* Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\DependencyResolver; use Composer\Package\BasePackage; use Composer\Package\AliasPackage; use Composer\Repository\PlatformRepository; /** * @author Nils Adermann */ class RuleSetGenerator { protected $policy; protected $pool; protected $rules; protected $addedMap; protected $conflictAddedMap; protected $addedPackagesByNames; protected $conflictsForName; public function __construct(PolicyInterface $policy, Pool $pool) { $this->policy = $policy; $this->pool = $pool; } /** * Creates a new rule for the requirements of a package * * This rule is of the form (-A|B|C), where B and C are the providers of * one requirement of the package A. * * @param BasePackage $package The package with a requirement * @param array $providers The providers of the requirement * @param int $reason A RULE_* constant describing the * reason for generating this rule * @param mixed $reasonData Any data, e.g. the requirement name, * that goes with the reason * @return Rule|null The generated rule or null if tautological */ protected function createRequireRule(BasePackage $package, array $providers, $reason, $reasonData = null) { $literals = array(-$package->id); foreach ($providers as $provider) { // self fulfilling rule? if ($provider === $package) { return null; } $literals[] = $provider->id; } return new GenericRule($literals, $reason, $reasonData); } /** * Creates a rule to install at least one of a set of packages * * The rule is (A|B|C) with A, B and C different packages. If the given * set of packages is empty an impossible rule is generated. * * @param BasePackage[] $packages The set of packages to choose from * @param int $reason A RULE_* constant describing the reason for * generating this rule * @param array $reasonData Additional data like the root require or fix request info * @return Rule The generated rule */ protected function createInstallOneOfRule(array $packages, $reason, $reasonData) { $literals = array(); foreach ($packages as $package) { $literals[] = $package->id; } return new GenericRule($literals, $reason, $reasonData); } /** * Creates a rule for two conflicting packages * * The rule for conflicting packages A and B is (-A|-B). A is called the issuer * and B the provider. * * @param BasePackage $issuer The package declaring the conflict * @param BasePackage $provider The package causing the conflict * @param int $reason A RULE_* constant describing the * reason for generating this rule * @param mixed $reasonData Any data, e.g. the package name, that * goes with the reason * @return Rule|null The generated rule */ protected function createRule2Literals(BasePackage $issuer, BasePackage $provider, $reason, $reasonData = null) { // ignore self conflict if ($issuer === $provider) { return null; } return new Rule2Literals(-$issuer->id, -$provider->id, $reason, $reasonData); } protected function createMultiConflictRule(array $packages, $reason, $reasonData = null) { $literals = array(); foreach ($packages as $package) { $literals[] = -$package->id; } if (\count($literals) == 2) { return new Rule2Literals($literals[0], $literals[1], $reason, $reasonData); } return new MultiConflictRule($literals, $reason, $reasonData); } /** * Adds a rule unless it duplicates an existing one of any type * * To be able to directly pass in the result of one of the rule creation * methods null is allowed which will not insert a rule. * * @param int $type A TYPE_* constant defining the rule type * @param Rule $newRule The rule about to be added */ private function addRule($type, Rule $newRule = null) { if (!$newRule) { return; } $this->rules->add($newRule, $type); } protected function addRulesForPackage(BasePackage $package, $ignorePlatformReqs) { $workQueue = new \SplQueue; $workQueue->enqueue($package); while (!$workQueue->isEmpty()) { /** @var BasePackage $package */ $package = $workQueue->dequeue(); if (isset($this->addedMap[$package->id])) { continue; } $this->addedMap[$package->id] = $package; if (!$package instanceof AliasPackage) { foreach ($package->getNames(false) as $name) { $this->addedPackagesByNames[$name][] = $package; } } else { $workQueue->enqueue($package->getAliasOf()); $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $this->createRequireRule($package, array($package->getAliasOf()), Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_ALIAS, $package)); // aliases must be installed with their main package, so create a rule the other way around as well $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $this->createRequireRule($package->getAliasOf(), array($package), Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_INVERSE_ALIAS, $package->getAliasOf())); // if alias package has no self.version requires, its requirements do not // need to be added as the aliased package processing will take care of it if (!