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* This file is part of Composer.
* (c) Nils Adermann <>
* Jordi Boggiano <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Composer\Installer;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
use Composer\IO\ConsoleIO;
use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
use Composer\Package\AliasPackage;
use Composer\Repository\InstalledRepositoryInterface;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\Operation\OperationInterface;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\Operation\InstallOperation;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\Operation\UpdateOperation;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\Operation\UninstallOperation;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\Operation\MarkAliasInstalledOperation;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\Operation\MarkAliasUninstalledOperation;
use Composer\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;
use Composer\Util\Loop;
use Composer\Util\Platform;
use React\Promise\PromiseInterface;
* Package operation manager.
* @author Konstantin Kudryashov <>
* @author Jordi Boggiano <>
* @author Nils Adermann <>
class InstallationManager
/** @var array<InstallerInterface> */
private $installers = array();
/** @var array<string, InstallerInterface> */
private $cache = array();
/** @var array<string, array<PackageInterface>> */
private $notifiablePackages = array();
/** @var Loop */
private $loop;
/** @var IOInterface */
private $io;
/** @var ?EventDispatcher */
private $eventDispatcher;
/** @var bool */
private $outputProgress;
public function __construct(Loop $loop, IOInterface $io, EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher = null)
$this->loop = $loop;
$this->io = $io;
$this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher;
public function reset()
$this->notifiablePackages = array();
* Adds installer
* @param InstallerInterface $installer installer instance
public function addInstaller(InstallerInterface $installer)
array_unshift($this->installers, $installer);
$this->cache = array();
* Removes installer
* @param InstallerInterface $installer installer instance
public function removeInstaller(InstallerInterface $installer)
if (false !== ($key = array_search($installer, $this->installers, true))) {
array_splice($this->installers, $key, 1);
$this->cache = array();
* Disables plugins.
* We prevent any plugins from being instantiated by simply
* deactivating the installer for them. This ensure that no third-party
* code is ever executed.
public function disablePlugins()
foreach ($this->installers as $i => $installer) {
if (!$installer instanceof PluginInstaller) {
* Returns installer for a specific package type.
* @param string $type package type
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if installer for provided type is not registered
* @return InstallerInterface
public function getInstaller($type)
$type = strtolower($type);
if (isset($this->cache[$type])) {
return $this->cache[$type];
foreach ($this->installers as $installer) {
if ($installer->supports($type)) {
return $this->cache[$type] = $installer;
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unknown installer type: '.$type);
* Checks whether provided package is installed in one of the registered installers.
* @param InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo repository in which to check
* @param PackageInterface $package package instance
* @return bool
public function isPackageInstalled(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, PackageInterface $package)
if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) {
return $repo->hasPackage($package) && $this->isPackageInstalled($repo, $package->getAliasOf());
return $this->getInstaller($package->getType())->isInstalled($repo, $package);
* Install binary for the given package.
* If the installer associated to this package doesn't handle that function, it'll do nothing.
* @param PackageInterface $package Package instance
public function ensureBinariesPresence(PackageInterface $package)
try {
$installer = $this->getInstaller($package->getType());
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
// no installer found for the current package type (@see `getInstaller()`)
// if the given installer support installing binaries
if ($installer instanceof BinaryPresenceInterface) {
* Executes solver operation.
* @param InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo repository in which to add/remove/update packages
* @param OperationInterface[] $operations operations to execute
* @param bool $devMode whether the install is being run in dev mode
* @param bool $runScripts whether to dispatch script events
public function execute(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, array $operations, $devMode = true, $runScripts = true)
/** @var PromiseInterface[] */
$cleanupPromises = array();
$loop = $this->loop;
$io = $this->io;
$runCleanup = function () use (&$cleanupPromises, $loop) {
$promises = array();
foreach ($cleanupPromises as $cleanup) {
$promises[] = new \React\Promise\Promise(function ($resolve, $reject) use ($cleanup) {
$promise = $cleanup();
if (!$promise instanceof PromiseInterface) {
} else {
$promise->then(function () use ($resolve) {
if (!empty($promises)) {
$handleInterruptsUnix = function_exists('pcntl_async_signals') && function_exists('pcntl_signal');
$handleInterruptsWindows = function_exists('sapi_windows_set_ctrl_handler') && PHP_SAPI === 'cli';
$prevHandler = null;
$windowsHandler = null;
if ($handleInterruptsUnix) {
$prevHandler = pcntl_signal_get_handler(SIGINT);
pcntl_signal(SIGINT, function ($sig) use ($runCleanup, $prevHandler, $io) {
$io->writeError('Received SIGINT, aborting', true, IOInterface::DEBUG);
if (!in_array($prevHandler, array(SIG_DFL, SIG_IGN), true)) {
call_user_func($prevHandler, $sig);
if ($handleInterruptsWindows) {
$windowsHandler = function ($event) use ($runCleanup, $io) {
if ($event !== PHP_WINDOWS_EVENT_CTRL_C) {
$io->writeError('Received CTRL+C, aborting', true, IOInterface::DEBUG);
try {
// execute operations in batches to make sure download-modifying-plugins are installed
// before the other packages get downloaded
$batches = array();
$batch = array();
foreach ($operations as $index => $operation) {
