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36 lines
657 B

# This file is part of the code-cloppers openbox setup.
# This script should be executed on startup of openbox.
start() {
nohup "$@" &>>/dev/null &
# The launcher
start albert
# The dock
start plank
# Compositing (cool shadows/smooth looks for windows)
start xcompmgr
# The notification daemon
start dunst
# The lock screen
start xscreensaver
start trayer \
--edge top \
--transparent true \
--tint 0x000000 \
--alpha 0 \
--align right \
--SetPartialStrut true \
--SetDockType true \
--widthtype pixel \
--width $(($(xrandr -q | grep -Po '(?<=primary )[0-9]+(?=x)') - 84))