You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

230 lines
6.4 KiB

* This file is part of Composer.
* (c) Nils Adermann <>
* Jordi Boggiano <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Composer\Test;
use Composer\Pcre\Preg;
use Composer\Semver\VersionParser;
use Composer\Package\RootPackageInterface;
use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
use Composer\Semver\Constraint\Constraint;
use Composer\Util\Filesystem;
use Composer\Util\Platform;
use Composer\Util\Silencer;
use Symfony\Component\Process\ExecutableFinder;
use Composer\Package\Loader\ArrayLoader;
use Composer\Package\BasePackage;
use Composer\Package\RootPackage;
use Composer\Package\AliasPackage;
use Composer\Package\RootAliasPackage;
use Composer\Package\CompletePackage;
use Composer\Package\CompleteAliasPackage;
use Composer\Package\CompletePackageInterface;
use Composer\Package\Package;
abstract class TestCase extends PolyfillTestCase
* @var ?VersionParser
private static $parser;
* @var array<string, bool>
private static $executableCache = array();
* @return string
public static function getUniqueTmpDirectory()
$attempts = 5;
$root = sys_get_temp_dir();
do {
$unique = $root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . uniqid('composer-test-' . rand(1000, 9000));
if (!file_exists($unique) && Silencer::call('mkdir', $unique, 0777)) {
return realpath($unique);
} while (--$attempts);
throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to create a unique temporary directory.');
* @return VersionParser
protected static function getVersionParser()
if (!self::$parser) {
self::$parser = new VersionParser();
return self::$parser;
* @param Constraint::STR_OP_* $operator
* @param string $version
* @return Constraint
protected function getVersionConstraint($operator, $version)
$constraint = new Constraint(
$constraint->setPrettyString($operator.' '.$version);
return $constraint;
* @template PackageClass of PackageInterface
* @param string $class FQCN to be instantiated
* @param string $name
* @param string $version
* @return CompletePackage|CompleteAliasPackage|RootPackage|RootAliasPackage
* @phpstan-param class-string<PackageClass> $class
protected function getPackage($name, $version, $class = 'Composer\Package\CompletePackage')
$normVersion = self::getVersionParser()->normalize($version);
return new $class($name, $normVersion, $version);
* @param string $version
* @return AliasPackage|RootAliasPackage|CompleteAliasPackage
protected function getAliasPackage(Package $package, $version)
$normVersion = self::getVersionParser()->normalize($version);
if ($package instanceof RootPackage) {
return new RootAliasPackage($package, $normVersion, $version);
if ($package instanceof CompletePackage) {
return new CompleteAliasPackage($package, $normVersion, $version);
return new AliasPackage($package, $normVersion, $version);
* @param array<string, array<string, string>> $config
* @return void
protected function configureLinks(PackageInterface $package, array $config)
$arrayLoader = new ArrayLoader();
foreach (BasePackage::$supportedLinkTypes as $type => $opts) {
if (isset($config[$type])) {
$method = 'set'.ucfirst($opts['method']);
* @param string $directory
* @return void
protected static function ensureDirectoryExistsAndClear($directory)
$fs = new Filesystem();
if (is_dir($directory)) {
mkdir($directory, 0777, true);
* Check whether or not the given name is an available executable.
* @param string $executableName The name of the binary to test.
* @return void
* @throws \PHPUnit\Framework\SkippedTestError
protected function skipIfNotExecutable($executableName)
if (!isset(self::$executableCache[$executableName])) {
$finder = new ExecutableFinder();
self::$executableCache[$executableName] = (bool) $finder->find($executableName);
if (false === self::$executableCache[$executableName]) {
$this->markTestSkipped($executableName . ' is not found or not executable.');
* @param string $exception
* @param string|null $message
* @param int|null $code
* @return void
public function setExpectedException($exception, $message = null, $code = null)
if (!class_exists('PHPUnit\Framework\Error\Notice')) {
$exception = str_replace('PHPUnit\\Framework\\Error\\', 'PHPUnit_Framework_Error_', $exception);
if (method_exists($this, 'expectException')) {
if (null !== $message) {
} else {
parent::setExpectedException($exception, $message, $code);
* Transforms an escaped non-Windows command to match Windows escaping.
* @param string $cmd
* @return string The transformed command
protected function getCmd($cmd)
if (Platform::isWindows()) {
$cmd = Preg::replaceCallback("/('[^']*')/", function ($m) {
// Double-quotes are used only when needed
$char = (strpbrk($m[1], " \t^&|<>()") !== false || $m[1] === "''") ? '"' : '';
return str_replace("'", $char, $m[1]);
}, $cmd);
return $cmd;