You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* This file is part of Composer.
* (c) Nils Adermann <>
* Jordi Boggiano <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Composer\Repository;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\PoolOptimizer;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\Pool;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\PoolBuilder;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\Request;
use Composer\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
use Composer\IO\NullIO;
use Composer\Package\BasePackage;
use Composer\Package\AliasPackage;
use Composer\Package\CompleteAliasPackage;
use Composer\Package\CompletePackage;
use Composer\Semver\Constraint\ConstraintInterface;
use Composer\Package\Version\StabilityFilter;
* @author Nils Adermann <>
class RepositorySet
* Packages are returned even though their stability does not match the required stability
* Packages will be looked up in all repositories, even after they have been found in a higher prio one
* @var array[]
* @phpstan-var array<string, array<string, array{alias: string, alias_normalized: string}>>
private $rootAliases;
* @var string[]
* @phpstan-var array<string, string>
private $rootReferences;
/** @var RepositoryInterface[] */
private $repositories = array();
* @var int[] array of stability => BasePackage::STABILITY_* value
* @phpstan-var array<string, BasePackage::STABILITY_*>
private $acceptableStabilities;
* @var int[] array of package name => BasePackage::STABILITY_* value
* @phpstan-var array<string, BasePackage::STABILITY_*>
private $stabilityFlags;
* @var ConstraintInterface[]
* @phpstan-var array<string, ConstraintInterface>
private $rootRequires;
/** @var bool */
private $locked = false;
/** @var bool */
private $allowInstalledRepositories = false;
* In most cases if you are looking to use this class as a way to find packages from repositories
* passing minimumStability is all you need to worry about. The rest is for advanced pool creation including
* aliases, pinned references and other special cases.
* @param string $minimumStability
* @param int[] $stabilityFlags an array of package name => BasePackage::STABILITY_* value
* @phpstan-param array<string, BasePackage::STABILITY_*> $stabilityFlags
* @param array[] $rootAliases
* @phpstan-param list<array{package: string, version: string, alias: string, alias_normalized: string}> $rootAliases
* @param string[] $rootReferences an array of package name => source reference
* @phpstan-param array<string, string> $rootReferences
* @param ConstraintInterface[] $rootRequires an array of package name => constraint from the root package
* @phpstan-param array<string, ConstraintInterface> $rootRequires
public function __construct($minimumStability = 'stable', array $stabilityFlags = array(), array $rootAliases = array(), array $rootReferences = array(), array $rootRequires = array())
$this->rootAliases = self::getRootAliasesPerPackage($rootAliases);
$this->rootReferences = $rootReferences;
$this->acceptableStabilities = array();
foreach (BasePackage::$stabilities as $stability => $value) {
if ($value <= BasePackage::$stabilities[$minimumStability]) {
$this->acceptableStabilities[$stability] = $value;
$this->stabilityFlags = $stabilityFlags;
$this->rootRequires = $rootRequires;
foreach ($rootRequires as $name => $constraint) {
if (PlatformRepository::isPlatformPackage($name)) {
* @param bool $allow
* @return void
public function allowInstalledRepositories($allow = true): void
$this->allowInstalledRepositories = $allow;
* @return ConstraintInterface[] an array of package name => constraint from the root package, platform requirements excluded
* @phpstan-return array<string, ConstraintInterface>
public function getRootRequires()
return $this->rootRequires;
* Adds a repository to this repository set
* The first repos added have a higher priority. As soon as a package is found in any
* repository the search for that package ends, and following repos will not be consulted.
* @param RepositoryInterface $repo A package repository
* @return void
public function addRepository(RepositoryInterface $repo): void
if ($this->locked) {
throw new \RuntimeException("Pool has already been created from this repository set, it cannot be modified anymore.");
if ($repo instanceof CompositeRepository) {
$repos = $repo->getRepositories();
} else {
$repos = array($repo);
foreach ($repos as $repo) {
$this->repositories[] = $repo;
* Find packages providing or matching a name and optionally meeting a constraint in all repositories
* Returned in the order of repositories, matching priority
* @param string $name
* @param ConstraintInterface|null $constraint
* @param int $flags any of the ALLOW_* constants from this class to tweak what is returned
* @return BasePackage[]
public function findPackages($name, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null, $flags = 0)
$ignoreStability = ($flags & self::ALLOW_UNACCEPTABLE_STABILITIES) !== 0;
$loadFromAllRepos = ($flags & self::ALLOW_SHADOWED_REPOSITORIES) !== 0;
$packages = array();
if ($loadFromAllRepos) {
foreach ($this->repositories as $repository) {
$packages[] = $repository->findPackages($name, $constraint) ?: array();
} else {
foreach ($this->repositories as $repository) {
$result = $repository->loadPackages(array($name => $constraint), $ignoreStability ? BasePackage::$stabilities : $this->acceptableStabilities, $ignoreStability ? array() : $this->stabilityFlags);
$packages[] = $result['packages'];
foreach ($result['namesFound'] as $nameFound) {
// avoid loading the same package again from other repositories once it has been found
if ($name === $nameFound) {
break 2;
$candidates = $packages ? call_user_func_array('array_merge', $packages) : array();
// when using loadPackages above (!$loadFromAllRepos) the repos already filter for stability so no need to do it again
if ($ignoreStability || !$loadFromAllRepos) {
return $candidates;
$result = array();
foreach ($candidates as $candidate) {
if ($this->isPackageAcceptable($candidate->getNames(), $candidate->getStability())) {
$result[] = $candidate;
return $result;
* @param string $packageName
* @return array[] an array with the provider name as key and value of array('name' => '...', 'description' => '...', 'type' => '...')
