;;; phpinspect-splayt.el --- A Splay Tree Implementation -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc ;; Author: Hugo Thunnissen ;; Keywords: php, languages, tools, convenience ;; Version: 0 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; A splay tree implementation exclusively using `cons' and `list' data ;; structures with the aim to have as low a memory footprint as possible. ;; ;; Important functions: ;; - `phpinspect-splayt-insert' ;; - `phpinspect-splayt-find' ;; - `phpinspect-splayt-find-smallest-after' ;; - `phpinspect-splayt-find-all-after' ;; - `phpinspect-splayt-traverse' ;;; ;; ;; DEVELOPING ;; ;; The main aim for this tree implementation is to be reasonably fast and ;; comfortable to use for most of phpinspect's common operations. That means: ;; ;; - Fast insertion of sequential keys (for example when parsing a buffer from left to right) ;; - Consing as few bytes as possible by keeping the data structure simple, to avoid GC pauses as much as possible ;; - Fast repeated acces of "hot" regions (for example the edited region of a buffer) ;; - A straight forward public API to retrieve sets of nodes ;; ;; ** Inline Functions ** ;; There is a lot of use of `define-inline' in this file. Most of these inlines ;; improve performance significantly. This is especially true for smaller ;; inlined functions. It might be possible to change one or two of the larger ;; functions to normal defuns without reintroducing a lot of ovehead. If you ;; want to do this to make debugging the code a little easier, and you can ;; backup that it doesn't impact performance all that much with some benchmarks ;; (especially parse-file.el in the benchmarks folder), your PR will be welcomed. ;; ;;; Code: (define-inline phpinspect-make-splayt-node (key value &optional left right parent temp-store) (inline-quote (cons (cons ,key ,value) (list ,left ,right ,parent ,temp-store)))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-node-left (node) (inline-quote (cadr ,node))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-node-right (node) (inline-quote (caddr ,node))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-node-key (node) (inline-quote (caar ,node))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-node-value (node) (inline-quote (cdar ,node))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-node-parent (node) (inline-quote (cadddr ,node))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-node-temp-store (node) "Dedicated place to store data when necessary. Mostly used for rotations without instantiating a lexical environment with `let'. When only used once or twice in a function call, this apeared to be a little more performant than using `let'." (inline-quote (car (cddddr ,node)))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-node-update-parent (node parent new-val) (inline-letevals (node parent new-val) (inline-quote (if (eq ,node (phpinspect-splayt-node-left ,parent)) (setf (phpinspect-splayt-node-left ,parent) ,new-val) (setf (phpinspect-splayt-node-right ,parent) ,new-val))))) (define-inline phpinspect-make-splayt (&optional root-node) (inline-quote (cons ,root-node nil))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-root-node (splayt) (inline-quote (car ,splayt))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-empty-p (splayt) (inline-quote (not (phpinspect-splayt-root-node ,splayt)))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-node-rotate-right (node &optional splayt) (inline-letevals (node splayt) (inline-quote (progn ;; Save right node of left child (setf (phpinspect-splayt-node-temp-store ,node) (phpinspect-splayt-node-right (phpinspect-splayt-node-left ,node))) ;; Update node parent to reference left as child (when (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent ,node) (phpinspect-splayt-node-update-parent ,node (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent ,node) (phpinspect-splayt-node-left ,node))) ;; Set left node new parent (setf (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent (phpinspect-splayt-node-left ,node)) (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent ,node)) ;; Set left node as node's new parent (setf (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent ,node) (phpinspect-splayt-node-left ,node)) ;; Set node as left's right child (setf (phpinspect-splayt-node-right (phpinspect-splayt-node-left ,node)) ,node) ;; Set left's right child as node's left child (setf (phpinspect-splayt-node-left ,node) (phpinspect-splayt-node-temp-store ,node)) ;; Update new left child's parent (when (phpinspect-splayt-node-left ,node) (setf (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent (phpinspect-splayt-node-left ,node)) ,node)) ;; Update root node of tree when necessary (when (and ,splayt (eq ,node (phpinspect-splayt-root-node ,splayt))) (setf (phpinspect-splayt-root-node ,splayt) (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent ,node))))))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-node-rotate-left (node &optional splayt) (inline-letevals (node splayt) (inline-quote (progn ;; Save left node of right child (setf (phpinspect-splayt-node-temp-store ,node) (phpinspect-splayt-node-left (phpinspect-splayt-node-right ,node))) ;; Update node parent to reference right as child (when (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent ,node) (phpinspect-splayt-node-update-parent ,node (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent ,node) (phpinspect-splayt-node-right ,node))) ;; Set right node new parent (setf (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent (phpinspect-splayt-node-right ,node)) (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent ,node)) ;; Set right node as node's new parent (setf (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent ,node) (phpinspect-splayt-node-right ,node)) ;; Set node as right's left child (setf (phpinspect-splayt-node-left (phpinspect-splayt-node-right ,node)) ,node) ;; Set right's left child as node's right child (setf (phpinspect-splayt-node-right ,node) (phpinspect-splayt-node-temp-store ,node)) ;; Update new right child's parent (when (phpinspect-splayt-node-right ,node) (setf (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent (phpinspect-splayt-node-right ,node)) ,node)) ;; Update root node of tree when necessary (when (and ,splayt (eq ,node (phpinspect-splayt-root-node ,splayt))) (setf (phpinspect-splayt-root-node ,splayt) (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent ,node))))))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-insert (splayt key value) (inline-quote (phpinspect-splayt-insert-node ,splayt (phpinspect-make-splayt-node ,key ,value)))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-node-grandparent (node) (inline-quote (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent ,node)))) (define-inline phpinspect-splay (splayt node) (inline-letevals (splayt node) (let ((parent (inline-quote (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent ,node))) (grandparent (inline-quote (phpinspect-splayt-node-grandparent ,node)))) (inline-quote (progn (while ,parent (if (phpinspect-splayt-node-grandparent ,node) (cond ;; Zig-Zig rotation ((and (eq ,parent (phpinspect-splayt-node-left ,grandparent)) (eq ,node (phpinspect-splayt-node-left ,parent))) (phpinspect-splayt-node-rotate-right ,grandparent ,splayt) (phpinspect-splayt-node-rotate-right ,parent ,splayt)) ;; Zag-Zag rotation ((and (eq (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent ,node) (phpinspect-splayt-node-right (phpinspect-splayt-node-grandparent ,node))) (eq ,node (phpinspect-splayt-node-right (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent ,node)))) (phpinspect-splayt-node-rotate-left ,grandparent ,splayt) (phpinspect-splayt-node-rotate-left ,parent ,splayt)) ;; Zig-Zag rotation ((and (eq ,parent (phpinspect-splayt-node-right ,grandparent)) (eq ,node (phpinspect-splayt-node-left ,parent))) (phpinspect-splayt-node-rotate-right ,parent ,splayt) (phpinspect-splayt-node-rotate-left ,parent ,splayt)) ;; Zag-Zig rotation ((and (eq ,parent (phpinspect-splayt-node-left ,grandparent)) (eq ,node (phpinspect-splayt-node-right ,parent))) (phpinspect-splayt-node-rotate-left ,parent ,splayt) (phpinspect-splayt-node-rotate-right ,parent ,splayt)) (t (error "Failed in determining rotation strategy."))) ;; Else (if (eq ,node (phpinspect-splayt-node-left ,parent)) (phpinspect-splayt-node-rotate-right ,parent ,splayt) (phpinspect-splayt-node-rotate-left ,parent ,splayt)))) ,node))))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-insert-node (splayt node) (inline-letevals (splayt node (parent (inline-quote (phpinspect-splayt-node-temp-store ,node)))) (inline-quote (if (phpinspect-splayt-empty-p ,splayt) (setf (phpinspect-splayt-root-node ,splayt) ,node) (progn (setf ,parent (phpinspect-splayt-find-insertion-node ,splayt (phpinspect-splayt-node-key ,node))) (unless ,parent (error "Error: failed to find parent node for %s" ,node)) (setf (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent ,node) ,parent) (if (< (phpinspect-splayt-node-key ,parent) (phpinspect-splayt-node-key ,node)) (setf (phpinspect-splayt-node-right ,parent) ,node) (setf (phpinspect-splayt-node-left ,parent) ,node)) (phpinspect-splay ,splayt ,node)))))) (defmacro phpinspect-splayt-node-traverse (place-and-node &rest body) (declare (indent 1)) (let ((place (car place-and-node)) (current-sym (gensym)) (stack-sym (gensym)) (queue-sym (gensym)) (reverse-sym (gensym)) (node-sym (gensym)) (size-sym (gensym))) `(let* ((,node-sym ,(cadr place-and-node)) ;; Make place locally scoped variable if a symbol (,queue-sym (when ,node-sym (list ,node-sym))) (,reverse-sym t) ,current-sym ,size-sym ,stack-sym ,(if (symbolp place) place (gensym))) (while ,queue-sym (setq ,size-sym (length ,queue-sym)) (while (> ,size-sym 0) (setq ,current-sym (car (last ,queue-sym)) ,queue-sym (butlast ,queue-sym)) (if ,reverse-sym (push ,current-sym ,stack-sym) (setf ,place (phpinspect-splayt-node-value ,current-sym)) ,@body) (when (phpinspect-splayt-node-right ,current-sym) (push (phpinspect-splayt-node-right ,current-sym) ,queue-sym)) (when (phpinspect-splayt-node-left ,current-sym) (push (phpinspect-splayt-node-left ,current-sym) ,queue-sym)) (setq ,size-sym (- ,size-sym 1))) (when ,reverse-sym (while ,stack-sym (setq ,current-sym (pop ,stack-sym)) (setf ,place (phpinspect-splayt-node-value ,current-sym)) ,@body)) (setq ,reverse-sym (not ,reverse-sym))) nil))) (defmacro phpinspect-splayt-traverse (place-and-splayt &rest body) "Traverse splay tree in cadr of PLACE-AND-SPLAYT, executing BODY. The car of PLACE-AND-SPLAYT is assigned the value of each node. Traversal is breadth-first to take advantage of the splay trees main benefit: the most accessed interval of keys is likely to be near the top of the tee." (declare (indent 1)) `(phpinspect-splayt-node-traverse (,(car place-and-splayt) (phpinspect-splayt-root-node ,(cadr place-and-splayt))) ,@body)) (defmacro phpinspect-splayt-node-traverse-lr (place-and-node &rest body) (declare (indent 1)) (let ((place (car place-and-node)) (current (gensym)) (stack (gensym))) `(let* ((,current ,(cadr place-and-node)) ,stack ,@(if (symbolp place) (list place))) (while (or ,stack ,current) (if ,current (progn (push ,current ,stack) (setq ,current (phpinspect-splayt-node-left ,current))) (setq ,current (pop ,stack)) (setf ,place (phpinspect-splayt-node-value ,current)) ,@body (setq ,current (phpinspect-splayt-node-right ,current))))))) (defmacro phpinspect-splayt-traverse-lr (place-and-splayt &rest body) "Traverse splay tree depth-first from left to right,executing BODY. The car of PLACE-AND-SPLAYT is assigned the value of each node. The cadr of PLACE-AND-SPLAYT is expected to be a splay tree." (declare (indent 1)) `(phpinspect-splayt-node-traverse-lr (,(car place-and-splayt) (phpinspect-splayt-root-node ,(cadr place-and-splayt))) ,@body)) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-node-key-less-p (node key) (inline-quote (> ,key (phpinspect-splayt-node-key ,node)))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-node-key-le-p (node key) (inline-quote (>= ,key (phpinspect-splayt-node-key ,node)))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-node-key-equal-p (node key) (inline-quote (= ,key (phpinspect-splayt-node-key ,node)))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-node-key-greater-p (node key) (inline-quote (< ,key (phpinspect-splayt-node-key ,node)))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-node-key-ge-p (node key) (inline-quote (<= ,key (phpinspect-splayt-node-key ,node)))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-find-node (splayt