Move queue to separate file

Hugo Thunnissen 10 months ago
parent 93f6c702c5
commit dfb59591ae

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
(cl-defstruct (phpinspect-queue-item
(:constructor phpinspect-make-queue-item))
(next nil
:type phpinspect-queue-item
"The next item in the queue")
(thing nil
:type any
"The thing stored in the queue")
(previous nil
:type phpinspect-queue-item
"The previous item in the queue")
(subscription nil
:type function
:read-only t
"A function that should be called when items are
(defsubst phpinspect-make-queue (&optional subscription)
(phpinspect-make-queue-item :subscription subscription))
;; Recursion causes max-eval-depth error here for long queues. Hence the loop
;; implementation for these two functions.
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-queue-last ((item phpinspect-queue-item))
"Get the last item in the queue that ITEM is part of."
(while (phpinspect-queue-item-next item)
(setq item (phpinspect-queue-item-next item)))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-queue-first ((item phpinspect-queue-item))
"Get the first item in the queue that ITEM is part of."
(while (phpinspect-queue-item-previous item)
(setq item (phpinspect-queue-item-previous item)))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-queue-enqueue ((item phpinspect-queue-item) thing)
"Add THING to the end of the queue that ITEM is part of."
(let ((last (phpinspect-queue-last item)))
(if (not (phpinspect-queue-item-thing last))
(setf (phpinspect-queue-item-thing last) thing)
(setf (phpinspect-queue-item-next last)
:previous last
:thing thing
:subscription (phpinspect-queue-item-subscription item)))))
(when (phpinspect-queue-item-subscription item)
(funcall (phpinspect-queue-item-subscription item))))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-queue-dequeue ((item phpinspect-queue-item))
"Remove the thing at the front of the queue that ITEM is part of and return it."
(let* ((first (phpinspect-queue-first item))
(thing (phpinspect-queue-item-thing first))
(next (phpinspect-queue-item-next first)))
(when next (setf (phpinspect-queue-item-previous next) nil))
(cond ((and (eq item first) (not next))
(setf (phpinspect-queue-item-thing item)
((eq item first)
(setf (phpinspect-queue-item-thing item)
(phpinspect-queue-item-thing next))
(setf (phpinspect-queue-item-next item)
(phpinspect-queue-item-next next))))
(defmacro phpinspect-doqueue (place-and-queue &rest body)
"Loop over queue defined in PLACE-AND-QUEUE executing BODY.
PLACE-AND-QUEUE is a two-member list. The first item should be
the place that the current thing in the queue should be assigned
to upon each iteration. The second item should be a queue-item
belonging to the queue that must be iterated over.
BODY can be any form."
(declare (indent defun))
(let ((item-sym (gensym))
(place (car place-and-queue))
(queue (cadr place-and-queue)))
`(let* ((,item-sym (phpinspect-queue-first ,queue))
(,place (phpinspect-queue-item-thing ,item-sym)))
(when ,place
(while (setq ,item-sym (phpinspect-queue-item-next ,item-sym))
(setq ,place (phpinspect-queue-item-thing ,item-sym))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-queue-find
((item phpinspect-queue-item) thing comparison-func)
"Find THING in the queue that ITEM is part of using COMPARISON-FUNC."
(catch 'found
(phpinspect-doqueue (current-thing item)
(when (funcall comparison-func current-thing thing)
(throw 'found current-thing)))))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-queue-enqueue-noduplicate
((item phpinspect-queue-item) thing comparison-func)
(when (not (phpinspect-queue-find item thing comparison-func))
(phpinspect-queue-enqueue item thing)))
(provide 'phpinspect-queue)

@ -27,112 +27,11 @@
(require 'phpinspect-project)
(require 'phpinspect-index)
(require 'phpinspect-class)
(require 'phpinspect-queue)
(defvar phpinspect-worker nil
"Contains the phpinspect worker that is used by all projects.")
(cl-defstruct (phpinspect-queue-item
(:constructor phpinspect-make-queue-item))
(next nil
:type phpinspect-queue-item
"The next item in the queue")
(thing nil
:type any
"The thing stored in the queue")
(previous nil
:type phpinspect-queue-item
"The previous item in the queue")
(subscription nil
:type function
:read-only t
"A function that should be called when items are
(defsubst phpinspect-make-queue (&optional subscription)
(phpinspect-make-queue-item :subscription subscription))
;; Recursion causes max-eval-depth error here for long queues. Hence the loop
;; implementation for these two functions.
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-queue-last ((item phpinspect-queue-item))
"Get the last item in the queue that ITEM is part of."
(while (phpinspect-queue-item-next item)
(setq item (phpinspect-queue-item-next item)))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-queue-first ((item phpinspect-queue-item))
"Get the first item in the queue that ITEM is part of."
(while (phpinspect-queue-item-previous item)
(setq item (phpinspect-queue-item-previous item)))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-queue-enqueue ((item phpinspect-queue-item) thing)
"Add THING to the end of the queue that ITEM is part of."
(let ((last (phpinspect-queue-last item)))
(if (not (phpinspect-queue-item-thing last))
(setf (phpinspect-queue-item-thing last) thing)
(setf (phpinspect-queue-item-next last)
:previous last
:thing thing
:subscription (phpinspect-queue-item-subscription item)))))
(when (phpinspect-queue-item-subscription item)
(funcall (phpinspect-queue-item-subscription item))))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-queue-dequeue ((item phpinspect-queue-item))
"Remove the thing at the front of the queue that ITEM is part of and return it."
(let* ((first (phpinspect-queue-first item))
(thing (phpinspect-queue-item-thing first))
(next (phpinspect-queue-item-next first)))
(when next (setf (phpinspect-queue-item-previous next) nil))
(cond ((and (eq item first) (not next))
(setf (phpinspect-queue-item-thing item)
((eq item first)
(setf (phpinspect-queue-item-thing item)
(phpinspect-queue-item-thing next))
(setf (phpinspect-queue-item-next item)
(phpinspect-queue-item-next next))))
(defmacro phpinspect-doqueue (place-and-queue &rest body)
"Loop over queue defined in PLACE-AND-QUEUE executing BODY.
PLACE-AND-QUEUE is a two-member list. The first item should be
the place that the current thing in the queue should be assigned
to upon each iteration. The second item should be a queue-item
belonging to the queue that must be iterated over.
BODY can be any form."
(declare (indent defun))
(let ((item-sym (gensym))
(place (car place-and-queue))
(queue (cadr place-and-queue)))
`(let* ((,item-sym (phpinspect-queue-first ,queue))
(,place (phpinspect-queue-item-thing ,item-sym)))
(when ,place
(while (setq ,item-sym (phpinspect-queue-item-next ,item-sym))
(setq ,place (phpinspect-queue-item-thing ,item-sym))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-queue-find
((item phpinspect-queue-item) thing comparison-func)
"Find THING in the queue that ITEM is part of using COMPARISON-FUNC."
(catch 'found
(phpinspect-doqueue (current-thing item)
(when (funcall comparison-func current-thing thing)
(throw 'found current-thing)))))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect-queue-enqueue-noduplicate
((item phpinspect-queue-item) thing comparison-func)
(when (not (phpinspect-queue-find item thing comparison-func))
(phpinspect-queue-enqueue item thing)))
(cl-defstruct (phpinspect-worker
(:constructor phpinspect-make-worker-generated))
(queue nil