if ($operation instanceof UpdateOperation || $operation instanceof InstallOperation) {
$package = $operation instanceof UpdateOperation ? $operation->getTargetPackage() : $operation->getPackage();
if ($package->getType() === 'composer-plugin' && ($extra = $package->getExtra()) && isset($extra['plugin-modifies-downloads']) && $extra['plugin-modifies-downloads'] === true) {
if ($batch) {
$batches[] = $batch;
$batches[] = array($index => $operation);
$batch = array();
$batch[$index] = $operation;
if ($batch) {
$batches[] = $batch;
foreach ($batches as $batch) {
$this->downloadAndExecuteBatch($repo, $batch, $cleanupPromises, $devMode, $runScripts, $operations);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
if ($handleInterruptsUnix) {
pcntl_signal(SIGINT, $prevHandler);
if ($handleInterruptsWindows) {
sapi_windows_set_ctrl_handler($windowsHandler, false);
throw $e;
if ($handleInterruptsUnix) {
pcntl_signal(SIGINT, $prevHandler);
if ($handleInterruptsWindows) {
sapi_windows_set_ctrl_handler($windowsHandler, false);
// do a last write so that we write the repository even if nothing changed
// as that can trigger an update of some files like InstalledVersions.php if
// running a new composer version
$repo->write($devMode, $this);
* @param array $operations List of operations to execute in this batch
* @param array $allOperations Complete list of operations to be executed in the install job, used for event listeners
private function downloadAndExecuteBatch(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, array $operations, array &$cleanupPromises, $devMode, $runScripts, array $allOperations)
$promises = array();
foreach ($operations as $index => $operation) {
$opType = $operation->getOperationType();
// ignoring alias ops as they don't need to execute anything at this stage
if (!in_array($opType, array('update', 'install', 'uninstall'))) {
if ($opType === 'update') {
$package = $operation->getTargetPackage();
$initialPackage = $operation->getInitialPackage();
} else {
$package = $operation->getPackage();
$initialPackage = null;
$installer = $this->getInstaller($package->getType());
$cleanupPromises[$index] = function () use ($opType, $installer, $package, $initialPackage) {
// avoid calling cleanup if the download was not even initialized for a package
// as without installation source configured nothing will work
if (!$package->getInstallationSource()) {
return $installer->cleanup($opType, $package, $initialPackage);
if ($opType !== 'uninstall') {
$promise = $installer->download($package, $initialPackage);
if ($promise) {
$promises[] = $promise;
// execute all downloads first
if (count($promises)) {
// execute operations in batches to make sure every plugin is installed in the
// right order and activated before the packages depending on it are installed
$batches = array();
$batch = array();
foreach ($operations as $index => $operation) {
if (in_array($operation->getOperationType(), array('update', 'install'), true)) {
$package = $operation->getOperationType() === 'update' ? $operation->getTargetPackage() : $operation->getPackage();
if ($package->getType() === 'composer-plugin' || $package->getType() === 'composer-installer') {
if ($batch) {
$batches[] = $batch;
$batches[] = array($index => $operation);
$batch = array();
$batch[$index] = $operation;
if ($batch) {
$batches[] = $batch;
foreach ($batches as $batch) {
$this->executeBatch($repo, $batch, $cleanupPromises, $devMode, $runScripts, $allOperations);
* @param array $operations List of operations to execute in this batch
* @param array $allOperations Complete list of operations to be executed in the install job, used for event listeners
private function executeBatch(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, array $operations, array $cleanupPromises, $devMode, $runScripts, array $allOperations)
$promises = array();
$postExecCallbacks = array();
foreach ($operations as $index => $operation) {
$opType = $operation->getOperationType();
// ignoring alias ops as they don't need to execute anything
if (!in_array($opType, array('update', 'install', 'uninstall'))) {
// output alias ops in debug verbosity as they have no output otherwise
if ($this->io->isDebug()) {
$this->io->writeError(' - ' . $operation->show(false));
$this->$opType($repo, $operation);
if ($opType === 'update') {
$package = $operation->getTargetPackage();
$initialPackage = $operation->getInitialPackage();
} else {
$package = $operation->getPackage();
$initialPackage = null;
$installer = $this->getInstaller($package->getType());
$event = 'Composer\Installer\PackageEvents::PRE_PACKAGE_'.strtoupper($opType);
if (defined($event) && $runScripts && $this->eventDispatcher) {
$this->eventDispatcher->dispatchPackageEvent(constant($event), $devMode, $repo, $allOperations, $operation);
$dispatcher = $this->eventDispatcher;
$installManager = $this;
$io = $this->io;
$promise = $installer->prepare($opType, $package, $initialPackage);
if (!$promise instanceof PromiseInterface) {
$promise = \React\Promise\resolve();
$promise = $promise->then(function () use ($opType, $installManager, $repo, $operation) {
return $installManager->$opType($repo, $operation);
->then(function () use ($installManager, $devMode, $repo) {
$repo->write($devMode, $installManager);
}, function ($e) use ($opType, $package, $io) {
$io->writeError(' <error>' . ucfirst($opType) .' of '.$package->getPrettyName().' failed</error>');
throw $e;
$postExecCallbacks[] = function () use ($opType, $runScripts, $dispatcher, $devMode, $repo, $allOperations, $operation) {
$event = 'Composer\Installer\PackageEvents::POST_PACKAGE_'.strtoupper($opType);
if (defined($event) && $runScripts && $dispatcher) {
$dispatcher->dispatchPackageEvent(constant($event), $devMode, $repo, $allOperations, $operation);
$promises[] = $promise;
// execute all prepare => installs/updates/removes => cleanup steps
if (count($promises)) {
foreach ($postExecCallbacks as $cb) {
private function waitOnPromises(array $promises)
$progress = null;
if (
&& $this->io instanceof ConsoleIO
&& !getenv('CI')
&& !$this->io->isDebug()
&& count($promises) > 1
) {
$progress = $this->io->getProgressBar();
$this->loop->wait($promises, $progress);
if ($progress) {
// ProgressBar in non-decorated output does not output a final line-break and clear() does nothing
if (!$this->io->isDecorated()) {
* Executes install operation.
