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;;; phpinspect-util.el --- PHP parsing and completion package -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc
;; Author: Hugo Thunnissen <>
;; Keywords: php, languages, tools, convenience
;; Version: 0
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(defvar phpinspect-name-obarray (obarray-make)
"An obarray containing symbols for all encountered names in
PHP. Used to optimize string comparison.")
(defvar phpinspect-project-root-file-list
'("composer.json" "composer.lock" ".git" ".svn" ".hg")
"List of files that could indicate a project root directory.")
(defun phpinspect--find-project-root (&optional start-file)
"(Attempt to) Find the root directory of the visited PHP project.
If a found project root has a parent directory called \"vendor\",
the search continues upwards. See also
If START-FILE is provided, searching starts at the directory
level of START-FILE in stead of `default-directory`."
(let ((project-file (phpinspect--locate-dominating-project-file
(or start-file default-directory))))
(phpinspect--log "Checking for project root at %s" project-file)
(when project-file
(let* ((directory (file-name-directory project-file))
(directory-slugs (split-string (expand-file-name directory) "/")))
(if (not (member "vendor" directory-slugs))
(expand-file-name directory)
;; else. Only continue if the parent directory is not "/"
(let ((parent-without-vendor
(string-join (seq-take-while (lambda (s) (not (string= s "vendor" )))
(when (not (or (string= parent-without-vendor "/")
(string= parent-without-vendor "")))
(phpinspect--find-project-root parent-without-vendor))))))))
(defvar phpinspect--debug nil
"Enable debug logs for phpinspect by setting this variable to true")
(defun phpinspect-toggle-logging ()
(if (setq phpinspect--debug (not phpinspect--debug))
(message "Enabled phpinspect logging.")
(message "Disabled phpinspect logging.")))
(defvar phpinspect-log-groups nil)
(defvar phpinspect-enabled-log-groups nil)
(defvar-local phpinspect--current-log-group nil)
(define-inline phpinspect--declare-log-group (group)
(unless (and (inline-const-p group) (symbolp (inline-const-val group)))
(inline-error "Log group name should be a symbol"))
(add-to-list 'phpinspect-log-groups (cons (or load-file-name buffer-file-name) ,group) nil #'equal))))
(defun phpinspect-log-group-enabled-p (group)
(seq-find (lambda (cons)
(eq group (cdr cons)))
(phpinspect--declare-log-group 'bam)
(defmacro phpinspect--log (&rest args)
(let ((log-group (alist-get (or load-file-name buffer-file-name) phpinspect-log-groups nil nil #'string=)))
`(when (and phpinspect--debug
(or (not phpinspect-enabled-log-groups)
,(when log-group
`(member (quote ,log-group) phpinspect-enabled-log-groups))))
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "**phpinspect-logs**")
(unless window-point-insertion-type
(set (make-local-variable 'window-point-insertion-type) t))
(goto-char (buffer-end 1))
(insert (concat "[" (format-time-string "%H:%M:%S") "]: "
,(if log-group (concat "(" (symbol-name log-group) ") ") "")
(format ,@args) "\n"))))))
(defun phpinspect-filter-logs (group-name)
(interactive (list (completing-read "Log group: "
(mapcar (lambda (g) (symbol-name (cdr g)))
phpinspect-log-groups) nil t)))
(add-to-list 'phpinspect-enabled-log-groups (intern group-name)))
(defun phpinspect-unfilter-logs ()
(setq phpinspect-enabled-log-groups nil))
(defsubst phpinspect-intern-name (name)
(intern name phpinspect-name-obarray))
(defsubst phpinspect--wrap-plist-name-in-symbol (property-list)
(let ((new-plist)
(dolist (item property-list)
(when wrap-value
(setq item `(phpinspect-intern-name ,item))
(setq wrap-value nil))
(when (eq item :name)
(setq item :name-symbol)
(setq wrap-value t))
(push item new-plist))
(nreverse new-plist)))
(cl-defstruct (phpinspect--pattern
(:constructor phpinspect--make-pattern-generated))
"An object that can be used to match lists to a given
pattern. See `phpinspect--match-sequence'."
