* Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\Repository; use Composer\Composer; use Composer\Package\CompletePackage; use Composer\Package\CompletePackageInterface; use Composer\Package\Link; use Composer\Package\PackageInterface; use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser; use Composer\Pcre\Preg; use Composer\Platform\HhvmDetector; use Composer\Platform\Runtime; use Composer\Platform\Version; use Composer\Plugin\PluginInterface; use Composer\Semver\Constraint\Constraint; use Composer\Util\Silencer; use Composer\XdebugHandler\XdebugHandler; /** * @author Jordi Boggiano */ class PlatformRepository extends ArrayRepository { /** * @deprecated use PlatformRepository::isPlatformPackage(string $name) instead * @private */ public const PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX = '{^(?:php(?:-64bit|-ipv6|-zts|-debug)?|hhvm|(?:ext|lib)-[a-z0-9](?:[_.-]?[a-z0-9]+)*|composer(?:-(?:plugin|runtime)-api)?)$}iD'; /** * @var ?string */ private static $lastSeenPlatformPhp = null; /** * @var VersionParser */ private $versionParser; /** * Defines overrides so that the platform can be mocked * * Keyed by package name (lowercased) * * @var array */ private $overrides = array(); /** * Stores which packages have been disabled and their actual version * * @var array */ private $disabledPackages = array(); /** @var Runtime */ private $runtime; /** @var HhvmDetector */ private $hhvmDetector; /** * @param array $overrides */ public function __construct(array $packages = array(), array $overrides = array(), Runtime $runtime = null, HhvmDetector $hhvmDetector = null) { $this->runtime = $runtime ?: new Runtime(); $this->hhvmDetector = $hhvmDetector ?: new HhvmDetector(); foreach ($overrides as $name => $version) { if (!is_string($version) && false !== $version) { // @phpstan-ignore-line throw new \UnexpectedValueException('config.platform.'.$name.' should be a string or false, but got '.gettype($version).' '.var_export($version, true)); } if ($name === 'php' && $version === false) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('config.platform.'.$name.' cannot be set to false as you cannot disable php entirely.'); } $this->overrides[strtolower($name)] = array('name' => $name, 'version' => $version); } parent::__construct($packages); } public function getRepoName(): string { return 'platform repo'; } /** * @param string $name * @return bool */ public function isPlatformPackageDisabled(string $name): bool { return isset($this->disabledPackages[$name]); } /** * @return array */ public function getDisabledPackages(): array { return $this->disabledPackages; } protected function initialize(): void { parent::initialize(); $this->versionParser = new VersionParser(); // Add each of the override versions as options. // Later we might even replace the extensions instead. foreach ($this->overrides as $override) { // Check that it's a platform package. if (!self::isPlatformPackage($override['name'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid platform package name in config.platform: '.$override['name']); } if ($override['version'] !== false) { $this->addOverriddenPackage($override); } } $prettyVersion = Composer::getVersion(); $version = $this->versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion); $composer = new CompletePackage('composer', $version, $prettyVersion); $composer->setDescription('Composer package'); $this->addPackage($composer); $prettyVersion = PluginInterface::PLUGIN_API_VERSION; $version = $this->versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion); $composerPluginApi = new CompletePackage('composer-plugin-api', $version, $prettyVersion); $composerPluginApi->setDescription('The Composer Plugin API'); $this->addPackage($composerPluginApi); $prettyVersion = Composer::RUNTIME_API_VERSION; $version = $this->versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion); $composerRuntimeApi = new CompletePackage('composer-runtime-api', $version, $prettyVersion); $composerRuntimeApi->setDescription('The Composer Runtime API'); $this->addPackage($composerRuntimeApi); try { $prettyVersion = $this->runtime->getConstant('PHP_VERSION'); $version = $this->versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion); } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) { $prettyVersion = Preg::replace('#^([^~+-]+).