parameters: ignoreErrors: - message: "#^Else branch is unreachable because ternary operator condition is always true\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Autoload/AutoloadGenerator.php - message: "#^Left side of && is always true\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Autoload/AutoloadGenerator.php - message: "#^If condition is always true\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Autoload/ClassMapGenerator.php - message: "#^Else branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Command/BaseCommand.php - message: "#^Elseif branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Command/BaseCommand.php - message: "#^Result of && is always false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Command/DiagnoseCommand.php - message: "#^Strict comparison using \\!\\=\\= between '@package_version@' and '@package_version@' will always evaluate to false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Command/DiagnoseCommand.php - message: "#^Ternary operator condition is always true\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Command/DiagnoseCommand.php - message: "#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Command/InitCommand.php - message: "#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Command/InstallCommand.php - message: "#^Call to function is_array\\(\\) with string will always evaluate to false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Command/ShowCommand.php - message: "#^Elseif branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Command/ShowCommand.php - message: "#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Command/ShowCommand.php - message: "#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Composer.php - message: "#^If condition is always true\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Console/Application.php - message: "#^Left side of && is always true\\.$#" count: 2 path: ../src/Composer/Console/Application.php - message: "#^Strict comparison using \\!\\=\\= between '@package_branch…' and '@package_branch…' will always evaluate to false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Console/Application.php - message: "#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between null and Composer\\\\Composer will always evaluate to false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Console/Application.php - message: "#^Instanceof between mixed and Composer\\\\Package\\\\RootAliasPackage will always evaluate to false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/DependencyResolver/LockTransaction.php - message: "#^If condition is always true\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/DependencyResolver/PoolBuilder.php - message: "#^Ternary operator condition is always true\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Problem.php - message: "#^If condition is always true\\.$#" count: 2 path: ../src/Composer/Downloader/FileDownloader.php - message: "#^Left side of && is always true\\.$#" count: 3 path: ../src/Composer/Downloader/FileDownloader.php - message: "#^Comparison operation \"\\>\" between 0 and 6 is always false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Downloader/PathDownloader.php - message: "#^Comparison operation \"\\>\\=\" between 0 and 1 is always false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Downloader/PathDownloader.php - message: "#^Result of && is always false\\.$#" count: 2 path: ../src/Composer/Downloader/PathDownloader.php - message: "#^Result of \\|\\| is always false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Downloader/PathDownloader.php - message: "#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between 0 and 6 will always evaluate to false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Downloader/PathDownloader.php - message: "#^If condition is always true\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Factory.php - message: "#^Left side of && is always true\\.$#" count: 3 path: ../src/Composer/Factory.php - message: "#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between 16 and 0 will always evaluate to false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/IO/ConsoleIO.php - message: "#^Result of && is always false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/InstalledVersions.php - message: "#^If condition is always true\\.$#" count: 2 path: ../src/Composer/Installer.php - message: "#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Installer.php - message: "#^Empty array passed to foreach\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Installer/InstallationManager.php - message: "#^Right side of && is always true\\.$#" count: 2 path: ../src/Composer/Installer/InstallationManager.php - message: "#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between null and string will always evaluate to false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Json/JsonFile.php - message: "#^If condition is always true\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Package/Dumper/ArrayDumper.php - message: "#^Ternary operator condition is always true\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Package/Link.php - message: "#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Package/Loader/ArrayLoader.php - message: "#^Else branch is unreachable because previous condition is always true\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Package/Locker.php - message: "#^If condition is always true\\.$#" count: 3 path: ../src/Composer/Plugin/PluginManager.php - message: "#^Left side of && is always true\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Plugin/PluginManager.php - message: "#^Ternary operator condition is always true\\.$#" count: 2 path: ../src/Composer/Plugin/PluginManager.php - message: "#^Instanceof between string and Composer\\\\Package\\\\PackageInterface will always evaluate to false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Plugin/PostFileDownloadEvent.php - message: "#^Result of && is always false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Plugin/PostFileDownloadEvent.php - message: "#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Repository/ArrayRepository.php - message: "#^Strict comparison using \\=\\=\\= between null and Composer\\\\Repository\\\\RepositoryInterface will always evaluate to false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Repository/ArrayRepository.php - message: "#^If condition is always false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php - message: "#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Repository/ComposerRepository.php - message: "#^Negated boolean expression is always true\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Repository/InstalledRepository.php - message: "#^Negated boolean expression is always true\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitBitbucketDriver.php - message: "#^Unreachable statement \\- code above always terminates\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitBitbucketDriver.php - message: "#^Negated boolean expression is always false\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitLabDriver.php - message: "#^Right side of && is always true\\.$#" count: 1 path: ../src/Composer/Repository/Vcs/GitLabDriver.php