed $args): mixed {}
public function resume(mixed $value = NULL): mixed {}
public function throw(Throwable $exception): mixed {}
public function isStarted(): bool {}
public function isSuspended(): bool {}
public function isRunning(): bool {}
public function isTerminated(): bool {}
public function getReturn(): mixed {}
public static function getCurrent(): ?Fiber {}
public static function suspend(mixed $value = NULL): mixed {}
final class FiberError {
public function __construct() {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class stdClass {
class DateTime {
public function __construct(string $datetime = 'now', ?DateTimeZone $timezone = NULL) {}
public function __serialize(): array {}
public function __unserialize(array $data): void {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
public static function __set_state(array $array): ?DateTime {}
public static function createFromImmutable(DateTimeImmutable $object): ?static {}
public static function createFromInterface(DateTimeInterface $object): DateTime {}
public static function createFromFormat(string $format, string $datetime, ?DateTimeZone $timezone = NULL): ?DateTime|false {}
public static function getLastErrors(): ?array|false {}
public function format(string $format): ?string {}
public function modify(string $modifier): ?DateTime|false {}
public function add(DateInterval $interval): ?DateTime {}
public function sub(DateInterval $interval): ?DateTime {}
public function getTimezone(): ?DateTimeZone|false {}
public function setTimezone(DateTimeZone $timezone): ?DateTime {}
public function getOffset(): ?int {}
public function setTime(int $hour, int $minute, int $second = 0, int $microsecond = 0): ?DateTime {}
public function setDate(int $year, int $month, int $day): ?DateTime {}
public function setISODate(int $year, int $week, int $dayOfWeek = 1): ?DateTime {}
public function setTimestamp(int $timestamp): ?DateTime {}
public function getTimestamp(): ?int {}
public function diff(DateTimeInterface $targetObject, bool $absolute = false): ?DateInterval {}
class DateTimeImmutable {
public function __construct(string $datetime = 'now', ?DateTimeZone $timezone = NULL) {}
public function __serialize(): array {}
public function __unserialize(array $data): void {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
public static function __set_state(array $array): ?DateTimeImmutable {}
public static function createFromFormat(string $format, string $datetime, ?DateTimeZone $timezone = NULL): ?DateTimeImmutable|false {}
public static function getLastErrors(): ?array|false {}
public function format(string $format): ?string {}
public function getTimezone(): ?DateTimeZone|false {}
public function getOffset(): ?int {}
public function getTimestamp(): ?int {}
public function diff(DateTimeInterface $targetObject, bool $absolute = false): ?DateInterval {}
public function modify(string $modifier): ?DateTimeImmutable|false {}
public function add(DateInterval $interval): ?DateTimeImmutable {}
public function sub(DateInterval $interval): ?DateTimeImmutable {}
public function setTimezone(DateTimeZone $timezone): ?DateTimeImmutable {}
public function setTime(int $hour, int $minute, int $second = 0, int $microsecond = 0): ?DateTimeImmutable {}
public function setDate(int $year, int $month, int $day): ?DateTimeImmutable {}
public function setISODate(int $year, int $week, int $dayOfWeek = 1): ?DateTimeImmutable {}
public function setTimestamp(int $timestamp): ?DateTimeImmutable {}
public static function createFromMutable(DateTime $object): ?static {}
public static function createFromInterface(DateTimeInterface $object): DateTimeImmutable {}
class DateTimeZone {
public function __construct(string $timezone) {}
public function getName(): ?string {}
public function getOffset(DateTimeInterface $datetime): ?int {}
public function getTransitions(int $timestampBegin = -9223372036854775807-1, int $timestampEnd = 9223372036854775807): ?array|false {}
public function getLocation(): ?array|false {}
public static function listAbbreviations(): ?array {}
public static function listIdentifiers(int $timezoneGroup = 2047, ?string $countryCode = NULL): ?array {}
public function __serialize(): array {}
public function __unserialize(array $data): void {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
public static function __set_state(array $array): ?DateTimeZone {}
class DateInterval {
public function __construct(string $duration) {}
public static function createFromDateString(string $datetime): ?DateInterval|false {}
public function format(string $format): ?string {}
public function __serialize(): array {}
public function __unserialize(array $data): void {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
public static function __set_state(array $array): ?DateInterval {}
class DatePeriod {
public function __construct($start, $interval, $end, $options) {}
public function getStartDate(): ?DateTimeInterface {}
public function getEndDate(): ??DateTimeInterface {}
public function getDateInterval(): ?DateInterval {}
public function getRecurrences(): ??int {}
public function __serialize(): array {}
public function __unserialize(array $data): void {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
public static function __set_state(array $array): ?DatePeriod {}
public function getIterator(): Iterator {}
class LibXMLError {
final class OpenSSLCertificate {
final class OpenSSLCertificateSigningRequest {
final class OpenSSLAsymmetricKey {
final class InflateContext {
final class DeflateContext {
final class HashContext {
private function __construct() {}
public function __serialize(): array {}
public function __unserialize(array $data): void {}
class JsonException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
namespace Random {
class RandomError {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
namespace Random {
class BrokenRandomEngineError {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
namespace Random {
class RandomException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
namespace Random\Engine {
final class Mt19937 {
public function __construct(?int $seed = NULL, int $mode = 0) {}
public function generate(): string {}
public function __serialize(): array {}
public function __unserialize(array $data): void {}
public function __debugInfo(): array {}
namespace Random\Engine {
final class PcgOneseq128XslRr64 {
public function __construct(string|int|null $seed = NULL) {}
public function generate(): string {}
public function jump(int $advance): void {}
public function __serialize(): array {}
public function __unserialize(array $data): void {}
public function __debugInfo(): array {}
namespace Random\Engine {
final class Xoshiro256StarStar {
public function __construct(string|int|null $seed = NULL) {}
public function generate(): string {}
public function jump(): void {}
public function jumpLong(): void {}
public function __serialize(): array {}
public function __unserialize(array $data): void {}
public function __debugInfo(): array {}
namespace Random\Engine {
final class Secure {
public function generate(): string {}
namespace Random {
final class Randomizer {
public function __construct(?Random\Engine $engine = NULL) {}
public function nextInt(): int {}
public function getInt(int $min, int $max): int {}
public function getBytes(int $length): string {}
public function shuffleArray(array $array): array {}
public function shuffleBytes(string $bytes): string {}
public function pickArrayKeys(array $array, int $num): array {}
public function __serialize(): array {}
public function __unserialize(array $data): void {}
class ReflectionException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class Reflection {
public static function getModifierNames(int $modifiers): ?array {}
abstract class ReflectionFunctionAbstract {
private function __clone(): void {}
public function inNamespace(): ?bool {}
public function isClosure(): ?bool {}
public function isDeprecated(): ?bool {}
public function isInternal(): ?bool {}
public function isUserDefined(): ?bool {}
public function isGenerator(): ?bool {}
public function isVariadic(): ?bool {}
public function isStatic(): ?bool {}
public function getClosureThis(): ??object {}
public function getClosureScopeClass(): ??ReflectionClass {}
public function getClosureCalledClass(): ??ReflectionClass {}
public function getClosureUsedVariables(): array {}
public function getDocComment(): ?string|false {}
public function getEndLine(): ?int|false {}
public function getExtension(): ??ReflectionExtension {}
public function getExtensionName(): ?string|false {}
public function getFileName(): ?string|false {}
public function getName(): ?string {}
public function getNamespaceName(): ?string {}
public function getNumberOfParameters(): ?int {}
public function getNumberOfRequiredParameters(): ?int {}
public function getParameters(): ?array {}
public function getShortName(): ?string {}
public function getStartLine(): ?int|false {}
public function getStaticVariables(): ?array {}
public function returnsReference(): ?bool {}
public function hasReturnType(): ?bool {}
public function getReturnType(): ??ReflectionType {}
public function hasTentativeReturnType(): bool {}
public function getTentativeReturnType(): ?ReflectionType {}
public function getAttributes(?string $name = NULL, int $flags = 0): array {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class ReflectionFunction {
public function __construct(Closure|string $function) {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function isAnonymous(): bool {}
public function isDisabled(): ?bool {}
public function invoke(mixed $args): ?mixed {}
public function invokeArgs(array $args): ?mixed {}
public function getClosure(): ?Closure {}
public function inNamespace(): ?bool {}
public function isClosure(): ?bool {}
public function isDeprecated(): ?bool {}
public function isInternal(): ?bool {}
public function isUserDefined(): ?bool {}
public function isGenerator(): ?bool {}
public function isVariadic(): ?bool {}
public function isStatic(): ?bool {}
public function getClosureThis(): ??object {}
public function getClosureScopeClass(): ??ReflectionClass {}
public function getClosureCalledClass(): ??ReflectionClass {}
public function getClosureUsedVariables(): array {}
public function getDocComment(): ?string|false {}
public function getEndLine(): ?int|false {}
public function getExtension(): ??ReflectionExtension {}
public function getExtensionName(): ?string|false {}
public function getFileName(): ?string|false {}
public function getName(): ?string {}
public function getNamespaceName(): ?string {}
public function getNumberOfParameters(): ?int {}
public function getNumberOfRequiredParameters(): ?int {}
public function getParameters(): ?array {}
public function getShortName(): ?string {}
public function getStartLine(): ?int|false {}
public function getStaticVariables(): ?array {}
public function returnsReference(): ?bool {}
public function hasReturnType(): ?bool {}
public function getReturnType(): ??ReflectionType {}
public function hasTentativeReturnType(): bool {}
public function getTentativeReturnType(): ?ReflectionType {}
public function getAttributes(?string $name = NULL, int $flags = 0): array {}
final class ReflectionGenerator {
public function __construct(Generator $generator) {}
public function getExecutingLine(): ?int {}
public function getExecutingFile(): ?string {}
public function getTrace(int $options = 1): ?array {}
public function getFunction(): ?ReflectionFunctionAbstract {}
public function getThis(): ??object {}
public function getExecutingGenerator(): ?Generator {}
class ReflectionParameter {
private function __clone(): void {}
public function __construct($function, string|int $param) {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function getName(): ?string {}
public function isPassedByReference(): ?bool {}
public function canBePassedByValue(): ?bool {}
public function getDeclaringFunction(): ?ReflectionFunctionAbstract {}
public function getDeclaringClass(): ??ReflectionClass {}
public function getClass(): ??ReflectionClass {}
public function hasType(): ?bool {}
public function getType(): ??ReflectionType {}
public function isArray(): ?bool {}
public function isCallable(): ?bool {}
public function allowsNull(): ?bool {}
public function getPosition(): ?int {}
public function isOptional(): ?bool {}
public function isDefaultValueAvailable(): ?bool {}
public function getDefaultValue(): ?mixed {}
public function isDefaultValueConstant(): ?bool {}
public function getDefaultValueConstantName(): ??string {}
public function isVariadic(): ?bool {}
public function isPromoted(): bool {}
public function getAttributes(?string $name = NULL, int $flags = 0): array {}
abstract class ReflectionType {
private function __clone(): void {}
public function allowsNull(): ?bool {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class ReflectionNamedType {
public function getName(): ?string {}
public function isBuiltin(): ?bool {}
public function allowsNull(): ?bool {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class ReflectionUnionType {
public function getTypes(): array {}
public function allowsNull(): ?bool {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class ReflectionIntersectionType {
public function getTypes(): array {}
public function allowsNull(): ?bool {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class ReflectionMethod {
public function __construct(object|string $objectOrMethod, ?string $method = NULL) {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function isPublic(): ?bool {}
public function isPrivate(): ?bool {}
public function isProtected(): ?bool {}
public function isAbstract(): ?bool {}
public function isFinal(): ?bool {}
public function isConstructor(): ?bool {}
public function isDestructor(): ?bool {}
public function getClosure(?object $object = NULL): ?Closure {}
public function getModifiers(): ?int {}
public function invoke(?object $object, mixed $args): ?mixed {}
public function invokeArgs(?object $object, array $args): ?mixed {}
public function getDeclaringClass(): ?ReflectionClass {}
public function getPrototype(): ?ReflectionMethod {}
public function hasPrototype(): bool {}
public function setAccessible(bool $accessible): ?void {}
public function inNamespace(): ?bool {}
public function isClosure(): ?bool {}
public function isDeprecated(): ?bool {}
public function isInternal(): ?bool {}
public function isUserDefined(): ?bool {}
public function isGenerator(): ?bool {}
public function isVariadic(): ?bool {}
public function isStatic(): ?bool {}
public function getClosureThis(): ??object {}
public function getClosureScopeClass(): ??ReflectionClass {}
public function getClosureCalledClass(): ??ReflectionClass {}
public function getClosureUsedVariables(): array {}
public function getDocComment(): ?string|false {}
public function getEndLine(): ?int|false {}
public function getExtension(): ??ReflectionExtension {}
public function getExtensionName(): ?string|false {}
public function getFileName(): ?string|false {}
public function getName(): ?string {}
public function getNamespaceName(): ?string {}
public function getNumberOfParameters(): ?int {}
public function getNumberOfRequiredParameters(): ?int {}
public function getParameters(): ?array {}
public function getShortName(): ?string {}
public function getStartLine(): ?int|false {}
public function getStaticVariables(): ?array {}
public function returnsReference(): ?bool {}
public function hasReturnType(): ?bool {}
public function getReturnType(): ??ReflectionType {}
public function hasTentativeReturnType(): bool {}
public function getTentativeReturnType(): ?ReflectionType {}
public function getAttributes(?string $name = NULL, int $flags = 0): array {}
class ReflectionClass {
private function __clone(): void {}
public function __construct(object|string $objectOrClass) {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function getName(): ?string {}
public function isInternal(): ?bool {}
public function isUserDefined(): ?bool {}
public function isAnonymous(): ?bool {}
public function isInstantiable(): ?bool {}
public function isCloneable(): ?bool {}
public function getFileName(): ?string|false {}
public function getStartLine(): ?int|false {}
public function getEndLine(): ?int|false {}
public function getDocComment(): ?string|false {}
public function getConstructor(): ??ReflectionMethod {}
public function hasMethod(string $name): ?bool {}
public function getMethod(string $name): ?ReflectionMethod {}
public function getMethods(?int $filter = NULL): ?array {}
public function hasProperty(string $name): ?bool {}
public function getProperty(string $name): ?ReflectionProperty {}
public function getProperties(?int $filter = NULL): ?array {}
public function hasConstant(string $name): ?bool {}
public function getConstants(?int $filter = NULL): ?array {}
public function getReflectionConstants(?int $filter = NULL): ?array {}
public function getConstant(string $name): ?mixed {}
public function getReflectionConstant(string $name): ?ReflectionClassConstant|false {}
public function getInterfaces(): ?array {}
public function getInterfaceNames(): ?array {}
public function isInterface(): ?bool {}
public function getTraits(): ?array {}
public function getTraitNames(): ?array {}
public function getTraitAliases(): ?array {}
public function isTrait(): ?bool {}
public function isEnum(): bool {}
public function isAbstract(): ?bool {}
public function isFinal(): ?bool {}
public function isReadOnly(): bool {}
public function getModifiers(): ?int {}
public function isInstance(object $object): ?bool {}
public function newInstance(mixed $args): ?object {}
public function newInstanceWithoutConstructor(): ?object {}
public function newInstanceArgs(array $args = array (
)): ??object {}
public function getParentClass(): ?ReflectionClass|false {}
public function isSubclassOf(ReflectionClass|string $class): ?bool {}
public function getStaticProperties(): ??array {}
public function getStaticPropertyValue(string $name, mixed $default): ?mixed {}
public function setStaticPropertyValue(string $name, mixed $value): ?void {}
public function getDefaultProperties(): ?array {}
public function isIterable(): ?bool {}
public function isIterateable(): ?bool {}
public function implementsInterface(ReflectionClass|string $interface): ?bool {}
public function getExtension(): ??ReflectionExtension {}
public function getExtensionName(): ?string|false {}
public function inNamespace(): ?bool {}
public function getNamespaceName(): ?string {}
public function getShortName(): ?string {}
public function getAttributes(?string $name = NULL, int $flags = 0): array {}
class ReflectionObject {
public function __construct(object $object) {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function getName(): ?string {}
public function isInternal(): ?bool {}
public function isUserDefined(): ?bool {}
public function isAnonymous(): ?bool {}
public function isInstantiable(): ?bool {}
public function isCloneable(): ?bool {}
public function getFileName(): ?string|false {}
public function getStartLine(): ?int|false {}
public function getEndLine(): ?int|false {}
public function getDocComment(): ?string|false {}
public function getConstructor(): ??ReflectionMethod {}
public function hasMethod(string $name): ?bool {}
public function getMethod(string $name): ?ReflectionMethod {}
public function getMethods(?int $filter = NULL): ?array {}
public function hasProperty(string $name): ?bool {}
public function getProperty(string $name): ?ReflectionProperty {}
public function getProperties(?int $filter = NULL): ?array {}
public function hasConstant(string $name): ?bool {}
public function getConstants(?int $filter = NULL): ?array {}
public function getReflectionConstants(?int $filter = NULL): ?array {}
public function getConstant(string $name): ?mixed {}
public function getReflectionConstant(string $name): ?ReflectionClassConstant|false {}
public function getInterfaces(): ?array {}
public function getInterfaceNames(): ?array {}
public function isInterface(): ?bool {}
public function getTraits(): ?array {}
public function getTraitNames(): ?array {}
public function getTraitAliases(): ?array {}
public function isTrait(): ?bool {}
public function isEnum(): bool {}
public function isAbstract(): ?bool {}
public function isFinal(): ?bool {}
public function isReadOnly(): bool {}
public function getModifiers(): ?int {}
public function isInstance(object $object): ?bool {}
public function newInstance(mixed $args): ?object {}
public function newInstanceWithoutConstructor(): ?object {}
public function newInstanceArgs(array $args = array (
)): ??object {}
public function getParentClass(): ?ReflectionClass|false {}
public function isSubclassOf(ReflectionClass|string $class): ?bool {}
public function getStaticProperties(): ??array {}
public function getStaticPropertyValue(string $name, mixed $default): ?mixed {}
public function setStaticPropertyValue(string $name, mixed $value): ?void {}
public function getDefaultProperties(): ?array {}
public function isIterable(): ?bool {}
public function isIterateable(): ?bool {}
public function implementsInterface(ReflectionClass|string $interface): ?bool {}
public function getExtension(): ??ReflectionExtension {}
public function getExtensionName(): ?string|false {}
public function inNamespace(): ?bool {}
public function getNamespaceName(): ?string {}
public function getShortName(): ?string {}
public function getAttributes(?string $name = NULL, int $flags = 0): array {}
class ReflectionProperty {
private function __clone(): void {}
public function __construct(object|string $class, string $property) {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function getName(): ?string {}
public function getValue(?object $object = NULL): ?mixed {}
public function setValue(mixed $objectOrValue, mixed $value): ?void {}
public function isInitialized(?object $object = NULL): ?bool {}
public function isPublic(): ?bool {}
public function isPrivate(): ?bool {}
public function isProtected(): ?bool {}
public function isStatic(): ?bool {}
public function isReadOnly(): bool {}
public function isDefault(): ?bool {}
public function isPromoted(): bool {}
public function getModifiers(): ?int {}
public function getDeclaringClass(): ?ReflectionClass {}
public function getDocComment(): ?string|false {}
public function setAccessible(bool $accessible): ?void {}
public function getType(): ??ReflectionType {}
public function hasType(): ?bool {}
public function hasDefaultValue(): bool {}
public function getDefaultValue(): ?mixed {}
public function getAttributes(?string $name = NULL, int $flags = 0): array {}
class ReflectionClassConstant {
private function __clone(): void {}
public function __construct(object|string $class, string $constant) {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function getName(): ?string {}
public function getValue(): ?mixed {}
public function isPublic(): ?bool {}
public function isPrivate(): ?bool {}
public function isProtected(): ?bool {}
public function isFinal(): bool {}
public function getModifiers(): ?int {}
public function getDeclaringClass(): ?ReflectionClass {}
public function getDocComment(): ?string|false {}
public function getAttributes(?string $name = NULL, int $flags = 0): array {}
public function isEnumCase(): bool {}
class ReflectionExtension {
private function __clone(): void {}
public function __construct(string $name) {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function getName(): ?string {}
public function getVersion(): ??string {}
public function getFunctions(): ?array {}
public function getConstants(): ?array {}
public function getINIEntries(): ?array {}
public function getClasses(): ?array {}
public function getClassNames(): ?array {}
public function getDependencies(): ?array {}
public function info(): ?void {}
public function isPersistent(): ?bool {}
public function isTemporary(): ?bool {}
class ReflectionZendExtension {
private function __clone(): void {}
public function __construct(string $name) {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function getName(): ?string {}
public function getVersion(): ?string {}
public function getAuthor(): ?string {}
public function getURL(): ?string {}
public function getCopyright(): ?string {}
final class ReflectionReference {
public static function fromArrayElement(array $array, string|int $key): ?ReflectionReference {}
public function getId(): string {}
private function __clone(): void {}
private function __construct() {}
class ReflectionAttribute {
public function getName(): string {}
public function getTarget(): int {}
public function isRepeated(): bool {}
public function getArguments(): array {}
public function newInstance(): object {}
public function __toString(): string {}
private function __clone(): void {}
private function __construct() {}
class ReflectionEnum {
public function __construct(object|string $objectOrClass) {}
public function hasCase(string $name): bool {}
public function getCase(string $name): ReflectionEnumUnitCase {}
public function getCases(): array {}
public function isBacked(): bool {}
public function getBackingType(): ?ReflectionNamedType {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function getName(): ?string {}
public function isInternal(): ?bool {}
public function isUserDefined(): ?bool {}
public function isAnonymous(): ?bool {}
public function isInstantiable(): ?bool {}
public function isCloneable(): ?bool {}
public function getFileName(): ?string|false {}
public function getStartLine(): ?int|false {}
public function getEndLine(): ?int|false {}
public function getDocComment(): ?string|false {}
public function getConstructor(): ??ReflectionMethod {}
public function hasMethod(string $name): ?bool {}
public function getMethod(string $name): ?ReflectionMethod {}
public function getMethods(?int $filter = NULL): ?array {}
public function hasProperty(string $name): ?bool {}
public function getProperty(string $name): ?ReflectionProperty {}
public function getProperties(?int $filter = NULL): ?array {}
public function hasConstant(string $name): ?bool {}
public function getConstants(?int $filter = NULL): ?array {}
public function getReflectionConstants(?int $filter = NULL): ?array {}
public function getConstant(string $name): ?mixed {}
public function getReflectionConstant(string $name): ?ReflectionClassConstant|false {}
public function getInterfaces(): ?array {}
public function getInterfaceNames(): ?array {}
public function isInterface(): ?bool {}
public function getTraits(): ?array {}
public function getTraitNames(): ?array {}
public function getTraitAliases(): ?array {}
public function isTrait(): ?bool {}
public function isEnum(): bool {}
public function isAbstract(): ?bool {}
public function isFinal(): ?bool {}
public function isReadOnly(): bool {}
public function getModifiers(): ?int {}
public function isInstance(object $object): ?bool {}
public function newInstance(mixed $args): ?object {}
public function newInstanceWithoutConstructor(): ?object {}
public function newInstanceArgs(array $args = array (
)): ??object {}
public function getParentClass(): ?ReflectionClass|false {}
public function isSubclassOf(ReflectionClass|string $class): ?bool {}
public function getStaticProperties(): ??array {}
public function getStaticPropertyValue(string $name, mixed $default): ?mixed {}
public function setStaticPropertyValue(string $name, mixed $value): ?void {}
public function getDefaultProperties(): ?array {}
public function isIterable(): ?bool {}
public function isIterateable(): ?bool {}
public function implementsInterface(ReflectionClass|string $interface): ?bool {}
public function getExtension(): ??ReflectionExtension {}
public function getExtensionName(): ?string|false {}
public function inNamespace(): ?bool {}
public function getNamespaceName(): ?string {}
public function getShortName(): ?string {}
public function getAttributes(?string $name = NULL, int $flags = 0): array {}
class ReflectionEnumUnitCase {
public function __construct(object|string $class, string $constant) {}
public function getEnum(): ReflectionEnum {}
public function getValue(): UnitEnum {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function getName(): ?string {}
public function isPublic(): ?bool {}
public function isPrivate(): ?bool {}
public function isProtected(): ?bool {}
public function isFinal(): bool {}
public function getModifiers(): ?int {}
public function getDeclaringClass(): ?ReflectionClass {}
public function getDocComment(): ?string|false {}