*$#', '$1', $this->runtime->getConstant('PHP_VERSION')); $version = $this->versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion); } $php = new CompletePackage('php', $version, $prettyVersion); $php->setDescription('The PHP interpreter'); $this->addPackage($php); if ($this->runtime->getConstant('PHP_DEBUG')) { $phpdebug = new CompletePackage('php-debug', $version, $prettyVersion); $phpdebug->setDescription('The PHP interpreter, with debugging symbols'); $this->addPackage($phpdebug); } if ($this->runtime->hasConstant('PHP_ZTS') && $this->runtime->getConstant('PHP_ZTS')) { $phpzts = new CompletePackage('php-zts', $version, $prettyVersion); $phpzts->setDescription('The PHP interpreter, with Zend Thread Safety'); $this->addPackage($phpzts); } if ($this->runtime->getConstant('PHP_INT_SIZE') === 8) { $php64 = new CompletePackage('php-64bit', $version, $prettyVersion); $php64->setDescription('The PHP interpreter, 64bit'); $this->addPackage($php64); } // The AF_INET6 constant is only defined if ext-sockets is available but // IPv6 support might still be available. if ($this->runtime->hasConstant('AF_INET6') || Silencer::call(array($this->runtime, 'invoke'), 'inet_pton', array('::')) !== false) { $phpIpv6 = new CompletePackage('php-ipv6', $version, $prettyVersion); $phpIpv6->setDescription('The PHP interpreter, with IPv6 support'); $this->addPackage($phpIpv6); } $loadedExtensions = $this->runtime->getExtensions(); // Extensions scanning foreach ($loadedExtensions as $name) { if (in_array($name, array('standard', 'Core'))) { continue; } $this->addExtension($name, $this->runtime->getExtensionVersion($name)); } // Check for Xdebug in a restarted process if (!in_array('xdebug', $loadedExtensions, true) && ($prettyVersion = XdebugHandler::getSkippedVersion())) { $this->addExtension('xdebug', $prettyVersion); } // Another quick loop, just for possible libraries // Doing it this way to know that functions or constants exist before // relying on them. foreach ($loadedExtensions as $name) { switch ($name) { case 'amqp': $info = $this->runtime->getExtensionInfo($name); // librabbitmq version => 0.9.0 if (Preg::isMatch('/^librabbitmq version => (?.+)$/im', $info, $librabbitmqMatches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-librabbitmq', $librabbitmqMatches['version'], 'AMQP librabbitmq version'); } // AMQP protocol version => 0-9-1 if (Preg::isMatch('/^AMQP protocol version => (?.+)$/im', $info, $protocolMatches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-protocol', str_replace('-', '.', $protocolMatches['version']), 'AMQP protocol version'); } break; case 'bz2': $info = $this->runtime->getExtensionInfo($name); // BZip2 Version => 1.0.6, 6-Sept-2010 if (Preg::isMatch('/^BZip2 Version => (?.*),/im', $info, $matches)) { $this->addLibrary($name, $matches['version']); } break; case 'curl': $curlVersion = $this->runtime->invoke('curl_version'); $this->addLibrary($name, $curlVersion['version']); $info = $this->runtime->getExtensionInfo($name); // SSL Version => OpenSSL/1.0.1t if (Preg::isMatch('{^SSL Version => (?[^/]+)/(?.+)$}im', $info, $sslMatches)) { $library = strtolower($sslMatches['library']); if ($library === 'openssl') { $parsedVersion = Version::parseOpenssl($sslMatches['version'], $isFips); $this->addLibrary($name.'-openssl'.($isFips ? '-fips' : ''), $parsedVersion, 'curl OpenSSL version ('.$parsedVersion.')', array(), $isFips ? array('curl-openssl') : array()); } else { $this->addLibrary($name.'-'.$library, $sslMatches['version'], 'curl '.$library.' version ('.$sslMatches['version'].')', array('curl-openssl')); } } // libSSH Version => libssh2/1.4.3 if (Preg::isMatch('{^libSSH Version => (?[^/]+)/(?.+?)(?:/.*)?$}im', $info, $sshMatches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-'.strtolower($sshMatches['library']), $sshMatches['version'], 'curl '.$sshMatches['library'].' version'); } // ZLib Version => 1.2.8 if (Preg::isMatch('{^ZLib Version => (?.