* @param InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo repository in which to check
* @param InstallOperation $operation operation instance
public function install(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, InstallOperation $operation)
$package = $operation->getPackage();
$installer = $this->getInstaller($package->getType());
$promise = $installer->install($repo, $package);
return $promise;
* Executes update operation.
* @param InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo repository in which to check
* @param UpdateOperation $operation operation instance
public function update(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, UpdateOperation $operation)
$initial = $operation->getInitialPackage();
$target = $operation->getTargetPackage();
$initialType = $initial->getType();
$targetType = $target->getType();
if ($initialType === $targetType) {
$installer = $this->getInstaller($initialType);
$promise = $installer->update($repo, $initial, $target);
} else {
$promise = $this->getInstaller($initialType)->uninstall($repo, $initial);
if (!$promise instanceof PromiseInterface) {
$promise = \React\Promise\resolve();
$installer = $this->getInstaller($targetType);
$promise->then(function () use ($installer, $repo, $target) {
return $installer->install($repo, $target);
return $promise;
* Uninstalls package.
* @param InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo repository in which to check
* @param UninstallOperation $operation operation instance
public function uninstall(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, UninstallOperation $operation)
$package = $operation->getPackage();
$installer = $this->getInstaller($package->getType());
return $installer->uninstall($repo, $package);
* Executes markAliasInstalled operation.
* @param InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo repository in which to check
* @param MarkAliasInstalledOperation $operation operation instance
public function markAliasInstalled(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, MarkAliasInstalledOperation $operation)
$package = $operation->getPackage();
if (!$repo->hasPackage($package)) {
$repo->addPackage(clone $package);
* Executes markAlias operation.
* @param InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo repository in which to check
* @param MarkAliasUninstalledOperation $operation operation instance
public function markAliasUninstalled(InstalledRepositoryInterface $repo, MarkAliasUninstalledOperation $operation)
$package = $operation->getPackage();
* Returns the installation path of a package
* @param PackageInterface $package
* @return string path
public function getInstallPath(PackageInterface $package)
$installer = $this->getInstaller($package->getType());
return $installer->getInstallPath($package);
public function setOutputProgress($outputProgress)
$this->outputProgress = $outputProgress;
public function notifyInstalls(IOInterface $io)
$promises = array();
try {
foreach ($this->notifiablePackages as $repoUrl => $packages) {
// non-batch API, deprecated
if (strpos($repoUrl, '%package%')) {
foreach ($packages as $package) {
$url = str_replace('%package%', $package->getPrettyName(), $repoUrl);
$params = array(
'version' => $package->getPrettyVersion(),
'version_normalized' => $package->getVersion(),
$opts = array(
'retry-auth-failure' => false,
'http' => array(
'method' => 'POST',
'header' => array('Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'),
'content' => http_build_query($params, '', '&'),
'timeout' => 3,
$promises[] = $this->loop->getHttpDownloader()->add($url, $opts);
$postData = array('downloads' => array());
foreach ($packages as $package) {
$postData['downloads'][] = array(
'name' => $package->getPrettyName(),
'version' => $package->getVersion(),
$opts = array(
'retry-auth-failure' => false,
'http' => array(
'method' => 'POST',
'header' => array('Content-Type: application/json'),
'content' => json_encode($postData),
'timeout' => 6,
$promises[] = $this->loop->getHttpDownloader()->add($repoUrl, $opts);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
private function markForNotification(PackageInterface $package)
if ($package->getNotificationUrl()) {
$this->notifiablePackages[$package->getNotificationUrl()][$package->getName()] = $package;