* Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\DependencyResolver; use Composer\Package\AliasPackage; use Composer\Package\BasePackage; use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser; use Composer\Semver\CompilingMatcher; use Composer\Semver\Constraint\ConstraintInterface; use Composer\Semver\Constraint\Constraint; use Composer\Semver\Constraint\MultiConstraint; use Composer\Semver\Intervals; /** * Optimizes a given pool * * @author Yanick Witschi */ class PoolOptimizer { /** * @var PolicyInterface */ private $policy; /** * @var array */ private $irremovablePackages = array(); /** * @var array> */ private $requireConstraintsPerPackage = array(); /** * @var array> */ private $conflictConstraintsPerPackage = array(); /** * @var array */ private $packagesToRemove = array(); /** * @var array */ private $aliasesPerPackage = array(); /** * @var array> */ private $removedVersionsByPackage = array(); public function __construct(PolicyInterface $policy) { $this->policy = $policy; } /** * @return Pool */ public function optimize(Request $request, Pool $pool) { $this->prepare($request, $pool); $this->optimizeByIdenticalDependencies($request, $pool); $this->optimizeImpossiblePackagesAway($request, $pool); $optimizedPool = $this->applyRemovalsToPool($pool); // No need to run this recursively at the moment // because the current optimizations cannot provide // even more gains when ran again. Might change // in the future with additional optimizations. $this->irremovablePackages = array(); $this->requireConstraintsPerPackage = array(); $this->conflictConstraintsPerPackage = array(); $this->packagesToRemove = array(); $this->aliasesPerPackage = array(); $this->removedVersionsByPackage = array(); return $optimizedPool; } /** * @return void */ private function prepare(Request $request, Pool $pool): void { $irremovablePackageConstraintGroups = array(); // Mark fixed or locked packages as irremovable foreach ($request->getFixedOrLockedPackages() as $package) { $irremovablePackageConstraintGroups[$package->getName()][] = new Constraint('==', $package->getVersion()); } // Extract requested package requirements foreach ($request->getRequires() as $require => $constraint) { $constraint = Intervals::compactConstraint($constraint); $this->requireConstraintsPerPackage[$require][(string) $constraint] = $constraint; } // First pass over all packages to extract information and mark package constraints irremovable foreach ($pool->getPackages() as $package) { // Extract package requirements foreach ($package->getRequires() as $link) { $constraint = Intervals::compactConstraint($link->getConstraint()); $this->requireConstraintsPerPackage[$link->getTarget()][(string) $constraint] = $constraint; } // Extract package conflicts foreach ($package->getConflicts() as $link) { $constraint = Intervals::compactConstraint($link->getConstraint()); $this->conflictConstraintsPerPackage[$link->getTarget()][(string) $constraint] = $constraint; } // Keep track of alias packages for every package so if either the alias or aliased is kept // we keep the others as they are a unit of packages really if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { $this->aliasesPerPackage[$package->getAliasOf()->id][] = $package; } } $irremovablePackageConstraints = array(); foreach ($irremovablePackageConstraintGroups as $packageName => $constraints) { $irremovablePackageConstraints[$packageName] = 1 === \count($constraints) ? $constraints[0] : new MultiConstraint($constraints, false); } unset($irremovablePackageConstraintGroups); // Mark the packages as irremovable based on the constraints foreach ($pool->getPackages() as $package) { if (!isset($irremovablePackageConstraints[$package->getName()])) { continue; } if (CompilingMatcher::match($irremovablePackageConstraints[$package->getName()], Constraint::OP_EQ, $package->getVersion())) { $this->markPackageIrremovable($package); } } } /** * @return void */ private function markPackageIrremovable(BasePackage $package): void { $this->irremovablePackages[$package->id] = true; if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { // recursing here so aliasesPerPackage for the aliasOf can be checked // and all its aliases marked as irremovable as well $this->markPackageIrremovable($package->getAliasOf()); } if (isset($this->aliasesPerPackage[$package->id])) { foreach ($this->aliasesPerPackage[$package->id] as $aliasPackage) { $this->irremovablePackages[$aliasPackage->id] = true; } } } /** * @return Pool Optimized pool */ private function applyRemovalsToPool(Pool $pool): Pool { $packages = array(); $removedVersions = array(); foreach ($pool->getPackages() as $package) { if (!isset($this->packagesToRemove[$package->id])) { $packages[] = $package; } else { $removedVersions[$package->getName()][$package->getVersion()] = $package->getPrettyVersion(); } } $optimizedPool = new Pool($packages, $pool->getUnacceptableFixedOrLockedPackages(), $removedVersions, $this->removedVersionsByPackage); return $optimizedPool; } /** * @return void */ private function optimizeByIdenticalDependencies(Request $request, Pool $pool): void { $identicalDefinitionsPerPackage = array(); $packageIdenticalDefinitionLookup = array(); foreach ($pool->getPackages() as $package) { // If that package was already marked irremovable, we can skip // the entire process for it if (isset($this->irremovablePackages[$package->id])) { continue; } $this->markPackageForRemoval($package->id); $dependencyHash = $this->calculateDependencyHash($package); foreach ($package->getNames(false) as $packageName) { if (!isset($this->requireConstraintsPerPackage[$packageName])) { continue; } foreach ($this->requireConstraintsPerPackage[$packageName] as $requireConstraint) { $groupHashParts = array(); if (CompilingMatcher::match($requireConstraint, Constraint::OP_EQ, $package->getVersion())) { $groupHashParts[] = 'require:' . (string) $requireConstraint; } if ($package->getReplaces()) { foreach ($package->getReplaces() as $link) { if (CompilingMatcher::match($link->getConstraint(), Constraint::OP_EQ, $package->getVersion())) { // Use the same hash part as the regular require hash because that's what the replacement does $groupHashParts[] = 'require:' . (string) $link->getConstraint(); } } } if (isset($this->conflictConstraintsPerPackage[$packageName])) { foreach ($this->conflictConstraintsPerPackage[$packageName] as $conflictConstraint) { if (CompilingMatcher::match($conflictConstraint, Constraint::OP_EQ, $package->getVersion())) { $groupHashParts[] = 'conflict:' . (string) $conflictConstraint; } } } if (!$groupHashParts) { continue; } $groupHash = implode('', $groupHashParts); $identicalDefinitionsPerPackage[$packageName][$groupHash][$dependencyHash][] = $package; $packageIdenticalDefinitionLookup[$package->id][$packageName] = array('groupHash' => $groupHash, 'dependencyHash' => $dependencyHash); } } } foreach ($identicalDefinitionsPerPackage as $constraintGroups) { foreach ($constraintGroups as $constraintGroup) { foreach ($constraintGroup as $packages) { // Only one package in this constraint group has the same requirements, we're not allowed to remove that package if (1 === \count($packages)) { $this->keepPackage($packages[0], $identicalDefinitionsPerPackage, $packageIdenticalDefinitionLookup); continue; } // Otherwise we find out which one is the preferred package in this constraint group which is // then not allowed to be removed either $literals = array(); foreach ($packages as $package) { $literals[] = $package->id; } foreach ($this->policy->selectPreferredPackages($pool, $literals) as $preferredLiteral) { $this->keepPackage($pool->literalToPackage($preferredLiteral), $identicalDefinitionsPerPackage, $packageIdenticalDefinitionLookup); } } } } } /** * @return string */ private function calculateDependencyHash(BasePackage $package): string { $hash = ''; $hashRelevantLinks = array( 'requires' => $package->getRequires(), 'conflicts' => $package->getConflicts(), 'replaces' => $package->getReplaces(), 'provides' => $package->getProvides(), ); foreach ($hashRelevantLinks as $key => $links) { if (0 === \count($links)) { continue; } // start new hash section $hash .= $key . ':'; $subhash = array(); foreach ($links as $link) { // To get the best dependency hash matches we should use Intervals::compactConstraint() here. // However, the majority of projects are going to specify their constraints already pretty // much in the best variant possible. In other words, we'd be wasting time here and it would actually hurt // performance more than the additional few packages that could be filtered out would benefit the process. $subhash[$link->getTarget()] = (string) $link->getConstraint(); } // Sort for best result ksort($subhash); foreach ($subhash as $target => $constraint) { $hash .