You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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27 KiB

* This file is part of Composer.
* (c) Nils Adermann <>
* Jordi Boggiano <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Composer\DependencyResolver;
use Composer\Package\CompletePackageInterface;
use Composer\Package\AliasPackage;
use Composer\Package\BasePackage;
use Composer\Package\Link;
use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
use Composer\Package\RootPackageInterface;
use Composer\Pcre\Preg;
use Composer\Repository\RepositorySet;
use Composer\Repository\LockArrayRepository;
use Composer\Semver\Constraint\Constraint;
use Composer\Semver\Constraint\ConstraintInterface;
use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser;
use Composer\Repository\PlatformRepository;
* Represents a problem detected while solving dependencies
* @author Nils Adermann <>
class Problem
* A map containing the id of each rule part of this problem as a key
* @var array<string, true>
protected $reasonSeen;
* A set of reasons for the problem, each is a rule or a root require and a rule
* @var array<int, array<int, Rule>>
protected $reasons = array();
/** @var int */
protected $section = 0;
* Add a rule as a reason
* @param Rule $rule A rule which is a reason for this problem
* @return void
public function addRule(Rule $rule): void
$this->addReason(spl_object_hash($rule), $rule);
* Retrieve all reasons for this problem
* @return array<int, array<int, Rule>> The problem's reasons
public function getReasons(): array
return $this->reasons;
* A human readable textual representation of the problem's reasons
* @param bool $isVerbose
* @param array<int|string, BasePackage> $installedMap A map of all present packages
* @param array<Rule[]> $learnedPool
* @return string
public function getPrettyString(RepositorySet $repositorySet, Request $request, Pool $pool, bool $isVerbose, array $installedMap = array(), array $learnedPool = array()): string
// TODO doesn't this entirely defeat the purpose of the problem sections? what's the point of sections?
$reasons = call_user_func_array('array_merge', array_reverse($this->reasons));
if (count($reasons) === 1) {
$rule = current($reasons);
if (!in_array($rule->getReason(), array(Rule::RULE_ROOT_REQUIRE, Rule::RULE_FIXED), true)) {
throw new \LogicException("Single reason problems must contain a request rule.");
$reasonData = $rule->getReasonData();
$packageName = $reasonData['packageName'];
$constraint = $reasonData['constraint'];
if (isset($constraint)) {
$packages = $pool->whatProvides($packageName, $constraint);
} else {
$packages = array();
if (empty($packages)) {
return "\n ".implode(self::getMissingPackageReason($repositorySet, $request, $pool, $isVerbose, $packageName, $constraint));
return self::formatDeduplicatedRules($reasons, ' ', $repositorySet, $request, $pool, $isVerbose, $installedMap, $learnedPool);
* @param Rule[] $rules
* @param string $indent
* @param bool $isVerbose
* @param array<int|string, BasePackage> $installedMap A map of all present packages
* @param array<Rule[]> $learnedPool
* @return string
* @internal
public static function formatDeduplicatedRules(array $rules, string $indent, RepositorySet $repositorySet, Request $request, Pool $pool, bool $isVerbose, array $installedMap = array(), array $learnedPool = array()): string
$messages = array();
$templates = array();
$parser = new VersionParser;
$deduplicatableRuleTypes = array(Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_REQUIRES, Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_CONFLICT);
foreach ($rules as $rule) {
$message = $rule->getPrettyString($repositorySet, $request, $pool, $isVerbose, $installedMap, $learnedPool);
if (in_array($rule->getReason(), $deduplicatableRuleTypes, true) && Preg::isMatch('{^(?P<package>\S+) (?P<version>\S+) (?P<type>requires|conflicts)}', $message, $m)) {
$template = Preg::replace('{^\S+ \S+ }', '%s%s ', $message);
$messages[] = $template;
$templates[$template][$m[1]][$parser->normalize($m[2])] = $m[2];
$sourcePackage = $rule->getSourcePackage($pool);
foreach ($pool->getRemovedVersionsByPackage(spl_object_hash($sourcePackage)) as $version => $prettyVersion) {
$templates[$template][$m[1]][$version] = $prettyVersion;
} elseif ($message !== '') {
$messages[] = $message;
$result = array();
foreach (array_unique($messages) as $message) {
if (isset($templates[$message])) {
foreach ($templates[$message] as $package => $versions) {
uksort($versions, 'version_compare');
if (!$isVerbose) {
$versions = self::condenseVersionList($versions, 1);
if (count($versions) > 1) {
// remove the s from requires/conflicts to correct grammar
$message = Preg::replace('{^(%s%s (?:require|conflict))s}', '$1', $message);
$result[] = sprintf($message, $package, '['.implode(', ', $versions).']');
} else {
$result[] = sprintf($message, $package, ' '.reset($versions));
} else {
$result[] = $message;
return "\n$indent- ".implode("\n$indent- ", $result);
* @return bool
public function isCausedByLock(RepositorySet $repositorySet, Request $request, Pool $pool): bool
foreach ($this->reasons as $sectionRules) {
foreach ($sectionRules as $rule) {
if ($rule->isCausedByLock($repositorySet, $request, $pool)) {
return true;
return false;
* Store a reason descriptor but ignore duplicates
* @param string $id A canonical identifier for the reason
* @param Rule $reason The reason descriptor
* @return void
protected function addReason(string $id, Rule $reason): void
// TODO: if a rule is part of a problem description in two sections, isn't this going to remove a message
// that is important to understand the issue?