+)$}im', $info, $zlibMatches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-zlib', $zlibMatches['version'], 'curl zlib version'); } break; case 'date': $info = $this->runtime->getExtensionInfo($name); // timelib version => 2018.03 if (Preg::isMatch('/^timelib version => (?.+)$/im', $info, $timelibMatches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-timelib', $timelibMatches['version'], 'date timelib version'); } // Timezone Database => internal if (Preg::isMatch('/^Timezone Database => (?internal|external)$/im', $info, $zoneinfoSourceMatches)) { $external = $zoneinfoSourceMatches['source'] === 'external'; if (Preg::isMatch('/^"Olson" Timezone Database Version => (?.+?)(\.system)?$/im', $info, $zoneinfoMatches)) { // If the timezonedb is provided by ext/timezonedb, register that version as a replacement if ($external && in_array('timezonedb', $loadedExtensions, true)) { $this->addLibrary('timezonedb-zoneinfo', $zoneinfoMatches['version'], 'zoneinfo ("Olson") database for date (replaced by timezonedb)', array($name.'-zoneinfo')); } else { $this->addLibrary($name.'-zoneinfo', $zoneinfoMatches['version'], 'zoneinfo ("Olson") database for date'); } } } break; case 'fileinfo': $info = $this->runtime->getExtensionInfo($name); // libmagic => 537 if (Preg::isMatch('/^libmagic => (?.+)$/im', $info, $magicMatches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-libmagic', $magicMatches['version'], 'fileinfo libmagic version'); } break; case 'gd': $this->addLibrary($name, $this->runtime->getConstant('GD_VERSION')); $info = $this->runtime->getExtensionInfo($name); if (Preg::isMatch('/^libJPEG Version => (?.+?)(?: compatible)?$/im', $info, $libjpegMatches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-libjpeg', Version::parseLibjpeg($libjpegMatches['version']), 'libjpeg version for gd'); } if (Preg::isMatch('/^libPNG Version => (?.+)$/im', $info, $libpngMatches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-libpng', $libpngMatches['version'], 'libpng version for gd'); } if (Preg::isMatch('/^FreeType Version => (?.+)$/im', $info, $freetypeMatches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-freetype', $freetypeMatches['version'], 'freetype version for gd'); } if (Preg::isMatch('/^libXpm Version => (?\d+)$/im', $info, $libxpmMatches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-libxpm', Version::convertLibxpmVersionId((int) $libxpmMatches['versionId']), 'libxpm version for gd'); } break; case 'gmp': $this->addLibrary($name, $this->runtime->getConstant('GMP_VERSION')); break; case 'iconv': $this->addLibrary($name, $this->runtime->getConstant('ICONV_VERSION')); break; case 'intl': $info = $this->runtime->getExtensionInfo($name); $description = 'The ICU unicode and globalization support library'; // Truthy check is for testing only so we can make the condition fail if ($this->runtime->hasConstant('INTL_ICU_VERSION')) { $this->addLibrary('icu', $this->runtime->getConstant('INTL_ICU_VERSION'), $description); } elseif (Preg::isMatch('/^ICU version => (?.+)$/im', $info, $matches)) { $this->addLibrary('icu', $matches['version'], $description); } // ICU TZData version => 2019c if (Preg::isMatch('/^ICU TZData version => (?.*)$/im', $info, $zoneinfoMatches) && null !== ($version = Version::parseZoneinfoVersion($zoneinfoMatches['version']))) { $this->addLibrary('icu-zoneinfo', $version, 'zoneinfo ("Olson") database for icu'); } // Add a separate version for the CLDR library version if ($this->runtime->hasClass('ResourceBundle')) { $cldrVersion = $this->runtime->invoke(array('ResourceBundle', 'create'), array('root', 'ICUDATA', false))->get('Version'); $this->addLibrary('icu-cldr', $cldrVersion, 'ICU CLDR project version'); } if ($this->runtime->hasClass('IntlChar')) { $this->addLibrary('icu-unicode', implode('.', array_slice($this->runtime->invoke(array('IntlChar', 'getUnicodeVersion')), 0, 3)), 'ICU unicode version'); } break; case 'imagick': $imageMagickVersion = $this->runtime->construct('Imagick')->getVersion(); // 6.x: ImageMagick 6.2.9 08/24/06 Q16 http://www.imagemagick.org // 7.x: ImageMagick 7.0.8-34 Q16 x86_64 2019-03-23 https://imagemagick.org Preg::match('/^ImageMagick (?