$package->hasSelfVersionRequires()) { continue; } } foreach ($package->getRequires() as $link) { if ((true === $ignorePlatformReqs || (is_array($ignorePlatformReqs) && in_array($link->getTarget(), $ignorePlatformReqs, true))) && PlatformRepository::isPlatformPackage($link->getTarget())) { continue; } $possibleRequires = $this->pool->whatProvides($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint()); $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $this->createRequireRule($package, $possibleRequires, Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_REQUIRES, $link)); foreach ($possibleRequires as $require) { $workQueue->enqueue($require); } } } } protected function addConflictRules($ignorePlatformReqs = false) { /** @var BasePackage $package */ foreach ($this->addedMap as $package) { foreach ($package->getConflicts() as $link) { // even if conlict ends up being with an alias, there would be at least one actual package by this name if (!isset($this->addedPackagesByNames[$link->getTarget()])) { continue; } if ((true === $ignorePlatformReqs || (is_array($ignorePlatformReqs) && in_array($link->getTarget(), $ignorePlatformReqs, true))) && PlatformRepository::isPlatformPackage($link->getTarget())) { continue; } $conflicts = $this->pool->whatProvides($link->getTarget(), $link->getConstraint()); foreach ($conflicts as $conflict) { // define the conflict rule for regular packages, for alias packages it's only needed if the name // matches the conflict exactly, otherwise the name match is by provide/replace which means the // package which this is an alias of will conflict anyway, so no need to create additional rules if (!$conflict instanceof AliasPackage || $conflict->getName() === $link->getTarget()) { $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $this->createRule2Literals($package, $conflict, Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_CONFLICT, $link)); } } } } foreach ($this->addedPackagesByNames as $name => $packages) { if (\count($packages) > 1) { $reason = Rule::RULE_PACKAGE_SAME_NAME; $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_PACKAGE, $this->createMultiConflictRule($packages, $reason, $name)); } } } protected function addRulesForRequest(Request $request, $ignorePlatformReqs) { foreach ($request->getFixedPackages() as $package) { if ($package->id == -1) { // fixed package was not added to the pool as it did not pass the stability requirements, this is fine if ($this->pool->isUnacceptableFixedOrLockedPackage($package)) { continue; } // otherwise, looks like a bug throw new \LogicException("Fixed package ".$package->getPrettyString()." was not added to solver pool."); } $this->addRulesForPackage($package, $ignorePlatformReqs); $rule = $this->createInstallOneOfRule(array($package), Rule::RULE_FIXED, array( 'package' => $package, )); $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_REQUEST, $rule); } foreach ($request->getRequires() as $packageName => $constraint) { if ((true === $ignorePlatformReqs || (is_array($ignorePlatformReqs) && in_array($packageName, $ignorePlatformReqs, true))) && PlatformRepository::isPlatformPackage($packageName)) { continue; } $packages = $this->pool->whatProvides($packageName, $constraint); if ($packages) { foreach ($packages as $package) { $this->addRulesForPackage($package, $ignorePlatformReqs); } $rule = $this->createInstallOneOfRule($packages, Rule::RULE_ROOT_REQUIRE, array( 'packageName' => $packageName, 'constraint' => $constraint, )); $this->addRule(RuleSet::TYPE_REQUEST, $rule); } } } protected function addRulesForRootAliases($ignorePlatformReqs) { foreach ($this->pool->getPackages() as $package) { // ensure that rules for root alias packages and aliases of packages which were loaded are also loaded // even if the alias itself isn't required, otherwise a package could be installed without its alias which // leads to unexpected behavior if (!isset($this->addedMap[$package->id]) && $package instanceof AliasPackage && ($package->isRootPackageAlias() || isset($this->addedMap[$package->getAliasOf()->id])) ) { $this->addRulesForPackage($package, $ignorePlatformReqs); } } } /** * @param bool|array $ignorePlatformReqs */ public function getRulesFor(Request $request, $ignorePlatformReqs = false) { $this->rules = new RuleSet; $this->addedMap = array(); $this->conflictAddedMap = array(); $this->addedPackagesByNames = array(); $this->conflictsForName = array(); $this->addRulesForRequest($request, $ignorePlatformReqs); $this->addRulesForRootAliases($ignorePlatformReqs); $this->addConflictRules($ignorePlatformReqs); // Remove references to packages $this->addedMap = $this->addedPackagesByNames = null; return $this->rules; } }