if (!isset($this->reasonSeen[$id])) {
$this->reasonSeen[$id] = true;
$this->reasons[$this->section][] = $reason;
* @return void
public function nextSection(): void
* @internal
* @param bool $isVerbose
* @param string $packageName
* @return array{0: string, 1: string}
public static function getMissingPackageReason(RepositorySet $repositorySet, Request $request, Pool $pool, bool $isVerbose, string $packageName, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null): array
if (PlatformRepository::isPlatformPackage($packageName)) {
// handle php/php-*/hhvm
if (0 === stripos($packageName, 'php') || $packageName === 'hhvm') {
$version = self::getPlatformPackageVersion($pool, $packageName, phpversion());
$msg = "- Root composer.json requires ".$packageName.self::constraintToText($constraint).' but ';
if (defined('HHVM_VERSION') || ($packageName === 'hhvm' && count($pool->whatProvides($packageName)) > 0)) {
return array($msg, 'your HHVM version does not satisfy that requirement.');
if ($packageName === 'hhvm') {
return array($msg, 'HHVM was not detected on this machine, make sure it is in your PATH.');
if (null === $version) {
return array($msg, 'the '.$packageName.' package is disabled by your platform config. Enable it again with "composer config platform.'.$packageName.' --unset".');
return array($msg, 'your '.$packageName.' version ('. $version .') does not satisfy that requirement.');
// handle php extensions
if (0 === stripos($packageName, 'ext-')) {
if (false !== strpos($packageName, ' ')) {
return array('- ', "PHP extension ".$packageName.' should be required as '.str_replace(' ', '-', $packageName).'.');
$ext = substr($packageName, 4);
$msg = "- Root composer.json requires PHP extension ".$packageName.self::constraintToText($constraint).' but ';
$version = self::getPlatformPackageVersion($pool, $packageName, phpversion($ext) ?: '0');
if (null === $version) {
if (extension_loaded($ext)) {
return array(
'the '.$packageName.' package is disabled by your platform config. Enable it again with "composer config platform.'.$packageName.' --unset".',
return array($msg, 'it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP\'s '.$ext.' extension.');
return array($msg, 'it has the wrong version installed ('.$version.').');
// handle linked libs
if (0 === stripos($packageName, 'lib-')) {
if (strtolower($packageName) === 'lib-icu') {
$error = extension_loaded('intl') ? 'it has the wrong version installed, try upgrading the intl extension.' : 'it is missing from your system, make sure the intl extension is loaded.';
return array("- Root composer.json requires linked library ".$packageName.self::constraintToText($constraint).' but ', $error);
return array("- Root composer.json requires linked library ".$packageName.self::constraintToText($constraint).' but ', 'it has the wrong version installed or is missing from your system, make sure to load the extension providing it.');
$lockedPackage = null;
foreach ($request->getLockedPackages() as $package) {
if ($package->getName() === $packageName) {
$lockedPackage = $package;
if ($pool->isUnacceptableFixedOrLockedPackage($package)) {
return array("- ", $package->getPrettyName().' is fixed to '.$package->getPrettyVersion().' (lock file version) by a partial update but that version is rejected by your minimum-stability. Make sure you list it as an argument for the update command.');
// first check if the actual requested package is found in normal conditions
// if so it must mean it is rejected by another constraint than the one given here
if ($packages = $repositorySet->findPackages($packageName, $constraint)) {
$rootReqs = $repositorySet->getRootRequires();
if (isset($rootReqs[$packageName])) {
$filtered = array_filter($packages, function ($p) use ($rootReqs, $packageName): bool {
return $rootReqs[$packageName]->matches(new Constraint('==', $p->getVersion()));
if (0 === count($filtered)) {
return array("- Root composer.json requires $packageName".self::constraintToText($constraint) . ', ', 'found '.self::getPackageList($packages, $isVerbose, $pool, $constraint).' but '.(self::hasMultipleNames($packages) ? 'these conflict' : 'it conflicts').' with your root composer.json require ('.$rootReqs[$packageName]->getPrettyString().').');
