replicate the git behvaiour to resolve a feature's version for mercurial

Christoph 12 years ago
parent d84484b49d
commit c84d3d5937

@ -160,9 +160,21 @@ class RootPackageLoader extends ArrayLoader
private function guessVersion(array $config)
if (function_exists('proc_open')) {
$version = $this->guessGitVersion($config);
if (null !== $version) {
return $version;
return $this->guessHgVersion($config);
private function guessGitVersion(array $config)
// try to fetch current version from git branch
if (function_exists('proc_open') && 0 === $this->process->execute('git branch --no-color --no-abbrev -v', $output)) {
if (0 === $this->process->execute('git branch --no-color --no-abbrev -v', $output)) {
$branches = array();
$isFeatureBranch = false;
$version = null;
@ -193,32 +205,71 @@ class RootPackageLoader extends ArrayLoader
return $version;
// ignore feature branches if they have no branch-alias or self.version is used
// and find the branch they came from to use as a version instead
if ((isset($config['extra']['branch-alias']) && !isset($config['extra']['branch-alias'][$version]))
|| strpos(json_encode($config), '"self.version"')
) {
$branch = preg_replace('{^dev-}', '', $version);
$length = PHP_INT_MAX;
foreach ($branches as $candidate) {
// do not compare against other feature branches
if ($candidate === $branch || !preg_match('{^(master|trunk|default|develop|\d+\..+)$}', $candidate, $match)) {
if (0 !== $this->process->execute('git rev-list '.$candidate.'..'.$branch, $output)) {
if (strlen($output) < $length) {
$length = strlen($output);
$version = $this->versionParser->normalizeBranch($candidate);
if ('9999999-dev' === $version) {
$version = 'dev-'.$match[1];
// try to find the best (nearest) version branch to assume this feature's version
$version = $this->guessFeatureVersion($config, $version, $branches, 'git rev-list %candidate%..%branch%');
return $version;
private function guessHgVersion(array $config)
// try to fetch current version from hg branch
if (0 === $this->process->execute('hg branch', $output)) {
$branch = trim($output);
$version = $this->versionParser->normalizeBranch($branch);
$isFeatureBranch = 0 === strpos($version, 'dev-');
if ('9999999-dev' === $version) {
$version = 'dev-'.$branch;
if (!$isFeatureBranch) {
return $version;
// re-use the HgDriver to fetch branches (this properly includes bookmarks)
$config = array('url' => getcwd());
$driver = new HgDriver($config, new NullIO(), $this->config, $this->process);
$branches = array_keys($driver->getBranches());
// try to find the best (nearest) version branch to assume this feature's version
$version = $this->guessFeatureVersion($config, $version, $branches, 'hg log -r "not ancestors(\'%candidate%\') and ancestors(\'%branch%\')" --template "{node}\\n"');
return $version;
private function guessFeatureVersion(array $config, $version, array $branches, $scmCmdline)
// ignore feature branches if they have no branch-alias or self.version is used
// and find the branch they came from to use as a version instead
if ((isset($config['extra']['branch-alias']) && !isset($config['extra']['branch-alias'][$version]))
|| strpos(json_encode($config), '"self.version"')
) {
$branch = preg_replace('{^dev-}', '', $version);
$length = PHP_INT_MAX;
foreach ($branches as $candidate) {
// do not compare against other feature branches
if ($candidate === $branch || !preg_match('{^(master|trunk|default|develop|\d+\..+)$}', $candidate, $match)) {
$cmdLine = str_replace(array('%candidate%', '%branch%'), array($candidate, $branch), $scmCmdline);
if (0 !== $this->process->execute($cmdLine, $output)) {
if (strlen($output) < $length) {
$length = strlen($output);
$version = $this->versionParser->normalizeBranch($candidate);
if ('9999999-dev' === $version) {
$version = 'dev-'.$match[1];
return $version;