* @phpstan-return array<string, array{name: string, description: string, type: string}>
public function getProviders($packageName)
$providers = array();
foreach ($this->repositories as $repository) {
if ($repoProviders = $repository->getProviders($packageName)) {
$providers = array_merge($providers, $repoProviders);
return $providers;
* Check for each given package name whether it would be accepted by this RepositorySet in the given $stability
* @param string[] $names
* @param string $stability one of 'stable', 'RC', 'beta', 'alpha' or 'dev'
* @return bool
public function isPackageAcceptable($names, $stability)
return StabilityFilter::isPackageAcceptable($this->acceptableStabilities, $this->stabilityFlags, $names, $stability);
* Create a pool for dependency resolution from the packages in this repository set.
* @return Pool
public function createPool(Request $request, IOInterface $io, EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher = null, PoolOptimizer $poolOptimizer = null)
$poolBuilder = new PoolBuilder($this->acceptableStabilities, $this->stabilityFlags, $this->rootAliases, $this->rootReferences, $io, $eventDispatcher, $poolOptimizer);
foreach ($this->repositories as $repo) {
if (($repo instanceof InstalledRepositoryInterface || $repo instanceof InstalledRepository) && !$this->allowInstalledRepositories) {
throw new \LogicException('The pool can not accept packages from an installed repository');
$this->locked = true;
return $poolBuilder->buildPool($this->repositories, $request);
* Create a pool for dependency resolution from the packages in this repository set.
* @return Pool
public function createPoolWithAllPackages()
foreach ($this->repositories as $repo) {
if (($repo instanceof InstalledRepositoryInterface || $repo instanceof InstalledRepository) && !$this->allowInstalledRepositories) {
throw new \LogicException('The pool can not accept packages from an installed repository');
$this->locked = true;
$packages = array();
foreach ($this->repositories as $repository) {
foreach ($repository->getPackages() as $package) {
$packages[] = $package;
if (isset($this->rootAliases[$package->getName()][$package->getVersion()])) {
$alias = $this->rootAliases[$package->getName()][$package->getVersion()];
while ($package instanceof AliasPackage) {
$package = $package->getAliasOf();
if ($package instanceof CompletePackage) {
$aliasPackage = new CompleteAliasPackage($package, $alias['alias_normalized'], $alias['alias']);
} else {
$aliasPackage = new AliasPackage($package, $alias['alias_normalized'], $alias['alias']);
$packages[] = $aliasPackage;
return new Pool($packages);
* @param string $packageName
* @return Pool
public function createPoolForPackage($packageName, LockArrayRepository $lockedRepo = null)
// TODO unify this with above in some simpler version without "request"?
return $this->createPoolForPackages(array($packageName), $lockedRepo);
* @param string[] $packageNames
* @return Pool
public function createPoolForPackages($packageNames, LockArrayRepository $lockedRepo = null)
$request = new Request($lockedRepo);
foreach ($packageNames as $packageName) {
if (PlatformRepository::isPlatformPackage($packageName)) {
throw new \LogicException('createPoolForPackage(s) can not be used for platform packages, as they are never loaded by the PoolBuilder which expects them to be fixed. Use createPoolWithAllPackages or pass in a proper request with the platform packages you need fixed in it.');
return $this->createPool($request, new NullIO());
* @param array[] $aliases
* @phpstan-param list<array{package: string, version: string, alias: string, alias_normalized: string}> $aliases
* @return array<string, array<string, array{alias: string, alias_normalized: string}>>
private static function getRootAliasesPerPackage(array $aliases)
$normalizedAliases = array();
foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
$normalizedAliases[$alias['package']][$alias['version']] = array(
'alias' => $alias['alias'],
'alias_normalized' => $alias['alias_normalized'],
return $normalizedAliases;