[\d.]+)(?:-(?\d+))?/', $imageMagickVersion['versionString'], $matches); $version = $matches['version']; if (isset($matches['patch'])) { $version .= '.'.$matches['patch']; } $this->addLibrary($name.'-imagemagick', $version, null, array('imagick')); break; case 'ldap': $info = $this->runtime->getExtensionInfo($name); if (Preg::isMatch('/^Vendor Version => (?\d+)$/im', $info, $matches) && Preg::isMatch('/^Vendor Name => (?.+)$/im', $info, $vendorMatches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-'.strtolower($vendorMatches['vendor']), Version::convertOpenldapVersionId((int) $matches['versionId']), $vendorMatches['vendor'].' version of ldap'); } break; case 'libxml': // ext/dom, ext/simplexml, ext/xmlreader and ext/xmlwriter use the same libxml as the ext/libxml $libxmlProvides = array_map(function ($extension): string { return $extension . '-libxml'; }, array_intersect($loadedExtensions, array('dom', 'simplexml', 'xml', 'xmlreader', 'xmlwriter'))); $this->addLibrary($name, $this->runtime->getConstant('LIBXML_DOTTED_VERSION'), 'libxml library version', array(), $libxmlProvides); break; case 'mbstring': $info = $this->runtime->getExtensionInfo($name); // libmbfl version => 1.3.2 if (Preg::isMatch('/^libmbfl version => (?.+)$/im', $info, $libmbflMatches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-libmbfl', $libmbflMatches['version'], 'mbstring libmbfl version'); } if ($this->runtime->hasConstant('MB_ONIGURUMA_VERSION')) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-oniguruma', $this->runtime->getConstant('MB_ONIGURUMA_VERSION'), 'mbstring oniguruma version'); // Multibyte regex (oniguruma) version => 5.9.5 // oniguruma version => 6.9.0 } elseif (Preg::isMatch('/^(?:oniguruma|Multibyte regex \(oniguruma\)) version => (?.+)$/im', $info, $onigurumaMatches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-oniguruma', $onigurumaMatches['version'], 'mbstring oniguruma version'); } break; case 'memcached': $info = $this->runtime->getExtensionInfo($name); // libmemcached version => 1.0.18 if (Preg::isMatch('/^libmemcached version => (?.+)$/im', $info, $matches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-libmemcached', $matches['version'], 'libmemcached version'); } break; case 'openssl': // OpenSSL 1.1.1g 21 Apr 2020 if (Preg::isMatch('{^(?:OpenSSL|LibreSSL)?\s*(?\S+)}i', $this->runtime->getConstant('OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT'), $matches)) { $parsedVersion = Version::parseOpenssl($matches['version'], $isFips); $this->addLibrary($name.($isFips ? '-fips' : ''), $parsedVersion, $this->runtime->getConstant('OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT'), array(), $isFips ? array($name) : array()); } break; case 'pcre': $this->addLibrary($name, Preg::replace('{^(\S+).*}', '$1', $this->runtime->getConstant('PCRE_VERSION'))); $info = $this->runtime->getExtensionInfo($name); // PCRE Unicode Version => 12.1.0 if (Preg::isMatch('/^PCRE Unicode Version => (?.+)$/im', $info, $pcreUnicodeMatches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-unicode', $pcreUnicodeMatches['version'], 'PCRE Unicode version support'); } break; case 'mysqlnd': case 'pdo_mysql': $info = $this->runtime->getExtensionInfo($name); if (Preg::isMatch('/^(?:Client API version|Version) => mysqlnd (?.+?) /mi', $info, $matches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-mysqlnd', $matches['version'], 'mysqlnd library version for '.$name); } break; case 'mongodb': $info = $this->runtime->getExtensionInfo($name); if (Preg::isMatch('/^libmongoc bundled version => (?.+)$/im', $info, $libmongocMatches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-libmongoc', $libmongocMatches['version'], 'libmongoc version of mongodb'); } if (Preg::isMatch('/^libbson bundled version => (?.+)$/im', $info, $libbsonMatches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-libbson', $libbsonMatches['version'], 'libbson version of mongodb'); } break; case 'pgsql': case 'pdo_pgsql': $info = $this->runtime->getExtensionInfo($name); if (Preg::isMatch('/^PostgreSQL\(libpq\) Version => (?.