public function getAttributes(?string $name = NULL, int $flags = 0): array {}
public function isEnumCase(): bool {}
class ReflectionEnumBackedCase {
public function __construct(object|string $class, string $constant) {}
public function getBackingValue(): string|int {}
public function getEnum(): ReflectionEnum {}
public function getValue(): UnitEnum {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function getName(): ?string {}
public function isPublic(): ?bool {}
public function isPrivate(): ?bool {}
public function isProtected(): ?bool {}
public function isFinal(): bool {}
public function getModifiers(): ?int {}
public function getDeclaringClass(): ?ReflectionClass {}
public function getDocComment(): ?string|false {}
public function getAttributes(?string $name = NULL, int $flags = 0): array {}
public function isEnumCase(): bool {}
final class ReflectionFiber {
public function __construct(Fiber $fiber) {}
public function getFiber(): Fiber {}
public function getExecutingFile(): ?string {}
public function getExecutingLine(): ?int {}
public function getCallable(): callable {}
public function getTrace(int $options = 1): array {}
class LogicException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class BadFunctionCallException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class BadMethodCallException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class DomainException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class InvalidArgumentException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class LengthException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class OutOfRangeException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class RuntimeException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class OutOfBoundsException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class OverflowException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class RangeException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class UnderflowException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class UnexpectedValueException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class RecursiveIteratorIterator {
public function __construct(Traversable $iterator, int $mode = 0, int $flags = 0) {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function getDepth(): ?int {}
public function getSubIterator(?int $level = NULL): ??RecursiveIterator {}
public function getInnerIterator(): ?RecursiveIterator {}
public function beginIteration(): ?void {}
public function endIteration(): ?void {}
public function callHasChildren(): ?bool {}
public function callGetChildren(): ??RecursiveIterator {}
public function beginChildren(): ?void {}
public function endChildren(): ?void {}
public function nextElement(): ?void {}
public function setMaxDepth(int $maxDepth = -1): ?void {}
public function getMaxDepth(): ?int|false {}
class IteratorIterator {
public function __construct(Traversable $iterator, ?string $class = NULL) {}
public function getInnerIterator(): ??Iterator {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
public function next(): ?void {}
abstract class FilterIterator {
public function accept(): ?bool {}
public function __construct(Iterator $iterator) {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function getInnerIterator(): ??Iterator {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
abstract class RecursiveFilterIterator {
public function __construct(RecursiveIterator $iterator) {}
public function hasChildren(): ?bool {}
public function getChildren(): ??RecursiveFilterIterator {}
public function accept(): ?bool {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function getInnerIterator(): ??Iterator {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
class CallbackFilterIterator {
public function __construct(Iterator $iterator, callable $callback) {}
public function accept(): ?bool {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function getInnerIterator(): ??Iterator {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
class RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator {
public function __construct(RecursiveIterator $iterator, callable $callback) {}
public function hasChildren(): ?bool {}
public function getChildren(): ?RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator {}
public function accept(): ?bool {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function getInnerIterator(): ??Iterator {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
class ParentIterator {
public function __construct(RecursiveIterator $iterator) {}
public function accept(): ?bool {}
public function hasChildren(): ?bool {}
public function getChildren(): ??RecursiveFilterIterator {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function getInnerIterator(): ??Iterator {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
class LimitIterator {
public function __construct(Iterator $iterator, int $offset = 0, int $limit = -1) {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function seek(int $offset): ?int {}
public function getPosition(): ?int {}
public function getInnerIterator(): ??Iterator {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
class CachingIterator {
public function __construct(Iterator $iterator, int $flags = 1) {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function hasNext(): ?bool {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function getFlags(): ?int {}
public function setFlags(int $flags): ?void {}
public function offsetGet($key): ?mixed {}
public function offsetSet($key, mixed $value): ?void {}
public function offsetUnset($key): ?void {}
public function offsetExists($key): ?bool {}
public function getCache(): ?array {}
public function count(): ?int {}
public function getInnerIterator(): ??Iterator {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
class RecursiveCachingIterator {
public function __construct(Iterator $iterator, int $flags = 1) {}
public function hasChildren(): ?bool {}
public function getChildren(): ??RecursiveCachingIterator {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function hasNext(): ?bool {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function getFlags(): ?int {}
public function setFlags(int $flags): ?void {}
public function offsetGet($key): ?mixed {}
public function offsetSet($key, mixed $value): ?void {}
public function offsetUnset($key): ?void {}
public function offsetExists($key): ?bool {}
public function getCache(): ?array {}
public function count(): ?int {}
public function getInnerIterator(): ??Iterator {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
class NoRewindIterator {
public function __construct(Iterator $iterator) {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function getInnerIterator(): ??Iterator {}
class AppendIterator {
public function __construct() {}
public function append(Iterator $iterator): ?void {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function getIteratorIndex(): ??int {}
public function getArrayIterator(): ?ArrayIterator {}
public function getInnerIterator(): ??Iterator {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
class InfiniteIterator {
public function __construct(Iterator $iterator) {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function getInnerIterator(): ??Iterator {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
class RegexIterator {
public function __construct(Iterator $iterator, string $pattern, int $mode = 0, int $flags = 0, int $pregFlags = 0) {}
public function accept(): ?bool {}
public function getMode(): ?int {}
public function setMode(int $mode): ?void {}
public function getFlags(): ?int {}
public function setFlags(int $flags): ?void {}
public function getRegex(): ?string {}
public function getPregFlags(): ?int {}
public function setPregFlags(int $pregFlags): ?void {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function getInnerIterator(): ??Iterator {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
class RecursiveRegexIterator {
public function __construct(RecursiveIterator $iterator, string $pattern, int $mode = 0, int $flags = 0, int $pregFlags = 0) {}
public function accept(): ?bool {}
public function hasChildren(): ?bool {}
public function getChildren(): ?RecursiveRegexIterator {}
public function getMode(): ?int {}
public function setMode(int $mode): ?void {}
public function getFlags(): ?int {}
public function setFlags(int $flags): ?void {}
public function getRegex(): ?string {}
public function getPregFlags(): ?int {}
public function setPregFlags(int $pregFlags): ?void {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function getInnerIterator(): ??Iterator {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
class EmptyIterator {
public function current(): ?never {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function key(): ?never {}
public function valid(): ?false {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
class RecursiveTreeIterator {
public function __construct($iterator, int $flags = 8, int $cachingIteratorFlags = 16, int $mode = 1) {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
public function getPrefix(): ?string {}
public function setPostfix(string $postfix): ?void {}
public function setPrefixPart(int $part, string $value): ?void {}
public function getEntry(): ?string {}
public function getPostfix(): ?string {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function getDepth(): ?int {}
public function getSubIterator(?int $level = NULL): ??RecursiveIterator {}
public function getInnerIterator(): ?RecursiveIterator {}
public function beginIteration(): ?void {}
public function endIteration(): ?void {}
public function callHasChildren(): ?bool {}
public function callGetChildren(): ??RecursiveIterator {}
public function beginChildren(): ?void {}
public function endChildren(): ?void {}
public function nextElement(): ?void {}
public function setMaxDepth(int $maxDepth = -1): ?void {}
public function getMaxDepth(): ?int|false {}
class ArrayObject {
public function __construct(object|array $array = array (
), int $flags = 0, string $iteratorClass = 'ArrayIterator') {}
public function offsetExists(mixed $key): ?bool {}
public function offsetGet(mixed $key): ?mixed {}
public function offsetSet(mixed $key, mixed $value): ?void {}
public function offsetUnset(mixed $key): ?void {}
public function append(mixed $value): ?void {}
public function getArrayCopy(): ?array {}
public function count(): ?int {}
public function getFlags(): ?int {}
public function setFlags(int $flags): ?void {}
public function asort(int $flags = 0): ?bool {}
public function ksort(int $flags = 0): ?bool {}
public function uasort(callable $callback): ?bool {}
public function uksort(callable $callback): ?bool {}
public function natsort(): ?bool {}
public function natcasesort(): ?bool {}
public function unserialize(string $data): ?void {}
public function serialize(): ?string {}
public function __serialize(): ?array {}
public function __unserialize(array $data): ?void {}
public function getIterator(): ?Iterator {}
public function exchangeArray(object|array $array): ?array {}
public function setIteratorClass(string $iteratorClass): ?void {}
public function getIteratorClass(): ?string {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
class ArrayIterator {
public function __construct(object|array $array = array (
), int $flags = 0) {}
public function offsetExists(mixed $key): ?bool {}
public function offsetGet(mixed $key): ?mixed {}
public function offsetSet(mixed $key, mixed $value): ?void {}
public function offsetUnset(mixed $key): ?void {}
public function append(mixed $value): ?void {}
public function getArrayCopy(): ?array {}
public function count(): ?int {}
public function getFlags(): ?int {}
public function setFlags(int $flags): ?void {}
public function asort(int $flags = 0): ?bool {}
public function ksort(int $flags = 0): ?bool {}
public function uasort(callable $callback): ?bool {}
public function uksort(callable $callback): ?bool {}
public function natsort(): ?bool {}
public function natcasesort(): ?bool {}
public function unserialize(string $data): ?void {}
public function serialize(): ?string {}
public function __serialize(): ?array {}
public function __unserialize(array $data): ?void {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
public function key(): ?string|int|null {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function seek(int $offset): ?void {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
class RecursiveArrayIterator {
public function hasChildren(): ?bool {}
public function getChildren(): ??RecursiveArrayIterator {}
public function __construct(object|array $array = array (
), int $flags = 0) {}
public function offsetExists(mixed $key): ?bool {}
public function offsetGet(mixed $key): ?mixed {}
public function offsetSet(mixed $key, mixed $value): ?void {}
public function offsetUnset(mixed $key): ?void {}
public function append(mixed $value): ?void {}
public function getArrayCopy(): ?array {}
public function count(): ?int {}
public function getFlags(): ?int {}
public function setFlags(int $flags): ?void {}
public function asort(int $flags = 0): ?bool {}
public function ksort(int $flags = 0): ?bool {}
public function uasort(callable $callback): ?bool {}
public function uksort(callable $callback): ?bool {}
public function natsort(): ?bool {}
public function natcasesort(): ?bool {}
public function unserialize(string $data): ?void {}
public function serialize(): ?string {}
public function __serialize(): ?array {}
public function __unserialize(array $data): ?void {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
public function key(): ?string|int|null {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function seek(int $offset): ?void {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
class SplFileInfo {
public function __construct(string $filename) {}
public function getPath(): ?string {}
public function getFilename(): ?string {}
public function getExtension(): ?string {}
public function getBasename(string $suffix = ''): ?string {}
public function getPathname(): ?string {}
public function getPerms(): ?int|false {}
public function getInode(): ?int|false {}
public function getSize(): ?int|false {}
public function getOwner(): ?int|false {}
public function getGroup(): ?int|false {}
public function getATime(): ?int|false {}
public function getMTime(): ?int|false {}
public function getCTime(): ?int|false {}
public function getType(): ?string|false {}
public function isWritable(): ?bool {}
public function isReadable(): ?bool {}
public function isExecutable(): ?bool {}
public function isFile(): ?bool {}
public function isDir(): ?bool {}
public function isLink(): ?bool {}
public function getLinkTarget(): ?string|false {}
public function getRealPath(): ?string|false {}
public function getFileInfo(?string $class = NULL): ?SplFileInfo {}
public function getPathInfo(?string $class = NULL): ??SplFileInfo {}
public function openFile(string $mode = 'r', bool $useIncludePath = false, $context = NULL): ?SplFileObject {}
public function setFileClass(string $class = 'SplFileObject'): ?void {}
public function setInfoClass(string $class = 'SplFileInfo'): ?void {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
final public function _bad_state_ex(): ?void {}
class DirectoryIterator {
public function __construct(string $directory) {}
public function getFilename(): ?string {}
public function getExtension(): ?string {}
public function getBasename(string $suffix = ''): ?string {}
public function isDot(): ?bool {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function seek(int $offset): ?void {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function getPath(): ?string {}
public function getPathname(): ?string {}
public function getPerms(): ?int|false {}
public function getInode(): ?int|false {}
public function getSize(): ?int|false {}
public function getOwner(): ?int|false {}
public function getGroup(): ?int|false {}
public function getATime(): ?int|false {}
public function getMTime(): ?int|false {}
public function getCTime(): ?int|false {}
public function getType(): ?string|false {}
public function isWritable(): ?bool {}
public function isReadable(): ?bool {}
public function isExecutable(): ?bool {}
public function isFile(): ?bool {}
public function isDir(): ?bool {}
public function isLink(): ?bool {}
public function getLinkTarget(): ?string|false {}
public function getRealPath(): ?string|false {}
public function getFileInfo(?string $class = NULL): ?SplFileInfo {}
public function getPathInfo(?string $class = NULL): ??SplFileInfo {}
public function openFile(string $mode = 'r', bool $useIncludePath = false, $context = NULL): ?SplFileObject {}
public function setFileClass(string $class = 'SplFileObject'): ?void {}
public function setInfoClass(string $class = 'SplFileInfo'): ?void {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
final public function _bad_state_ex(): ?void {}
class FilesystemIterator {
public function __construct(string $directory, int $flags = 4096) {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function key(): ?string {}
public function current(): ?SplFileInfo|FilesystemIterator|string {}
public function getFlags(): ?int {}
public function setFlags(int $flags): ?void {}
public function getFilename(): ?string {}
public function getExtension(): ?string {}
public function getBasename(string $suffix = ''): ?string {}
public function isDot(): ?bool {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function seek(int $offset): ?void {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function getPath(): ?string {}
public function getPathname(): ?string {}
public function getPerms(): ?int|false {}
public function getInode(): ?int|false {}
public function getSize(): ?int|false {}
public function getOwner(): ?int|false {}
public function getGroup(): ?int|false {}
public function getATime(): ?int|false {}
public function getMTime(): ?int|false {}
public function getCTime(): ?int|false {}
public function getType(): ?string|false {}
public function isWritable(): ?bool {}
public function isReadable(): ?bool {}
public function isExecutable(): ?bool {}
public function isFile(): ?bool {}
public function isDir(): ?bool {}
public function isLink(): ?bool {}
public function getLinkTarget(): ?string|false {}
public function getRealPath(): ?string|false {}
public function getFileInfo(?string $class = NULL): ?SplFileInfo {}
public function getPathInfo(?string $class = NULL): ??SplFileInfo {}
public function openFile(string $mode = 'r', bool $useIncludePath = false, $context = NULL): ?SplFileObject {}
public function setFileClass(string $class = 'SplFileObject'): ?void {}
public function setInfoClass(string $class = 'SplFileInfo'): ?void {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
final public function _bad_state_ex(): ?void {}
class RecursiveDirectoryIterator {
public function __construct(string $directory, int $flags = 0) {}
public function hasChildren(bool $allowLinks = false): ?bool {}
public function getChildren(): ?RecursiveDirectoryIterator {}
public function getSubPath(): ?string {}
public function getSubPathname(): ?string {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function key(): ?string {}
public function current(): ?SplFileInfo|FilesystemIterator|string {}
public function getFlags(): ?int {}
public function setFlags(int $flags): ?void {}
public function getFilename(): ?string {}
public function getExtension(): ?string {}
public function getBasename(string $suffix = ''): ?string {}
public function isDot(): ?bool {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function seek(int $offset): ?void {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function getPath(): ?string {}
public function getPathname(): ?string {}
public function getPerms(): ?int|false {}
public function getInode(): ?int|false {}
public function getSize(): ?int|false {}
public function getOwner(): ?int|false {}
public function getGroup(): ?int|false {}
public function getATime(): ?int|false {}
public function getMTime(): ?int|false {}
public function getCTime(): ?int|false {}
public function getType(): ?string|false {}
public function isWritable(): ?bool {}
public function isReadable(): ?bool {}
public function isExecutable(): ?bool {}
public function isFile(): ?bool {}
public function isDir(): ?bool {}
public function isLink(): ?bool {}
public function getLinkTarget(): ?string|false {}
public function getRealPath(): ?string|false {}
public function getFileInfo(?string $class = NULL): ?SplFileInfo {}
public function getPathInfo(?string $class = NULL): ??SplFileInfo {}
public function openFile(string $mode = 'r', bool $useIncludePath = false, $context = NULL): ?SplFileObject {}
public function setFileClass(string $class = 'SplFileObject'): ?void {}
public function setInfoClass(string $class = 'SplFileInfo'): ?void {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
final public function _bad_state_ex(): ?void {}
class GlobIterator {
public function __construct(string $pattern, int $flags = 0) {}
public function count(): ?int {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function key(): ?string {}
public function current(): ?SplFileInfo|FilesystemIterator|string {}
public function getFlags(): ?int {}
public function setFlags(int $flags): ?void {}
public function getFilename(): ?string {}
public function getExtension(): ?string {}
public function getBasename(string $suffix = ''): ?string {}
public function isDot(): ?bool {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function seek(int $offset): ?void {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function getPath(): ?string {}
public function getPathname(): ?string {}
public function getPerms(): ?int|false {}
public function getInode(): ?int|false {}
public function getSize(): ?int|false {}
public function getOwner(): ?int|false {}
public function getGroup(): ?int|false {}
public function getATime(): ?int|false {}
public function getMTime(): ?int|false {}
public function getCTime(): ?int|false {}
public function getType(): ?string|false {}
public function isWritable(): ?bool {}
public function isReadable(): ?bool {}
public function isExecutable(): ?bool {}
public function isFile(): ?bool {}
public function isDir(): ?bool {}
public function isLink(): ?bool {}
public function getLinkTarget(): ?string|false {}
public function getRealPath(): ?string|false {}
public function getFileInfo(?string $class = NULL): ?SplFileInfo {}
public function getPathInfo(?string $class = NULL): ??SplFileInfo {}
public function openFile(string $mode = 'r', bool $useIncludePath = false, $context = NULL): ?SplFileObject {}
public function setFileClass(string $class = 'SplFileObject'): ?void {}
public function setInfoClass(string $class = 'SplFileInfo'): ?void {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
final public function _bad_state_ex(): ?void {}
class SplFileObject {
public function __construct(string $filename, string $mode = 'r', bool $useIncludePath = false, $context = NULL) {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function eof(): ?bool {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function fgets(): ?string {}
public function fread(int $length): ?string|false {}
public function fgetcsv(string $separator = ',', string $enclosure = '"', string $escape = '\\'): ?array|false {}
public function fputcsv(array $fields, string $separator = ',', string $enclosure = '"', string $escape = '\\', string $eol = '
'): ?int|false {}
public function setCsvControl(string $separator = ',', string $enclosure = '"', string $escape = '\\'): ?void {}
public function getCsvControl(): ?array {}
public function flock(int $operation, $wouldBlock = NULL): ?bool {}
public function fflush(): ?bool {}
public function ftell(): ?int|false {}
public function fseek(int $offset, int $whence = 0): ?int {}
public function fgetc(): ?string|false {}
public function fpassthru(): ?int {}
public function fscanf(string $format, mixed $vars): ?array|int|null {}
public function fwrite(string $data, int $length = 0): ?int|false {}
public function fstat(): ?array {}
public function ftruncate(int $size): ?bool {}
public function current(): ?array|string|false {}
public function key(): ?int {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function setFlags(int $flags): ?void {}
public function getFlags(): ?int {}
public function setMaxLineLen(int $maxLength): ?void {}
public function getMaxLineLen(): ?int {}
public function hasChildren(): ?false {}
public function getChildren(): ?null {}
public function seek(int $line): ?void {}
public function getCurrentLine(): ?string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function getPath(): ?string {}
public function getFilename(): ?string {}
public function getExtension(): ?string {}
public function getBasename(string $suffix = ''): ?string {}
public function getPathname(): ?string {}
public function getPerms(): ?int|false {}
public function getInode(): ?int|false {}
public function getSize(): ?int|false {}
public function getOwner(): ?int|false {}
public function getGroup(): ?int|false {}
public function getATime(): ?int|false {}
public function getMTime(): ?int|false {}
public function getCTime(): ?int|false {}
public function getType(): ?string|false {}
public function isWritable(): ?bool {}
public function isReadable(): ?bool {}
public function isExecutable(): ?bool {}
public function isFile(): ?bool {}
public function isDir(): ?bool {}
public function isLink(): ?bool {}
public function getLinkTarget(): ?string|false {}
public function getRealPath(): ?string|false {}
public function getFileInfo(?string $class = NULL): ?SplFileInfo {}
public function getPathInfo(?string $class = NULL): ??SplFileInfo {}
public function openFile(string $mode = 'r', bool $useIncludePath = false, $context = NULL): ?SplFileObject {}
public function setFileClass(string $class = 'SplFileObject'): ?void {}
public function setInfoClass(string $class = 'SplFileInfo'): ?void {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
final public function _bad_state_ex(): ?void {}
class SplTempFileObject {
public function __construct(int $maxMemory = 2097152) {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function eof(): ?bool {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function fgets(): ?string {}
public function fread(int $length): ?string|false {}
public function fgetcsv(string $separator = ',', string $enclosure = '"', string $escape = '\\'): ?array|false {}
public function fputcsv(array $fields, string $separator = ',', string $enclosure = '"', string $escape = '\\', string $eol = '
'): ?int|false {}
public function setCsvControl(string $separator = ',', string $enclosure = '"', string $escape = '\\'): ?void {}
public function getCsvControl(): ?array {}
public function flock(int $operation, $wouldBlock = NULL): ?bool {}
public function fflush(): ?bool {}
public function ftell(): ?int|false {}
public function fseek(int $offset, int $whence = 0): ?int {}
public function fgetc(): ?string|false {}
public function fpassthru(): ?int {}
public function fscanf(string $format, mixed $vars): ?array|int|null {}
public function fwrite(string $data, int $length = 0): ?int|false {}
public function fstat(): ?array {}
public function ftruncate(int $size): ?bool {}
public function current(): ?array|string|false {}
public function key(): ?int {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function setFlags(int $flags): ?void {}
public function getFlags(): ?int {}
public function setMaxLineLen(int $maxLength): ?void {}
public function getMaxLineLen(): ?int {}
public function hasChildren(): ?false {}
public function getChildren(): ?null {}
public function seek(int $line): ?void {}
public function getCurrentLine(): ?string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function getPath(): ?string {}
public function getFilename(): ?string {}
public function getExtension(): ?string {}
public function getBasename(string $suffix = ''): ?string {}
public function getPathname(): ?string {}
public function getPerms(): ?int|false {}
public function getInode(): ?int|false {}
public function getSize(): ?int|false {}
public function getOwner(): ?int|false {}
public function getGroup(): ?int|false {}
public function getATime(): ?int|false {}
public function getMTime(): ?int|false {}
public function getCTime(): ?int|false {}
public function getType(): ?string|false {}
public function isWritable(): ?bool {}
