* Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\Repository\Vcs; use Composer\Config; use Composer\Cache; use Composer\IO\IOInterface; use Composer\Json\JsonFile; use Composer\Downloader\TransportException; use Composer\Pcre\Preg; use Composer\Util\HttpDownloader; use Composer\Util\GitLab; use Composer\Util\Http\Response; /** * Driver for GitLab API, use the Git driver for local checkouts. * * @author Henrik Bjørnskov * @author Jérôme Tamarelle */ class GitLabDriver extends VcsDriver { /** * @var string * @phpstan-var 'https'|'http' */ private $scheme; /** @var string */ private $namespace; /** @var string */ private $repository; /** * @var mixed[] Project data returned by GitLab API */ private $project; /** * @var array Keeps commits returned by GitLab API as commit id => info */ private $commits = array(); /** @var array Map of tag name to identifier */ private $tags; /** @var array Map of branch name to identifier */ private $branches; /** * Git Driver * * @var ?GitDriver */ protected $gitDriver = null; /** * Protocol to force use of for repository URLs. * * @var string One of ssh, http */ protected $protocol; /** * Defaults to true unless we can make sure it is public * * @var bool defines whether the repo is private or not */ private $isPrivate = true; /** * @var bool true if the origin has a port number or a path component in it */ private $hasNonstandardOrigin = false; private const URL_REGEX = '#^(?:(?Phttps?)://(?P.+?)(?::(?P[0-9]+))?/|git@(?P[^:]+):)(?P.+)/(?P[^/]+?)(?:\.git|/)?$#'; /** * Extracts information from the repository url. * * SSH urls use https by default. Set "secure-http": false on the repository config to use http instead. * * @inheritDoc */ public function initialize(): void { if (!Preg::isMatch(self::URL_REGEX, $this->url, $match)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The GitLab repository URL %s is invalid. It must be the HTTP URL of a GitLab project.', $this->url)); } $guessedDomain = !empty($match['domain']) ? $match['domain'] : $match['domain2']; $configuredDomains = $this->config->get('gitlab-domains'); $urlParts = explode('/', $match['parts']); $this->scheme = !empty($match['scheme']) ? $match['scheme'] : (isset($this->repoConfig['secure-http']) && $this->repoConfig['secure-http'] === false ? 'http' : 'https') ; $this->originUrl = self::determineOrigin($configuredDomains, $guessedDomain, $urlParts, $match['port']); if ($protocol = $this->config->get('gitlab-protocol')) { // https treated as a synonym for http. if (!in_array($protocol, array('git', 'http', 'https'))) { throw new \RuntimeException('gitlab-protocol must be one of git, http.'); } $this->protocol = $protocol === 'git' ? 'ssh' : 'http'; } if (false !== strpos($this->originUrl, ':') || false !== strpos($this->originUrl, '/')) { $this->hasNonstandardOrigin = true; } $this->namespace = implode('/', $urlParts); $this->repository = Preg::replace('#(\.git)$#', '', $match['repo']); $this->cache = new Cache($this->io, $this->config->get('cache-repo-dir').'/'.$this->originUrl.'/'.$this->namespace.'/'.$this->repository); $this->cache->setReadOnly($this->config->get('cache-read-only')); $this->fetchProject(); } /** * Updates the HttpDownloader instance. * Mainly useful for tests. * * @internal * * @return void */ public function setHttpDownloader(HttpDownloader $httpDownloader): void { $this->httpDownloader = $httpDownloader; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getComposerInformation(string $identifier): ?array { if ($this->gitDriver) { return $this->gitDriver->getComposerInformation($identifier); } if (!isset($this->infoCache[$identifier])) { if ($this->shouldCache($identifier) && $res = $this->cache->read($identifier)) { $composer = JsonFile::parseJson($res); } else { $composer = $this->getBaseComposerInformation($identifier); if ($this->shouldCache($identifier)) { $this->cache->write($identifier, json_encode($composer)); } } if (null !== $composer) { // specials for gitlab (this data is only available if authentication is provided) if (!isset($composer['support']['source']) && isset($this->project['web_url'])) { $label = array_search($identifier, $this->getTags(), true) ?: array_search($identifier, $this->getBranches(), true) ?: $identifier; $composer['support']['source'] = sprintf('%s/-/tree/%s', $this->project['web_url'], $label); } if (!isset($composer['support']['issues']) && !empty($this->project['issues_enabled']) && isset($this->project['web_url'])) { $composer['support']['issues'] = sprintf('%s/-/issues', $this->project['web_url']); } if (!isset($composer['abandoned']) && !empty($this->project['archived'])) { $composer['abandoned'] = true; } } $this->infoCache[$identifier] = $composer; } return $this->infoCache[$identifier]; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getFileContent(string $file, string $identifier): ?string { if ($this->gitDriver) { return $this->gitDriver->getFileContent($file, $identifier); } // Convert the root identifier to a cacheable commit id if (!Preg::isMatch('{[a-f0-9]{40}}i', $identifier)) { $branches = $this->getBranches(); if (isset($branches[$identifier])) { $identifier = $branches[$identifier]; } } $resource = $this->getApiUrl().'