if ($lockedPackage) {
$fixedConstraint = new Constraint('==', $lockedPackage->getVersion());
$filtered = array_filter($packages, function ($p) use ($fixedConstraint): bool {
return $fixedConstraint->matches(new Constraint('==', $p->getVersion()));
if (0 === count($filtered)) {
return array("- Root composer.json requires $packageName".self::constraintToText($constraint) . ', ', 'found '.self::getPackageList($packages, $isVerbose, $pool, $constraint).' but the package is fixed to '.$lockedPackage->getPrettyVersion().' (lock file version) by a partial update and that version does not match. Make sure you list it as an argument for the update command.');
$nonLockedPackages = array_filter($packages, function ($p): bool {
return !$p->getRepository() instanceof LockArrayRepository;
if (!$nonLockedPackages) {
return array("- Root composer.json requires $packageName".self::constraintToText($constraint) . ', ', 'found '.self::getPackageList($packages, $isVerbose, $pool, $constraint).' in the lock file but not in remote repositories, make sure you avoid updating this package to keep the one from the lock file.');
return array("- Root composer.json requires $packageName".self::constraintToText($constraint) . ', ', 'found '.self::getPackageList($packages, $isVerbose, $pool, $constraint).' but these were not loaded, likely because '.(self::hasMultipleNames($packages) ? 'they conflict' : 'it conflicts').' with another require.');
// check if the package is found when bypassing stability checks
if ($packages = $repositorySet->findPackages($packageName, $constraint, RepositorySet::ALLOW_UNACCEPTABLE_STABILITIES)) {
// we must first verify if a valid package would be found in a lower priority repository
if ($allReposPackages = $repositorySet->findPackages($packageName, $constraint, RepositorySet::ALLOW_SHADOWED_REPOSITORIES)) {
return self::computeCheckForLowerPrioRepo($pool, $isVerbose, $packageName, $packages, $allReposPackages, 'minimum-stability', $constraint);
return array("- Root composer.json requires $packageName".self::constraintToText($constraint) . ', ', 'found '.self::getPackageList($packages, $isVerbose, $pool, $constraint).' but '.(self::hasMultipleNames($packages) ? 'these do' : 'it does').' not match your minimum-stability.');
// check if the package is found when bypassing the constraint and stability checks
if ($packages = $repositorySet->findPackages($packageName, null, RepositorySet::ALLOW_UNACCEPTABLE_STABILITIES)) {
// we must first verify if a valid package would be found in a lower priority repository
if ($allReposPackages = $repositorySet->findPackages($packageName, $constraint, RepositorySet::ALLOW_SHADOWED_REPOSITORIES)) {
return self::computeCheckForLowerPrioRepo($pool, $isVerbose, $packageName, $packages, $allReposPackages, 'constraint', $constraint);
$suffix = '';
if ($constraint instanceof Constraint && $constraint->getVersion() === 'dev-master') {
foreach ($packages as $candidate) {
if (in_array($candidate->getVersion(), array('dev-default', 'dev-main'), true)) {
$suffix = ' Perhaps dev-master was renamed to '.$candidate->getPrettyVersion().'?';
// check if the root package is a name match and hint the dependencies on root troubleshooting article
$allReposPackages = $packages;
$topPackage = reset($allReposPackages);
if ($topPackage instanceof RootPackageInterface) {
$suffix = ' See for details and assistance.';
return array("- Root composer.json requires $packageName".self::constraintToText($constraint) . ', ', 'found '.self::getPackageList($packages, $isVerbose, $pool, $constraint).' but '.(self::hasMultipleNames($packages) ? 'these do' : 'it does').' not match the constraint.' . $suffix);
if (!Preg::isMatch('{^[A-Za-z0-9_./-]+$}', $packageName)) {
$illegalChars = Preg::replace('{[A-Za-z0-9_./-]+}', '', $packageName);
return array("- Root composer.json requires $packageName, it ", 'could not be found, it looks like its name is invalid, "'.$illegalChars.'" is not allowed in package names.');
if ($providers = $repositorySet->getProviders($packageName)) {
