* Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\DependencyResolver; use Composer\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher; use Composer\IO\IOInterface; use Composer\Package\AliasPackage; use Composer\Package\BasePackage; use Composer\Package\CompleteAliasPackage; use Composer\Package\CompletePackage; use Composer\Package\PackageInterface; use Composer\Package\Version\StabilityFilter; use Composer\Plugin\PluginEvents; use Composer\Plugin\PrePoolCreateEvent; use Composer\Repository\PlatformRepository; use Composer\Repository\RepositoryInterface; use Composer\Repository\RootPackageRepository; use Composer\Semver\CompilingMatcher; use Composer\Semver\Constraint\Constraint; use Composer\Semver\Constraint\ConstraintInterface; use Composer\Semver\Constraint\MatchAllConstraint; use Composer\Semver\Constraint\MultiConstraint; use Composer\Semver\Intervals; /** * @author Nils Adermann */ class PoolBuilder { /** * @var int[] * @phpstan-var array */ private $acceptableStabilities; /** * @var int[] * @phpstan-var array */ private $stabilityFlags; /** * @var array[] * @phpstan-var array> */ private $rootAliases; /** * @var string[] * @phpstan-var array */ private $rootReferences; /** * @var ?EventDispatcher */ private $eventDispatcher; /** * @var PoolOptimizer|null */ private $poolOptimizer; /** * @var IOInterface */ private $io; /** * @var array[] * @phpstan-var array */ private $aliasMap = array(); /** * @var ConstraintInterface[] * @phpstan-var array */ private $packagesToLoad = array(); /** * @var ConstraintInterface[] * @phpstan-var array */ private $loadedPackages = array(); /** * @var array[] * @phpstan-var array>> */ private $loadedPerRepo = array(); /** * @var BasePackage[] */ private $packages = array(); /** * @var BasePackage[] */ private $unacceptableFixedOrLockedPackages = array(); /** @var string[] */ private $updateAllowList = array(); /** @var array */ private $skippedLoad = array(); /** * Keeps a list of dependencies which are root requirements, and as such * have already their maximum required range loaded and can not be * extended by markPackageNameForLoading * * Packages get cleared from this list if they get unlocked as in that case * we need to actually load them * * @var array */ private $maxExtendedReqs = array(); /** * @var array * @phpstan-var array */ private $updateAllowWarned = array(); /** @var int */ private $indexCounter = 0; /** * @param int[] $acceptableStabilities array of stability => BasePackage::STABILITY_* value * @phpstan-param array $acceptableStabilities * @param int[] $stabilityFlags an array of package name => BasePackage::STABILITY_* value * @phpstan-param array $stabilityFlags * @param array[] $rootAliases * @phpstan-param array> $rootAliases * @param string[] $rootReferences an array of package name => source reference * @phpstan-param array $rootReferences */ public function __construct(array $acceptableStabilities, array $stabilityFlags, array $rootAliases, array $rootReferences, IOInterface $io, EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher = null, PoolOptimizer $poolOptimizer = null) { $this->acceptableStabilities = $acceptableStabilities; $this->stabilityFlags = $stabilityFlags; $this->rootAliases = $rootAliases; $this->rootReferences = $rootReferences; $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher; $this->poolOptimizer = $poolOptimizer; $this->io = $io; } /** * @param RepositoryInterface[] $repositories * @return Pool */ public function buildPool(array $repositories, Request $request) { if ($request->getUpdateAllowList()) { $this->updateAllowList = $request->getUpdateAllowList(); $this->warnAboutNonMatchingUpdateAllowList($request); foreach ($request->getLockedRepository()->getPackages() as $lockedPackage) { if (!$this->isUpdateAllowed($lockedPackage)) { $request->lockPackage($lockedPackage); $lockedName = $lockedPackage->getName(); // remember which packages we skipped loading remote content for in this partial update $this->skippedLoad[$lockedName] = $lockedName; foreach ($lockedPackage->getReplaces() as $link) { $this->skippedLoad[$link->getTarget()] = $lockedName; } } } } foreach ($request->getFixedOrLockedPackages() as $package) { // using MatchAllConstraint here because fixed packages do not need to retrigger // loading any packages $this->loadedPackages[$package->getName()] = new MatchAllConstraint(); // replace means conflict, so if a fixed package replaces a name, no need to load that one, packages would conflict anyways foreach ($package->getReplaces() as $link) { $this->loadedPackages[$link->getTarget()] = new MatchAllConstraint(); } // TODO in how far can we do the above for conflicts? It's more tricky cause conflicts can be limited to // specific versions while replace is a conflict with all versions of the name if ( $package->getRepository() instanceof RootPackageRepository || $package->getRepository() instanceof PlatformRepository || StabilityFilter::isPackageAcceptable($this->acceptableStabilities, $this->stabilityFlags, $package->getNames(), $package->getStability()) ) { $this->loadPackage($request, $package, false); } else { $this->unacceptableFixedOrLockedPackages[] = $package; } } foreach ($request->getRequires() as $packageName => $constraint) { // fixed and locked packages have already been added, so if a root require needs one of them, no need to do anything if (isset($this->loadedPackages[$packageName])) { continue; } $this->packagesToLoad[$packageName] = $constraint; $this->maxExtendedReqs[$packageName] = true; } // clean up packagesToLoad for anything we manually marked loaded above foreach ($this->packagesToLoad as $name => $constraint) { if (isset($this->loadedPackages[$name])) { unset($this->packagesToLoad[$name]); } } while (!empty($this->packagesToLoad)) { $this->loadPackagesMarkedForLoading($request, $repositories); } foreach ($this->packages as $i => $package) { // we check all alias related packages at once, so no need to check individual aliases // isset also checks non-null value if (!$package instanceof AliasPackage) { $constraint = new Constraint('==', $package->getVersion()); $aliasedPackages = array($i => $package); if (isset($this->aliasMap[spl_object_hash($package)])) { $aliasedPackages += $this->aliasMap[spl_object_hash($package)]; } $found = false; foreach ($aliasedPackages as $packageOrAlias) { if (CompilingMatcher::match($constraint, Constraint::OP_EQ, $packageOrAlias->getVersion())) { $found = true; } } if (!$found) { foreach ($aliasedPackages as $index => $packageOrAlias) { unset($this->packages[$index]); } } } } if ($this->eventDispatcher) { $prePoolCreateEvent = new PrePoolCreateEvent( PluginEvents::PRE_POOL_CREATE, $repositories, $request, $this->acceptableStabilities, $this->stabilityFlags, $this->rootAliases, $this->rootReferences, $this->packages, $this->unacceptableFixedOrLockedPackages ); $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch($prePoolCreateEvent->getName(), $prePoolCreateEvent); $this->packages = $prePoolCreateEvent->getPackages(); $this->unacceptableFixedOrLockedPackages = $prePoolCreateEvent->getUnacceptableFixedPackages(); } $pool = new Pool($this->packages, $this->unacceptableFixedOrLockedPackages); $this->aliasMap = array(); $this->packagesToLoad = array(); $this->loadedPackages = array(); $this->loadedPerRepo = array(); $this->packages = array(); $this->unacceptableFixedOrLockedPackages = array(); $this->maxExtendedReqs = array(); $this->skippedLoad = array(); $this->indexCounter = 0; $pool = $this->runOptimizer($request, $pool); Intervals::clear(); return $pool; } /** * @param string $name * @return void */ private function markPackageNameForLoading(Request $request, $name, ConstraintInterface $constraint) { // Skip platform requires at this stage if (PlatformRepository::isPlatformPackage($name)) { return; } // Root require (which was not unlocked) already loaded the maximum range so no // need to check anything here if (isset($this->maxExtendedReqs[$name])) { return; } // Root requires can not be overruled by dependencies so there is no point in // extending the loaded constraint for those. // This is triggered when loading a root require which was locked but got unlocked, then // we make sure that we load at most the intervals covered by the root constraint. $rootRequires = $request->getRequires(); if (isset($rootRequires[$name]) && !Intervals::isSubsetOf($constraint, $rootRequires[$name])) { $constraint = $rootRequires[$name]; } // Not yet loaded or already marked for a reload, set the constraint to be loaded if (!isset($this->loadedPackages[$name])) { // Maybe it was already marked before but not loaded yet. In that case // we have to extend the constraint (we don't check if they are identical because // MultiConstraint::create() will optimize anyway) if (isset($this->packagesToLoad[$name])) { // Already marked for loading and this does not expand the constraint to be loaded, nothing to do if (Intervals::isSubsetOf($constraint, $this->packagesToLoad[$name])) { return; } // extend the constraint to be loaded $constraint = Intervals::compactConstraint(MultiConstraint::create(array($this->packagesToLoad[$name], $constraint), false)); } $this->packagesToLoad[$name] = $constraint; return; } // No need to load this package with this constraint because it is // a subset of the constraint with which we have already loaded packages if (Intervals::isSubsetOf($constraint, $this->loadedPackages[$name])) { return; } // We have already loaded that package but not in the constraint that's // required. We extend the constraint and mark that package as not being loaded // yet so we get the required package versions $this->packagesToLoad[$name] = Intervals::compactConstraint(MultiConstraint::create(array($this->loadedPackages[$name], $constraint), false)); unset($this->loadedPackages[$name]); } /** * @param RepositoryInterface[] $repositories * @return void */ private function loadPackagesMarkedForLoading(Request $request, $repositories) { foreach ($this->packagesToLoad as $name => $constraint) { $this->loadedPackages[$name] = $constraint; } $packageBatch = $this->packagesToLoad; $this->packagesToLoad = array(); foreach ($repositories as $repoIndex => $repository) { if (empty($packageBatch)) { break; } // these repos have their packages fixed or locked if they need to be loaded so we // never need to load anything else from them if ($repository instanceof PlatformRepository || $repository === $request->getLockedRepository()) { continue; } $result = $repository->loadPackages($packageBatch, $this->acceptableStabilities, $this->stabilityFlags, isset($this->loadedPerRepo[$repoIndex]) ? $this->loadedPerRepo[$repoIndex] : array()); foreach ($result['namesFound'] as $name) { // avoid loading the same package again from other repositories once it has been found unset($packageBatch[$name]); } foreach ($result['packages'] as $package) { $this->loadedPerRepo[$repoIndex][$package->getName()][$package->getVersion()] = $package; $this->loadPackage($request, $package); } } } /** * @param bool $propagateUpdate * @return void */ private function loadPackage(Request $request, BasePackage $package, $propagateUpdate = true) { $index = $this->indexCounter++; $this->packages[$index] = $package; if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { $this->aliasMap[spl_object_hash($package->getAliasOf())][$index] = $package; } $name = $package->getName(); // we're simply setting the root references on all versions for a name here and rely on the solver to pick the // right version. It'd be more work to figure out which versions and which aliases of those versions this may // apply to if (isset($this->rootReferences[$name])) { // do not modify the references on already locked or fixed packages if (!$request->isLockedPackage($package) && !$request->isFixedPackage($package)) { $package->setSourceDistReferences($this->rootReferences[$name]); } } // if propogateUpdate is false we are loading a fixed or locked package, root aliases do not apply as they are // manually loaded as separate packages in this case if ($propagateUpdate && isset($this->rootAliases[$name][$package->getVersion()])) { $alias = $this->rootAliases[$name][$package->getVersion()]; if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { $basePackage = $package->getAliasOf(); } else { $basePackage = $package; } if ($basePackage instanceof CompletePackage) { $aliasPackage = new CompleteAliasPackage($basePackage, $alias['alias_normalized'], $alias['alias']); } else { $aliasPackage = new AliasPackage($basePackage, $alias['alias_normalized'], $alias['alias']); } $aliasPackage->setRootPackageAlias(true); $newIndex = $this->indexCounter++; $this->packages[$newIndex] = $aliasPackage; $this->aliasMap[spl_object_hash($aliasPackage->getAliasOf())][$newIndex] = $aliasPackage; } foreach ($package->getRequires() as $link) { $require = $link->getTarget(); $linkConstraint = $link->getConstraint(); // if the required package is loaded as a locked package only and hasn't had its deps analyzed if (isset($this->skippedLoad[$require])) { // if we're doing a full update or this is a partial update with transitive deps and we're currently // looking at a package which needs to be updated we need to unlock the package we now know is a // dependency of another package which we are trying to update, and then attempt to load it again if ($propagateUpdate && $request->getUpdateAllowTransitiveDependencies()) { if ($request->getUpdateAllowTransitiveRootDependencies() || !$this->isRootRequire($request, $this->skippedLoad[$require])) { $this->unlockPackage($request, $require); $this->markPackageNameForLoading($request, $require, $linkConstraint); } elseif (!isset($this->updateAllowWarned[$this->skippedLoad[$require]])) { $this->updateAllowWarned[$this->skippedLoad[$require]] = true; $this->io->writeError('Dependency "'.$this->skippedLoad[$require].'" is also a root requirement. Package has not been listed as an update argument, so keeping locked at old version. Use --with-all-dependencies (-W) to include root dependencies.'); } } } else { $this->markPackageNameForLoading($request, $require, $linkConstraint); } } // if we're doing a partial update with deps we also need to unlock packages which are being replaced in case // they are currently locked and thus prevent this updateable package from being installable/updateable if ($propagateUpdate && $request->getUpdateAllowTransitiveDependencies()) { foreach ($package->getReplaces() as $link) { $replace = $link->getTarget(); if (isset($this->loadedPackages[$replace], $this->skippedLoad[$replace])) { if ($request->getUpdateAllowTransitiveRootDependencies() || !$this->isRootRequire($request, $this->skippedLoad[$replace])) { $this->unlockPackage($request, $replace); $this->markPackageNameForLoading($request, $replace, $link->getConstraint()); } elseif ($this->isRootRequire($request, $replace) && !isset($this->updateAllowWarned[$replace])) { $this->updateAllowWarned[$replace] = true; $this->io->writeError('Dependency "'.