public function isReadable(): ?bool {}
public function isExecutable(): ?bool {}
public function isFile(): ?bool {}
public function isDir(): ?bool {}
public function isLink(): ?bool {}
public function getLinkTarget(): ?string|false {}
public function getRealPath(): ?string|false {}
public function getFileInfo(?string $class = NULL): ?SplFileInfo {}
public function getPathInfo(?string $class = NULL): ??SplFileInfo {}
public function openFile(string $mode = 'r', bool $useIncludePath = false, $context = NULL): ?SplFileObject {}
public function setFileClass(string $class = 'SplFileObject'): ?void {}
public function setInfoClass(string $class = 'SplFileInfo'): ?void {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
final public function _bad_state_ex(): ?void {}
class SplDoublyLinkedList {
public function add(int $index, mixed $value): ?void {}
public function pop(): ?mixed {}
public function shift(): ?mixed {}
public function push(mixed $value): ?void {}
public function unshift(mixed $value): ?void {}
public function top(): ?mixed {}
public function bottom(): ?mixed {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
public function count(): ?int {}
public function isEmpty(): ?bool {}
public function setIteratorMode(int $mode): ?int {}
public function getIteratorMode(): ?int {}
public function offsetExists($index): ?bool {}
public function offsetGet($index): ?mixed {}
public function offsetSet($index, mixed $value): ?void {}
public function offsetUnset($index): ?void {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
public function key(): ?int {}
public function prev(): ?void {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function unserialize(string $data): ?void {}
public function serialize(): ?string {}
public function __serialize(): ?array {}
public function __unserialize(array $data): ?void {}
class SplQueue {
public function enqueue(mixed $value): ?void {}
public function dequeue(): ?mixed {}
public function add(int $index, mixed $value): ?void {}
public function pop(): ?mixed {}
public function shift(): ?mixed {}
public function push(mixed $value): ?void {}
public function unshift(mixed $value): ?void {}
public function top(): ?mixed {}
public function bottom(): ?mixed {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
public function count(): ?int {}
public function isEmpty(): ?bool {}
public function setIteratorMode(int $mode): ?int {}
public function getIteratorMode(): ?int {}
public function offsetExists($index): ?bool {}
public function offsetGet($index): ?mixed {}
public function offsetSet($index, mixed $value): ?void {}
public function offsetUnset($index): ?void {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
public function key(): ?int {}
public function prev(): ?void {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function unserialize(string $data): ?void {}
public function serialize(): ?string {}
public function __serialize(): ?array {}
public function __unserialize(array $data): ?void {}
class SplStack {
public function add(int $index, mixed $value): ?void {}
public function pop(): ?mixed {}
public function shift(): ?mixed {}
public function push(mixed $value): ?void {}
public function unshift(mixed $value): ?void {}
public function top(): ?mixed {}
public function bottom(): ?mixed {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
public function count(): ?int {}
public function isEmpty(): ?bool {}
public function setIteratorMode(int $mode): ?int {}
public function getIteratorMode(): ?int {}
public function offsetExists($index): ?bool {}
public function offsetGet($index): ?mixed {}
public function offsetSet($index, mixed $value): ?void {}
public function offsetUnset($index): ?void {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
public function key(): ?int {}
public function prev(): ?void {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function unserialize(string $data): ?void {}
public function serialize(): ?string {}
public function __serialize(): ?array {}
public function __unserialize(array $data): ?void {}
abstract class SplHeap {
public function extract(): ?mixed {}
public function insert(mixed $value): ?bool {}
public function top(): ?mixed {}
public function count(): ?int {}
public function isEmpty(): ?bool {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
public function key(): ?int {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function recoverFromCorruption(): ?bool {}
protected function compare(mixed $value1, mixed $value2): ?int {}
public function isCorrupted(): ?bool {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
class SplMinHeap {
protected function compare(mixed $value1, mixed $value2): ?int {}
public function extract(): ?mixed {}
public function insert(mixed $value): ?bool {}
public function top(): ?mixed {}
public function count(): ?int {}
public function isEmpty(): ?bool {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
public function key(): ?int {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function recoverFromCorruption(): ?bool {}
public function isCorrupted(): ?bool {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
class SplMaxHeap {
protected function compare(mixed $value1, mixed $value2): ?int {}
public function extract(): ?mixed {}
public function insert(mixed $value): ?bool {}
public function top(): ?mixed {}
public function count(): ?int {}
public function isEmpty(): ?bool {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
public function key(): ?int {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function recoverFromCorruption(): ?bool {}
public function isCorrupted(): ?bool {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
class SplPriorityQueue {
public function compare(mixed $priority1, mixed $priority2): ?int {}
public function insert(mixed $value, mixed $priority) {}
public function setExtractFlags(int $flags): ?int {}
public function top(): ?mixed {}
public function extract(): ?mixed {}
public function count(): ?int {}
public function isEmpty(): ?bool {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
public function key(): ?int {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function recoverFromCorruption() {}
public function isCorrupted(): ?bool {}
public function getExtractFlags(): ?int {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
class SplFixedArray {
public function __construct(int $size = 0) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
public function __serialize(): array {}
public function __unserialize(array $data): void {}
public function count(): ?int {}
public function toArray(): ?array {}
public static function fromArray(array $array, bool $preserveKeys = true): ?SplFixedArray {}
public function getSize(): ?int {}
public function setSize(int $size) {}
public function offsetExists($index): ?bool {}
public function offsetGet($index): ?mixed {}
public function offsetSet($index, mixed $value): ?void {}
public function offsetUnset($index): ?void {}
public function getIterator(): Iterator {}
public function jsonSerialize(): array {}
class SplObjectStorage {
public function attach(object $object, mixed $info = NULL): ?void {}
public function detach(object $object): ?void {}
public function contains(object $object): ?bool {}
public function addAll(SplObjectStorage $storage): ?int {}
public function removeAll(SplObjectStorage $storage): ?int {}
public function removeAllExcept(SplObjectStorage $storage): ?int {}
public function getInfo(): ?mixed {}
public function setInfo(mixed $info): ?void {}
public function count(int $mode = 0): ?int {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function key(): ?int {}
public function current(): ?object {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function unserialize(string $data): ?void {}
public function serialize(): ?string {}
public function offsetExists($object): ?bool {}
public function offsetGet($object): ?mixed {}
public function offsetSet($object, mixed $info = NULL): ?void {}
public function offsetUnset($object): ?void {}
public function getHash(object $object): ?string {}
public function __serialize(): ?array {}
public function __unserialize(array $data): ?void {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
class MultipleIterator {
public function __construct(int $flags = 1) {}
public function getFlags(): ?int {}
public function setFlags(int $flags): ?void {}
public function attachIterator(Iterator $iterator, string|int|null $info = NULL): ?void {}
public function detachIterator(Iterator $iterator): ?void {}
public function containsIterator(Iterator $iterator): ?bool {}
public function countIterators(): ?int {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function key(): ?array {}
public function current(): ?array {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
class SessionHandler {
public function open(string $path, string $name): ?bool {}
public function close(): ?bool {}
public function read(string $id): ?string|false {}
public function write(string $id, string $data): ?bool {}
public function destroy(string $id): ?bool {}
public function gc(int $max_lifetime): ?int|false {}
public function create_sid(): ?string {}
final class __PHP_Incomplete_Class {
class AssertionError {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class php_user_filter {
public function filter($in, $out, $consumed, bool $closing): ?int {}
public function onCreate(): ?bool {}
public function onClose(): ?void {}
class Directory {
public function close(): ?void {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function read(): ?string|false {}
class SodiumException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class PDOException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class PDO {
public function __construct(string $dsn, ?string $username = NULL, ?string $password = NULL, ?array $options = NULL) {}
public function beginTransaction(): ?bool {}
public function commit(): ?bool {}
public function errorCode(): ??string {}
public function errorInfo(): ?array {}
public function exec(string $statement): ?int|false {}
public function getAttribute(int $attribute): ?mixed {}
public static function getAvailableDrivers(): ?array {}
public function inTransaction(): ?bool {}
public function lastInsertId(?string $name = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function prepare(string $query, array $options = array (
)): ?PDOStatement|false {}
public function query(string $query, ?int $fetchMode = NULL, mixed $fetchModeArgs): ?PDOStatement|false {}
public function quote(string $string, int $type = 2): ?string|false {}
public function rollBack(): ?bool {}
public function setAttribute(int $attribute, mixed $value): ?bool {}
class PDOStatement {
public function bindColumn(string|int $column, mixed $var, int $type = 2, int $maxLength = 0, mixed $driverOptions = NULL): ?bool {}
public function bindParam(string|int $param, mixed $var, int $type = 2, int $maxLength = 0, mixed $driverOptions = NULL): ?bool {}
public function bindValue(string|int $param, mixed $value, int $type = 2): ?bool {}
public function closeCursor(): ?bool {}
public function columnCount(): ?int {}
public function debugDumpParams(): ??bool {}
public function errorCode(): ??string {}
public function errorInfo(): ?array {}
public function execute(?array $params = NULL): ?bool {}
public function fetch(int $mode = 0, int $cursorOrientation = 0, int $cursorOffset = 0): ?mixed {}
public function fetchAll(int $mode = 0, mixed $args): ?array {}
public function fetchColumn(int $column = 0): ?mixed {}
public function fetchObject(?string $class = 'stdClass', array $constructorArgs = array (
)): ?object|false {}
public function getAttribute(int $name): ?mixed {}
public function getColumnMeta(int $column): ?array|false {}
public function nextRowset(): ?bool {}
public function rowCount(): ?int {}
public function setAttribute(int $attribute, mixed $value): ?bool {}
public function setFetchMode(int $mode, mixed $args) {}
public function getIterator(): Iterator {}
final class PDORow {
final class XMLParser {
class AMQPConnection {
public function __construct(array $credentials) {}
public function isConnected() {}
public function connect() {}
public function pconnect() {}
public function pdisconnect() {}
public function disconnect() {}
public function reconnect() {}
public function preconnect() {}
public function getLogin() {}
public function setLogin($login) {}
public function getPassword() {}
public function setPassword($password) {}
public function getHost() {}
public function setHost($host) {}
public function getPort() {}
public function setPort($port) {}
public function getVhost() {}
public function setVhost($vhost) {}
public function getTimeout() {}
public function setTimeout($timeout) {}
public function getReadTimeout() {}
public function setReadTimeout($timeout) {}
public function getWriteTimeout() {}
public function setWriteTimeout($timeout) {}
public function getRpcTimeout() {}
public function setRpcTimeout($timeout) {}
public function getUsedChannels() {}
public function getMaxChannels() {}
public function isPersistent() {}
public function getHeartbeatInterval() {}
public function getMaxFrameSize() {}
public function getCACert() {}
public function setCACert($cacert) {}
public function getCert() {}
public function setCert($cert) {}
public function getKey() {}
public function setKey($key) {}
public function getVerify() {}
public function setVerify($verify) {}
public function getSaslMethod() {}
public function setSaslMethod($sasl_method) {}
public function getConnectionName() {}
public function setConnectionName($connection_name) {}
class AMQPChannel {
public function __construct(AMQPConnection $amqp_connection) {}
public function isConnected() {}
public function close() {}
public function getChannelId() {}
public function setPrefetchSize($size) {}
public function getPrefetchSize() {}
public function setPrefetchCount($count) {}
public function getPrefetchCount() {}
public function setGlobalPrefetchSize($size) {}
public function getGlobalPrefetchSize() {}
public function setGlobalPrefetchCount($count) {}
public function getGlobalPrefetchCount() {}
public function qos($size, $count, $global) {}
public function startTransaction() {}
public function commitTransaction() {}
public function rollbackTransaction() {}
public function getConnection() {}
public function basicRecover($requeue) {}
public function confirmSelect() {}
public function waitForConfirm($timeout) {}
public function setConfirmCallback($ack_callback, $nack_callback) {}
public function setReturnCallback($return_callback) {}
public function waitForBasicReturn($timeout) {}
public function getConsumers() {}
class AMQPQueue {
public function __construct(AMQPChannel $amqp_channel) {}
public function getName() {}
public function setName($queue_name) {}
public function getFlags() {}
public function setFlags($flags) {}
public function getArgument($argument) {}
public function getArguments() {}
public function setArgument($key, $value) {}
public function setArguments(array $arguments) {}
public function hasArgument($key) {}
public function declareQueue() {}
public function bind($exchange_name, $routing_key, $arguments) {}
public function get($flags) {}
public function consume($callback, $flags, $consumer_tag) {}
public function ack($delivery_tag, $flags) {}
public function nack($delivery_tag, $flags) {}
public function reject($delivery_tag, $flags) {}
public function purge() {}
public function cancel($consumer_tag) {}
public function delete($flags) {}
public function unbind($exchange_name, $routing_key, $arguments) {}
public function getChannel() {}
public function getConnection() {}
public function getConsumerTag() {}
public function declare() {}
class AMQPExchange {
public function __construct(AMQPChannel $amqp_channel) {}
public function getName() {}
public function setName($exchange_name) {}
public function getFlags() {}
public function setFlags($flags) {}
public function getType() {}
public function setType($exchange_type) {}
public function getArgument($argument) {}
public function getArguments() {}
public function setArgument($key, $value) {}
public function setArguments(array $arguments) {}
public function hasArgument($argument) {}
public function declareExchange() {}
public function bind($exchange_name, $routing_key, $flags) {}
public function unbind($exchange_name, $routing_key, $flags) {}
public function delete($exchange_name, $flags) {}
public function publish($message, $routing_key, $flags, array $headers) {}
public function getChannel() {}
public function getConnection() {}
public function declare() {}
class AMQPBasicProperties {
public function __construct() {}
public function getContentType() {}
public function getContentEncoding() {}
public function getHeaders() {}
public function getDeliveryMode() {}
public function getPriority() {}
public function getCorrelationId() {}
public function getReplyTo() {}
public function getExpiration() {}
public function getMessageId() {}
public function getTimestamp() {}
public function getType() {}
public function getUserId() {}
public function getAppId() {}
public function getClusterId() {}
class AMQPEnvelope {
public function __construct() {}
public function getBody() {}
public function getRoutingKey() {}
public function getConsumerTag() {}
public function getDeliveryTag() {}
public function getExchangeName() {}
public function isRedelivery() {}
public function getHeader($name) {}
public function hasHeader($name) {}
public function getContentType() {}
public function getContentEncoding() {}
public function getHeaders() {}
public function getDeliveryMode() {}
public function getPriority() {}
public function getCorrelationId() {}
public function getReplyTo() {}
public function getExpiration() {}
public function getMessageId() {}
public function getTimestamp() {}
public function getType() {}
public function getUserId() {}
public function getAppId() {}
public function getClusterId() {}
final class AMQPTimestamp {
public function __construct($timestamp) {}
public function getTimestamp() {}
public function __toString(): string {}
final class AMQPDecimal {
public function __construct($exponent, $significand) {}
public function getExponent() {}
public function getSignificand() {}
class AMQPException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class AMQPConnectionException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class AMQPChannelException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class AMQPQueueException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class AMQPEnvelopeException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class AMQPExchangeException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class AMQPValueException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class APCUIterator {
public function __construct($search = NULL, int $format = 4294967295, int $chunk_size = 0, int $list = 1) {}
public function rewind(): void {}
public function next(): void {}
public function valid(): bool {}
public function key(): string|int {}
public function current(): mixed {}
public function getTotalHits(): int {}
public function getTotalSize(): int {}
public function getTotalCount(): int {}
final class CurlHandle {
final class CurlMultiHandle {
final class CurlShareHandle {
class CURLFile {
public function __construct(string $filename, ?string $mime_type = NULL, ?string $posted_filename = NULL) {}
public function getFilename(): ?string {}
public function getMimeType(): ?string {}
public function getPostFilename(): ?string {}
public function setMimeType(string $mime_type): ?void {}
public function setPostFilename(string $posted_filename): ?void {}
class CURLStringFile {
public function __construct(string $data, string $postname, string $mime = 'application/octet-stream') {}
final class DOMException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class DOMImplementation {
public function getFeature(string $feature, string $version): ?never {}
public function hasFeature(string $feature, string $version): ?bool {}
public function createDocumentType(string $qualifiedName, string $publicId = '', string $systemId = '') {}
public function createDocument(?string $namespace = NULL, string $qualifiedName = '', ?DOMDocumentType $doctype = NULL) {}
class DOMNode {
public function appendChild(DOMNode $node) {}
public function C14N(bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function C14NFile(string $uri, bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?int|false {}
public function cloneNode(bool $deep = false) {}
public function getLineNo(): ?int {}
public function getNodePath(): ??string {}
public function hasAttributes(): ?bool {}
public function hasChildNodes(): ?bool {}
public function insertBefore(DOMNode $node, ?DOMNode $child = NULL) {}
public function isDefaultNamespace(string $namespace): ?bool {}
public function isSameNode(DOMNode $otherNode): ?bool {}
public function isSupported(string $feature, string $version): ?bool {}
public function lookupNamespaceURI(?string $prefix): ??string {}
public function lookupPrefix(string $namespace): ??string {}
public function normalize(): ?void {}
public function removeChild(DOMNode $child) {}
public function replaceChild(DOMNode $node, DOMNode $child) {}
class DOMNameSpaceNode {
class DOMDocumentFragment {
public function __construct() {}
public function appendXML(string $data): ?bool {}
public function append($nodes): void {}
public function prepend($nodes): void {}
public function appendChild(DOMNode $node) {}
public function C14N(bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function C14NFile(string $uri, bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?int|false {}
public function cloneNode(bool $deep = false) {}
public function getLineNo(): ?int {}
public function getNodePath(): ??string {}
public function hasAttributes(): ?bool {}
public function hasChildNodes(): ?bool {}
public function insertBefore(DOMNode $node, ?DOMNode $child = NULL) {}
public function isDefaultNamespace(string $namespace): ?bool {}
public function isSameNode(DOMNode $otherNode): ?bool {}
public function isSupported(string $feature, string $version): ?bool {}
public function lookupNamespaceURI(?string $prefix): ??string {}
public function lookupPrefix(string $namespace): ??string {}
public function normalize(): ?void {}
public function removeChild(DOMNode $child) {}
public function replaceChild(DOMNode $node, DOMNode $child) {}
class DOMDocument {
public function __construct(string $version = '1.0', string $encoding = '') {}
public function createAttribute(string $localName) {}
public function createAttributeNS(?string $namespace, string $qualifiedName) {}
public function createCDATASection(string $data) {}
public function createComment(string $data): ?DOMComment {}
public function createDocumentFragment(): ?DOMDocumentFragment {}
public function createElement(string $localName, string $value = '') {}
public function createElementNS(?string $namespace, string $qualifiedName, string $value = '') {}
public function createEntityReference(string $name) {}
public function createProcessingInstruction(string $target, string $data = '') {}
public function createTextNode(string $data): ?DOMText {}
public function getElementById(string $elementId): ??DOMElement {}
public function getElementsByTagName(string $qualifiedName): ?DOMNodeList {}
public function getElementsByTagNameNS(?string $namespace, string $localName): ?DOMNodeList {}
public function importNode(DOMNode $node, bool $deep = false) {}
public function load(string $filename, int $options = 0) {}
public function loadXML(string $source, int $options = 0) {}
public function normalizeDocument(): ?void {}
public function registerNodeClass(string $baseClass, ?string $extendedClass): ?bool {}
public function save(string $filename, int $options = 0): ?int|false {}
public function loadHTML(string $source, int $options = 0) {}
public function loadHTMLFile(string $filename, int $options = 0) {}
public function saveHTML(?DOMNode $node = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function saveHTMLFile(string $filename): ?int|false {}
public function saveXML(?DOMNode $node = NULL, int $options = 0): ?string|false {}
public function schemaValidate(string $filename, int $flags = 0): ?bool {}
public function schemaValidateSource(string $source, int $flags = 0): ?bool {}
public function relaxNGValidate(string $filename): ?bool {}
public function relaxNGValidateSource(string $source): ?bool {}
public function validate(): ?bool {}
public function xinclude(int $options = 0): ?int|false {}
public function adoptNode(DOMNode $node) {}
public function append($nodes): void {}
public function prepend($nodes): void {}
public function appendChild(DOMNode $node) {}
public function C14N(bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function C14NFile(string $uri, bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?int|false {}
public function cloneNode(bool $deep = false) {}
public function getLineNo(): ?int {}
public function getNodePath(): ??string {}
public function hasAttributes(): ?bool {}
public function hasChildNodes(): ?bool {}
public function insertBefore(DOMNode $node, ?DOMNode $child = NULL) {}
public function isDefaultNamespace(string $namespace): ?bool {}
public function isSameNode(DOMNode $otherNode): ?bool {}
public function isSupported(string $feature, string $version): ?bool {}
public function lookupNamespaceURI(?string $prefix): ??string {}
public function lookupPrefix(string $namespace): ??string {}
public function normalize(): ?void {}
public function removeChild(DOMNode $child) {}
public function replaceChild(DOMNode $node, DOMNode $child) {}
class DOMNodeList {
public function count(): ?int {}
public function getIterator(): Iterator {}
public function item(int $index) {}
class DOMNamedNodeMap {
public function getNamedItem(string $qualifiedName): ??DOMNode {}
public function getNamedItemNS(?string $namespace, string $localName): ??DOMNode {}
public function item(int $index): ??DOMNode {}
public function count(): ?int {}
public function getIterator(): Iterator {}
class DOMCharacterData {
public function appendData(string $data): ?bool {}
public function substringData(int $offset, int $count) {}
public function insertData(int $offset, string $data): ?bool {}
public function deleteData(int $offset, int $count): ?bool {}
public function replaceData(int $offset, int $count, string $data): ?bool {}
public function replaceWith($nodes): void {}
public function remove(): void {}
public function before($nodes): void {}
public function after($nodes): void {}
public function appendChild(DOMNode $node) {}
public function C14N(bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function C14NFile(string $uri, bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?int|false {}
public function cloneNode(bool $deep = false) {}
public function getLineNo(): ?int {}
public function getNodePath(): ??string {}
public function hasAttributes(): ?bool {}
public function hasChildNodes(): ?bool {}
public function insertBefore(DOMNode $node, ?DOMNode $child = NULL) {}
public function isDefaultNamespace(string $namespace): ?bool {}
public function isSameNode(DOMNode $otherNode): ?bool {}
public function isSupported(string $feature, string $version): ?bool {}
public function lookupNamespaceURI(?string $prefix): ??string {}
public function lookupPrefix(string $namespace): ??string {}
public function normalize(): ?void {}
public function removeChild(DOMNode $child) {}
public function replaceChild(DOMNode $node, DOMNode $child) {}
class DOMAttr {
public function __construct(string $name, string $value = '') {}
public function isId(): ?bool {}
public function appendChild(DOMNode $node) {}
public function C14N(bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function C14NFile(string $uri, bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?int|false {}
public function cloneNode(bool $deep = false) {}
public function getLineNo(): ?int {}
public function getNodePath(): ??string {}
public function hasAttributes(): ?bool {}
public function hasChildNodes(): ?bool {}
public function insertBefore(DOMNode $node, ?DOMNode $child = NULL) {}
public function isDefaultNamespace(string $namespace): ?bool {}
public function isSameNode(DOMNode $otherNode): ?bool {}
public function isSupported(string $feature, string $version): ?bool {}
public function lookupNamespaceURI(?string $prefix): ??string {}
public function lookupPrefix(string $namespace): ??string {}
