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namespace Composer\Test\Util;
use Composer\IO\NullIO;
use Composer\Util\Svn;
class SvnTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* Test the credential string.
* @param string $url The SVN url.
* @param string $expect The expectation for the test.
* @dataProvider urlProvider
public function testCredentials($url, $expect)
$svn = new Svn($url, new NullIO);
$reflMethod = new \ReflectionMethod('Composer\\Util\\Svn', 'getCredentialString');
$this->assertEquals($expect, $reflMethod->invoke($svn));
* Provide some examples for {@self::testCredentials()}.
* @return array
public function urlProvider()
return array(
array('', $this->getCmd(" --username 'till' --password 'test' ")),
array('', ''),
array('svn://', $this->getCmd(" --username 'johndoe' --password '' ")),
public function testInteractiveString()
$url = '';
$svn = new Svn($url, new NullIO());
$reflMethod = new \ReflectionMethod('Composer\\Util\\Svn', 'getCommand');
$this->getCmd("svn ls --non-interactive ''"),
$reflMethod->invokeArgs($svn, array('svn ls', $url))
private function getCmd($cmd)
return strtr($cmd, "'", '"');
return $cmd;