/repository/files/'.$this->urlEncodeAll($file).'/raw?ref='.$identifier; try { $content = $this->getContents($resource)->getBody(); } catch (TransportException $e) { if ($e->getCode() !== 404) { throw $e; } return null; } return $content; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getChangeDate(string $identifier): ?\DateTimeImmutable { if ($this->gitDriver) { return $this->gitDriver->getChangeDate($identifier); } if (isset($this->commits[$identifier])) { return new \DateTimeImmutable($this->commits[$identifier]['committed_date']); } return null; } /** * @return string */ public function getRepositoryUrl(): string { if ($this->protocol) { return $this->project["{$this->protocol}_url_to_repo"]; } return $this->isPrivate ? $this->project['ssh_url_to_repo'] : $this->project['http_url_to_repo']; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getUrl(): string { if ($this->gitDriver) { return $this->gitDriver->getUrl(); } return $this->project['web_url']; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getDist(string $identifier): ?array { $url = $this->getApiUrl().'/repository/archive.zip?sha='.$identifier; return array('type' => 'zip', 'url' => $url, 'reference' => $identifier, 'shasum' => ''); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getSource(string $identifier): array { if ($this->gitDriver) { return $this->gitDriver->getSource($identifier); } return array('type' => 'git', 'url' => $this->getRepositoryUrl(), 'reference' => $identifier); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getRootIdentifier(): string { if ($this->gitDriver) { return $this->gitDriver->getRootIdentifier(); } return $this->project['default_branch']; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getBranches(): array { if ($this->gitDriver) { return $this->gitDriver->getBranches(); } if (!$this->branches) { $this->branches = $this->getReferences('branches'); } return $this->branches; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getTags(): array { if ($this->gitDriver) { return $this->gitDriver->getTags(); } if (!$this->tags) { $this->tags = $this->getReferences('tags'); } return $this->tags; } /** * @return string Base URL for GitLab API v3 */ public function getApiUrl(): string { return $this->scheme.'://'.$this->originUrl.'/api/v4/projects/'.$this->urlEncodeAll($this->namespace).'%2F'.$this->urlEncodeAll($this->repository); } /** * Urlencode all non alphanumeric characters. rawurlencode() can not be used as it does not encode `.` * * @param string $string * @return string */ private function urlEncodeAll(string $string): string { $encoded = ''; for ($i = 0; isset($string[$i]); $i++) { $character = $string[$i]; if (!ctype_alnum($character) && !in_array($character, array('-', '_'), true)) { $character = '%' . sprintf('%02X', ord($character)); } $encoded .= $character; } return $encoded; } /** * @param string $type * * @return string[] where keys are named references like tags or branches and the value a sha */ protected function getReferences(string $type): array { $perPage = 100; $resource = $this->getApiUrl().'/repository/'.$type.'?per_page='.$perPage; $references = array(); do { $response = $this->getContents($resource); $data = $response->decodeJson(); foreach ($data as $datum) { $references[$datum['name']] = $datum['commit']['id']; // Keep the last commit date of a reference to avoid // unnecessary API call when retrieving the composer file. $this->commits[$datum['commit']['id']] = $datum['commit']; } if (count($data) >= $perPage) { $resource = $this->getNextPage($response); } else { $resource = false; } } while ($resource); return $references; } /** * @return void */ protected function fetchProject(): void { // we need to fetch the default branch from the api $resource = $this->getApiUrl(); $this->project = $this->getContents($resource, true)->decodeJson(); if (isset($this->project['visibility'])) { $this->isPrivate = $this->project['visibility'] !== 'public'; } else { // client is not authenticated, therefore repository has to be public $this->isPrivate = false; } } /** * @phpstan-impure * * @return true * @throws \RuntimeException */ protected function attemptCloneFallback(): bool { if ($this->isPrivate === false) { $url = $this->generatePublicUrl(); } else { $url = $this->generateSshUrl(); } try { // If this repository may be private and we // cannot ask for authentication credentials (because we // are not interactive) then we fallback to GitDriver. $this->setupGitDriver($url); return true; } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { $this->gitDriver = null; $this->io->writeError('Failed to clone the '.$url.' repository, try running in interactive mode so that you can enter your credentials'); throw $e; } } /** * Generate an SSH URL * * @return string */ protected function generateSshUrl(): string { if ($this->hasNonstandardOrigin) { return 'ssh://git@'.$this->originUrl.'/'.$this->namespace.'/'.$this->repository.'.git'; } return 'git@' . $this->originUrl . ':'.$this->namespace.'/'.$this->repository.'.git'; } /** * @return string */ protected function generatePublicUrl(): string { return $this->scheme . '://' . $this->originUrl . '/'.$this->namespace.'