public function normalize(): ?void {}
public function removeChild(DOMNode $child) {}
public function replaceChild(DOMNode $node, DOMNode $child) {}
class DOMElement {
public function __construct(string $qualifiedName, ?string $value = NULL, string $namespace = '') {}
public function getAttribute(string $qualifiedName): ?string {}
public function getAttributeNS(?string $namespace, string $localName): ?string {}
public function getAttributeNode(string $qualifiedName) {}
public function getAttributeNodeNS(?string $namespace, string $localName) {}
public function getElementsByTagName(string $qualifiedName): ?DOMNodeList {}
public function getElementsByTagNameNS(?string $namespace, string $localName): ?DOMNodeList {}
public function hasAttribute(string $qualifiedName): ?bool {}
public function hasAttributeNS(?string $namespace, string $localName): ?bool {}
public function removeAttribute(string $qualifiedName): ?bool {}
public function removeAttributeNS(?string $namespace, string $localName): ?void {}
public function removeAttributeNode(DOMAttr $attr) {}
public function setAttribute(string $qualifiedName, string $value) {}
public function setAttributeNS(?string $namespace, string $qualifiedName, string $value): ?void {}
public function setAttributeNode(DOMAttr $attr) {}
public function setAttributeNodeNS(DOMAttr $attr) {}
public function setIdAttribute(string $qualifiedName, bool $isId): ?void {}
public function setIdAttributeNS(string $namespace, string $qualifiedName, bool $isId): ?void {}
public function setIdAttributeNode(DOMAttr $attr, bool $isId): ?void {}
public function remove(): void {}
public function before($nodes): void {}
public function after($nodes): void {}
public function replaceWith($nodes): void {}
public function append($nodes): void {}
public function prepend($nodes): void {}
public function appendChild(DOMNode $node) {}
public function C14N(bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function C14NFile(string $uri, bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?int|false {}
public function cloneNode(bool $deep = false) {}
public function getLineNo(): ?int {}
public function getNodePath(): ??string {}
public function hasAttributes(): ?bool {}
public function hasChildNodes(): ?bool {}
public function insertBefore(DOMNode $node, ?DOMNode $child = NULL) {}
public function isDefaultNamespace(string $namespace): ?bool {}
public function isSameNode(DOMNode $otherNode): ?bool {}
public function isSupported(string $feature, string $version): ?bool {}
public function lookupNamespaceURI(?string $prefix): ??string {}
public function lookupPrefix(string $namespace): ??string {}
public function normalize(): ?void {}
public function removeChild(DOMNode $child) {}
public function replaceChild(DOMNode $node, DOMNode $child) {}
class DOMText {
public function __construct(string $data = '') {}
public function isWhitespaceInElementContent(): ?bool {}
public function isElementContentWhitespace(): ?bool {}
public function splitText(int $offset) {}
public function appendData(string $data): ?bool {}
public function substringData(int $offset, int $count) {}
public function insertData(int $offset, string $data): ?bool {}
public function deleteData(int $offset, int $count): ?bool {}
public function replaceData(int $offset, int $count, string $data): ?bool {}
public function replaceWith($nodes): void {}
public function remove(): void {}
public function before($nodes): void {}
public function after($nodes): void {}
public function appendChild(DOMNode $node) {}
public function C14N(bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function C14NFile(string $uri, bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?int|false {}
public function cloneNode(bool $deep = false) {}
public function getLineNo(): ?int {}
public function getNodePath(): ??string {}
public function hasAttributes(): ?bool {}
public function hasChildNodes(): ?bool {}
public function insertBefore(DOMNode $node, ?DOMNode $child = NULL) {}
public function isDefaultNamespace(string $namespace): ?bool {}
public function isSameNode(DOMNode $otherNode): ?bool {}
public function isSupported(string $feature, string $version): ?bool {}
public function lookupNamespaceURI(?string $prefix): ??string {}
public function lookupPrefix(string $namespace): ??string {}
public function normalize(): ?void {}
public function removeChild(DOMNode $child) {}
public function replaceChild(DOMNode $node, DOMNode $child) {}
class DOMComment {
public function __construct(string $data = '') {}
public function appendData(string $data): ?bool {}
public function substringData(int $offset, int $count) {}
public function insertData(int $offset, string $data): ?bool {}
public function deleteData(int $offset, int $count): ?bool {}
public function replaceData(int $offset, int $count, string $data): ?bool {}
public function replaceWith($nodes): void {}
public function remove(): void {}
public function before($nodes): void {}
public function after($nodes): void {}
public function appendChild(DOMNode $node) {}
public function C14N(bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function C14NFile(string $uri, bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?int|false {}
public function cloneNode(bool $deep = false) {}
public function getLineNo(): ?int {}
public function getNodePath(): ??string {}
public function hasAttributes(): ?bool {}
public function hasChildNodes(): ?bool {}
public function insertBefore(DOMNode $node, ?DOMNode $child = NULL) {}
public function isDefaultNamespace(string $namespace): ?bool {}
public function isSameNode(DOMNode $otherNode): ?bool {}
public function isSupported(string $feature, string $version): ?bool {}
public function lookupNamespaceURI(?string $prefix): ??string {}
public function lookupPrefix(string $namespace): ??string {}
public function normalize(): ?void {}
public function removeChild(DOMNode $child) {}
public function replaceChild(DOMNode $node, DOMNode $child) {}
class DOMCdataSection {
public function __construct(string $data) {}
public function isWhitespaceInElementContent(): ?bool {}
public function isElementContentWhitespace(): ?bool {}
public function splitText(int $offset) {}
public function appendData(string $data): ?bool {}
public function substringData(int $offset, int $count) {}
public function insertData(int $offset, string $data): ?bool {}
public function deleteData(int $offset, int $count): ?bool {}
public function replaceData(int $offset, int $count, string $data): ?bool {}
public function replaceWith($nodes): void {}
public function remove(): void {}
public function before($nodes): void {}
public function after($nodes): void {}
public function appendChild(DOMNode $node) {}
public function C14N(bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function C14NFile(string $uri, bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?int|false {}
public function cloneNode(bool $deep = false) {}
public function getLineNo(): ?int {}
public function getNodePath(): ??string {}
public function hasAttributes(): ?bool {}
public function hasChildNodes(): ?bool {}
public function insertBefore(DOMNode $node, ?DOMNode $child = NULL) {}
public function isDefaultNamespace(string $namespace): ?bool {}
public function isSameNode(DOMNode $otherNode): ?bool {}
public function isSupported(string $feature, string $version): ?bool {}
public function lookupNamespaceURI(?string $prefix): ??string {}
public function lookupPrefix(string $namespace): ??string {}
public function normalize(): ?void {}
public function removeChild(DOMNode $child) {}
public function replaceChild(DOMNode $node, DOMNode $child) {}
class DOMDocumentType {
public function appendChild(DOMNode $node) {}
public function C14N(bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function C14NFile(string $uri, bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?int|false {}
public function cloneNode(bool $deep = false) {}
public function getLineNo(): ?int {}
public function getNodePath(): ??string {}
public function hasAttributes(): ?bool {}
public function hasChildNodes(): ?bool {}
public function insertBefore(DOMNode $node, ?DOMNode $child = NULL) {}
public function isDefaultNamespace(string $namespace): ?bool {}
public function isSameNode(DOMNode $otherNode): ?bool {}
public function isSupported(string $feature, string $version): ?bool {}
public function lookupNamespaceURI(?string $prefix): ??string {}
public function lookupPrefix(string $namespace): ??string {}
public function normalize(): ?void {}
public function removeChild(DOMNode $child) {}
public function replaceChild(DOMNode $node, DOMNode $child) {}
class DOMNotation {
public function appendChild(DOMNode $node) {}
public function C14N(bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function C14NFile(string $uri, bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?int|false {}
public function cloneNode(bool $deep = false) {}
public function getLineNo(): ?int {}
public function getNodePath(): ??string {}
public function hasAttributes(): ?bool {}
public function hasChildNodes(): ?bool {}
public function insertBefore(DOMNode $node, ?DOMNode $child = NULL) {}
public function isDefaultNamespace(string $namespace): ?bool {}
public function isSameNode(DOMNode $otherNode): ?bool {}
public function isSupported(string $feature, string $version): ?bool {}
public function lookupNamespaceURI(?string $prefix): ??string {}
public function lookupPrefix(string $namespace): ??string {}
public function normalize(): ?void {}
public function removeChild(DOMNode $child) {}
public function replaceChild(DOMNode $node, DOMNode $child) {}
class DOMEntity {
public function appendChild(DOMNode $node) {}
public function C14N(bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function C14NFile(string $uri, bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?int|false {}
public function cloneNode(bool $deep = false) {}
public function getLineNo(): ?int {}
public function getNodePath(): ??string {}
public function hasAttributes(): ?bool {}
public function hasChildNodes(): ?bool {}
public function insertBefore(DOMNode $node, ?DOMNode $child = NULL) {}
public function isDefaultNamespace(string $namespace): ?bool {}
public function isSameNode(DOMNode $otherNode): ?bool {}
public function isSupported(string $feature, string $version): ?bool {}
public function lookupNamespaceURI(?string $prefix): ??string {}
public function lookupPrefix(string $namespace): ??string {}
public function normalize(): ?void {}
public function removeChild(DOMNode $child) {}
public function replaceChild(DOMNode $node, DOMNode $child) {}
class DOMEntityReference {
public function __construct(string $name) {}
public function appendChild(DOMNode $node) {}
public function C14N(bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function C14NFile(string $uri, bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?int|false {}
public function cloneNode(bool $deep = false) {}
public function getLineNo(): ?int {}
public function getNodePath(): ??string {}
public function hasAttributes(): ?bool {}
public function hasChildNodes(): ?bool {}
public function insertBefore(DOMNode $node, ?DOMNode $child = NULL) {}
public function isDefaultNamespace(string $namespace): ?bool {}
public function isSameNode(DOMNode $otherNode): ?bool {}
public function isSupported(string $feature, string $version): ?bool {}
public function lookupNamespaceURI(?string $prefix): ??string {}
public function lookupPrefix(string $namespace): ??string {}
public function normalize(): ?void {}
public function removeChild(DOMNode $child) {}
public function replaceChild(DOMNode $node, DOMNode $child) {}
class DOMProcessingInstruction {
public function __construct(string $name, string $value = '') {}
public function appendChild(DOMNode $node) {}
public function C14N(bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function C14NFile(string $uri, bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = NULL, ?array $nsPrefixes = NULL): ?int|false {}
public function cloneNode(bool $deep = false) {}
public function getLineNo(): ?int {}
public function getNodePath(): ??string {}
public function hasAttributes(): ?bool {}
public function hasChildNodes(): ?bool {}
public function insertBefore(DOMNode $node, ?DOMNode $child = NULL) {}
public function isDefaultNamespace(string $namespace): ?bool {}
public function isSameNode(DOMNode $otherNode): ?bool {}
public function isSupported(string $feature, string $version): ?bool {}
public function lookupNamespaceURI(?string $prefix): ??string {}
public function lookupPrefix(string $namespace): ??string {}
public function normalize(): ?void {}
public function removeChild(DOMNode $child) {}
public function replaceChild(DOMNode $node, DOMNode $child) {}
class DOMXPath {
public function __construct(DOMDocument $document, bool $registerNodeNS = true) {}
public function evaluate(string $expression, ?DOMNode $contextNode = NULL, bool $registerNodeNS = true): ?mixed {}
public function query(string $expression, ?DOMNode $contextNode = NULL, bool $registerNodeNS = true): ?mixed {}
public function registerNamespace(string $prefix, string $namespace): ?bool {}
public function registerPhpFunctions(array|string|null $restrict = NULL): ?void {}
namespace FFI {
class Exception {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
namespace FFI {
final class ParserException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
final class FFI {
public static function cdef(string $code = '', ?string $lib = NULL): FFI {}
public static function load(string $filename): ?FFI {}
public static function scope(string $name): FFI {}
public static function new(FFI\CType|string $type, bool $owned = true, bool $persistent = false): ?FFI\CData {}
public static function free(FFI\CData $ptr): void {}
public static function cast(FFI\CType|string $type, $ptr): ?FFI\CData {}
public static function type(string $type): ?FFI\CType {}
public static function typeof(FFI\CData $ptr): FFI\CType {}
public static function arrayType(FFI\CType $type, array $dimensions): FFI\CType {}
public static function addr(FFI\CData $ptr): FFI\CData {}
public static function sizeof(FFI\CData|FFI\CType $ptr): int {}
public static function alignof(FFI\CData|FFI\CType $ptr): int {}
public static function memcpy(FFI\CData $to, $from, int $size): void {}
public static function memcmp($ptr1, $ptr2, int $size): int {}
public static function memset(FFI\CData $ptr, int $value, int $size): void {}
public static function string(FFI\CData $ptr, ?int $size = NULL): string {}
public static function isNull(FFI\CData $ptr): bool {}
namespace FFI {
final class CData {
namespace FFI {
final class CType {
public function getName(): string {}
public function getKind(): int {}
public function getSize(): int {}
public function getAlignment(): int {}
public function getAttributes(): int {}
public function getEnumKind(): int {}
public function getArrayElementType(): FFI\CType {}
public function getArrayLength(): int {}
public function getPointerType(): FFI\CType {}
public function getStructFieldNames(): array {}
public function getStructFieldOffset(string $name): int {}
public function getStructFieldType(string $name): FFI\CType {}
public function getFuncABI(): int {}
public function getFuncReturnType(): FFI\CType {}
public function getFuncParameterCount(): int {}
public function getFuncParameterType(int $index): FFI\CType {}
class finfo {
public function __construct(int $flags = 0, ?string $magic_database = NULL) {}
public function file(string $filename, int $flags = 0, $context = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function buffer(string $string, int $flags = 0, $context = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function set_flags(int $flags) {}
namespace FTP {
final class Connection {
final class GdImage {
final class GdFont {
class GMP {
public function __construct(string|int $num = 0, int $base = 0) {}
public function __serialize(): array {}
public function __unserialize(array $data): void {}
class ImagickException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class ImagickDrawException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class ImagickPixelIteratorException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class ImagickPixelException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class ImagickKernelException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class Imagick {
public function optimizeImageLayers(): bool {}
public function compareImageLayers(int $metric): Imagick {}
public function pingImageBlob(string $image): bool {}
public function pingImageFile(mixed $filehandle, ?string $filename = NULL): bool {}
public function transposeImage(): bool {}
public function transverseImage(): bool {}
public function trimImage(float $fuzz): bool {}
public function waveImage(float $amplitude, float $length): bool {}
public function vignetteImage(float $black_point, float $white_point, int $x, int $y): bool {}
public function uniqueImageColors(): bool {}
public function getImageMatte(): bool {}
public function setImageMatte(bool $matte): bool {}
public function adaptiveResizeImage(int $columns, int $rows, bool $bestfit = false, bool $legacy = false): bool {}
public function sketchImage(float $radius, float $sigma, float $angle): bool {}
public function shadeImage(bool $gray, float $azimuth, float $elevation): bool {}
public function getSizeOffset(): int {}
public function setSizeOffset(int $columns, int $rows, int $offset): bool {}
public function adaptiveBlurImage(float $radius, float $sigma, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function contrastStretchImage(float $black_point, float $white_point, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function adaptiveSharpenImage(float $radius, float $sigma, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function randomThresholdImage(float $low, float $high, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function roundCornersImage(float $x_rounding, float $y_rounding, float $stroke_width = 10, float $displace = 5, float $size_correction = -6): bool {}
public function roundCorners(float $x_rounding, float $y_rounding, float $stroke_width = 10, float $displace = 5, float $size_correction = -6): bool {}
public function setIteratorIndex(int $index): bool {}
public function getIteratorIndex(): int {}
public function transformImage(string $crop, string $geometry): Imagick {}
public function setImageOpacity(float $opacity): bool {}
public function orderedPosterizeImage(string $threshold_map, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function polaroidImage(ImagickDraw $settings, float $angle): bool {}
public function getImageProperty(string $name): string {}
public function setImageProperty(string $name, string $value): bool {}
public function deleteImageProperty(string $name): bool {}
public function identifyFormat(string $format): string {}
public function setImageInterpolateMethod(int $method): bool {}
public function getImageInterpolateMethod(): int {}
public function linearStretchImage(float $black_point, float $white_point): bool {}
public function getImageLength(): int {}
public function extentImage(int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y): bool {}
public function getImageOrientation(): int {}
public function setImageOrientation(int $orientation): bool {}
public function paintFloodfillImage(ImagickPixel|string $fill_color, float $fuzz, ImagickPixel|string $border_color, int $x, int $y, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function clutImage(Imagick $lookup_table, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function getImageProperties(string $pattern = '*', bool $include_values = true): array {}
public function getImageProfiles(string $pattern = '*', bool $include_values = true): array {}
public function distortImage(int $distortion, array $arguments, bool $bestfit): bool {}
public function writeImageFile(mixed $filehandle, ?string $format = NULL): bool {}
public function writeImagesFile(mixed $filehandle, ?string $format = NULL): bool {}
public function resetImagePage(string $page): bool {}
public function setImageClipMask(imagick $clip_mask): bool {}
public function getImageClipMask(): Imagick {}
public function animateImages(string $x_server): bool {}
public function recolorImage(array $matrix): bool {}
public function setFont(string $font): bool {}
public function getFont(): string {}
public function setPointSize(float $point_size): bool {}
public function getPointSize(): float {}
public function mergeImageLayers(int $layermethod): Imagick {}
public function setImageAlphaChannel(int $alphachannel): bool {}
public function floodfillPaintImage(ImagickPixel|string $fill_color, float $fuzz, ImagickPixel|string $border_color, int $x, int $y, bool $invert, ?int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function opaquePaintImage(ImagickPixel|string $target_color, ImagickPixel|string $fill_color, float $fuzz, bool $invert, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function transparentPaintImage(ImagickPixel|string $target_color, float $alpha, float $fuzz, bool $invert): bool {}
public function liquidRescaleImage(int $width, int $height, float $delta_x, float $rigidity): bool {}
public function encipherImage(string $passphrase): bool {}
public function decipherImage(string $passphrase): bool {}
public function setGravity(int $gravity): bool {}
public function getGravity(): int {}
public function getImageChannelRange(int $channel): array {}
public function getImageAlphaChannel(): bool {}
public function getImageChannelDistortions(Imagick $reference_image, int $metric, int $channel = 134217719): float {}
public function setImageGravity(int $gravity): bool {}
public function getImageGravity(): int {}
public function importImagePixels(int $x, int $y, int $width, int $height, string $map, int $pixelstorage, array $pixels): bool {}
public function deskewImage(float $threshold): bool {}
public function segmentImage(int $colorspace, float $cluster_threshold, float $smooth_threshold, bool $verbose = false): bool {}
public function sparseColorImage(int $sparsecolormethod, array $arguments, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function remapImage(Imagick $replacement, int $dither_method): bool {}
public function exportImagePixels(int $x, int $y, int $width, int $height, string $map, int $pixelstorage): array {}
public function getImageChannelKurtosis(int $channel = 134217719): array {}
public function functionImage(int $function, array $parameters, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function transformImageColorspace(int $colorspace): bool {}
public function haldClutImage(Imagick $clut, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function autoLevelImage(int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function blueShiftImage(float $factor = 1.5): bool {}
public function getImageArtifact(string $artifact): ?string {}
public function setImageArtifact(string $artifact, ?string $value): bool {}
public function deleteImageArtifact(string $artifact): bool {}
public function getColorspace(): int {}
public function setColorspace(int $colorspace): bool {}
public function clampImage(int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function smushImages(bool $stack, int $offset): Imagick {}
public function __construct(array|string|int|float|null $files = NULL) {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function count(int $mode = 0): int {}
public function getPixelIterator(): ImagickPixelIterator {}
public function getPixelRegionIterator(int $x, int $y, int $columns, int $rows): ImagickPixelIterator {}
public function readImage(string $filename): bool {}
public function readImages(array $filenames): bool {}
public function readImageBlob(string $image, ?string $filename = NULL): bool {}
public function setImageFormat(string $format): bool {}
public function scaleImage(int $columns, int $rows, bool $bestfit = false, bool $legacy = false): bool {}
public function writeImage(?string $filename = NULL): bool {}
public function writeImages(string $filename, bool $adjoin): bool {}
public function blurImage(float $radius, float $sigma, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function thumbnailImage(?int $columns, ?int $rows, bool $bestfit = false, bool $fill = false, bool $legacy = false): bool {}
public function cropThumbnailImage(int $width, int $height, bool $legacy = false): bool {}
public function getImageFilename(): string {}
public function setImageFilename(string $filename): bool {}
public function getImageFormat(): string {}
public function getImageMimeType(): string {}
public function removeImage(): bool {}
public function destroy(): bool {}
public function clear(): bool {}
public function clone(): Imagick {}
public function getImageSize(): int {}
public function getImageBlob(): string {}
public function getImagesBlob(): string {}
public function setFirstIterator(): bool {}
public function setLastIterator(): bool {}
public function resetIterator(): void {}
public function previousImage(): bool {}
public function nextImage(): bool {}
public function hasPreviousImage(): bool {}
public function hasNextImage(): bool {}
public function setImageIndex(int $index): bool {}
public function getImageIndex(): int {}
public function commentImage(string $comment): bool {}
public function cropImage(int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y): bool {}
public function labelImage(string $label): bool {}
public function getImageGeometry(): array {}
public function drawImage(ImagickDraw $drawing): bool {}
public function setImageCompressionQuality(int $quality): bool {}
public function getImageCompressionQuality(): int {}
public function setImageCompression(int $compression): bool {}
public function getImageCompression(): int {}
public function annotateImage(ImagickDraw $settings, float $x, float $y, float $angle, string $text): bool {}
public function compositeImage(Imagick $composite_image, int $composite, int $x, int $y, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function modulateImage(float $brightness, float $saturation, float $hue): bool {}
public function getImageColors(): int {}
public function montageImage(ImagickDraw $settings, string $tile_geometry, string $thumbnail_geometry, int $monatgemode, string $frame): Imagick {}
public function identifyImage(bool $append_raw_output = false): array {}
public function thresholdImage(float $threshold, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function adaptiveThresholdImage(int $width, int $height, int $offset): bool {}
public function blackThresholdImage(ImagickPixel|string $threshold_color): bool {}
public function whiteThresholdImage(ImagickPixel|string $threshold_color): bool {}
public function appendImages(bool $stack): Imagick {}
public function charcoalImage(float $radius, float $sigma): bool {}
public function normalizeImage(int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function oilPaintImage(float $radius): bool {}
public function posterizeImage(int $levels, bool $dither): bool {}
public function radialBlurImage(float $angle, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function raiseImage(int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y, bool $raise): bool {}
public function resampleImage(float $x_resolution, float $y_resolution, int $filter, float $blur): bool {}
public function resizeImage(int $columns, int $rows, int $filter, float $blur, bool $bestfit = false, bool $legacy = false): bool {}
public function rollImage(int $x, int $y): bool {}
public function rotateImage(ImagickPixel|string $background_color, float $degrees): bool {}
public function sampleImage(int $columns, int $rows): bool {}
public function solarizeImage(int $threshold): bool {}
public function shadowImage(float $opacity, float $sigma, int $x, int $y): bool {}
public function setImageAttribute(string $key, string $value): bool {}
public function setImageBackgroundColor(ImagickPixel|string $background_color): bool {}
public function setImageCompose(int $compose): bool {}
public function setImageDelay(int $delay): bool {}
public function setImageDepth(int $depth): bool {}
public function setImageGamma(float $gamma): bool {}
public function setImageIterations(int $iterations): bool {}
public function setImageMatteColor(ImagickPixel|string $matte_color): bool {}
public function setImagePage(int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y): bool {}
public function setImageProgressMonitor(string $filename): bool {}
