Merge pull request #4958 from kler/patch-1

Jordi Boggiano 8 years ago
commit a0bff7af1d

@ -190,6 +190,22 @@ composer update
php /usr/local/bin/composer update
As a workaround in bash (and other shells) you can create a function which is named `composer`,
which disables xdebug before it executes composer, and then enables it afterwards.
Create a function in a file read by bash, like `~/.bashrc` or `~/.bash_aliases` depending on
your setup. This also assumes that you have sudo privileges and the `php5enmod` and `php5dismod`
commands available. It also assumes that you have `composer` in your path.
echo 'function composer() { COMPOSER="$(which composer)" || { echo "Could not find composer in path" >&2 ; return 1 ; } && sudo php5dismod -s cli xdebug ; $COMPOSER "$@" ; STATUS=$? ; sudo php5enmod -s cli xdebug ; return $STATUS ; }' >> ~/.bash_aliases
. ~/.bash_aliases
When executing `composer` you will run it with xdebug **disabled** (**as long as the command is executing**),
and if you execute composer using explicit path (like `./composer` or `/usr/local/bin/composer`)
xdebug will be **enabled**.
If you do not want to disable it and want to get rid of the warning you can also define the
[COMPOSER_DISABLE_XDEBUG_WARN](../ environment variable.