(matcher nil
:type lambda
:documentation "The function used to match sequences")
(code nil
:type list
:documentation "The original code list used to create this pattern"))
(defmacro phpinspect--make-pattern (&rest pattern)
:matcher (phpinspect--match-sequence-lambda ,@pattern)
:code (list ,@(mapcar (lambda (part) (if (eq '* part) `(quote ,part) part))
(defmacro phpinspect--match-sequence-lambda (&rest pattern)
(let ((sequence-sym (gensym)))
`(lambda (,sequence-sym)
(phpinspect--match-sequence ,sequence-sym ,@pattern))))
(cl-defmethod phpinspect--pattern-match ((pattern phpinspect--pattern) sequence)
(funcall (phpinspect--pattern-matcher pattern) sequence))
(defmacro phpinspect--match-sequence (sequence &rest pattern)
"Match SEQUENCE to positional matchers defined in PATTERN.
PATTERN is a plist with the allowed keys being :m and :f. Each
key-value pair in the plist defines a match operation that is
applied to the corresponding index of SEQUENCE (so for ex.: key 0
is applied to pos. 0 of SEQUENCE, key 1 to pos. 1, and so on).
Possible match operations:
:m - This key can be used to match a list element to the literal
value supplied for it, using the `equal' comparison function. For
example, providing `(\"foobar\") as value will result in the
comparison (equal (elt SEQUENCE pos) `(\"foobar\")). There is one
exception to this rule: using the symbol * as value for the :m
key will match anything, essentially skipping comparison for the
element at this position in SEQUENCE.
:f - This key can be used to match a list element by executing
the function provided as value. The function is executed with the
list element as argument, and will be considered as matching if
it evaluates to a non-nil value."
(declare (indent 1))
(let* ((pattern-length (length pattern))
(sequence-length (/ pattern-length 2))
(sequence-pos 0)
(sequence-sym (gensym))
(match-sym (gensym))
checkers key value)
(while (setq key (pop pattern))
(unless (keywordp key)
(error "Invalid pattern argument, expected keyword, got: %s" key))
(unless (setq value (pop pattern))
(error "No value for key %s" key))
(cond ((eq key :m)
(unless (eq value '*)
(setq checkers
(nconc checkers (list `(equal ,value (elt ,sequence-sym ,sequence-pos)))))))
((eq key :f)
(setq checkers
checkers (list
(if (symbolp value)
`(,value (elt ,sequence-sym ,sequence-pos))
`(funcall ,value (elt ,sequence-sym ,sequence-pos)))))))
(t (error "Invalid keyword: %s" key)))
(setq checkers (nconc checkers (list `(setq ,match-sym (nconc ,match-sym (list (elt ,sequence-sym ,sequence-pos)))))))
(setq sequence-pos (+ sequence-pos 1)))
`(let ((,sequence-sym ,sequence)
(and (= ,sequence-length (length ,sequence))
(defun phpinspect--pattern-concat (pattern1 pattern2)
(let* ((pattern1-sequence-length (/ (length (phpinspect--pattern-code pattern1)) 2)))
:matcher (lambda (sequence)
(unless (< (length sequence) pattern1-sequence-length)
(and (phpinspect--pattern-match
(butlast sequence (- (length sequence) pattern1-sequence-length)))
(last sequence (- (length sequence) pattern1-sequence-length))))))
:code (append (phpinspect--pattern-code pattern1)
(phpinspect--pattern-code pattern2)))))
(defun phpinspect--locate-dominating-project-file (start-file)
"Locate the first dominating file in `phpinspect-project-root-file-list`.
Starts looking at START-FILE and then recurses up the directory
hierarchy as long as no matching files are found. See also
(let ((dominating-file))
(seq-find (lambda (file)
(setq dominating-file (locate-dominating-file start-file file)))
(defun phpinspect--determine-completion-point ()
"Find first point backwards that could contain any kind of
context for completion."
(re-search-backward "[^[:blank:]\n]" nil t)
(defmacro phpinspect-json-preset (&rest body)
"Default options to wrap around `json-read' and similar BODY."
`(let ((json-object-type 'hash-table)
(json-array-type 'list)
(json-key-type 'string))
(defun phpinspect-thread-pause (pause-time mx continue)
"Pause current thread using MX and CONTINUE for PAUSE-TIME idle seconds.
PAUSE-TIME must be the idle time that the thread should pause for.
MX must be a mutex
CONTINUE must be a condition-variable"
(phpinspect--log "Thread '%s' is paused for %d seconds" (thread-name (current-thread)) pause-time)
(lambda () (with-mutex mx (condition-notify continue))))
(with-mutex mx (condition-wait continue))
(phpinspect--log "Thread '%s' continuing execution" (thread-name (current-thread))))
(provide 'phpinspect-util)
;;; phpinspect-util.el ends here