public function setProgressMonitor(callable $callback): bool {}
public function setImageResolution(float $x_resolution, float $y_resolution): bool {}
public function setImageScene(int $scene): bool {}
public function setImageTicksPerSecond(int $ticks_per_second): bool {}
public function setImageType(int $image_type): bool {}
public function setImageUnits(int $units): bool {}
public function sharpenImage(float $radius, float $sigma, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function shaveImage(int $columns, int $rows): bool {}
public function shearImage(ImagickPixel|string $background_color, float $x_shear, float $y_shear): bool {}
public function spliceImage(int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y): bool {}
public function pingImage(string $filename): bool {}
public function readImageFile(mixed $filehandle, ?string $filename = NULL): bool {}
public function displayImage(string $servername): bool {}
public function displayImages(string $servername): bool {}
public function spreadImage(float $radius): bool {}
public function swirlImage(float $degrees): bool {}
public function stripImage(): bool {}
public static function queryFormats(string $pattern = '*'): array {}
public static function queryFonts(string $pattern = '*'): array {}
public function queryFontMetrics(ImagickDraw $settings, string $text, ?bool $multiline = NULL): array {}
public function steganoImage(Imagick $watermark, int $offset): Imagick {}
public function addNoiseImage(int $noise, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function motionBlurImage(float $radius, float $sigma, float $angle, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function mosaicImages(): Imagick {}
public function morphImages(int $number_frames): Imagick {}
public function minifyImage(): bool {}
public function affineTransformImage(ImagickDraw $settings): bool {}
public function averageImages(): Imagick {}
public function borderImage(ImagickPixel|string $border_color, int $width, int $height): bool {}
public static function calculateCrop(int $original_width, int $original_height, int $desired_width, int $desired_height, bool $legacy = false): array {}
public function chopImage(int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y): bool {}
public function clipImage(): bool {}
public function clipPathImage(string $pathname, bool $inside): bool {}
public function clipImagePath(string $pathname, bool $inside): void {}
public function coalesceImages(): Imagick {}
public function colorFloodfillImage(ImagickPixel|string $fill_color, float $fuzz, ImagickPixel|string $border_color, int $x, int $y): bool {}
public function colorizeImage(ImagickPixel|string $colorize_color, ImagickPixel|string|false $opacity_color, ?bool $legacy = false): bool {}
public function compareImageChannels(Imagick $reference, int $channel, int $metric): array {}
public function compareImages(Imagick $reference, int $metric): array {}
public function contrastImage(bool $sharpen): bool {}
public function combineImages(int $colorspace): Imagick {}
public function convolveImage(array $kernel, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function cycleColormapImage(int $displace): bool {}
public function deconstructImages(): Imagick {}
public function despeckleImage(): bool {}
public function edgeImage(float $radius): bool {}
public function embossImage(float $radius, float $sigma): bool {}
public function enhanceImage(): bool {}
public function equalizeImage(): bool {}
public function evaluateImage(int $evaluate, float $constant, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function evaluateImages(int $evaluate): bool {}
public function flattenImages(): Imagick {}
public function flipImage(): bool {}
public function flopImage(): bool {}
public function forwardFourierTransformImage(bool $magnitude): bool {}
public function frameImage(ImagickPixel|string $matte_color, int $width, int $height, int $inner_bevel, int $outer_bevel): bool {}
public function fxImage(string $expression, int $channel = 134217719): Imagick {}
public function gammaImage(float $gamma, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function gaussianBlurImage(float $radius, float $sigma, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function getImageAttribute(string $key): string {}
public function getImageBackgroundColor(): ImagickPixel {}
public function getImageBluePrimary(): array {}
public function getImageBorderColor(): ImagickPixel {}
public function getImageChannelDepth(int $channel): int {}
public function getImageChannelDistortion(Imagick $reference, int $channel, int $metric): float {}
public function getImageChannelExtrema(int $channel): array {}
public function getImageChannelMean(int $channel): array {}
public function getImageChannelStatistics(): array {}
public function getImageColormapColor(int $index): ImagickPixel {}
public function getImageColorspace(): int {}
public function getImageCompose(): int {}
public function getImageDelay(): int {}
public function getImageDepth(): int {}
public function getImageDistortion(Imagick $reference, int $metric): float {}
public function getImageExtrema(): array {}
public function getImageDispose(): int {}
public function getImageGamma(): float {}
public function getImageGreenPrimary(): array {}
public function getImageHeight(): int {}
public function getImageHistogram(): array {}
public function getImageInterlaceScheme(): int {}
public function getImageIterations(): int {}
public function getImageMatteColor(): ImagickPixel {}
public function getImagePage(): array {}
public function getImagePixelColor(int $x, int $y): ImagickPixel {}
public function getImageProfile(string $name): string {}
public function getImageRedPrimary(): array {}
public function getImageRenderingIntent(): int {}
public function getImageResolution(): array {}
public function getImageScene(): int {}
public function getImageSignature(): string {}
public function getImageTicksPerSecond(): int {}
public function getImageType(): int {}
public function getImageUnits(): int {}
public function getImageVirtualPixelMethod(): int {}
public function getImageWhitePoint(): array {}
public function getImageWidth(): int {}
public function getNumberImages(): int {}
public function getImageTotalInkDensity(): float {}
public function getImageRegion(int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y): Imagick {}
public function implodeImage(float $radius): bool {}
public function inverseFourierTransformImage(Imagick $complement, bool $magnitude): bool {}
public function levelImage(float $black_point, float $gamma, float $white_point, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function magnifyImage(): bool {}
public function mapImage(imagick $map, bool $dither): bool {}
public function matteFloodfillImage(float $alpha, float $fuzz, ImagickPixel|string $border_color, int $x, int $y): bool {}
public function medianFilterImage(float $radius): bool {}
public function negateImage(bool $gray, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function paintOpaqueImage(ImagickPixel|string $target_color, ImagickPixel|string $fill_color, float $fuzz, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function paintTransparentImage(ImagickPixel|string $target_color, float $alpha, float $fuzz): bool {}
public function previewImages(int $preview): bool {}
public function profileImage(string $name, ?string $profile): bool {}
public function quantizeImage(int $number_colors, int $colorspace, int $tree_depth, bool $dither, bool $measure_error): bool {}
public function quantizeImages(int $number_colors, int $colorspace, int $tree_depth, bool $dither, bool $measure_error): bool {}
public function reduceNoiseImage(float $radius): bool {}
public function removeImageProfile(string $name): string {}
public function separateImageChannel(int $channel): bool {}
public function sepiaToneImage(float $threshold): bool {}
public function setImageBias(float $bias): bool {}
public function setImageBiasQuantum(string $bias): void {}
public function setImageBluePrimary(float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function setImageBorderColor(ImagickPixel|string $border_color): bool {}
public function setImageChannelDepth(int $channel, int $depth): bool {}
public function setImageColormapColor(int $index, ImagickPixel|string $color): bool {}
public function setImageColorspace(int $colorspace): bool {}
public function setImageDispose(int $dispose): bool {}
public function setImageExtent(int $columns, int $rows): bool {}
public function setImageGreenPrimary(float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function setImageInterlaceScheme(int $interlace): bool {}
public function setImageProfile(string $name, string $profile): bool {}
public function setImageRedPrimary(float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function setImageRenderingIntent(int $rendering_intent): bool {}
public function setImageVirtualPixelMethod(int $method): bool {}
public function setImageWhitePoint(float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function sigmoidalContrastImage(bool $sharpen, float $alpha, float $beta, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function stereoImage(Imagick $offset_image): bool {}
public function textureImage(Imagick $texture): Imagick {}
public function tintImage(ImagickPixel|string $tint_color, ImagickPixel|string $opacity_color, bool $legacy = false): bool {}
public function unsharpMaskImage(float $radius, float $sigma, float $amount, float $threshold, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function getImage(): Imagick {}
public function addImage(Imagick $image): bool {}
public function setImage(Imagick $image): bool {}
public function newImage(int $columns, int $rows, ImagickPixel|string $background_color, string $format = NULL): bool {}
public function newPseudoImage(int $columns, int $rows, string $pseudo_format): bool {}
public function getCompression(): int {}
public function getCompressionQuality(): int {}
public static function getCopyright(): string {}
public static function getConfigureOptions(string $pattern = '*'): array {}
public static function getFeatures(): string {}
public function getFilename(): string {}
public function getFormat(): string {}
public static function getHomeURL(): string {}
public function getInterlaceScheme(): int {}
public function getOption(string $key): string {}
public static function getPackageName(): string {}
public function getPage(): array {}
public static function getQuantum(): int {}
public static function getHdriEnabled(): bool {}
public static function getQuantumDepth(): array {}
public static function getQuantumRange(): array {}
public static function getReleaseDate(): string {}
public static function getResource(int $type): int {}
public static function getResourceLimit(int $type): int {}
public function getSamplingFactors(): array {}
public function getSize(): array {}
public static function getVersion(): array {}
public function setBackgroundColor(ImagickPixel|string $background_color): bool {}
public function setCompression(int $compression): bool {}
public function setCompressionQuality(int $quality): bool {}
public function setFilename(string $filename): bool {}
public function setFormat(string $format): bool {}
public function setInterlaceScheme(int $interlace): bool {}
public function setOption(string $key, string $value): bool {}
public function setPage(int $width, int $height, int $x, int $y): bool {}
public static function setResourceLimit(int $type, int $limit): bool {}
public function setResolution(float $x_resolution, float $y_resolution): bool {}
public function setSamplingFactors(array $factors): bool {}
public function setSize(int $columns, int $rows): bool {}
public function setType(int $imgtype): bool {}
public function key(): int {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function valid(): bool {}
public function current(): Imagick {}
public function brightnessContrastImage(float $brightness, float $contrast, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function colorMatrixImage(array $color_matrix): bool {}
public function selectiveBlurImage(float $radius, float $sigma, float $threshold, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function rotationalBlurImage(float $angle, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function statisticImage(int $type, int $width, int $height, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function subimageMatch(Imagick $image, ?array $offset = NULL, ?float $similarity = NULL, float $threshold = 0.0, int $metric = 0): Imagick {}
public function similarityImage(Imagick $image, ?array $offset = NULL, ?float $similarity = NULL, float $threshold = 0.0, int $metric = 0): Imagick {}
public static function setRegistry(string $key, string $value): bool {}
public static function getRegistry(string $key): string {}
public static function listRegistry(): array {}
public function morphology(int $morphology, int $iterations, ImagickKernel $kernel, int $channel = 134217719): bool {}
public function filter(ImagickKernel $kernel, int $channel = 0): bool {}
public function setAntialias(bool $antialias): void {}
public function getAntialias(): bool {}
public function colorDecisionListImage(string $color_correction_collection): bool {}
public function optimizeImageTransparency(): void {}
public function autoGammaImage(?int $channel = 134217727): void {}
public function autoOrient(): void {}
public function autoOrientate(): void {}
public function compositeImageGravity(Imagick $image, int $composite_constant, int $gravity): bool {}
public function localContrastImage(float $radius, float $strength): void {}
class ImagickDraw {
public function resetVectorGraphics(): bool {}
public function getTextKerning(): float {}
public function setTextKerning(float $kerning): bool {}
public function getTextInterwordSpacing(): float {}
public function setTextInterwordSpacing(float $spacing): bool {}
public function getTextInterlineSpacing(): float {}
public function setTextInterlineSpacing(float $spacing): bool {}
public function __construct() {}
public function setFillColor(ImagickPixel|string $fill_color): bool {}
public function setFillAlpha(float $alpha): bool {}
public function setResolution(float $resolution_x, float $resolution_y): bool {}
public function setStrokeColor(ImagickPixel|string $color): bool {}
public function setStrokeAlpha(float $alpha): bool {}
public function setStrokeWidth(float $width): bool {}
public function clear(): bool {}
public function circle(float $origin_x, float $origin_y, float $perimeter_x, float $perimeter_y): bool {}
public function annotation(float $x, float $y, string $text): bool {}
public function setTextAntialias(bool $antialias): bool {}
public function setTextEncoding(string $encoding): bool {}
public function setFont(string $font_name): bool {}
public function setFontFamily(string $font_family): bool {}
public function setFontSize(float $point_size): bool {}
public function setFontStyle(int $style): bool {}
public function setFontWeight(int $weight): bool {}
public function getFont(): string {}
public function getFontFamily(): string {}
public function getFontSize(): float {}
public function getFontStyle(): int {}
public function getFontWeight(): int {}
public function destroy(): bool {}
public function rectangle(float $top_left_x, float $top_left_y, float $bottom_right_x, float $bottom_right_y): bool {}
public function roundRectangle(float $top_left_x, float $top_left_y, float $bottom_right_x, float $bottom_right_y, float $rounding_x, float $rounding_y): bool {}
public function ellipse(float $origin_x, float $origin_y, float $radius_x, float $radius_y, float $angle_start, float $angle_end): bool {}
public function skewX(float $degrees): bool {}
public function skewY(float $degrees): bool {}
public function translate(float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function line(float $start_x, float $start_y, float $end_x, float $end_y): bool {}
public function arc(float $start_x, float $start_y, float $end_x, float $end_y, float $start_angle, float $end_angle): bool {}
public function matte(float $x, float $y, int $paint): bool {}
public function polygon(array $coordinates): bool {}
public function point(float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function getTextDecoration(): int {}
public function getTextEncoding(): string {}
public function getFontStretch(): int {}
public function setFontStretch(int $stretch): bool {}
public function setStrokeAntialias(bool $enabled): bool {}
public function setTextAlignment(int $align): bool {}
public function setTextDecoration(int $decoration): bool {}
public function setTextUnderColor(ImagickPixel|string $under_color): bool {}
public function setViewbox(int $left_x, int $top_y, int $right_x, int $bottom_y): bool {}
public function clone(): ImagickDraw {}
public function affine(array $affine): bool {}
public function bezier(array $coordinates): bool {}
public function composite(int $composite, float $x, float $y, float $width, float $height, Imagick $image): bool {}
public function color(float $x, float $y, int $paint): bool {}
public function comment(string $comment): bool {}
public function getClipPath(): string {}
public function getClipRule(): int {}
public function getClipUnits(): int {}
public function getFillColor(): ImagickPixel {}
public function getFillOpacity(): float {}
public function getFillRule(): int {}
public function getGravity(): int {}
public function getStrokeAntialias(): bool {}
public function getStrokeColor(): ImagickPixel {}
public function getStrokeDashArray(): array {}
public function getStrokeDashOffset(): float {}
public function getStrokeLineCap(): int {}
public function getStrokeLineJoin(): int {}
public function getStrokeMiterLimit(): int {}
public function getStrokeOpacity(): float {}
public function getStrokeWidth(): float {}
public function getTextAlignment(): int {}
public function getTextAntialias(): bool {}
public function getVectorGraphics(): string {}
public function getTextUnderColor(): ImagickPixel {}
public function pathClose(): bool {}
public function pathCurveToAbsolute(float $x1, float $y1, float $x2, float $y2, float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function pathCurveToRelative(float $x1, float $y1, float $x2, float $y2, float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function pathCurveToQuadraticBezierAbsolute(float $x1, float $y1, float $x_end, float $y): bool {}
public function pathCurveToQuadraticBezierRelative(float $x1, float $y1, float $x_end, float $y): bool {}
public function pathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothAbsolute(float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function pathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothRelative(float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function pathCurveToSmoothAbsolute(float $x2, float $y2, float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function pathCurveToSmoothRelative(float $x2, float $y2, float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function pathEllipticArcAbsolute(float $rx, float $ry, float $x_axis_rotation, bool $large_arc, bool $sweep, float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function pathEllipticArcRelative(float $rx, float $ry, float $x_axis_rotation, bool $large_arc, bool $sweep, float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function pathFinish(): bool {}
public function pathLineToAbsolute(float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function pathLineToRelative(float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function pathLineToHorizontalAbsolute(float $x): bool {}
public function pathLineToHorizontalRelative(float $x): bool {}
public function pathLineToVerticalAbsolute(float $y): bool {}
public function pathLineToVerticalRelative(float $y): bool {}
public function pathMoveToAbsolute(float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function pathMoveToRelative(float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function pathStart(): bool {}
public function polyline(array $coordinates): bool {}
public function popClipPath(): bool {}
public function popDefs(): bool {}
public function popPattern(): bool {}
public function pushClipPath(string $clip_mask_id): bool {}
public function pushDefs(): bool {}
public function pushPattern(string $pattern_id, float $x, float $y, float $width, float $height): bool {}
public function render(): bool {}
public function rotate(float $degrees): bool {}
public function scale(float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function setClipPath(string $clip_mask): bool {}
public function setClipRule(int $fillrule): bool {}
public function setClipUnits(int $pathunits): bool {}
public function setFillOpacity(float $opacity): bool {}
public function setFillPatternUrl(string $fill_url): bool {}
public function setFillRule(int $fillrule): bool {}
public function setGravity(int $gravity): bool {}
public function setStrokePatternUrl(string $stroke_url): bool {}
public function setStrokeDashOffset(float $dash_offset): bool {}
public function setStrokeLineCap(int $linecap): bool {}
public function setStrokeLineJoin(int $linejoin): bool {}
public function setStrokeMiterLimit(int $miterlimit): bool {}
public function setStrokeOpacity(float $opacity): bool {}
public function setVectorGraphics(string $xml): bool {}
public function pop(): bool {}
public function push(): bool {}
public function setStrokeDashArray(array $dashes): bool {}
public function getOpacity(): float {}
public function setOpacity(float $opacity): bool {}
public function getFontResolution(): array {}
public function setFontResolution(float $x, float $y): bool {}
public function getBorderColor(): ImagickPixel {}
public function setBorderColor(ImagickPixel|string $color): bool {}
public function setDensity(string $density): bool {}
public function getDensity(): ?string {}
public function getTextDirection(): int {}
public function setTextDirection(int $direction): bool {}
class ImagickPixelIterator {
public function __construct(Imagick $imagick) {}
public function clear(): bool {}
public static function getPixelIterator(Imagick $imagick): ImagickPixelIterator {}
public static function getPixelRegionIterator(Imagick $imagick, int $x, int $y, int $columns, int $rows): ImagickPixelIterator {}
public function destroy(): bool {}
public function getCurrentIteratorRow(): array {}
public function getIteratorRow(): int {}
public function getNextIteratorRow(): array {}
public function getPreviousIteratorRow(): array {}
public function key(): int {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function current(): array {}
public function newPixelIterator(Imagick $imagick): bool {}
public function newPixelRegionIterator(Imagick $imagick, int $x, int $y, int $columns, int $rows): bool {}
public function resetIterator(): bool {}
public function setIteratorFirstRow(): bool {}
public function setIteratorLastRow(): bool {}
public function setIteratorRow(int $row): bool {}
public function syncIterator(): bool {}
public function valid(): bool {}
class ImagickPixel {
public function __construct(?string $color = NULL) {}
public function clear(): bool {}
public function destroy(): bool {}
public function getColor(int $normalized = 0): array {}
public function getColorAsString(): string {}
public function getColorCount(): int {}
public function getColorQuantum(): array {}
public function getColorValue(int $color): float {}
public function getColorValueQuantum(int $color): int {}
public function getHSL(): array {}
public function getIndex(): int {}
public function isPixelSimilar(ImagickPixel|string $color, float $fuzz): bool {}
public function isPixelSimilarQuantum(ImagickPixel|string $color, float $fuzz_quantum_range_scaled_by_square_root_of_three): bool {}
public function isSimilar(ImagickPixel|string $color, float $fuzz_quantum_range_scaled_by_square_root_of_three): bool {}
public function setColor(string $color): bool {}
public function setColorCount(int $color_count): bool {}
public function setColorValue(int $color, float $value): bool {}
public function setColorValueQuantum(int $color, int $value): bool {}
public function setHSL(float $hue, float $saturation, float $luminosity): bool {}
public function setIndex(int $index): bool {}
public function setColorFromPixel(ImagickPixel $pixel): bool {}
class ImagickKernel {
public function addKernel(ImagickKernel $kernel): void {}
public function addUnityKernel(float $scale): void {}
public static function fromBuiltin(int $kernel, string $shape): ImagickKernel {}
public static function fromMatrix(array $matrix, ?array $origin): ImagickKernel {}
public function getMatrix(): array {}
public function scale(float $scale, ?int $normalize_kernel = NULL): void {}
public function separate(): array {}
class Collator {
public function __construct(string $locale) {}
public static function create(string $locale): ??Collator {}
public function compare(string $string1, string $string2): ?int|false {}
public function sort(array $array, int $flags = 0): ?bool {}
public function sortWithSortKeys(array $array): ?bool {}
public function asort(array $array, int $flags = 0): ?bool {}
public function getAttribute(int $attribute): ?int|false {}
public function setAttribute(int $attribute, int $value): ?bool {}
public function getStrength(): ?int {}
public function setStrength(int $strength) {}
public function getLocale(int $type): ?string|false {}
public function getErrorCode(): ?int|false {}
public function getErrorMessage(): ?string|false {}
public function getSortKey(string $string): ?string|false {}
class NumberFormatter {
public function __construct(string $locale, int $style, ?string $pattern = NULL) {}
public static function create(string $locale, int $style, ?string $pattern = NULL): ??NumberFormatter {}
public function format(int|float $num, int $type = 0): ?string|false {}
public function parse(string $string, int $type = 3, $offset = NULL): ?int|float|false {}
public function formatCurrency(float $amount, string $currency): ?string|false {}
public function parseCurrency(string $string, $currency, $offset = NULL): ?float|false {}
public function setAttribute(int $attribute, int|float $value): ?bool {}
public function getAttribute(int $attribute): ?int|float|false {}
public function setTextAttribute(int $attribute, string $value): ?bool {}
public function getTextAttribute(int $attribute): ?string|false {}
public function setSymbol(int $symbol, string $value): ?bool {}
public function getSymbol(int $symbol): ?string|false {}
public function setPattern(string $pattern): ?bool {}
public function getPattern(): ?string|false {}
public function getLocale(int $type = 0): ?string|false {}
public function getErrorCode(): ?int {}
public function getErrorMessage(): ?string {}
class Normalizer {
public static function normalize(string $string, int $form = 16): ?string|false {}
public static function isNormalized(string $string, int $form = 16): ?bool {}
public static function getRawDecomposition(string $string, int $form = 16): ??string {}
class Locale {
public static function getDefault(): ?string {}
public static function setDefault(string $locale) {}
public static function getPrimaryLanguage(string $locale): ??string {}
public static function getScript(string $locale): ??string {}
public static function getRegion(string $locale): ??string {}
public static function getKeywords(string $locale): ?array|false|null {}
public static function getDisplayScript(string $locale, ?string $displayLocale = NULL): ?string|false {}
public static function getDisplayRegion(string $locale, ?string $displayLocale = NULL): ?string|false {}
public static function getDisplayName(string $locale, ?string $displayLocale = NULL): ?string|false {}
public static function getDisplayLanguage(string $locale, ?string $displayLocale = NULL): ?string|false {}
public static function getDisplayVariant(string $locale, ?string $displayLocale = NULL): ?string|false {}
public static function composeLocale(array $subtags): ?string|false {}
public static function parseLocale(string $locale): ??array {}
public static function getAllVariants(string $locale): ??array {}
public static function filterMatches(string $languageTag, string $locale, bool $canonicalize = false): ??bool {}
public static function lookup(array $languageTag, string $locale, bool $canonicalize = false, ?string $defaultLocale = NULL): ??string {}
