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;;; phpinspect-edtrack.el --- PHP parsing and completion package -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc
;; Author: Hugo Thunnissen <>
;; Keywords: php, languages, tools, convenience
;; Version: 1.2.0
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'phpinspect-util)
(require 'phpinspect-meta)
(phpinspect--declare-log-group 'edtrack))
(cl-defstruct (phpinspect-edtrack (:constructor phpinspect-make-edtrack))
(edits nil
:type list)
(taint-pool nil
:type list)
(last-edit nil
:type cons
:documentation "Last registered edit")
(last-edit-start -1
:type integer
:documentation "Last registered edit start position"))
(defsubst phpinspect-edit-original-end (edit)
(or (caar edit) 0))
(defsubst phpinspect-edit-delta (edit)
(let ((delta (or (cdar edit) 0))
(previous-edit edit))
(while (setq previous-edit (cdr previous-edit))
(setq delta (+ delta (cdar previous-edit))))
(defsubst phpinspect-edit-end (edit)
(let ((end (or (caar edit) 0))
(previous-edit (cdr edit)))
(+ end (phpinspect-edit-delta previous-edit))))
(defsubst phpinspect-edtrack-original-position-at-point (track point)
(let ((edit (phpinspect-edtrack-edits track))
(while (and edit (<= point (phpinspect-edit-end edit)))
(setq edit (cdr edit)))
(setq pos (- point (phpinspect-edit-delta edit)))
;; When point is within the edit delta's range, correct the delta by the
;; amount of encroachment.
(if (< 0 (setq encroached (- (+ (phpinspect-edit-end edit) (or (cdar edit) 0)) point)))
(+ pos encroached)
(defsubst phpinspect-edtrack-current-position-at-point (track point)
(let ((edit (phpinspect-edtrack-edits track))
(while (and edit (<= point (phpinspect-edit-original-end edit)))
(setq edit (cdr edit)))
(setq pos (+ point (phpinspect-edit-delta edit)))
(if (< 0 (setq encroached (- (+ (phpinspect-edit-original-end edit) (or (cdar edit) 0)) point)))
(- pos encroached)
(define-inline phpinspect-taint-start (taint)
(inline-quote (car ,taint)))
(define-inline phpinspect-taint-end (taint)
(inline-quote (cdr ,taint)))
(define-inline phpinspect-make-taint (start end)
(inline-quote (cons ,start ,end)))
(defsubst phpinspect-taint-overlaps-point (taint point)
(and (> (phpinspect-taint-end taint) point)
(<= (phpinspect-taint-start taint) point)))
(defsubst phpinspect-taint-overlaps-region (taint start end)
(or (phpinspect-taint-overlaps-point taint start)
(phpinspect-taint-overlaps-point taint end)
(and (> end (phpinspect-taint-start taint))
(<= start (phpinspect-taint-start taint)))
(and (> end (phpinspect-taint-end taint))
(<= start (phpinspect-taint-end taint)))))
(defsubst phpinspect-taint-overlaps (taint1 taint2)
(or (phpinspect-taint-overlaps-point taint1 (phpinspect-taint-start taint2))
(phpinspect-taint-overlaps-point taint1 (phpinspect-taint-end taint2))
(phpinspect-taint-overlaps-point taint2 (phpinspect-taint-start taint1))
(phpinspect-taint-overlaps-point taint2 (phpinspect-taint-end taint1))))
(defsubst phpinspect-taint-overlaps-meta (taint meta)
(or (phpinspect-taint-overlaps-point taint (phpinspect-meta-start meta))
(phpinspect-taint-overlaps-point taint (phpinspect-meta-end meta))
(phpinspect-meta-overlaps-point meta (phpinspect-taint-start taint))
(phpinspect-meta-overlaps-point meta (phpinspect-taint-end taint))))
(defsubst phpinspect-edtrack-register-taint (track start end)
(let ((pool (phpinspect-edtrack-taint-pool track))
(idx 0)
(taint (phpinspect-make-taint start end)))