$maxProviders = 20;
$providersStr = implode(array_map(function ($p): string {
$description = $p['description'] ? ' '.substr($p['description'], 0, 100) : '';
return " - ${p['name']}".$description."\n";
}, count($providers) > $maxProviders + 1 ? array_slice($providers, 0, $maxProviders) : $providers));
if (count($providers) > $maxProviders + 1) {
$providersStr .= ' ... and '.(count($providers) - $maxProviders).' more.'."\n";
return array("- Root composer.json requires $packageName".self::constraintToText($constraint).", it ", "could not be found in any version, but the following packages provide it:\n".$providersStr." Consider requiring one of these to satisfy the $packageName requirement.");
return array("- Root composer.json requires $packageName, it ", "could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.");
* @internal
* @param PackageInterface[] $packages
* @param bool $isVerbose
* @param bool $useRemovedVersionGroup
* @return string
public static function getPackageList(array $packages, bool $isVerbose, Pool $pool = null, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null, bool $useRemovedVersionGroup = false): string
$prepared = array();
$hasDefaultBranch = array();
foreach ($packages as $package) {
$prepared[$package->getName()]['name'] = $package->getPrettyName();
$prepared[$package->getName()]['versions'][$package->getVersion()] = $package->getPrettyVersion().($package instanceof AliasPackage ? ' (alias of '.$package->getAliasOf()->getPrettyVersion().')' : '');
if ($pool && $constraint) {
foreach ($pool->getRemovedVersions($package->getName(), $constraint) as $version => $prettyVersion) {
$prepared[$package->getName()]['versions'][$version] = $prettyVersion;
if ($pool && $useRemovedVersionGroup) {
foreach ($pool->getRemovedVersionsByPackage(spl_object_hash($package)) as $version => $prettyVersion) {
$prepared[$package->getName()]['versions'][$version] = $prettyVersion;
if ($package->isDefaultBranch()) {
$hasDefaultBranch[$package->getName()] = true;
$preparedStrings = array();
foreach ($prepared as $name => $package) {
// remove the implicit default branch alias to avoid cruft in the display
if (isset($package['versions'][VersionParser::DEFAULT_BRANCH_ALIAS], $hasDefaultBranch[$name])) {
uksort($package['versions'], 'version_compare');
if (!$isVerbose) {
$package['versions'] = self::condenseVersionList($package['versions'], 4);
$preparedStrings[] = $package['name'].'['.implode(', ', $package['versions']).']';
return implode(', ', $preparedStrings);
* @param string $packageName
* @param string $version the effective runtime version of the platform package
* @return ?string a version string or null if it appears the package was artificially disabled
private static function getPlatformPackageVersion(Pool $pool, string $packageName, string $version): ?string
$available = $pool->whatProvides($packageName);
if (count($available)) {
$selected = null;
foreach ($available as $pkg) {
if ($pkg->getRepository() instanceof PlatformRepository) {
$selected = $pkg;
if ($selected === null) {
$selected = reset($available);
// must be a package providing/replacing and not a real platform package
if ($selected->getName() !== $packageName) {
/** @var Link $link */
foreach (array_merge(array_values($selected->getProvides()), array_values($selected->getReplaces())) as $link) {
if ($link->getTarget() === $packageName) {
return $link->getPrettyConstraint().' '.substr($link->getDescription(), 0, -1).'d by '.$selected->getPrettyString();
$version = $selected->getPrettyVersion();
$extra = $selected->getExtra();
if ($selected instanceof CompletePackageInterface && isset($extra['config.platform']) && $extra['config.platform'] === true) {
$version .= '; ' . str_replace('Package ', '', $selected->getDescription());
} else {
return null;
return $version;
* @param string[] $versions an array of pretty versions, with normalized versions as keys
* @param int $max
* @param int $maxDev
* @return list<string> a list of pretty versions and '...' where versions were removed
private static function condenseVersionList(array $versions, int $max, int $maxDev = 16): array