public static function canonicalize(string $locale): ??string {}
public static function acceptFromHttp(string $header): ?string|false {}
class MessageFormatter {
public function __construct(string $locale, string $pattern) {}
public static function create(string $locale, string $pattern): ??MessageFormatter {}
public function format(array $values): ?string|false {}
public static function formatMessage(string $locale, string $pattern, array $values): ?string|false {}
public function parse(string $string): ?array|false {}
public static function parseMessage(string $locale, string $pattern, string $message): ?array|false {}
public function setPattern(string $pattern): ?bool {}
public function getPattern(): ?string|false {}
public function getLocale(): ?string {}
public function getErrorCode(): ?int {}
public function getErrorMessage(): ?string {}
class IntlDateFormatter {
public function __construct(?string $locale, int $dateType = 0, int $timeType = 0, $timezone = NULL, $calendar = NULL, ?string $pattern = NULL) {}
public static function create(?string $locale, int $dateType = 0, int $timeType = 0, $timezone = NULL, IntlCalendar|int|null $calendar = NULL, ?string $pattern = NULL): ??IntlDateFormatter {}
public function getDateType(): ?int|false {}
public function getTimeType(): ?int|false {}
public function getCalendar(): ?int|false {}
public function setCalendar(IntlCalendar|int|null $calendar): ?bool {}
public function getTimeZoneId(): ?string|false {}
public function getCalendarObject(): ?IntlCalendar|false|null {}
public function getTimeZone(): ?IntlTimeZone|false {}
public function setTimeZone($timezone): ??bool {}
public function setPattern(string $pattern): ?bool {}
public function getPattern(): ?string|false {}
public function getLocale(int $type = 0): ?string|false {}
public function setLenient(bool $lenient): ?void {}
public function isLenient(): ?bool {}
public function format($datetime): ?string|false {}
public static function formatObject($datetime, $format = NULL, ?string $locale = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function parse(string $string, $offset = NULL): ?int|float|false {}
public function localtime(string $string, $offset = NULL): ?array|false {}
public function getErrorCode(): ?int {}
public function getErrorMessage(): ?string {}
class IntlDatePatternGenerator {
public function __construct(?string $locale = NULL) {}
public static function create(?string $locale = NULL): ?IntlDatePatternGenerator {}
public function getBestPattern(string $skeleton): string|false {}
class ResourceBundle {
public function __construct(?string $locale, ?string $bundle, bool $fallback = true) {}
public static function create(?string $locale, ?string $bundle, bool $fallback = true): ??ResourceBundle {}
public function get($index, bool $fallback = true): ?mixed {}
public function count(): ?int {}
public static function getLocales(string $bundle): ?array|false {}
public function getErrorCode(): ?int {}
public function getErrorMessage(): ?string {}
public function getIterator(): Iterator {}
class Transliterator {
final private function __construct() {}
public static function create(string $id, int $direction = 0): ??Transliterator {}
public static function createFromRules(string $rules, int $direction = 0): ??Transliterator {}
public function createInverse(): ??Transliterator {}
public static function listIDs(): ?array|false {}
public function transliterate(string $string, int $start = 0, int $end = -1): ?string|false {}
public function getErrorCode(): ?int|false {}
public function getErrorMessage(): ?string|false {}
class IntlTimeZone {
private function __construct() {}
public static function countEquivalentIDs(string $timezoneId): ?int|false {}
public static function createDefault(): ?IntlTimeZone {}
public static function createEnumeration($countryOrRawOffset = NULL): ?IntlIterator|false {}
public static function createTimeZone(string $timezoneId): ??IntlTimeZone {}
public static function createTimeZoneIDEnumeration(int $type, ?string $region = NULL, ?int $rawOffset = NULL): ?IntlIterator|false {}
public static function fromDateTimeZone(DateTimeZone $timezone): ??IntlTimeZone {}
public static function getCanonicalID(string $timezoneId, $isSystemId = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function getDisplayName(bool $dst = false, int $style = 2, ?string $locale = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function getDSTSavings(): ?int {}
public static function getEquivalentID(string $timezoneId, int $offset): ?string|false {}
public function getErrorCode(): ?int|false {}
public function getErrorMessage(): ?string|false {}
public static function getGMT(): ?IntlTimeZone {}
public function getID(): ?string|false {}
public function getOffset(float $timestamp, bool $local, $rawOffset, $dstOffset): ?bool {}
public function getRawOffset(): ?int {}
public static function getRegion(string $timezoneId): ?string|false {}
public static function getTZDataVersion(): ?string|false {}
public static function getUnknown(): ?IntlTimeZone {}
public static function getWindowsID(string $timezoneId): ?string|false {}
public static function getIDForWindowsID(string $timezoneId, ?string $region = NULL): ?string|false {}
public function hasSameRules(IntlTimeZone $other): ?bool {}
public function toDateTimeZone(): ?DateTimeZone|false {}
public function useDaylightTime(): ?bool {}
class IntlCalendar {
private function __construct() {}
public static function createInstance($timezone = NULL, ?string $locale = NULL): ??IntlCalendar {}
public function equals(IntlCalendar $other): ?bool {}
public function fieldDifference(float $timestamp, int $field): ?int|false {}
public function add(int $field, int $value): ?bool {}
public function after(IntlCalendar $other): ?bool {}
public function before(IntlCalendar $other): ?bool {}
public function clear(?int $field = NULL) {}
public static function fromDateTime(DateTime|string $datetime, ?string $locale = NULL): ??IntlCalendar {}
public function get(int $field): ?int|false {}
public function getActualMaximum(int $field): ?int|false {}
public function getActualMinimum(int $field): ?int|false {}
public static function getAvailableLocales(): ?array {}
public function getDayOfWeekType(int $dayOfWeek): ?int|false {}
public function getErrorCode(): ?int|false {}
public function getErrorMessage(): ?string|false {}
public function getFirstDayOfWeek(): ?int|false {}
public function getGreatestMinimum(int $field): ?int|false {}
public static function getKeywordValuesForLocale(string $keyword, string $locale, bool $onlyCommon): ?IntlIterator|false {}
public function getLeastMaximum(int $field): ?int|false {}
public function getLocale(int $type): ?string|false {}
public function getMaximum(int $field): ?int|false {}
public function getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(): ?int|false {}
public function setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(int $days) {}
public function getMinimum(int $field): ?int|false {}
public static function getNow(): ?float {}
public function getRepeatedWallTimeOption(): ?int {}
public function getSkippedWallTimeOption(): ?int {}
public function getTime(): ?float|false {}
public function getTimeZone(): ?IntlTimeZone|false {}
public function getType(): ?string {}
public function getWeekendTransition(int $dayOfWeek): ?int|false {}
public function inDaylightTime(): ?bool {}
public function isEquivalentTo(IntlCalendar $other): ?bool {}
public function isLenient(): ?bool {}
public function isWeekend(?float $timestamp = NULL): ?bool {}
public function roll(int $field, $value): ?bool {}
public function isSet(int $field): ?bool {}
public function set(int $year, int $month, int $dayOfMonth, int $hour, int $minute, int $second) {}
public function setFirstDayOfWeek(int $dayOfWeek) {}
public function setLenient(bool $lenient) {}
public function setRepeatedWallTimeOption(int $option) {}
public function setSkippedWallTimeOption(int $option) {}
public function setTime(float $timestamp): ?bool {}
public function setTimeZone($timezone): ?bool {}
public function toDateTime(): ?DateTime|false {}
class IntlGregorianCalendar {
public function __construct($timezoneOrYear, $localeOrMonth, $day, $hour, $minute, $second) {}
public function setGregorianChange(float $timestamp): ?bool {}
public function getGregorianChange(): ?float {}
public function isLeapYear(int $year): ?bool {}
public static function createInstance($timezone = NULL, ?string $locale = NULL): ??IntlCalendar {}
public function equals(IntlCalendar $other): ?bool {}
public function fieldDifference(float $timestamp, int $field): ?int|false {}
public function add(int $field, int $value): ?bool {}
public function after(IntlCalendar $other): ?bool {}
public function before(IntlCalendar $other): ?bool {}
public function clear(?int $field = NULL) {}
public static function fromDateTime(DateTime|string $datetime, ?string $locale = NULL): ??IntlCalendar {}
public function get(int $field): ?int|false {}
public function getActualMaximum(int $field): ?int|false {}
public function getActualMinimum(int $field): ?int|false {}
public static function getAvailableLocales(): ?array {}
public function getDayOfWeekType(int $dayOfWeek): ?int|false {}
public function getErrorCode(): ?int|false {}
public function getErrorMessage(): ?string|false {}
public function getFirstDayOfWeek(): ?int|false {}
public function getGreatestMinimum(int $field): ?int|false {}
public static function getKeywordValuesForLocale(string $keyword, string $locale, bool $onlyCommon): ?IntlIterator|false {}
public function getLeastMaximum(int $field): ?int|false {}
public function getLocale(int $type): ?string|false {}
public function getMaximum(int $field): ?int|false {}
public function getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(): ?int|false {}
public function setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(int $days) {}
public function getMinimum(int $field): ?int|false {}
public static function getNow(): ?float {}
public function getRepeatedWallTimeOption(): ?int {}
public function getSkippedWallTimeOption(): ?int {}
public function getTime(): ?float|false {}
public function getTimeZone(): ?IntlTimeZone|false {}
public function getType(): ?string {}
public function getWeekendTransition(int $dayOfWeek): ?int|false {}
public function inDaylightTime(): ?bool {}
public function isEquivalentTo(IntlCalendar $other): ?bool {}
public function isLenient(): ?bool {}
public function isWeekend(?float $timestamp = NULL): ?bool {}
public function roll(int $field, $value): ?bool {}
public function isSet(int $field): ?bool {}
public function set(int $year, int $month, int $dayOfMonth, int $hour, int $minute, int $second) {}
public function setFirstDayOfWeek(int $dayOfWeek) {}
public function setLenient(bool $lenient) {}
public function setRepeatedWallTimeOption(int $option) {}
public function setSkippedWallTimeOption(int $option) {}
public function setTime(float $timestamp): ?bool {}
public function setTimeZone($timezone): ?bool {}
public function toDateTime(): ?DateTime|false {}
class Spoofchecker {
public function __construct() {}
public function isSuspicious(string $string, $errorCode = NULL): ?bool {}
public function areConfusable(string $string1, string $string2, $errorCode = NULL): ?bool {}
public function setAllowedLocales(string $locales): ?void {}
public function setChecks(int $checks): ?void {}
public function setRestrictionLevel(int $level): ?void {}
class IntlException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class IntlIterator {
public function current(): ?mixed {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
class IntlBreakIterator {
public static function createCharacterInstance(?string $locale = NULL): ??IntlBreakIterator {}
public static function createCodePointInstance(): ?IntlCodePointBreakIterator {}
public static function createLineInstance(?string $locale = NULL): ??IntlBreakIterator {}
public static function createSentenceInstance(?string $locale = NULL): ??IntlBreakIterator {}
public static function createTitleInstance(?string $locale = NULL): ??IntlBreakIterator {}
public static function createWordInstance(?string $locale = NULL): ??IntlBreakIterator {}
private function __construct() {}
public function current(): ?int {}
public function first(): ?int {}
public function following(int $offset): ?int {}
public function getErrorCode(): ?int {}
public function getErrorMessage(): ?string {}
public function getLocale(int $type): ?string|false {}
public function getPartsIterator(string $type = 0): ?IntlPartsIterator {}
public function getText(): ??string {}
public function isBoundary(int $offset): ?bool {}
public function last(): ?int {}
public function next(?int $offset = NULL): ?int {}
public function preceding(int $offset): ?int {}
public function previous(): ?int {}
public function setText(string $text): ??bool {}
public function getIterator(): Iterator {}
class IntlRuleBasedBreakIterator {
public function __construct(string $rules, bool $compiled = false) {}
public function getBinaryRules(): ?string|false {}
public function getRules(): ?string|false {}
public function getRuleStatus(): ?int {}
public function getRuleStatusVec(): ?array|false {}
public static function createCharacterInstance(?string $locale = NULL): ??IntlBreakIterator {}
public static function createCodePointInstance(): ?IntlCodePointBreakIterator {}
public static function createLineInstance(?string $locale = NULL): ??IntlBreakIterator {}
public static function createSentenceInstance(?string $locale = NULL): ??IntlBreakIterator {}
public static function createTitleInstance(?string $locale = NULL): ??IntlBreakIterator {}
public static function createWordInstance(?string $locale = NULL): ??IntlBreakIterator {}
public function current(): ?int {}
public function first(): ?int {}
public function following(int $offset): ?int {}
public function getErrorCode(): ?int {}
public function getErrorMessage(): ?string {}
public function getLocale(int $type): ?string|false {}
public function getPartsIterator(string $type = 0): ?IntlPartsIterator {}
public function getText(): ??string {}
public function isBoundary(int $offset): ?bool {}
public function last(): ?int {}
public function next(?int $offset = NULL): ?int {}
public function preceding(int $offset): ?int {}
public function previous(): ?int {}
public function setText(string $text): ??bool {}
public function getIterator(): Iterator {}
class IntlCodePointBreakIterator {
public function getLastCodePoint(): ?int {}
public static function createCharacterInstance(?string $locale = NULL): ??IntlBreakIterator {}
public static function createCodePointInstance(): ?IntlCodePointBreakIterator {}
public static function createLineInstance(?string $locale = NULL): ??IntlBreakIterator {}
public static function createSentenceInstance(?string $locale = NULL): ??IntlBreakIterator {}
public static function createTitleInstance(?string $locale = NULL): ??IntlBreakIterator {}
public static function createWordInstance(?string $locale = NULL): ??IntlBreakIterator {}
public function current(): ?int {}
public function first(): ?int {}
public function following(int $offset): ?int {}
public function getErrorCode(): ?int {}
public function getErrorMessage(): ?string {}
public function getLocale(int $type): ?string|false {}
public function getPartsIterator(string $type = 0): ?IntlPartsIterator {}
public function getText(): ??string {}
public function isBoundary(int $offset): ?bool {}
public function last(): ?int {}
public function next(?int $offset = NULL): ?int {}
public function preceding(int $offset): ?int {}
public function previous(): ?int {}
public function setText(string $text): ??bool {}
public function getIterator(): Iterator {}
class IntlPartsIterator {
public function getBreakIterator(): ?IntlBreakIterator {}
public function getRuleStatus(): ?int {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
class UConverter {
public function __construct(?string $destination_encoding = NULL, ?string $source_encoding = NULL) {}
public function convert(string $str, bool $reverse = false): ?string|false {}
public function fromUCallback(int $reason, array $source, int $codePoint, $error): ?array|string|int|null {}
public static function getAliases(string $name): ?array|false|null {}
public static function getAvailable(): ?array {}
public function getDestinationEncoding(): ?string|false|null {}
public function getDestinationType(): ?int|false|null {}
public function getErrorCode(): ?int {}
public function getErrorMessage(): ??string {}
public function getSourceEncoding(): ?string|false|null {}
public function getSourceType(): ?int|false|null {}
public static function getStandards(): ??array {}
public function getSubstChars(): ?string|false|null {}
public static function reasonText(int $reason): ?string {}
public function setDestinationEncoding(string $encoding): ?bool {}
public function setSourceEncoding(string $encoding): ?bool {}
public function setSubstChars(string $chars): ?bool {}
public function toUCallback(int $reason, string $source, string $codeUnits, $error): ?array|string|int|null {}
public static function transcode(string $str, string $toEncoding, string $fromEncoding, ?array $options = NULL): ?string|false {}
class IntlChar {
public static function hasBinaryProperty(string|int $codepoint, int $property): ??bool {}
public static function charAge(string|int $codepoint): ??array {}
public static function charDigitValue(string|int $codepoint): ??int {}
public static function charDirection(string|int $codepoint): ??int {}
public static function charFromName(string $name, int $type = 0): ??int {}
public static function charMirror(string|int $codepoint): ?string|int|null {}
public static function charName(string|int $codepoint, int $type = 0): ??string {}
public static function charType(string|int $codepoint): ??int {}
public static function chr(string|int $codepoint): ??string {}
public static function digit(string|int $codepoint, int $base = 10): ?int|false|null {}
public static function enumCharNames(string|int $start, string|int $end, callable $callback, int $type = 0): ??bool {}
public static function enumCharTypes(callable $callback): ?void {}
public static function foldCase(string|int $codepoint, int $options = 0): ?string|int|null {}
public static function forDigit(int $digit, int $base = 10): ?int {}
public static function getBidiPairedBracket(string|int $codepoint): ?string|int|null {}
public static function getBlockCode(string|int $codepoint): ??int {}
public static function getCombiningClass(string|int $codepoint): ??int {}
public static function getFC_NFKC_Closure(string|int $codepoint): ?string|false|null {}
public static function getIntPropertyMaxValue(int $property): ?int {}
public static function getIntPropertyMinValue(int $property): ?int {}
public static function getIntPropertyValue(string|int $codepoint, int $property): ??int {}
public static function getNumericValue(string|int $codepoint): ??float {}
public static function getPropertyEnum(string $alias): ?int {}
public static function getPropertyName(int $property, int $type = 1): ?string|false {}
public static function getPropertyValueEnum(int $property, string $name): ?int {}
public static function getPropertyValueName(int $property, int $value, int $type = 1): ?string|false {}
public static function getUnicodeVersion(): ?array {}
public static function isalnum(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isalpha(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isbase(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isblank(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function iscntrl(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isdefined(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isdigit(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isgraph(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isIDIgnorable(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isIDPart(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isIDStart(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isISOControl(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isJavaIDPart(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isJavaIDStart(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isJavaSpaceChar(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function islower(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isMirrored(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isprint(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function ispunct(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isspace(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function istitle(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isUAlphabetic(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isULowercase(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isupper(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isUUppercase(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isUWhiteSpace(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isWhitespace(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function isxdigit(string|int $codepoint): ??bool {}
public static function ord(string|int $character): ??int {}
public static function tolower(string|int $codepoint): ?string|int|null {}
public static function totitle(string|int $codepoint): ?string|int|null {}
public static function toupper(string|int $codepoint): ?string|int|null {}
class MessagePack {
public function __construct($opt) {}
public function setOption($option, $value) {}
public function pack($value) {}
public function unpack($str, $object) {}
public function unpacker() {}
class MessagePackUnpacker {
public function __construct($opt) {}
public function __destruct() {}
public function setOption($option, $value) {}
public function feed($str) {}
public function execute($str, $offset) {}
public function data($object) {}
public function reset() {}
final class mysqli_sql_exception {
public function getSqlState(): string {}
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
final class mysqli_driver {
class mysqli {
public function __construct(?string $hostname = NULL, ?string $username = NULL, ?string $password = NULL, ?string $database = NULL, ?int $port = NULL, ?string $socket = NULL) {}
public function autocommit(bool $enable): ?bool {}
public function begin_transaction(int $flags = 0, ?string $name = NULL): ?bool {}
public function change_user(string $username, string $password, ?string $database): ?bool {}
public function character_set_name(): ?string {}
public function close() {}
public function commit(int $flags = 0, ?string $name = NULL): ?bool {}
public function connect(?string $hostname = NULL, ?string $username = NULL, ?string $password = NULL, ?string $database = NULL, ?int $port = NULL, ?string $socket = NULL): ?bool {}
public function dump_debug_info(): ?bool {}
public function debug(string $options) {}
public function get_charset(): ??object {}
public function execute_query(string $query, ?array $params = NULL): mysqli_result|bool {}
public function get_client_info(): ?string {}
public function get_connection_stats(): ?array {}
public function get_server_info(): ?string {}
public function get_warnings(): ?mysqli_warning|false {}
public function init() {}
public function kill(int $process_id): ?bool {}
public function multi_query(string $query): ?bool {}
public function more_results(): ?bool {}
public function next_result(): ?bool {}
public function ping(): ?bool {}
public static function poll(?array $read, ?array $error, array $reject, int $seconds, int $microseconds = 0): ?int|false {}
public function prepare(string $query): ?mysqli_stmt|false {}
public function query(string $query, int $result_mode = 0): ?mysqli_result|bool {}
public function real_connect(?string $hostname = NULL, ?string $username = NULL, ?string $password = NULL, ?string $database = NULL, ?int $port = NULL, ?string $socket = NULL, int $flags = 0): ?bool {}
public function real_escape_string(string $string): ?string {}
public function reap_async_query(): ?mysqli_result|bool {}
public function escape_string(string $string): ?string {}
public function real_query(string $query): ?bool {}
public function release_savepoint(string $name): ?bool {}
public function rollback(int $flags = 0, ?string $name = NULL): ?bool {}
public function savepoint(string $name): ?bool {}
public function select_db(string $database): ?bool {}
public function set_charset(string $charset): ?bool {}
public function options(int $option, $value): ?bool {}
public function set_opt(int $option, $value): ?bool {}
public function ssl_set(?string $key, ?string $certificate, ?string $ca_certificate, ?string $ca_path, ?string $cipher_algos) {}
public function stat(): ?string|false {}
public function stmt_init(): ?mysqli_stmt|false {}
public function store_result(int $mode = 0): ?mysqli_result|false {}
public function thread_safe(): ?bool {}
public function use_result(): ?mysqli_result|false {}
public function refresh(int $flags): ?bool {}
final class mysqli_warning {
private function __construct() {}
public function next(): bool {}
class mysqli_result {
public function __construct(mysqli $mysql, int $result_mode = 0) {}
public function close(): ?void {}
public function free(): ?void {}
public function data_seek(int $offset): ?bool {}
public function fetch_field(): ?object|false {}
public function fetch_fields(): ?array {}
public function fetch_field_direct(int $index): ?object|false {}
public function fetch_all(int $mode = 2): ?array {}
public function fetch_array(int $mode = 3): ?array|false|null {}
public function fetch_assoc(): ?array|false|null {}
public function fetch_object(string $class = 'stdClass', array $constructor_args = array (
)): ?object|false|null {}
public function fetch_row(): ?array|false|null {}
public function fetch_column(int $column = 0): string|int|float|false|null {}
public function field_seek(int $index): ?bool {}
public function free_result(): ?void {}
public function getIterator(): Iterator {}
class mysqli_stmt {
public function __construct(mysqli $mysql, ?string $query = NULL) {}
public function attr_get(int $attribute): ?int {}
public function attr_set(int $attribute, int $value): ?bool {}
public function bind_param(string $types, mixed $vars): ?bool {}
public function bind_result(mixed $vars): ?bool {}
public function close() {}
public function data_seek(int $offset): ?void {}
public function execute(?array $params = NULL): ?bool {}
public function fetch(): ??bool {}
public function get_warnings(): ?mysqli_warning|false {}
public function result_metadata(): ?mysqli_result|false {}
public function more_results(): ?bool {}
public function next_result(): ?bool {}
public function num_rows(): ?string|int {}
public function send_long_data(int $param_num, string $data): ?bool {}
public function free_result(): ?void {}
public function reset(): ?bool {}
public function prepare(string $query): ?bool {}
public function store_result(): ?bool {}
public function get_result(): ?mysqli_result|false {}
namespace PgSql {
final class Connection {
namespace PgSql {
final class Result {
namespace PgSql {
final class Lob {
class PharException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class Phar {
public function __construct(string $filename, int $flags = 12288, ?string $alias = NULL) {}
public function __destruct() {}
public function addEmptyDir(string $directory): ?void {}
public function addFile(string $filename, ?string $localName = NULL): ?void {}
public function addFromString(string $localName, string $contents): ?void {}
public function buildFromDirectory(string $directory, string $pattern = ''): ?array {}
public function buildFromIterator(Traversable $iterator, ?string $baseDirectory = NULL): ?array {}
public function compressFiles(int $compression): ?void {}
public function decompressFiles() {}
public function compress(int $compression, ?string $extension = NULL): ??Phar {}
public function decompress(?string $extension = NULL): ??Phar {}
public function convertToExecutable(?int $format = NULL, ?int $compression = NULL, ?string $extension = NULL): ??Phar {}
public function convertToData(?int $format = NULL, ?int $compression = NULL, ?string $extension = NULL): ??PharData {}
public function copy(string $from, string $to) {}
public function count(int $mode = 0): ?int {}
public function delete(string $localName) {}
public function delMetadata() {}