(catch 'break
(while pool
(if (phpinspect-taint-overlaps taint (car pool))
(when (< (phpinspect-taint-start (car pool)) start)
(setcar taint (phpinspect-taint-start (car pool))))
(when (> (phpinspect-taint-end (car pool)) end)
(setcdr taint (phpinspect-taint-end (car pool))))
(when (not overlap-start)
(setq overlap-start idx))
(setq overlap-end idx))
;; Else
(when overlap-start
(throw 'break nil))
(when (> start (phpinspect-taint-end (car pool)))
(setq left-neighbour pool)
(throw 'break nil)))
(setq pool (cdr pool)
idx (+ idx 1))))
(cond (overlap-start
(setq pool (phpinspect-edtrack-taint-pool track))
(setcar (nthcdr overlap-start pool) taint)
(setcdr (nthcdr overlap-start pool) (nthcdr (+ 1 overlap-end) pool)))
(setcdr left-neighbour (cons taint (cdr left-neighbour))))
(push taint (phpinspect-edtrack-taint-pool track))))))
(defsubst phpinspect-edtrack-register-edit (track start end pre-change-length)
"Edtrack registered change: [start: %d, end: %d, pre-change-length: %d]"
start end pre-change-length)
(let ((original-start (phpinspect-edtrack-original-position-at-point track start)))
track original-start (+ original-start pre-change-length)))
(let ((edit-before (phpinspect-edtrack-edits track)))
(while (and edit-before (< end (phpinspect-edit-end edit-before)))
(setq edit-before (cdr edit-before)))
(let ((delta ;; The delta of this edit.
(- (- end start) pre-change-length))
(setq new-edit (cons
;; The end location of the edited region, before being
;; edited, with the delta edits that happened at preceding
;; points in the buffer subtratted. This corresponds with
;; the original position of the region end before the
;; buffer was ever edited.
track (+ start pre-change-length))
(if edit-before
(setcdr edit-before (cons (car edit-before) (cdr edit-before)))
(setcar edit-before new-edit))
(if (phpinspect-edtrack-edits track)
(push new-edit (cdr (last (phpinspect-edtrack-edits track))))
(push new-edit (phpinspect-edtrack-edits track)))))))
(defsubst phpinspect-edtrack-clear-taint-pool (track)
(setf (phpinspect-edtrack-taint-pool track) nil))
(defsubst phpinspect-edtrack-clear (track)
(setf (phpinspect-edtrack-edits track) nil)
(setf (phpinspect-edtrack-last-edit track) nil)
(setf (phpinspect-edtrack-last-edit-start track) -1)
(phpinspect-edtrack-clear-taint-pool track))
(defsubst phpinspect-edtrack-make-taint-iterator (track)
(cons (car (phpinspect-edtrack-taint-pool track))
(cl-copy-list (cdr (phpinspect-edtrack-taint-pool track)))))
(define-inline phpinspect-taint-iterator-current (iter)
(inline-quote (car ,iter)))
(define-inline phpinspect-taint-iterator-follow (iter pos)
(inline-letevals (iter pos)
(or (while (and (phpinspect-taint-iterator-current ,iter)
(> ,pos (phpinspect-taint-end
(phpinspect-taint-iterator-current ,iter))))
(setf (phpinspect-taint-iterator-current ,iter) (pop (cdr ,iter))))
(phpinspect-taint-iterator-current ,iter)))))
(define-inline phpinspect-taint-iterator-token-is-tainted-p (iter meta)
(inline-letevals (iter meta)
(and (phpinspect-taint-iterator-follow ,iter (phpinspect-meta-start ,meta))
(phpinspect-taint-iterator-current ,iter) ,meta)))))
(define-inline phpinspect-taint-iterator-region-is-tainted-p (iter start end)
(inline-letevals (iter start end)
(and (phpinspect-taint-iterator-follow ,iter ,start)
(phpinspect-taint-iterator-current ,iter) ,start ,end)))))
(provide 'phpinspect-edtrack)
;;; phpinspect-edtrack.el ends here