$replace.'" is also a root requirement. Package has not been listed as an update argument, so keeping locked at old version. Use --with-all-dependencies (-W) to include root dependencies.'); } } } } } /** * Checks if a particular name is required directly in the request * * @param string $name packageName * @return bool */ private function isRootRequire(Request $request, $name) { $rootRequires = $request->getRequires(); return isset($rootRequires[$name]); } /** * Checks whether the update allow list allows this package in the lock file to be updated * * @return bool */ private function isUpdateAllowed(BasePackage $package) { // Path repo packages are never loaded from lock, to force them to always remain in sync // unless symlinking is disabled in which case we probably should rather treat them like // regular packages if ($package->getDistType() === 'path') { $transportOptions = $package->getTransportOptions(); if (!isset($transportOptions['symlink']) || $transportOptions['symlink'] !== false) { return true; } } foreach ($this->updateAllowList as $pattern => $void) { $patternRegexp = BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($pattern); if (preg_match($patternRegexp, $package->getName())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @return void */ private function warnAboutNonMatchingUpdateAllowList(Request $request) { foreach ($this->updateAllowList as $pattern => $void) { $patternRegexp = BasePackage::packageNameToRegexp($pattern); // update pattern matches a locked package? => all good foreach ($request->getLockedRepository()->getPackages() as $package) { if (preg_match($patternRegexp, $package->getName())) { continue 2; } } // update pattern matches a root require? => all good, probably a new package foreach ($request->getRequires() as $packageName => $constraint) { if (preg_match($patternRegexp, $packageName)) { continue 2; } } if (strpos($pattern, '*') !== false) { $this->io->writeError('Pattern "' . $pattern . '" listed for update does not match any locked packages.'); } else { $this->io->writeError('Package "' . $pattern . '" listed for update is not locked.'); } } } /** * Reverts the decision to use a locked package if a partial update with transitive dependencies * found that this package actually needs to be updated * * @param string $name * @return void */ private function unlockPackage(Request $request, $name) { if ( // if we unfixed a replaced package name, we also need to unfix the replacer itself $this->skippedLoad[$name] !== $name // as long as it was not unfixed yet && isset($this->skippedLoad[$this->skippedLoad[$name]]) ) { $replacerName = $this->skippedLoad[$name]; $this->unlockPackage($request, $replacerName); if ($this->isRootRequire($request, $replacerName)) { $this->markPackageNameForLoading($request, $replacerName, new MatchAllConstraint); } else { foreach ($this->packages as $loadedPackage) { $requires = $loadedPackage->getRequires(); if (isset($requires[$replacerName])) { $this->markPackageNameForLoading($request, $replacerName, $requires[$replacerName]->getConstraint()); } } } } unset($this->skippedLoad[$name], $this->loadedPackages[$name], $this->maxExtendedReqs[$name]); // remove locked package by this name which was already initialized foreach ($request->getLockedPackages() as $lockedPackage) { if (!($lockedPackage instanceof AliasPackage) && $lockedPackage->getName() === $name) { if (false !== $index = array_search($lockedPackage, $this->packages, true)) { $request->unlockPackage($lockedPackage); $this->removeLoadedPackage($request, $lockedPackage, $index); // make sure that any requirements for this package by other locked or fixed packages are now // also loaded, as they were previously ignored because the locked (now unlocked) package already // satisfied their requirements foreach ($request->getFixedOrLockedPackages() as $fixedOrLockedPackage) { if ($fixedOrLockedPackage === $lockedPackage) { continue; } if (isset($this->skippedLoad[$fixedOrLockedPackage->getName()])) { $requires = $fixedOrLockedPackage->getRequires(); if (isset($requires[$lockedPackage->getName()])) { $this->markPackageNameForLoading($request, $lockedPackage->getName(), $requires[$lockedPackage->getName()]->getConstraint()); } } } } } } } /** * @param int $index * @return void */ private function removeLoadedPackage(Request $request, BasePackage $package, $index) { unset($this->packages[$index]); if (isset($this->aliasMap[spl_object_hash($package)])) { foreach ($this->aliasMap[spl_object_hash($package)] as $aliasIndex => $aliasPackage) { $request->unlockPackage($aliasPackage); unset($this->packages[$aliasIndex]); } unset($this->aliasMap[spl_object_hash($package)]); } } /** * @return Pool */ private function runOptimizer(Request $request, Pool $pool) { if (null === $this->poolOptimizer) { return $pool; } $total = \count($pool->getPackages()); $pool = $this->poolOptimizer->optimize($request, $pool); $filtered = $total - \count($pool->getPackages()); if (0 === $filtered) { return $pool; } $this->io->write(sprintf( 'Found %s package versions referenced in your dependency graph. %s (%d%%) were optimized away.', number_format($total), number_format($filtered), round(100/$total*$filtered) ), true, IOInterface::VERY_VERBOSE); return $pool; } }