* Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\Repository; use Composer\Package\PackageInterface; use Composer\Package\CompletePackage; use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser; use Composer\Plugin\PluginInterface; /** * @author Jordi Boggiano */ class PlatformRepository extends ArrayRepository { const PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX = '{^(?:php(?:-64bit)?|hhvm|(?:ext|lib)-[^/]+)$}i'; private $overrides; public function __construct(array $overrides = array()) { parent::__construct(array()); $this->overrides = $overrides; } protected function initialize() { parent::initialize(); $versionParser = new VersionParser(); // Add each of the override versions as options. // Later we might even replace the extensions instead. foreach( $this->overrides as $name => $prettyVersion ) { $version = $versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion); $package = new CompletePackage($name, $version, $prettyVersion); $package->setDescription("Overridden virtual platform package $name."); parent::addPackage($package); } $prettyVersion = PluginInterface::PLUGIN_API_VERSION; $version = $versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion); $composerPluginApi = new CompletePackage('composer-plugin-api', $version, $prettyVersion); $composerPluginApi->setDescription('The Composer Plugin API'); $this->addPackage($composerPluginApi); try { $prettyVersion = PHP_VERSION; $version = $versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion); } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) { $prettyVersion = preg_replace('#^([^~+-]+).*$#', '$1', PHP_VERSION); $version = $versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion); } $php = new CompletePackage('php', $version, $prettyVersion); $php->setDescription('The PHP interpreter'); $this->addPackage($php); if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 8) { $php64 = new CompletePackage('php-64bit', $version, $prettyVersion); $php64->setDescription('The PHP interpreter (64bit)'); $this->addPackage($php64); } $loadedExtensions = get_loaded_extensions(); // Extensions scanning foreach ($loadedExtensions as $name) { if (in_array($name, array('standard', 'Core'))) { continue; } $reflExt = new \ReflectionExtension($name); try { $prettyVersion = $reflExt->getVersion(); $version = $versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion); } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) { $prettyVersion = '0'; $version = $versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion); } $packageName = $this->buildPackageName($name); $ext = new CompletePackage($packageName, $version, $prettyVersion); $ext->setDescription('The '.$name.' PHP extension'); $this->addPackage($ext); } // Another quick loop, just for possible libraries // Doing it this way to know that functions or constants exist before // relying on them. foreach ($loadedExtensions as $name) { $prettyVersion = null; switch ($name) { case 'curl': $curlVersion = curl_version(); $prettyVersion = $curlVersion['version']; break; case 'iconv': $prettyVersion = ICONV_VERSION; break; case 'intl': $name = 'ICU'; if (defined('INTL_ICU_VERSION')) { $prettyVersion = INTL_ICU_VERSION; } else { $reflector = new \ReflectionExtension('intl'); ob_start(); $reflector->info(); $output = ob_get_clean(); preg_match('/^ICU version => (.*)$/m', $output, $matches); $prettyVersion = $matches[1]; } break; case 'libxml': $prettyVersion = LIBXML_DOTTED_VERSION; break; case 'openssl': $prettyVersion = preg_replace_callback('{^(?:OpenSSL\s*)?([0-9.]+)([a-z]?).*}', function ($match) { return $match[1] . (empty($match[2]) ? '' : '.'.(ord($match[2]) - 96)); }, OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT); break; case 'pcre': $prettyVersion = preg_replace('{^(\S+).*}', '$1', PCRE_VERSION); break; case 'uuid': $prettyVersion = phpversion('uuid'); break; case 'xsl': $prettyVersion = LIBXSLT_DOTTED_VERSION; break; default: // None handled extensions have no special cases, skip continue 2; } try { $version = $versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion); } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) { continue; } $lib = new CompletePackage('lib-'.$name, $version, $prettyVersion); $lib->setDescription('The '.$name.' PHP library'); $this->addPackage($lib); } if (defined('HHVM_VERSION')) { try { $prettyVersion = HHVM_VERSION; $version = $versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion); } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) { $prettyVersion = preg_replace('#^([^~+-]+).*$#', '$1', HHVM_VERSION); $version = $versionParser->normalize($prettyVersion); } $hhvm = new CompletePackage('hhvm', $version, $prettyVersion); $hhvm->setDescription('The HHVM Runtime (64bit)'); $this->addPackage($hhvm); } } // TODO: Is it a good thing to redefine the public interface // like this, or is it better to make the "only-add-if-no-in-platform" // feature in a // protected function addOverriddenPackage() // instead? public function addPackage(PackageInterface $package) { /* If we can find the package in this repository, in any version, it can only mean that it has been added by the config key 'platform' and should the real package (i.e. this one) should not be added. */ if( count($this->findPackages($package->getName())) > 0 ) { // Log a warning that we're ignoring existing package? return; } parent::addPackage($package); } private function buildPackageName($name) { return 'ext-' . str_replace(' ', '-', $name); } }