key) (inline-letevals (splayt key) (inline-quote (let ((current (phpinspect-splayt-root-node ,splayt))) (catch 'return (while current (if (= ,key (phpinspect-splayt-node-key current)) (progn (phpinspect-splay ,splayt current) (throw 'return current)) (if (phpinspect-splayt-node-key-greater-p current ,key) (setq current (phpinspect-splayt-node-left current)) (setq current (phpinspect-splayt-node-right current)))))))))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-find-insertion-node (splayt key) (inline-letevals (splayt key) (inline-quote (let ((current (phpinspect-splayt-root-node ,splayt))) (catch 'return (while current (if (or (and (phpinspect-splayt-node-key-greater-p current ,key) (not (phpinspect-splayt-node-left current))) (and (phpinspect-splayt-node-key-le-p current ,key) (not (phpinspect-splayt-node-right current)))) (throw 'return current) (if (< ,key (phpinspect-splayt-node-key current)) (setq current (phpinspect-splayt-node-left current)) (setq current (phpinspect-splayt-node-right current)))))))))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-find-smallest-node-after (splayt key) (inline-letevals (splayt key) (inline-quote (let ((current (phpinspect-splayt-root-node ,splayt)) smallest) (catch 'break (while current (cond ((phpinspect-splayt-node-key-greater-p current ,key) (when (and smallest (phpinspect-splayt-node-key-greater-p current (phpinspect-splayt-node-key smallest))) (throw 'break nil)) (setf smallest current current (phpinspect-splayt-node-left current))) ((phpinspect-splayt-node-right current) (setf current (phpinspect-splayt-node-right current))) (t (throw 'break nil))))) smallest)))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-find-largest-node-before (splayt key) (inline-letevals (splayt key) (inline-quote (let ((current (phpinspect-splayt-root-node ,splayt)) largest) (catch 'break (while current (cond ((and (phpinspect-splayt-node-key-less-p current ,key)) (when (and largest (phpinspect-splayt-node-key-less-p current (phpinspect-splayt-node-key largest))) (throw 'break nil)) (setf largest current current (phpinspect-splayt-node-right current))) ((phpinspect-splayt-node-left current) (setf current (phpinspect-splayt-node-left current))) (t (throw 'break nil))))) largest)))) (defsubst phpinspect-splayt-find-all-after (splayt key) "Find all values in SPLAYT with a key higher than KEY." (let ((first (phpinspect-splayt-find-smallest-node-after splayt key)) all) (while first (push (phpinspect-splayt-node-value first) all) (phpinspect-splayt-node-traverse (sibling (phpinspect-splayt-node-right first)) (setq all (nconc all (list sibling)))) (if (and (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent first) (eq first (phpinspect-splayt-node-left (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent first)))) (setq first (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent first)) (setq first nil))) all)) (defsubst phpinspect-splayt-find-all-before (splayt key) "Find all values in SPLAYT with a key higher than KEY." (let ((first (phpinspect-splayt-find-largest-node-before splayt key)) all) (while first (push (phpinspect-splayt-node-value first) all) (phpinspect-splayt-node-traverse (sibling (phpinspect-splayt-node-left first)) (setq all (nconc all (list sibling)))) (if (and (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent first) (eq first (phpinspect-splayt-node-right (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent first)))) (setq first (phpinspect-splayt-node-parent first)) (setq first nil))) all)) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-find-smallest-after (splayt key) "Find value of node with smallest key that is higher than KEY in SPLAYT." (inline-quote (phpinspect-splayt-node-value (phpinspect-splay ,splayt (phpinspect-splayt-find-smallest-node-after ,splayt ,key))))) (define-inline phpinspect-splayt-find-largest-before (splayt key) "Find value of node with smallest key that is higher than KEY in SPLAYT." (inline-quote (phpinspect-splayt-node-value (phpinspect-splay ,splayt (phpinspect-splayt-find-largest-node-before ,splayt ,key))))) (defsubst phpinspect-splayt-find (splayt key) (phpinspect-splayt-node-value (phpinspect-splayt-find-node splayt key))) (provide 'phpinspect-splayt)