*)$/im', $info, $matches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-libpq', $matches['version'], 'libpq for '.$name); } break; case 'libsodium': case 'sodium': if ($this->runtime->hasConstant('SODIUM_LIBRARY_VERSION')) { $this->addLibrary('libsodium', $this->runtime->getConstant('SODIUM_LIBRARY_VERSION')); } break; case 'sqlite3': case 'pdo_sqlite': $info = $this->runtime->getExtensionInfo($name); if (Preg::isMatch('/^SQLite Library => (?.+)$/im', $info, $matches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-sqlite', $matches['version']); } break; case 'ssh2': $info = $this->runtime->getExtensionInfo($name); if (Preg::isMatch('/^libssh2 version => (?.+)$/im', $info, $matches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-libssh2', $matches['version']); } break; case 'xsl': $this->addLibrary('libxslt', $this->runtime->getConstant('LIBXSLT_DOTTED_VERSION'), null, array('xsl')); $info = $this->runtime->getExtensionInfo('xsl'); if (Preg::isMatch('/^libxslt compiled against libxml Version => (?.+)$/im', $info, $matches)) { $this->addLibrary('libxslt-libxml', $matches['version'], 'libxml version libxslt is compiled against'); } break; case 'yaml': $info = $this->runtime->getExtensionInfo('yaml'); if (Preg::isMatch('/^LibYAML Version => (?.+)$/im', $info, $matches)) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-libyaml', $matches['version'], 'libyaml version of yaml'); } break; case 'zip': if ($this->runtime->hasConstant('LIBZIP_VERSION', 'ZipArchive')) { $this->addLibrary($name.'-libzip', $this->runtime->getConstant('LIBZIP_VERSION', 'ZipArchive'), null, array('zip')); } break; case 'zlib': if ($this->runtime->hasConstant('ZLIB_VERSION')) { $this->addLibrary($name, $this->runtime->getConstant('ZLIB_VERSION')); // Linked Version => 1.2.8 } elseif (Preg::isMatch('/^Linked Version => (?.+)$/im', $this->runtime->getExtensionInfo($name), $matches)) { $this->addLibrary($name, $matches['version']); } break; default: break; } } $hhvmVersion = $this->hhvmDetector->getVersion(); if ($hhvmVersion) { try { $prettyVersion = $hhvmVersion; $version = $this->versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion); } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) { $prettyVersion = Preg::replace('#^([^~+-]+).*$#', '$1', $hhvmVersion); $version = $this->versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion); } $hhvm = new CompletePackage('hhvm', $version, $prettyVersion); $hhvm->setDescription('The HHVM Runtime (64bit)'); $this->addPackage($hhvm); } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function addPackage(PackageInterface $package): void { if (!$package instanceof CompletePackage) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected CompletePackage but got '.get_class($package)); } // Skip if overridden if (isset($this->overrides[$package->getName()])) { if ($this->overrides[$package->getName()]['version'] === false) { $this->addDisabledPackage($package); return; } $overrider = $this->findPackage($package->getName(), '*'); if ($package->getVersion() === $overrider->getVersion()) { $actualText = 'same as actual'; } else { $actualText = 'actual: '.$package->getPrettyVersion(); } if ($overrider instanceof CompletePackageInterface) { $overrider->setDescription($overrider->getDescription().', '.$actualText); } return; } // Skip if PHP is overridden and we are adding a php-* package if (isset($this->overrides['php']) && 0 === strpos($package->getName(), 'php-')) { $overrider = $this->addOverriddenPackage($this->overrides['php'], $package->getPrettyName()); if ($package->getVersion() === $overrider->getVersion()) { $actualText = 'same as actual'; } else { $actualText = 'actual: '.$package->getPrettyVersion(); } $overrider->setDescription($overrider->getDescription().', '.