* Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\IO; use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\QuestionHelper; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\StreamOutput; use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterInterface; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\StreamableInputInterface; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\StringInput; use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet; /** * @author Jordi Boggiano */ class BufferIO extends ConsoleIO { /** * @param string $input * @param int $verbosity * @param OutputFormatterInterface|null $formatter */ public function __construct($input = '', $verbosity = StreamOutput::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, OutputFormatterInterface $formatter = null) { $input = new StringInput($input); $input->setInteractive(false); $output = new StreamOutput(fopen('php://memory', 'rw'), $verbosity, $formatter ? $formatter->isDecorated() : false, $formatter); parent::__construct($input, $output, new HelperSet(array( new QuestionHelper(), ))); } public function getOutput() { fseek($this->output->getStream(), 0); $output = stream_get_contents($this->output->getStream()); $output = preg_replace_callback("{(?<=^|\n|\x08)(.+?)(\x08+)}", function ($matches) { $pre = strip_tags($matches[1]); if (strlen($pre) === strlen($matches[2])) { return ''; } // TODO reverse parse the string, skipping span tags and \033\[([0-9;]+)m(.*?)\033\[0m style blobs return rtrim($matches[1])."\n"; }, $output); return $output; } public function setUserInputs(array $inputs) { if (!$this->input instanceof StreamableInputInterface) { throw new \RuntimeException('Setting the user inputs requires at least the version 3.2 of the symfony/console component.'); } $this->input->setStream($this->createStream($inputs)); $this->input->setInteractive(true); } private function createStream(array $inputs) { $stream = fopen('php://memory', 'r+', false); foreach ($inputs as $input) { fwrite($stream, $input.PHP_EOL); } rewind($stream); return $stream; } }