public function extractTo(string $directory, array|string|null $files = NULL, bool $overwrite = false): ?bool {}
public function getAlias(): ??string {}
public function getPath(): ?string {}
public function getMetadata(array $unserializeOptions = array (
)): ?mixed {}
public function getModified(): ?bool {}
public function getSignature(): ?array|false {}
public function getStub(): ?string {}
public function getVersion(): ?string {}
public function hasMetadata(): ?bool {}
public function isBuffering(): ?bool {}
public function isCompressed(): ?int|false {}
public function isFileFormat(int $format): ?bool {}
public function isWritable(): ?bool {}
public function offsetExists($localName): ?bool {}
public function offsetGet($localName): ?SplFileInfo {}
public function offsetSet($localName, $value): ?void {}
public function offsetUnset($localName): ?void {}
public function setAlias(string $alias): ?bool {}
public function setDefaultStub(?string $index = NULL, ?string $webIndex = NULL): ?bool {}
public function setMetadata(mixed $metadata): ?void {}
public function setSignatureAlgorithm(int $algo, ?string $privateKey = NULL): ?void {}
public function setStub($stub, int $length) {}
public function startBuffering(): ?void {}
public function stopBuffering(): ?void {}
final public static function apiVersion(): string {}
final public static function canCompress(int $compression = 0): bool {}
final public static function canWrite(): bool {}
final public static function createDefaultStub(?string $index = NULL, ?string $webIndex = NULL): string {}
final public static function getSupportedCompression(): array {}
final public static function getSupportedSignatures(): array {}
final public static function interceptFileFuncs(): void {}
final public static function isValidPharFilename(string $filename, bool $executable = true): bool {}
final public static function loadPhar(string $filename, ?string $alias = NULL): bool {}
final public static function mapPhar(?string $alias = NULL, int $offset = 0): bool {}
final public static function running(bool $returnPhar = true): string {}
final public static function mount(string $pharPath, string $externalPath): void {}
final public static function mungServer(array $variables): void {}
final public static function unlinkArchive(string $filename): bool {}
final public static function webPhar(?string $alias = NULL, ?string $index = NULL, ?string $fileNotFoundScript = NULL, array $mimeTypes = array (
), ?callable $rewrite = NULL): void {}
public function hasChildren(bool $allowLinks = false): ?bool {}
public function getChildren(): ?RecursiveDirectoryIterator {}
public function getSubPath(): ?string {}
public function getSubPathname(): ?string {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function key(): ?string {}
public function current(): ?SplFileInfo|FilesystemIterator|string {}
public function getFlags(): ?int {}
public function setFlags(int $flags): ?void {}
public function getFilename(): ?string {}
public function getExtension(): ?string {}
public function getBasename(string $suffix = ''): ?string {}
public function isDot(): ?bool {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function seek(int $offset): ?void {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function getPathname(): ?string {}
public function getPerms(): ?int|false {}
public function getInode(): ?int|false {}
public function getSize(): ?int|false {}
public function getOwner(): ?int|false {}
public function getGroup(): ?int|false {}
public function getATime(): ?int|false {}
public function getMTime(): ?int|false {}
public function getCTime(): ?int|false {}
public function getType(): ?string|false {}
public function isReadable(): ?bool {}
public function isExecutable(): ?bool {}
public function isFile(): ?bool {}
public function isDir(): ?bool {}
public function isLink(): ?bool {}
public function getLinkTarget(): ?string|false {}
public function getRealPath(): ?string|false {}
public function getFileInfo(?string $class = NULL): ?SplFileInfo {}
public function getPathInfo(?string $class = NULL): ??SplFileInfo {}
public function openFile(string $mode = 'r', bool $useIncludePath = false, $context = NULL): ?SplFileObject {}
public function setFileClass(string $class = 'SplFileObject'): ?void {}
public function setInfoClass(string $class = 'SplFileInfo'): ?void {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
final public function _bad_state_ex(): ?void {}
class PharData {
public function __construct(string $filename, int $flags = 12288, ?string $alias = NULL, int $format = 0) {}
public function __destruct() {}
public function addEmptyDir(string $directory): ?void {}
public function addFile(string $filename, ?string $localName = NULL): ?void {}
public function addFromString(string $localName, string $contents): ?void {}
public function buildFromDirectory(string $directory, string $pattern = ''): ?array {}
public function buildFromIterator(Traversable $iterator, ?string $baseDirectory = NULL): ?array {}
public function compressFiles(int $compression): ?void {}
public function decompressFiles() {}
public function compress(int $compression, ?string $extension = NULL): ??PharData {}
public function decompress(?string $extension = NULL): ??PharData {}
public function convertToExecutable(?int $format = NULL, ?int $compression = NULL, ?string $extension = NULL): ??Phar {}
public function convertToData(?int $format = NULL, ?int $compression = NULL, ?string $extension = NULL): ??PharData {}
public function copy(string $from, string $to) {}
public function count(int $mode = 0): ?int {}
public function delete(string $localName) {}
public function delMetadata() {}
public function extractTo(string $directory, array|string|null $files = NULL, bool $overwrite = false): ?bool {}
public function getAlias(): ??string {}
public function getPath(): ?string {}
public function getMetadata(array $unserializeOptions = array (
)): ?mixed {}
public function getModified(): ?bool {}
public function getSignature(): ?array|false {}
public function getStub(): ?string {}
public function getVersion(): ?string {}
public function hasMetadata(): ?bool {}
public function isBuffering(): ?bool {}
public function isCompressed(): ?int|false {}
public function isFileFormat(int $format): ?bool {}
public function isWritable(): ?bool {}
public function offsetExists($localName): ?bool {}
public function offsetGet($localName): ?SplFileInfo {}
public function offsetSet($localName, $value): ?void {}
public function offsetUnset($localName): ?void {}
public function setAlias(string $alias): ?bool {}
public function setDefaultStub(?string $index = NULL, ?string $webIndex = NULL): ?bool {}
public function setMetadata(mixed $metadata): ?void {}
public function setSignatureAlgorithm(int $algo, ?string $privateKey = NULL): ?void {}
public function setStub($stub, int $length) {}
public function startBuffering(): ?void {}
public function stopBuffering(): ?void {}
final public static function apiVersion(): string {}
final public static function canCompress(int $compression = 0): bool {}
final public static function canWrite(): bool {}
final public static function createDefaultStub(?string $index = NULL, ?string $webIndex = NULL): string {}
final public static function getSupportedCompression(): array {}
final public static function getSupportedSignatures(): array {}
final public static function interceptFileFuncs(): void {}
final public static function isValidPharFilename(string $filename, bool $executable = true): bool {}
final public static function loadPhar(string $filename, ?string $alias = NULL): bool {}
final public static function mapPhar(?string $alias = NULL, int $offset = 0): bool {}
final public static function running(bool $returnPhar = true): string {}
final public static function mount(string $pharPath, string $externalPath): void {}
final public static function mungServer(array $variables): void {}
final public static function unlinkArchive(string $filename): bool {}
final public static function webPhar(?string $alias = NULL, ?string $index = NULL, ?string $fileNotFoundScript = NULL, array $mimeTypes = array (
), ?callable $rewrite = NULL): void {}
public function hasChildren(bool $allowLinks = false): ?bool {}
public function getChildren(): ?RecursiveDirectoryIterator {}
public function getSubPath(): ?string {}
public function getSubPathname(): ?string {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function key(): ?string {}
public function current(): ?SplFileInfo|FilesystemIterator|string {}
public function getFlags(): ?int {}
public function setFlags(int $flags): ?void {}
public function getFilename(): ?string {}
public function getExtension(): ?string {}
public function getBasename(string $suffix = ''): ?string {}
public function isDot(): ?bool {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function seek(int $offset): ?void {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function getPathname(): ?string {}
public function getPerms(): ?int|false {}
public function getInode(): ?int|false {}
public function getSize(): ?int|false {}
public function getOwner(): ?int|false {}
public function getGroup(): ?int|false {}
public function getATime(): ?int|false {}
public function getMTime(): ?int|false {}
public function getCTime(): ?int|false {}
public function getType(): ?string|false {}
public function isReadable(): ?bool {}
public function isExecutable(): ?bool {}
public function isFile(): ?bool {}
public function isDir(): ?bool {}
public function isLink(): ?bool {}
public function getLinkTarget(): ?string|false {}
public function getRealPath(): ?string|false {}
public function getFileInfo(?string $class = NULL): ?SplFileInfo {}
public function getPathInfo(?string $class = NULL): ??SplFileInfo {}
public function openFile(string $mode = 'r', bool $useIncludePath = false, $context = NULL): ?SplFileObject {}
public function setFileClass(string $class = 'SplFileObject'): ?void {}
public function setInfoClass(string $class = 'SplFileInfo'): ?void {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
final public function _bad_state_ex(): ?void {}
class PharFileInfo {
public function __construct(string $filename) {}
public function __destruct() {}
public function chmod(int $perms): ?void {}
public function compress(int $compression) {}
public function decompress() {}
public function delMetadata() {}
public function getCompressedSize(): ?int {}
public function getCRC32(): ?int {}
public function getContent(): ?string {}
public function getMetadata(array $unserializeOptions = array (
)): ?mixed {}
public function getPharFlags(): ?int {}
public function hasMetadata(): ?bool {}
public function isCompressed(?int $compression = NULL): ?bool {}
public function isCRCChecked(): ?bool {}
public function setMetadata(mixed $metadata): ?void {}
public function getPath(): ?string {}
public function getFilename(): ?string {}
public function getExtension(): ?string {}
public function getBasename(string $suffix = ''): ?string {}
public function getPathname(): ?string {}
public function getPerms(): ?int|false {}
public function getInode(): ?int|false {}
public function getSize(): ?int|false {}
public function getOwner(): ?int|false {}
public function getGroup(): ?int|false {}
public function getATime(): ?int|false {}
public function getMTime(): ?int|false {}
public function getCTime(): ?int|false {}
public function getType(): ?string|false {}
public function isWritable(): ?bool {}
public function isReadable(): ?bool {}
public function isExecutable(): ?bool {}
public function isFile(): ?bool {}
public function isDir(): ?bool {}
public function isLink(): ?bool {}
public function getLinkTarget(): ?string|false {}
public function getRealPath(): ?string|false {}
public function getFileInfo(?string $class = NULL): ?SplFileInfo {}
public function getPathInfo(?string $class = NULL): ??SplFileInfo {}
public function openFile(string $mode = 'r', bool $useIncludePath = false, $context = NULL): ?SplFileObject {}
public function setFileClass(string $class = 'SplFileObject'): ?void {}
public function setInfoClass(string $class = 'SplFileInfo'): ?void {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function __debugInfo(): ?array {}
final public function _bad_state_ex(): ?void {}
class Redis {
public function __construct() {}
public function __destruct() {}
public function _prefix($key) {}
public function _serialize($value) {}
public function _unserialize($value) {}
public function _pack($value) {}
public function _unpack($value) {}
public function _compress($value) {}
public function _uncompress($value) {}
public function acl($subcmd, $args) {}
public function append($key, $value) {}
public function auth($auth) {}
public function bgSave() {}
public function bgrewriteaof() {}
public function bitcount($key) {}
public function bitop($operation, $ret_key, $key, $other_keys) {}
public function bitpos($key, $bit, $start, $end) {}
public function blPop($key, $timeout_or_key, $extra_args) {}
public function brPop($key, $timeout_or_key, $extra_args) {}
public function brpoplpush($src, $dst, $timeout) {}
public function bzPopMax($key, $timeout_or_key, $extra_args) {}
public function bzPopMin($key, $timeout_or_key, $extra_args) {}
public function clearLastError() {}
public function client($cmd, $args) {}
public function close() {}
public function command($args) {}
public function config($cmd, $key, $value) {}
public function connect($host, $port, $timeout, $retry_interval) {}
public function dbSize() {}
public function debug($key) {}
public function decr($key) {}
public function decrBy($key, $value) {}
public function del($key, $other_keys) {}
public function discard() {}
public function dump($key) {}
public function echo($msg) {}
public function eval($script, $args, $num_keys) {}
public function evalsha($script_sha, $args, $num_keys) {}
public function exec() {}
public function exists($key, $other_keys) {}
public function expire($key, $timeout) {}
public function expireAt($key, $timestamp) {}
public function flushAll($async) {}
public function flushDB($async) {}
public function geoadd($key, $lng, $lat, $member, $other_triples) {}
public function geodist($key, $src, $dst, $unit) {}
public function geohash($key, $member, $other_members) {}
public function geopos($key, $member, $other_members) {}
public function georadius($key, $lng, $lan, $radius, $unit, array $opts) {}
public function georadius_ro($key, $lng, $lan, $radius, $unit, array $opts) {}
public function georadiusbymember($key, $member, $radius, $unit, array $opts) {}
public function georadiusbymember_ro($key, $member, $radius, $unit, array $opts) {}
public function get($key) {}
public function getAuth() {}
public function getBit($key, $offset) {}
public function getDBNum() {}
public function getHost() {}
public function getLastError() {}
public function getMode() {}
public function getOption($option) {}
public function getPersistentID() {}
public function getPort() {}
public function getRange($key, $start, $end) {}
public function getReadTimeout() {}
public function getSet($key, $value) {}
public function getTimeout() {}
public function hDel($key, $member, $other_members) {}
public function hExists($key, $member) {}
public function hGet($key, $member) {}
public function hGetAll($key) {}
public function hIncrBy($key, $member, $value) {}
public function hIncrByFloat($key, $member, $value) {}
public function hKeys($key) {}
public function hLen($key) {}
public function hMget($key, array $keys) {}
public function hMset($key, array $pairs) {}
public function hSet($key, $member, $value) {}
public function hSetNx($key, $member, $value) {}
public function hStrLen($key, $member) {}
public function hVals($key) {}
public function hscan($str_key, $i_iterator, $str_pattern, $i_count) {}
public function incr($key) {}
public function incrBy($key, $value) {}
public function incrByFloat($key, $value) {}
public function info($option) {}
public function isConnected() {}
public function keys($pattern) {}
public function lInsert($key, $position, $pivot, $value) {}
public function lLen($key) {}
public function lPop($key) {}
public function lPush($key, $value) {}
public function lPushx($key, $value) {}
public function lSet($key, $index, $value) {}
public function lastSave() {}
public function lindex($key, $index) {}
public function lrange($key, $start, $end) {}
public function lrem($key, $value, $count) {}
public function ltrim($key, $start, $stop) {}
public function mget(array $keys) {}
public function migrate($host, $port, $key, $db, $timeout, $copy, $replace) {}
public function move($key, $dbindex) {}
public function mset(array $pairs) {}
public function msetnx(array $pairs) {}
public function multi($mode) {}
public function object($field, $key) {}
public function pconnect($host, $port, $timeout) {}
public function persist($key) {}
public function pexpire($key, $timestamp) {}
public function pexpireAt($key, $timestamp) {}
public function pfadd($key, array $elements) {}
public function pfcount($key) {}
public function pfmerge($dstkey, array $keys) {}
public function ping() {}
public function pipeline() {}
public function psetex($key, $expire, $value) {}
public function psubscribe(array $patterns, $callback) {}
public function pttl($key) {}
public function publish($channel, $message) {}
public function pubsub($cmd, $args) {}
public function punsubscribe($pattern, $other_patterns) {}
public function rPop($key) {}
public function rPush($key, $value) {}
public function rPushx($key, $value) {}
public function randomKey() {}
public function rawcommand($cmd, $args) {}
public function rename($key, $newkey) {}
public function renameNx($key, $newkey) {}
public function restore($ttl, $key, $value) {}
public function role() {}
public function rpoplpush($src, $dst) {}
public function sAdd($key, $value) {}
public function sAddArray($key, array $options) {}
public function sDiff($key, $other_keys) {}
public function sDiffStore($dst, $key, $other_keys) {}
public function sInter($key, $other_keys) {}
public function sInterStore($dst, $key, $other_keys) {}
public function sMembers($key) {}
public function sMisMember($key, $member, $other_members) {}
public function sMove($src, $dst, $value) {}
public function sPop($key) {}
public function sRandMember($key, $count) {}
public function sUnion($key, $other_keys) {}
public function sUnionStore($dst, $key, $other_keys) {}
public function save() {}
public function scan($i_iterator, $str_pattern, $i_count) {}
public function scard($key) {}
public function script($cmd, $args) {}
public function select($dbindex) {}
public function set($key, $value, $opts) {}
public function setBit($key, $offset, $value) {}
public function setOption($option, $value) {}
public function setRange($key, $offset, $value) {}
public function setex($key, $expire, $value) {}
public function setnx($key, $value) {}
public function sismember($key, $value) {}
public function slaveof($host, $port) {}
public function slowlog($arg, $option) {}
public function sort($key, array $options) {}
public function sortAsc($key, $pattern, $get, $start, $end, $getList) {}
public function sortAscAlpha($key, $pattern, $get, $start, $end, $getList) {}
public function sortDesc($key, $pattern, $get, $start, $end, $getList) {}
public function sortDescAlpha($key, $pattern, $get, $start, $end, $getList) {}
public function srem($key, $member, $other_members) {}
public function sscan($str_key, $i_iterator, $str_pattern, $i_count) {}
public function strlen($key) {}
public function subscribe(array $channels, $callback) {}
public function swapdb($srcdb, $dstdb) {}
public function time() {}
public function ttl($key) {}
public function type($key) {}
public function unlink($key, $other_keys) {}
public function unsubscribe($channel, $other_channels) {}
public function unwatch() {}
public function wait($numslaves, $timeout) {}
public function watch($key, $other_keys) {}
public function xack($str_key, $str_group, array $arr_ids) {}
public function xadd($str_key, $str_id, array $arr_fields, $i_maxlen, $boo_approximate) {}
public function xclaim($str_key, $str_group, $str_consumer, $i_min_idle, array $arr_ids, array $arr_opts) {}
public function xdel($str_key, array $arr_ids) {}
public function xgroup($str_operation, $str_key, $str_arg1, $str_arg2, $str_arg3) {}
public function xinfo($str_cmd, $str_key, $str_group) {}
public function xlen($key) {}
public function xpending($str_key, $str_group, $str_start, $str_end, $i_count, $str_consumer) {}
public function xrange($str_key, $str_start, $str_end, $i_count) {}
public function xread(array $arr_streams, $i_count, $i_block) {}
public function xreadgroup($str_group, $str_consumer, array $arr_streams, $i_count, $i_block) {}
public function xrevrange($str_key, $str_start, $str_end, $i_count) {}
public function xtrim($str_key, $i_maxlen, $boo_approximate) {}
public function zAdd($key, $score, $value, $extra_args) {}
public function zCard($key) {}
public function zCount($key, $min, $max) {}
public function zIncrBy($key, $value, $member) {}
public function zLexCount($key, $min, $max) {}
public function zPopMax($key) {}
public function zPopMin($key) {}
public function zRange($key, $start, $end, $scores) {}
public function zRangeByLex($key, $min, $max, $offset, $limit) {}
public function zRangeByScore($key, $start, $end, array $options) {}
public function zRank($key, $member) {}
public function zRem($key, $member, $other_members) {}
public function zRemRangeByLex($key, $min, $max) {}
public function zRemRangeByRank($key, $start, $end) {}
public function zRemRangeByScore($key, $min, $max) {}
public function zRevRange($key, $start, $end, $scores) {}
public function zRevRangeByLex($key, $min, $max, $offset, $limit) {}
public function zRevRangeByScore($key, $start, $end, array $options) {}
public function zRevRank($key, $member) {}
public function zScore($key, $member) {}
public function zinterstore($key, array $keys, ?array $weights, $aggregate) {}
public function zscan($str_key, $i_iterator, $str_pattern, $i_count) {}
public function zunionstore($key, array $keys, ?array $weights, $aggregate) {}
public function delete($key, $other_keys) {}
public function evaluate($script, $args, $num_keys) {}
public function evaluateSha($script_sha, $args, $num_keys) {}
public function getKeys($pattern) {}
public function getMultiple(array $keys) {}
public function lGet($key, $index) {}
public function lGetRange($key, $start, $end) {}
public function lRemove($key, $value, $count) {}
public function lSize($key) {}
public function listTrim($key, $start, $stop) {}
public function open($host, $port, $timeout, $retry_interval) {}
public function popen($host, $port, $timeout) {}
public function renameKey($key, $newkey) {}
public function sContains($key, $value) {}
public function sGetMembers($key) {}
public function sRemove($key, $member, $other_members) {}
public function sSize($key) {}
public function sendEcho($msg) {}
public function setTimeout($key, $timeout) {}
public function substr($key, $start, $end) {}
public function zDelete($key, $member, $other_members) {}
public function zDeleteRangeByRank($key, $min, $max) {}
public function zDeleteRangeByScore($key, $min, $max) {}
public function zInter($key, array $keys, ?array $weights, $aggregate) {}
public function zRemove($key, $member, $other_members) {}
public function zRemoveRangeByScore($key, $min, $max) {}
public function zReverseRange($key, $start, $end, $scores) {}
public function zSize($key) {}
public function zUnion($key, array $keys, ?array $weights, $aggregate) {}
class RedisArray {
public function __call($function_name, $arguments) {}
public function __construct($name_or_hosts, array $options) {}
public function _continuum() {}
public function _distributor() {}
public function _function() {}
public function _hosts() {}
public function _instance($host) {}
public function _rehash($callable) {}
public function _target($key) {}
public function bgsave() {}
public function del($keys) {}
public function discard() {}
public function exec() {}
public function flushall($async) {}
public function flushdb($async) {}
public function getOption($opt) {}
public function hscan($str_key, $i_iterator, $str_pattern, $i_count) {}
public function info() {}
public function keys($pattern) {}
public function mget($keys) {}
public function mset($pairs) {}
public function multi($host, $mode) {}
public function ping() {}
public function save() {}
public function scan($iterator, $node, $pattern, $count) {}
public function select($index) {}
public function setOption($opt, $value) {}
public function sscan($str_key, $i_iterator, $str_pattern, $i_count) {}
public function unlink() {}
public function unwatch() {}
public function zscan($str_key, $i_iterator, $str_pattern, $i_count) {}
public function delete($keys) {}
public function getMultiple($keys) {}
class RedisCluster {
public function __construct($name, array $seeds, $timeout, $read_timeout, $persistent, $auth) {}
public function _masters() {}
public function _prefix($key) {}
public function _redir() {}
public function _serialize($value) {}
public function _unserialize($value) {}
public function _compress($value) {}
public function _uncompress($value) {}
public function _pack($value) {}
public function _unpack($value) {}
public function acl($key_or_address, $subcmd, $args) {}
public function append($key, $value) {}
public function bgrewriteaof($key_or_address) {}
public function bgsave($key_or_address) {}
public function bitcount($key) {}
public function bitop($operation, $ret_key, $key, $other_keys) {}
public function bitpos($key, $bit, $start, $end) {}
public function blpop($key, $timeout_or_key, $extra_args) {}
public function brpop($key, $timeout_or_key, $extra_args) {}
public function brpoplpush($src, $dst, $timeout) {}
public function clearlasterror() {}
public function bzpopmax($key, $timeout_or_key, $extra_args) {}
public function bzpopmin($key, $timeout_or_key, $extra_args) {}
public function client($key_or_address, $arg, $other_args) {}
public function close() {}
public function cluster($key_or_address, $arg, $other_args) {}
public function command($args) {}
public function config($key_or_address, $arg, $other_args) {}
public function dbsize($key_or_address) {}
public function decr($key) {}
public function decrby($key, $value) {}
public function del($key, $other_keys) {}
public function discard() {}
public function dump($key) {}
public function echo($msg) {}
public function eval($script, $args, $num_keys) {}
public function evalsha($script_sha, $args, $num_keys) {}
public function exec() {}
public function exists($key) {}
public function expire($key, $timeout) {}
public function expireat($key, $timestamp) {}
public function flushall($key_or_address, $async) {}
public function flushdb($key_or_address, $async) {}
public function geoadd($key, $lng, $lat, $member, $other_triples) {}
public function geodist($key, $src, $dst, $unit) {}
public function geohash($key, $member, $other_members) {}
public function geopos($key, $member, $other_members) {}
public function georadius($key, $lng, $lan, $radius, $unit, array $opts) {}
public function georadius_ro($key, $lng, $lan, $radius, $unit, array $opts) {}
public function georadiusbymember($key, $member, $radius, $unit, array $opts) {}
public function georadiusbymember_ro($key, $member, $radius, $unit, array $opts) {}
public function get($key) {}
public function getbit($key, $offset) {}
public function getlasterror() {}
public function getmode() {}
public function getoption($option) {}
public function getrange($key, $start, $end) {}
public function getset($key, $value) {}
public function hdel($key, $member, $other_members) {}
public function hexists($key, $member) {}
public function hget($key, $member) {}
public function hgetall($key) {}
public function hincrby($key, $member, $value) {}
public function hincrbyfloat($key, $member, $value) {}
public function hkeys($key) {}
public function hlen($key) {}
public function hmget($key, array $keys) {}
public function hmset($key, array $pairs) {}
public function hscan($str_key, $i_iterator, $str_pattern, $i_count) {}
public function hset($key, $member, $value) {}
public function hsetnx($key, $member, $value) {}
public function hstrlen($key, $member) {}
public function hvals($key) {}
public function incr($key) {}
public function incrby($key, $value) {}
public function incrbyfloat($key, $value) {}
public function info($key_or_address, $option) {}
public function keys($pattern) {}
public function lastsave($key_or_address) {}
public function lget($key, $index) {}
public function lindex($key, $index) {}