$actualText); return; } parent::addPackage($package); } /** * @param array{version: string, name: string} $override * @param string|null $name * * @return CompletePackage */ private function addOverriddenPackage(array $override, ?string $name = null): CompletePackage { $version = $this->versionParser->normalize($override['version']); $package = new CompletePackage($name ?: $override['name'], $version, $override['version']); $package->setDescription('Package overridden via config.platform'); $package->setExtra(array('config.platform' => true)); parent::addPackage($package); if ($package->getName() === 'php') { self::$lastSeenPlatformPhp = implode('.', array_slice(explode('.', $package->getVersion()), 0, 3)); } return $package; } /** * @return void */ private function addDisabledPackage(CompletePackage $package): void { $package->setDescription($package->getDescription().'. Package disabled via config.platform'); $package->setExtra(array('config.platform' => true)); $this->disabledPackages[$package->getName()] = $package; } /** * Parses the version and adds a new package to the repository */ private function addExtension(string $name, string $prettyVersion): void { $extraDescription = null; try { $version = $this->versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion); } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) { $extraDescription = ' (actual version: '.$prettyVersion.')'; if (Preg::isMatch('{^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?)}', $prettyVersion, $match)) { $prettyVersion = $match[1]; } else { $prettyVersion = '0'; } $version = $this->versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion); } $packageName = $this->buildPackageName($name); $ext = new CompletePackage($packageName, $version, $prettyVersion); $ext->setDescription('The '.$name.' PHP extension'.$extraDescription); if ($name === 'uuid') { $ext->setReplaces(array( 'lib-uuid' => new Link('ext-uuid', 'lib-uuid', new Constraint('=', $version), Link::TYPE_REPLACE, $ext->getPrettyVersion()), )); } $this->addPackage($ext); } /** * @param string $name * @return string */ private function buildPackageName(string $name): string { return 'ext-' . str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower($name)); } /** * @param string $name * @param string|null $prettyVersion * @param string|null $description * @param string[] $replaces * @param string[] $provides * * @return void */ private function addLibrary(string $name, ?string $prettyVersion, ?string $description = null, array $replaces = array(), array $provides = array()): void { if (null === $prettyVersion) { return; } try { $version = $this->versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion); } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) { return; } if ($description === null) { $description = 'The '.$name.' library'; } $lib = new CompletePackage('lib-'.$name, $version, $prettyVersion); $lib->setDescription($description); $replaceLinks = array(); foreach ($replaces as $replace) { $replace = strtolower($replace); $replaceLinks[$replace] = new Link('lib-'.$name, 'lib-'.$replace, new Constraint('=', $version), Link::TYPE_REPLACE, $lib->getPrettyVersion()); } $provideLinks = array(); foreach ($provides as $provide) { $provide = strtolower($provide); $provideLinks[$provide] = new Link('lib-'.$name, 'lib-'.$provide, new Constraint('=', $version), Link::TYPE_PROVIDE, $lib->getPrettyVersion()); } $lib->setReplaces($replaceLinks); $lib->setProvides($provideLinks); $this->addPackage($lib); } /** * Check if a package name is a platform package. * * @param string $name * @return bool */ public static function isPlatformPackage(string $name): bool { static $cache = array(); if (isset($cache[$name])) { return $cache[$name]; } return $cache[$name] = Preg::isMatch(PlatformRepository::PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX, $name); } /** * Returns the last seen config.platform.php version if defined * * This is a best effort attempt for internal purposes, retrieve the real * packages from a PlatformRepository instance if you need a version guaranteed to * be correct. * * @internal * @return string|null */ public static function getPlatformPhpVersion(): ?string { return self::$lastSeenPlatformPhp; } public function search(string $query, int $mode = 0, ?string $type = null): array { // suppress vendor search as there are no vendors to match in platform packages if ($mode === self::SEARCH_VENDOR) { return array(); } return parent::search($query, $mode, $type); } }