'value', 'key' => 0 ]; private $repo; private $user_repo; private $twig; private $em; public function __construct( AddressRepository $repo, UserRepository $user_repo, Environment $twig, EntityManagerInterface $em ) { $this->repo = $repo; $this->user_repo = $user_repo; $this->twig = $twig; $this->em = $em; } /** * @Route("/address/add", methods={"GET"}) */ public function addAddressPage(Request $req): Response { $user = $this->user_repo->findOne($req->get('user')); return new Response( $this->twig->render('address/create.html.twig', [ 'user' => $user, ]) ); } /** * @Route("/address/add", methods={"POST"}) */ public function addAddressAction(Request $req): Response { $user = $this->user_repo->findOne($req->request->get('user')); $address_string = $req->request->get('address'); $address = new Address($user, $address_string); $this->em->persist($address); $this->em->flush(); return new RedirectResponse('/user/' . $user->getLoginName() . '/manage'); } /** * @Route("/address/delete", methods={"POST"}) */ public function deleteAddressAction(Request $req): Response { $address = $this->repo->find($req->request->get('address')); // This is what a while looks like to phpinspect when it parses up // until "point" to complete. $this->em->remove($this->em->