= $target . '@' . $constraint; } } return $hash; } /** * @param int $id * @return void */ private function markPackageForRemoval($id): void { // We are not allowed to remove packages if they have been marked as irremovable if (isset($this->irremovablePackages[$id])) { throw new \LogicException('Attempted removing a package which was previously marked irremovable'); } $this->packagesToRemove[$id] = true; } /** * @param array>>> $identicalDefinitionsPerPackage * @param array> $packageIdenticalDefinitionLookup * @return void */ private function keepPackage(BasePackage $package, $identicalDefinitionsPerPackage, $packageIdenticalDefinitionLookup): void { unset($this->packagesToRemove[$package->id]); if ($package instanceof AliasPackage) { // recursing here so aliasesPerPackage for the aliasOf can be checked // and all its aliases marked to be kept as well $this->keepPackage($package->getAliasOf(), $identicalDefinitionsPerPackage, $packageIdenticalDefinitionLookup); } // record all the versions of the package group so we can list them later in Problem output foreach ($package->getNames(false) as $name) { if (isset($packageIdenticalDefinitionLookup[$package->id][$name])) { $packageGroupPointers = $packageIdenticalDefinitionLookup[$package->id][$name]; $packageGroup = $identicalDefinitionsPerPackage[$name][$packageGroupPointers['groupHash']][$packageGroupPointers['dependencyHash']]; foreach ($packageGroup as $pkg) { if ($pkg instanceof AliasPackage && $pkg->getPrettyVersion() === VersionParser::DEFAULT_BRANCH_ALIAS) { $pkg = $pkg->getAliasOf(); } $this->removedVersionsByPackage[spl_object_hash($package)][$pkg->getVersion()] = $pkg->getPrettyVersion(); } } } if (isset($this->aliasesPerPackage[$package->id])) { foreach ($this->aliasesPerPackage[$package->id] as $aliasPackage) { unset($this->packagesToRemove[$aliasPackage->id]); // record all the versions of the package group so we can list them later in Problem output foreach ($aliasPackage->getNames(false) as $name) { if (isset($packageIdenticalDefinitionLookup[$aliasPackage->id][$name])) { $packageGroupPointers = $packageIdenticalDefinitionLookup[$aliasPackage->id][$name]; $packageGroup = $identicalDefinitionsPerPackage[$name][$packageGroupPointers['groupHash']][$packageGroupPointers['dependencyHash']]; foreach ($packageGroup as $pkg) { if ($pkg instanceof AliasPackage && $pkg->getPrettyVersion() === VersionParser::DEFAULT_BRANCH_ALIAS) { $pkg = $pkg->getAliasOf(); } $this->removedVersionsByPackage[spl_object_hash($aliasPackage)][$pkg->getVersion()] = $pkg->getPrettyVersion(); } } } } } } /** * Use the list of locked packages to constrain the loaded packages * This will reduce packages with significant numbers of historical versions to a smaller number * and reduce the resulting rule set that is generated * * @return void */ private function optimizeImpossiblePackagesAway(Request $request, Pool $pool): void { if (count($request->getLockedPackages()) === 0) { return; } $packageIndex = array(); foreach ($pool->getPackages() as $package) { $id = $package->id; // Do not remove irremovable packages if (isset($this->irremovablePackages[$id])) { continue; } // Do not remove a package aliased by another package, nor aliases if (isset($this->aliasesPerPackage[$id]) || $package instanceof AliasPackage) { continue; } // Do not remove locked packages if ($request->isFixedPackage($package) || $request->isLockedPackage($package)) { continue; } $packageIndex[$package->getName()][$package->id] = $package; } foreach ($request->getLockedPackages() as $package) { // If this locked package is no longer required by root or anything in the pool, it may get uninstalled so do not apply its requirements // In a case where a requirement WERE to appear in the pool by a package that would not be used, it would've been unlocked and so not filtered still $isUnusedPackage = true; foreach ($package->getNames(false) as $packageName) { if (isset($this->requireConstraintsPerPackage[$packageName])) { $isUnusedPackage = false; break; } } if ($isUnusedPackage) { continue; } foreach ($package->getRequires() as $link) { $require = $link->getTarget(); if (!isset($packageIndex[$require])) { continue; } $linkConstraint = $link->getConstraint(); foreach ($packageIndex[$require] as $id => $requiredPkg) { if (false === CompilingMatcher::match($linkConstraint, Constraint::OP_EQ, $requiredPkg->getVersion())) { $this->markPackageForRemoval($id); unset($packageIndex[$require][$id]); } } } } } }