/'.$this->repository.'.git'; } /** * @param string $url * * @return void */ protected function setupGitDriver(string $url): void { $this->gitDriver = new GitDriver( array('url' => $url), $this->io, $this->config, $this->httpDownloader, $this->process ); $this->gitDriver->initialize(); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @param bool $fetchingRepoData */ protected function getContents(string $url, bool $fetchingRepoData = false): Response { try { $response = parent::getContents($url); if ($fetchingRepoData) { $json = $response->decodeJson(); // Accessing the API with a token with Guest (10) access will return // more data than unauthenticated access but no default_branch data // accessing files via the API will then also fail if (!isset($json['default_branch']) && isset($json['permissions'])) { $this->isPrivate = $json['visibility'] !== 'public'; $moreThanGuestAccess = false; // Check both access levels (e.g. project, group) // - value will be null if no access is set // - value will be array with key access_level if set foreach ($json['permissions'] as $permission) { if ($permission && $permission['access_level'] > 10) { $moreThanGuestAccess = true; } } if (!$moreThanGuestAccess) { $this->io->writeError('GitLab token with Guest only access detected'); $this->attemptCloneFallback(); return new Response(array('url' => 'dummy'), 200, array(), 'null'); } } // force auth as the unauthenticated version of the API is broken if (!isset($json['default_branch'])) { // GitLab allows you to disable the repository inside a project to use a project only for issues and wiki if (isset($json['repository_access_level']) && $json['repository_access_level'] === 'disabled') { throw new TransportException('The GitLab repository is disabled in the project', 400); } if (!empty($json['id'])) { $this->isPrivate = false; } throw new TransportException('GitLab API seems to not be authenticated as it did not return a default_branch', 401); } } return $response; } catch (TransportException $e) { $gitLabUtil = new GitLab($this->io, $this->config, $this->process, $this->httpDownloader); switch ($e->getCode()) { case 401: case 404: // try to authorize only if we are fetching the main /repos/foo/bar data, otherwise it must be a real 404 if (!$fetchingRepoData) { throw $e; } if ($gitLabUtil->authorizeOAuth($this->originUrl)) { return parent::getContents($url); } if (!$this->io->isInteractive()) { $this->attemptCloneFallback(); return new Response(array('url' => 'dummy'), 200, array(), 'null'); } $this->io->writeError('Failed to download ' . $this->namespace . '/' . $this->repository . ':' . $e->getMessage() . ''); $gitLabUtil->authorizeOAuthInteractively($this->scheme, $this->originUrl, 'Your credentials are required to fetch private repository metadata ('.$this->url.')'); return parent::getContents($url); case 403: if (!$this->io->hasAuthentication($this->originUrl) && $gitLabUtil->authorizeOAuth($this->originUrl)) { return parent::getContents($url); } if (!$this->io->isInteractive() && $fetchingRepoData) { $this->attemptCloneFallback(); return new Response(array('url' => 'dummy'), 200, array(), 'null'); } throw $e; default: throw $e; } } } /** * Uses the config `gitlab-domains` to see if the driver supports the url for the * repository given. * * @inheritDoc */ public static function supports(IOInterface $io, Config $config, string $url, bool $deep = false): bool { if (!Preg::isMatch(self::URL_REGEX, $url, $match)) { return false; } $scheme = !empty($match['scheme']) ? $match['scheme'] : null; $guessedDomain = !empty($match['domain']) ? $match['domain'] : $match['domain2']; $urlParts = explode('/', $match['parts']); if (false === self::determineOrigin((array) $config->get('gitlab-domains'), $guessedDomain, $urlParts, $match['port'])) { return false; } if ('https' === $scheme && !extension_loaded('openssl')) { $io->writeError('Skipping GitLab driver for '.$url.' because the OpenSSL PHP extension is missing.', true, IOInterface::VERBOSE); return false; } return true; } /** * @return string|null */ protected function getNextPage(Response $response): ?string { $header = $response->getHeader('link'); $links = explode(',', $header); foreach ($links as $link) { if (Preg::isMatch('{<(.+?)>; *rel="next"}', $link, $match)) { return $match[1]; } } return null; } /** * @param array $configuredDomains * @param string $guessedDomain * @param array $urlParts * @param string $portNumber * * @return string|false */ private static function determineOrigin(array $configuredDomains, string $guessedDomain, array &$urlParts, string $portNumber) { $guessedDomain = strtolower($guessedDomain); if (in_array($guessedDomain, $configuredDomains) || ($portNumber && in_array($guessedDomain.':'.$portNumber, $configuredDomains))) { if ($portNumber) { return $guessedDomain.':'.$portNumber; } return $guessedDomain; } if ($portNumber) { $guessedDomain .= ':'.$portNumber; } while (null !== ($part = array_shift($urlParts))) { $guessedDomain .= '/' . $part; if (in_array($guessedDomain, $configuredDomains) || ($portNumber && in_array(Preg::replace('{:\d+}', '', $guessedDomain), $configuredDomains))) { return $guessedDomain; } } return false; } }