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;; test-buffer.el --- Unit tests for phpinspect.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Author: Hugo Thunnissen <>
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'ert)
(require 'phpinspect-parser)
(require 'phpinspect-buffer)
(ert-deftest phpinspect-buffer-region-lookups ()
(let* ((parsed)
(insert-file-contents (concat phpinspect-test-php-file-directory "/NamespacedClass.php"))
(setq phpinspect-current-buffer
(phpinspect-make-buffer :buffer (current-buffer)))
(setq parsed (phpinspect-buffer-parse phpinspect-current-buffer))
(let* ((class (seq-find #'phpinspect-class-p
(seq-find #'phpinspect-namespace-p parsed)))
(classname (car (cddadr class))))
(let ((tokens (phpinspect-buffer-tokens-enclosing-point
phpinspect-current-buffer 617)))
(should (eq classname
(phpinspect-meta-token (car tokens))))
(should (phpinspect-declaration-p (phpinspect-meta-token (cadr tokens))))
(should (eq class (phpinspect-meta-token (caddr tokens)))))))))
(ert-deftest phpinspect-parse-buffer-no-current ()
"Confirm that the parser is still functional with
`phpinspect-current-buffer' unset."
(should-not phpinspect-current-buffer)
(insert-file-contents (concat phpinspect-test-php-file-directory "/NamespacedClass.php"))
(setq parsed (phpinspect-parse-current-buffer)))
(should (cdr parsed))))
(cl-defstruct (phpinspect-document (:constructor phpinspect-make-document))
(buffer (get-buffer-create
(generate-new-buffer-name " **phpinspect-document** shadow buffer") t)
:type buffer
"A hidden buffer with a reference version of the document."))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-document-apply-edit
((document phpinspect-document) start end delta contents)
(with-current-buffer (phpinspect-document-buffer document)
(goto-char start)
(delete-region (point) (- end delta))
(insert contents)))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-document-set-contents
((document phpinspect-document) (contents string))
(with-current-buffer (phpinspect-document-buffer document)
(insert contents)))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-document-contents ((document phpinspect-document))
(with-current-buffer (phpinspect-document-buffer document)
(ert-deftest phpinspect-buffer-parse-incrementally ()
(let* ((document (phpinspect-make-document))
(buffer (phpinspect-make-buffer
:buffer (phpinspect-document-buffer document)))
;; TODO: write tests for more complicated cases (multiple edits, etc.)
(phpinspect-document-set-contents document "<?php function Bello() { echo 'Hello World!'; if ($name) { echo 'Hello ' . $name . '!';} }")
(setq parsed (phpinspect-buffer-parse buffer))
(should parsed)
(let* ((enclosing-bello (phpinspect-buffer-tokens-enclosing-point buffer 18))
(bello (car enclosing-bello))
(should (equal '(:word "Bello") (phpinspect-meta-token bello)))
(should parsed)
;; Delete function block opening brace
(phpinspect-document-apply-edit document 24 24 -1 "")
(should (string= "<?php function Bello() echo 'Hello World!'; if ($name) { echo 'Hello ' . $name . '!';} }"
(phpinspect-document-contents document)))
(phpinspect-buffer-register-edit buffer 24 24 1)
(setq parsed (phpinspect-buffer-parse buffer))
(should parsed)
(setq enclosing-bello1 (phpinspect-buffer-tokens-enclosing-point buffer 18))
(setq bello1 (car enclosing-bello1))
(should (eq (phpinspect-meta-token bello) (phpinspect-meta-token bello1)))
(should (phpinspect-declaration-p (phpinspect-meta-token (phpinspect-meta-parent bello))))
(should (phpinspect-declaration-p (phpinspect-meta-token (phpinspect-meta-parent bello1))))
(should (phpinspect-function-p (phpinspect-meta-token (phpinspect-meta-parent (phpinspect-meta-parent bello)))))
(should (phpinspect-function-p (phpinspect-meta-token (phpinspect-meta-parent (phpinspect-meta-parent bello1)))))
(let ((function (phpinspect-meta-token (phpinspect-meta-parent (phpinspect-meta-parent bello1)))))
(should (= 2 (length function)))
(should (phpinspect-declaration-p (cadr function)))
(should (member '(:word "Bello") (cadr function)))
(should (member '(:word "echo") (cadr function))))
(phpinspect-document-apply-edit document 24 25 1 "{")
(should (string= "<?php function Bello() { echo 'Hello World!'; if ($name) { echo 'Hello ' . $name . '!';} }"
(phpinspect-document-contents document)))
(phpinspect-buffer-register-edit buffer 24 25 0)
(setq parsed (phpinspect-buffer-parse buffer))
(should parsed)
(setq bello2 (car (phpinspect-buffer-tokens-enclosing-point buffer 18)))
(should (eq (phpinspect-meta-token bello) (phpinspect-meta-token bello2))))))
(ert-deftest phpinspect-buffer-parse-incrementally-position-change ()
(let ((buffer (phpinspect-make-buffer :buffer (current-buffer))))
(insert "<?php
namespace App\\Controller\\Api\\V1;
class AccountStatisticsController {
function __construct(){}
(setq-local phpinspect-test-buffer t)
(add-to-list 'after-change-functions
(lambda (start end pre-change-length)
(when (boundp 'phpinspect-test-buffer)
(phpinspect-buffer-register-edit buffer start end pre-change-length))))
(let* ((bmap (phpinspect-buffer-parse-map buffer))
(class-location 67)
(class (phpinspect-bmap-token-starting-at bmap class-location))
(should class)
(should (phpinspect-class-p (phpinspect-meta-token class)))
(should (= class-location (phpinspect-meta-start class))))
(goto-char 65)
(let ((edit-string "use Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\JsonResponse;\n")
bmap class tokens-enclosing use-statement)
(insert edit-string)
(setq bmap (phpinspect-buffer-parse-map buffer)
class (phpinspect-bmap-token-starting-at bmap (+ 67 (length edit-string))))
(setq class-location (+ class-location (length edit-string)))
(should class)
(should (phpinspect-class-p (phpinspect-meta-token class)))
(should (= class-location (phpinspect-meta-start class)))
(setq tokens-enclosing (phpinspect-bmap-tokens-overlapping bmap class-location))
(setq class (seq-find (lambda (meta) (phpinspect-class-p (phpinspect-meta-token meta)))
(should class)
(should (= class-location (phpinspect-meta-start class)))
(should (phpinspect-class-p (phpinspect-meta-token class)))
(setq use-statement (phpinspect-bmap-token-starting-at bmap 65))
(should use-statement)
(should (phpinspect-use-p (phpinspect-meta-token use-statement)))
(should (seq-find #'phpinspect-use-p (seq-find #'phpinspect-namespace-p (phpinspect-buffer-tree buffer))))
(let ((second-use))
(goto-char 65)
(setq edit-string "use Another\\Use\\Statement;\n")
(insert edit-string)
(setq class-location (+ class-location (length edit-string)))
(setq bmap (phpinspect-buffer-parse-map buffer)
class (phpinspect-bmap-token-starting-at bmap class-location))
(should class)
(setq second-use (phpinspect-bmap-token-starting-at bmap 65))
(should second-use)
(setq class (phpinspect-bmap-token-starting-at bmap class-location))
(should class)
(should (= class-location (phpinspect-meta-start class)))
(should (phpinspect-class-p (phpinspect-meta-token class)))))))))