public function linsert($key, $position, $pivot, $value) {}
public function llen($key) {}
public function lpop($key) {}
public function lpush($key, $value) {}
public function lpushx($key, $value) {}
public function lrange($key, $start, $end) {}
public function lrem($key, $value) {}
public function lset($key, $index, $value) {}
public function ltrim($key, $start, $stop) {}
public function mget(array $keys) {}
public function mset(array $pairs) {}
public function msetnx(array $pairs) {}
public function multi() {}
public function object($field, $key) {}
public function persist($key) {}
public function pexpire($key, $timestamp) {}
public function pexpireat($key, $timestamp) {}
public function pfadd($key, array $elements) {}
public function pfcount($key) {}
public function pfmerge($dstkey, array $keys) {}
public function ping($key_or_address) {}
public function psetex($key, $expire, $value) {}
public function psubscribe(array $patterns, $callback) {}
public function pttl($key) {}
public function publish($channel, $message) {}
public function pubsub($key_or_address, $arg, $other_args) {}
public function punsubscribe($pattern, $other_patterns) {}
public function randomkey($key_or_address) {}
public function rawcommand($cmd, $args) {}
public function rename($key, $newkey) {}
public function renamenx($key, $newkey) {}
public function restore($ttl, $key, $value) {}
public function role() {}
public function rpop($key) {}
public function rpoplpush($src, $dst) {}
public function rpush($key, $value) {}
public function rpushx($key, $value) {}
public function sadd($key, $value) {}
public function saddarray($key, array $options) {}
public function save($key_or_address) {}
public function scan($i_iterator, $str_node, $str_pattern, $i_count) {}
public function scard($key) {}
public function script($key_or_address, $arg, $other_args) {}
public function sdiff($key, $other_keys) {}
public function sdiffstore($dst, $key, $other_keys) {}
public function set($key, $value, $opts) {}
public function setbit($key, $offset, $value) {}
public function setex($key, $expire, $value) {}
public function setnx($key, $value) {}
public function setoption($option, $value) {}
public function setrange($key, $offset, $value) {}
public function sinter($key, $other_keys) {}
public function sinterstore($dst, $key, $other_keys) {}
public function sismember($key, $value) {}
public function slowlog($key_or_address, $arg, $other_args) {}
public function smembers($key) {}
public function smove($src, $dst, $value) {}
public function sort($key, array $options) {}
public function spop($key) {}
public function srandmember($key, $count) {}
public function srem($key, $value) {}
public function sscan($str_key, $i_iterator, $str_pattern, $i_count) {}
public function strlen($key) {}
public function subscribe(array $channels, $callback) {}
public function sunion($key, $other_keys) {}
public function sunionstore($dst, $key, $other_keys) {}
public function time() {}
public function ttl($key) {}
public function type($key) {}
public function unsubscribe($channel, $other_channels) {}
public function unlink($key, $other_keys) {}
public function unwatch() {}
public function watch($key, $other_keys) {}
public function xack($str_key, $str_group, array $arr_ids) {}
public function xadd($str_key, $str_id, array $arr_fields, $i_maxlen, $boo_approximate) {}
public function xclaim($str_key, $str_group, $str_consumer, $i_min_idle, array $arr_ids, array $arr_opts) {}
public function xdel($str_key, array $arr_ids) {}
public function xgroup($str_operation, $str_key, $str_arg1, $str_arg2, $str_arg3) {}
public function xinfo($str_cmd, $str_key, $str_group) {}
public function xlen($key) {}
public function xpending($str_key, $str_group, $str_start, $str_end, $i_count, $str_consumer) {}
public function xrange($str_key, $str_start, $str_end, $i_count) {}
public function xread(array $arr_streams, $i_count, $i_block) {}
public function xreadgroup($str_group, $str_consumer, array $arr_streams, $i_count, $i_block) {}
public function xrevrange($str_key, $str_start, $str_end, $i_count) {}
public function xtrim($str_key, $i_maxlen, $boo_approximate) {}
public function zadd($key, $score, $value, $extra_args) {}
public function zcard($key) {}
public function zcount($key, $min, $max) {}
public function zincrby($key, $value, $member) {}
public function zinterstore($key, array $keys, ?array $weights, $aggregate) {}
public function zlexcount($key, $min, $max) {}
public function zpopmax($key) {}
public function zpopmin($key) {}
public function zrange($key, $start, $end, $scores) {}
public function zrangebylex($key, $min, $max, $offset, $limit) {}
public function zrangebyscore($key, $start, $end, array $options) {}
public function zrank($key, $member) {}
public function zrem($key, $member, $other_members) {}
public function zremrangebylex($key, $min, $max) {}
public function zremrangebyrank($key, $min, $max) {}
public function zremrangebyscore($key, $min, $max) {}
public function zrevrange($key, $start, $end, $scores) {}
public function zrevrangebylex($key, $min, $max, $offset, $limit) {}
public function zrevrangebyscore($key, $start, $end, array $options) {}
public function zrevrank($key, $member) {}
public function zscan($str_key, $i_iterator, $str_pattern, $i_count) {}
public function zscore($key, $member) {}
public function zunionstore($key, array $keys, ?array $weights, $aggregate) {}
class RedisSentinel {
public function __construct($host, $port, $timeout, $persistent, $retry_interval, $read_timeout) {}
public function ckquorum($value) {}
public function failover($value) {}
public function flushconfig() {}
public function getMasterAddrByName($value) {}
public function master($value) {}
public function masters() {}
public function ping() {}
public function reset($value) {}
public function sentinels($value) {}
public function slaves($value) {}
class RedisException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class RedisClusterException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
final class Shmop {
class SimpleXMLElement {
public function xpath(string $expression): ?array|false|null {}
public function registerXPathNamespace(string $prefix, string $namespace): ?bool {}
public function asXML(?string $filename = NULL): ?string|bool {}
public function saveXML(?string $filename = NULL): ?string|bool {}
public function getNamespaces(bool $recursive = false): ?array {}
public function getDocNamespaces(bool $recursive = false, bool $fromRoot = true): ?array|false {}
public function children(?string $namespaceOrPrefix = NULL, bool $isPrefix = false): ??SimpleXMLElement {}
public function attributes(?string $namespaceOrPrefix = NULL, bool $isPrefix = false): ??SimpleXMLElement {}
public function __construct(string $data, int $options = 0, bool $dataIsURL = false, string $namespaceOrPrefix = '', bool $isPrefix = false) {}
public function addChild(string $qualifiedName, ?string $value = NULL, ?string $namespace = NULL): ??SimpleXMLElement {}
public function addAttribute(string $qualifiedName, string $value, ?string $namespace = NULL): ?void {}
public function getName(): ?string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function count(): ?int {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function current(): ?SimpleXMLElement {}
public function key(): ?string {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function hasChildren(): ?bool {}
public function getChildren(): ??SimpleXMLElement {}
class SimpleXMLIterator {
public function xpath(string $expression): ?array|false|null {}
public function registerXPathNamespace(string $prefix, string $namespace): ?bool {}
public function asXML(?string $filename = NULL): ?string|bool {}
public function saveXML(?string $filename = NULL): ?string|bool {}
public function getNamespaces(bool $recursive = false): ?array {}
public function getDocNamespaces(bool $recursive = false, bool $fromRoot = true): ?array|false {}
public function children(?string $namespaceOrPrefix = NULL, bool $isPrefix = false): ??SimpleXMLElement {}
public function attributes(?string $namespaceOrPrefix = NULL, bool $isPrefix = false): ??SimpleXMLElement {}
public function __construct(string $data, int $options = 0, bool $dataIsURL = false, string $namespaceOrPrefix = '', bool $isPrefix = false) {}
public function addChild(string $qualifiedName, ?string $value = NULL, ?string $namespace = NULL): ??SimpleXMLElement {}
public function addAttribute(string $qualifiedName, string $value, ?string $namespace = NULL): ?void {}
public function getName(): ?string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
public function count(): ?int {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function current(): ?SimpleXMLElement {}
public function key(): ?string {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function hasChildren(): ?bool {}
public function getChildren(): ??SimpleXMLElement {}
final class Socket {
final class AddressInfo {
final class SysvMessageQueue {
final class SysvSemaphore {
final class SysvSharedMemory {
class tidy {
public function __construct(?string $filename = NULL, array|string|null $config = NULL, ?string $encoding = NULL, bool $useIncludePath = false) {}
public function getOpt(string $option): ?string|int|bool {}
public function cleanRepair(): ?bool {}
public function parseFile(string $filename, array|string|null $config = NULL, ?string $encoding = NULL, bool $useIncludePath = false): ?bool {}
public function parseString(string $string, array|string|null $config = NULL, ?string $encoding = NULL): ?bool {}
public static function repairString(string $string, array|string|null $config = NULL, ?string $encoding = NULL): ?string|false {}
public static function repairFile(string $filename, array|string|null $config = NULL, ?string $encoding = NULL, bool $useIncludePath = false): ?string|false {}
public function diagnose(): ?bool {}
public function getRelease(): ?string {}
public function getConfig(): ?array {}
public function getStatus(): ?int {}
public function getHtmlVer(): ?int {}
public function getOptDoc(string $option): ?string|false {}
public function isXhtml(): ?bool {}
public function isXml(): ?bool {}
public function root(): ??tidyNode {}
public function head(): ??tidyNode {}
public function html(): ??tidyNode {}
public function body(): ??tidyNode {}
final class tidyNode {
private function __construct() {}
public function hasChildren(): bool {}
public function hasSiblings(): bool {}
public function isComment(): bool {}
public function isHtml(): bool {}
public function isText(): bool {}
public function isJste(): bool {}
public function isAsp(): bool {}
public function isPhp(): bool {}
public function getParent(): ?tidyNode {}
class PhpToken {
public static function tokenize(string $code, int $flags = 0): array {}
final public function __construct(int $id, string $text, int $line = -1, int $pos = -1) {}
public function is($kind): bool {}
public function isIgnorable(): bool {}
public function getTokenName(): ?string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
class XMLReader {
public function close() {}
public function getAttribute(string $name): ??string {}
public function getAttributeNo(int $index): ??string {}
public function getAttributeNs(string $name, string $namespace): ??string {}
public function getParserProperty(int $property): ?bool {}
public function isValid(): ?bool {}
public function lookupNamespace(string $prefix): ??string {}
public function moveToAttribute(string $name): ?bool {}
public function moveToAttributeNo(int $index): ?bool {}
public function moveToAttributeNs(string $name, string $namespace): ?bool {}
public function moveToElement(): ?bool {}
public function moveToFirstAttribute(): ?bool {}
public function moveToNextAttribute(): ?bool {}
public function read(): ?bool {}
public function next(?string $name = NULL): ?bool {}
public static function open(string $uri, ?string $encoding = NULL, int $flags = 0) {}
public function readInnerXml(): ?string {}
public function readOuterXml(): ?string {}
public function readString(): ?string {}
public function setSchema(?string $filename): ?bool {}
public function setParserProperty(int $property, bool $value): ?bool {}
public function setRelaxNGSchema(?string $filename): ?bool {}
public function setRelaxNGSchemaSource(?string $source): ?bool {}
public static function XML(string $source, ?string $encoding = NULL, int $flags = 0) {}
public function expand(?DOMNode $baseNode = NULL): ?DOMNode|false {}
class XMLWriter {
public function openUri(string $uri): ?bool {}
public function openMemory(): ?bool {}
public function setIndent(bool $enable): ?bool {}
public function setIndentString(string $indentation): ?bool {}
public function startComment(): ?bool {}
public function endComment(): ?bool {}
public function startAttribute(string $name): ?bool {}
public function endAttribute(): ?bool {}
public function writeAttribute(string $name, string $value): ?bool {}
public function startAttributeNs(?string $prefix, string $name, ?string $namespace): ?bool {}
public function writeAttributeNs(?string $prefix, string $name, ?string $namespace, string $value): ?bool {}
public function startElement(string $name): ?bool {}
public function endElement(): ?bool {}
public function fullEndElement(): ?bool {}
public function startElementNs(?string $prefix, string $name, ?string $namespace): ?bool {}
public function writeElement(string $name, ?string $content = NULL): ?bool {}
public function writeElementNs(?string $prefix, string $name, ?string $namespace, ?string $content = NULL): ?bool {}
public function startPi(string $target): ?bool {}
public function endPi(): ?bool {}
public function writePi(string $target, string $content): ?bool {}
public function startCdata(): ?bool {}
public function endCdata(): ?bool {}
public function writeCdata(string $content): ?bool {}
public function text(string $content): ?bool {}
public function writeRaw(string $content): ?bool {}
public function startDocument(?string $version = '1.0', ?string $encoding = NULL, ?string $standalone = NULL): ?bool {}
public function endDocument(): ?bool {}
public function writeComment(string $content): ?bool {}
public function startDtd(string $qualifiedName, ?string $publicId = NULL, ?string $systemId = NULL): ?bool {}
public function endDtd(): ?bool {}
public function writeDtd(string $name, ?string $publicId = NULL, ?string $systemId = NULL, ?string $content = NULL): ?bool {}
public function startDtdElement(string $qualifiedName): ?bool {}
public function endDtdElement(): ?bool {}
public function writeDtdElement(string $name, string $content): ?bool {}
public function startDtdAttlist(string $name): ?bool {}
public function endDtdAttlist(): ?bool {}
public function writeDtdAttlist(string $name, string $content): ?bool {}
public function startDtdEntity(string $name, bool $isParam): ?bool {}
public function endDtdEntity(): ?bool {}
public function writeDtdEntity(string $name, string $content, bool $isParam = false, ?string $publicId = NULL, ?string $systemId = NULL, ?string $notationData = NULL): ?bool {}
public function outputMemory(bool $flush = true): ?string {}
public function flush(bool $empty = true): ?string|int {}
class XSLTProcessor {
public function importStylesheet(object $stylesheet): ?bool {}
public function transformToDoc(object $document, ?string $returnClass = NULL): ?DOMDocument|false {}
public function transformToUri(object $document, string $uri): ?int {}
public function transformToXml(object $document): ?string|false|null {}
public function setParameter(string $namespace, array|string $name, ?string $value = NULL): ?bool {}
public function getParameter(string $namespace, string $name): ?string|false {}
public function removeParameter(string $namespace, string $name): ?bool {}
public function hasExsltSupport(): ?bool {}
public function registerPHPFunctions(array|string|null $functions = NULL): ?void {}
public function setProfiling(?string $filename) {}
public function setSecurityPrefs(int $preferences): ?int {}
public function getSecurityPrefs(): ?int {}
class ZipArchive {
public function open(string $filename, int $flags = 0): ?int|bool {}
public function setPassword(string $password): ?bool {}
public function close(): ?bool {}
public function count(): ?int {}
public function getStatusString(): ?string {}
public function clearError(): void {}
public function addEmptyDir(string $dirname, int $flags = 0): ?bool {}
public function addFromString(string $name, string $content, int $flags = 8192): ?bool {}
public function addFile(string $filepath, string $entryname = '', int $start = 0, int $length = 0, int $flags = 8192): ?bool {}
public function replaceFile(string $filepath, int $index, int $start = 0, int $length = 0, int $flags = 0): ?bool {}
public function addGlob(string $pattern, int $flags = 0, array $options = array (
)): ?array|false {}
public function addPattern(string $pattern, string $path = '.', array $options = array (
)): ?array|false {}
public function renameIndex(int $index, string $new_name): ?bool {}
public function renameName(string $name, string $new_name): ?bool {}
public function setArchiveComment(string $comment): ?bool {}
public function getArchiveComment(int $flags = 0): ?string|false {}
public function setCommentIndex(int $index, string $comment): ?bool {}
public function setCommentName(string $name, string $comment): ?bool {}
public function setMtimeIndex(int $index, int $timestamp, int $flags = 0): ?bool {}
public function setMtimeName(string $name, int $timestamp, int $flags = 0): ?bool {}
public function getCommentIndex(int $index, int $flags = 0): ?string|false {}
public function getCommentName(string $name, int $flags = 0): ?string|false {}
public function deleteIndex(int $index): ?bool {}
public function deleteName(string $name): ?bool {}
public function statName(string $name, int $flags = 0): ?array|false {}
public function statIndex(int $index, int $flags = 0): ?array|false {}
public function locateName(string $name, int $flags = 0): ?int|false {}
public function getNameIndex(int $index, int $flags = 0): ?string|false {}
public function unchangeArchive(): ?bool {}
public function unchangeAll(): ?bool {}
public function unchangeIndex(int $index): ?bool {}
public function unchangeName(string $name): ?bool {}
public function extractTo(string $pathto, array|string|null $files = NULL): ?bool {}
public function getFromName(string $name, int $len = 0, int $flags = 0): ?string|false {}
public function getFromIndex(int $index, int $len = 0, int $flags = 0): ?string|false {}
public function getStreamIndex(int $index, int $flags = 0) {}
public function getStreamName(string $name, int $flags = 0) {}
public function getStream(string $name) {}
public function setExternalAttributesName(string $name, int $opsys, int $attr, int $flags = 0): ?bool {}
public function setExternalAttributesIndex(int $index, int $opsys, int $attr, int $flags = 0): ?bool {}
public function getExternalAttributesName(string $name, $opsys, $attr, int $flags = 0): ?bool {}
public function getExternalAttributesIndex(int $index, $opsys, $attr, int $flags = 0): ?bool {}
public function setCompressionName(string $name, int $method, int $compflags = 0): ?bool {}
public function setCompressionIndex(int $index, int $method, int $compflags = 0): ?bool {}
public function setEncryptionName(string $name, int $method, ?string $password = NULL): ?bool {}
public function setEncryptionIndex(int $index, int $method, ?string $password = NULL): ?bool {}
public function registerProgressCallback(float $rate, callable $callback): ?bool {}
public function registerCancelCallback(callable $callback): ?bool {}
public static function isCompressionMethodSupported(int $method, bool $enc = true): bool {}
public static function isEncryptionMethodSupported(int $method, bool $enc = true): bool {}
class Memcached {
public function __construct(?string $persistent_id = NULL, ?callable $callback = NULL, ?string $connection_str = NULL) {}
public function getResultCode(): int {}
public function getResultMessage(): string {}
public function get(string $key, ?callable $cache_cb = NULL, int $get_flags = 0): mixed {}
public function getByKey(string $server_key, string $key, ?callable $cache_cb = NULL, int $get_flags = 0): mixed {}
public function getMulti(array $keys, int $get_flags = 0): array|false {}
public function getMultiByKey(string $server_key, array $keys, int $get_flags = 0): array|false {}
public function getDelayed(array $keys, bool $with_cas = false, ?callable $value_cb = NULL): bool {}
public function getDelayedByKey(string $server_key, array $keys, bool $with_cas = false, ?callable $value_cb = NULL): bool {}
public function fetch(): array|false {}
public function fetchAll(): array|false {}
public function set(string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration = 0): bool {}
public function setByKey(string $server_key, string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration = 0): bool {}
public function touch(string $key, int $expiration = 0): bool {}
public function touchByKey(string $server_key, string $key, int $expiration = 0): bool {}
public function setMulti(array $items, int $expiration = 0): bool {}
public function setMultiByKey(string $server_key, array $items, int $expiration = 0): bool {}
public function cas(string $cas_token, string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration = 0): bool {}
public function casByKey(string $cas_token, string $server_key, string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration = 0): bool {}
public function add(string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration = 0): bool {}
public function addByKey(string $server_key, string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration = 0): bool {}
public function append(string $key, string $value): ?bool {}
public function appendByKey(string $server_key, string $key, string $value): ?bool {}
public function prepend(string $key, string $value): ?bool {}
public function prependByKey(string $server_key, string $key, string $value): ?bool {}
public function replace(string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration = 0): bool {}
public function replaceByKey(string $server_key, string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration = 0): bool {}
public function delete(string $key, int $time = 0): bool {}
public function deleteMulti(array $keys, int $time = 0): array {}
public function deleteByKey(string $server_key, string $key, int $time = 0): bool {}
public function deleteMultiByKey(string $server_key, array $keys, int $time = 0): array {}
public function increment(string $key, int $offset = 1, int $initial_value = 0, int $expiry = 0): int|false {}
public function decrement(string $key, int $offset = 1, int $initial_value = 0, int $expiry = 0): int|false {}
public function incrementByKey(string $server_key, string $key, int $offset = 1, int $initial_value = 0, int $expiry = 0): int|false {}
public function decrementByKey(string $server_key, string $key, int $offset = 1, int $initial_value = 0, int $expiry = 0): int|false {}
public function addServer(string $host, int $port, int $weight = 0): bool {}
public function addServers(array $servers): bool {}
public function getServerList(): array {}
public function getServerByKey(string $server_key): array|false {}
public function resetServerList(): bool {}
public function quit(): bool {}
public function flushBuffers(): bool {}
public function getLastErrorMessage(): string {}
public function getLastErrorCode(): int {}
public function getLastErrorErrno(): int {}
public function getLastDisconnectedServer(): array|false {}
public function getStats(?string $type = NULL): array|false {}
public function getVersion(): array|false {}
public function getAllKeys(): array|false {}
public function flush(int $delay = 0): bool {}
public function getOption(int $option): mixed {}
public function setOption(int $option, mixed $value): bool {}
public function setOptions(array $options): bool {}
public function setBucket(array $host_map, ?array $forward_map, int $replicas): bool {}
public function setSaslAuthData(string $username, string $password): bool {}
public function setEncodingKey(string $key): bool {}
public function isPersistent(): bool {}
public function isPristine(): bool {}
public function checkKey(string $key): bool {}
class MemcachedException {
public function __construct(string $message = '', int $code = 0, ?Throwable $previous = NULL) {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
final public function getMessage(): string {}
final public function getCode() {}
final public function getFile(): string {}
final public function getLine(): int {}
final public function getTrace(): array {}
final public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
final public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
interface Traversable {
interface IteratorAggregate {
public function getIterator(): ?Traversable {}
interface Iterator {
public function current(): ?mixed {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
interface Serializable {
public function serialize() {}
public function unserialize(string $data) {}
interface ArrayAccess {
public function offsetExists(mixed $offset): ?bool {}
public function offsetGet(mixed $offset): ?mixed {}
public function offsetSet(mixed $offset, mixed $value): ?void {}
public function offsetUnset(mixed $offset): ?void {}
interface Countable {
public function count(): ?int {}
interface Stringable {
public function __toString(): string {}
interface Throwable {
public function getMessage(): string {}
public function getCode() {}
public function getFile(): string {}
public function getLine(): int {}
public function getTrace(): array {}
public function getPrevious(): ?Throwable {}
public function getTraceAsString(): string {}
public function __toString(): string {}
interface UnitEnum {
public static function cases(): array {}
interface BackedEnum {
public static function from(string|int $value): static {}
public static function tryFrom(string|int $value): ?static {}
public static function cases(): array {}
interface DateTimeInterface {
public function format(string $format): ?string {}
public function getTimezone(): ?DateTimeZone|false {}
public function getOffset(): ?int {}
public function getTimestamp(): ?int {}
public function diff(DateTimeInterface $targetObject, bool $absolute = false): ?DateInterval {}
public function __wakeup(): ?void {}
public function __serialize(): array {}
public function __unserialize(array $data): void {}
interface JsonSerializable {
public function jsonSerialize(): ?mixed {}
namespace Random {
interface Engine {
public function generate(): string {}
namespace Random {
interface CryptoSafeEngine {
public function generate(): string {}
interface Reflector {
public function __toString(): string {}
interface RecursiveIterator {
public function hasChildren(): ?bool {}
public function getChildren(): ??RecursiveIterator {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
interface OuterIterator {
public function getInnerIterator(): ??Iterator {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
interface SeekableIterator {
public function seek(int $offset): ?void {}
public function current(): ?mixed {}
public function next(): ?void {}
public function key(): ?mixed {}
public function valid(): ?bool {}
public function rewind(): ?void {}
interface SplObserver {
public function update(SplSubject $subject): ?void {}
interface SplSubject {
public function attach(SplObserver $observer): ?void {}
public function detach(SplObserver $observer): ?void {}
public function notify(): ?void {}
interface SessionHandlerInterface {
public function open(string $path, string $name): ?bool {}
public function close(): ?bool {}
public function read(string $id): ?string|false {}
public function write(string $id, string $data): ?bool {}
public function destroy(string $id): ?bool {}
public function gc(int $max_lifetime): ?int|false {}
interface SessionIdInterface {
public function create_sid(): ?string {}
interface SessionUpdateTimestampHandlerInterface {
public function validateId(string $id): ?bool {}
public function updateTimestamp(string $id, string $data): ?bool {}
interface DOMParentNode {
public function append($nodes): void {}
public function prepend($nodes): void {}
interface DOMChildNode {
public function remove(): void {}
public function before($nodes): void {}
public function after($nodes): void {}
public function replaceWith($nodes): void {}