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`(phpinspect--root-index (imports \, (list)) (classes ,(list (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\App\\Entity\\AuthToken" :collection nil :contains nil :fully-qualified t) `(phpinspect--indexed-class (class-name \, (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\App\\Entity\\AuthToken" :collection nil :contains nil :fully-qualified t)) (imports \, (list (cons (phpinspect-intern-name "ORM") (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\Doctrine\\ORM\\Mapping" :collection nil :contains nil :fully-qualified t)))) (methods \, (list (phpinspect--make-function :name "getCreationTime" :scope '(:public) :arguments (list) :return-type (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\DateTime" :collection nil :contains nil :fully-qualified t)) (phpinspect--make-function :name "anAddedFunction" :scope '(:public) :arguments (list) :return-type (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\null" :collection nil :contains nil :fully-qualified t)) (phpinspect--make-function :name "isValid" :scope '(:public) :arguments (list) :return-type (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\bool" :collection nil :contains nil :fully-qualified t)) (phpinspect--make-function :name "hasStudentRole" :scope '(:public) :arguments (list) :return-type (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\bool" :collection nil :contains nil :fully-qualified t)) (phpinspect--make-function :name "getUser" :scope '(:public) :arguments (list) :return-type (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\App\\Entity\\User" :collection nil :contains nil :fully-qualified t)) (phpinspect--make-function :name "getToken" :scope '(:public) :arguments (list) :return-type (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\bool" :collection nil :contains nil :fully-qualified t)) (phpinspect--make-function :name "__construct" :scope '(:public) :arguments (list (list "token" (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\string" :collection nil :contains nil :fully-qualified t)) (list "user" (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\App\\Entity\\User" :collection nil :contains nil :fully-qualified t)) (list "valid" (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\bool" :collection nil :contains nil :fully-qualified t)) (list "creation_time" (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\DateTime" :collection nil :contains nil :fully-qualified t))) :return-type (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\null" :collection nil :contains nil :fully-qualified t)))) (static-methods \, (list)) (static-variables \, (list)) (variables \, (list (phpinspect--make-variable :name "creation_time" :type (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\DateTime" :collection nil :contains nil :fully-qualified t) :scope '(:private)) (phpinspect--make-variable :name "valid" :type (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\bool" :collection nil :contains nil :fully-qualified t) :scope '(:private)) (phpinspect--make-variable :name "user" :type (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\App\\Entity\\App\\\\Entity\\\\User" :collection nil :contains nil :fully-qualified t) :scope '(:private)) (phpinspect--make-variable :name "extra" :type nil :scope '(:private)) (phpinspect--make-variable :name "token" :type (phpinspect--make-type :name "\\string" :collection nil :contains nil :fully-qualified t) :scope '(:private)))) (constants \, (list)) (extends \, (list)) (implements \, (list))))) (functions \, (list)))