if (count($versions) <= $max) {
return $versions;
$filtered = array();
$byMajor = array();
foreach ($versions as $version => $pretty) {
if (0 === stripos($version, 'dev-')) {
$byMajor['dev'][] = $pretty;
} else {
$byMajor[Preg::replace('{^(\d+)\..*}', '$1', $version)][] = $pretty;
foreach ($byMajor as $majorVersion => $versionsForMajor) {
$maxVersions = $majorVersion === 'dev' ? $maxDev : $max;
if (count($versionsForMajor) > $maxVersions) {
// output only 1st and last versions
$filtered[] = $versionsForMajor[0];
$filtered[] = '...';
$filtered[] = $versionsForMajor[count($versionsForMajor) - 1];
} else {
$filtered = array_merge($filtered, $versionsForMajor);
return $filtered;
* @param PackageInterface[] $packages
* @return bool
private static function hasMultipleNames(array $packages): bool
$name = null;
foreach ($packages as $package) {
if ($name === null || $name === $package->getName()) {
$name = $package->getName();
} else {
return true;
return false;
* @param bool $isVerbose
* @param string $packageName
* @param PackageInterface[] $higherRepoPackages
* @param PackageInterface[] $allReposPackages
* @param string $reason
* @return array{0: string, 1: string}
private static function computeCheckForLowerPrioRepo(Pool $pool, bool $isVerbose, string $packageName, array $higherRepoPackages, array $allReposPackages, string $reason, ConstraintInterface $constraint = null): array
$nextRepoPackages = array();
$nextRepo = null;
foreach ($allReposPackages as $package) {
if ($nextRepo === null || $nextRepo === $package->getRepository()) {
$nextRepoPackages[] = $package;
$nextRepo = $package->getRepository();
} else {
if ($higherRepoPackages) {
$topPackage = reset($higherRepoPackages);
if ($topPackage instanceof RootPackageInterface) {
return array(
"- Root composer.json requires $packageName".self::constraintToText($constraint).', it is ',
'satisfiable by '.self::getPackageList($nextRepoPackages, $isVerbose, $pool, $constraint).' from '.$nextRepo->getRepoName().' but '.$topPackage->getPrettyName().' is the root package and cannot be modified. See for details and assistance.',
if ($nextRepo instanceof LockArrayRepository) {
$singular = count($higherRepoPackages) === 1;
$suggestion = 'Make sure you either fix the '.$reason.' or avoid updating this package to keep the one present in the lock file ('.self::getPackageList($nextRepoPackages, $isVerbose, $pool, $constraint).').';
// symlinked path repos cannot be locked so do not suggest keeping it locked
if ($nextRepoPackages[0]->getDistType() === 'path') {
$transportOptions = $nextRepoPackages[0]->getTransportOptions();
if (!isset($transportOptions['symlink']) || $transportOptions['symlink'] !== false) {
$suggestion = 'Make sure you fix the '.$reason.' as packages installed from symlinked path repos are updated even in partial updates and the one from the lock file can thus not be used.';
return array("- Root composer.json requires $packageName".self::constraintToText($constraint) . ', ',
'found ' . self::getPackageList($higherRepoPackages, $isVerbose, $pool, $constraint).' but ' . ($singular ? 'it does' : 'these do') . ' not match your '.$reason.' and ' . ($singular ? 'is' : 'are') . ' therefore not installable. '.$suggestion,
return array("- Root composer.json requires $packageName".self::constraintToText($constraint) . ', it is ', 'satisfiable by '.self::getPackageList($nextRepoPackages, $isVerbose, $pool, $constraint).' from '.$nextRepo->getRepoName().' but '.self::getPackageList($higherRepoPackages, $isVerbose, $pool, $constraint).' from '.reset($higherRepoPackages)->getRepository()->getRepoName().' has higher repository priority. The packages from the higher priority repository do not match your '.$reason.' and are therefore not installable. That repository is canonical so the lower priority repo\'s packages are not installable. See for details and assistance.');
* Turns a constraint into text usable in a sentence describing a request
* @return string
protected static function constraintToText(ConstraintInterface $constraint = null): string
return $constraint ? ' '.$constraint->getPrettyString() : '';