Merge remote-tracking branch 'alcohol/split-schema-documentation'

Jordi Boggiano 9 years ago
commit 720a25abb9

@ -1,54 +1,41 @@
# Introduction
Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare
the dependent libraries your project needs and it will install them in your
project for you.
the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them
for you.
## Dependency management
Composer is not a package manager. Yes, it deals with "packages" or libraries, but
it manages them on a per-project basis, installing them in a directory (e.g. `vendor`)
inside your project. By default it will never install anything globally. Thus,
it is a dependency manager.
Composer is **not** a package manager in the same sense as Yum or Apt are. Yes,
it deals with "packages" or libraries, but it manages them on a per-project
basis, installing them in a directory (e.g. `vendor`) inside your project. By
default it will never install anything globally. Thus, it is a dependency
This idea is not new and Composer is strongly inspired by node's [npm](
and ruby's [bundler]( But there has not been such a tool
for PHP.
This idea is not new and Composer is strongly inspired by node's
[npm]( and ruby's [bundler](
The problem that Composer solves is this:
a) You have a project that depends on a number of libraries.
b) Some of those libraries depend on other libraries.
c) You declare the things you depend on.
d) Composer finds out which versions of which packages need to be installed, and
installs them (meaning it downloads them into your project).
## Declaring dependencies
c) Enables you to declare the libraries you depend on.
Let's say you are creating a project, and you need a library that does logging.
You decide to use [monolog]( In order to
add it to your project, all you need to do is create a `composer.json` file
which describes the project's dependencies.
"require": {
"monolog/monolog": "1.2.*"
d) Finds out which versions of which packages can and need to be installed, and
installs them (meaning it downloads them into your project).
We are simply stating that our project requires some `monolog/monolog` package,
any version beginning with `1.2`.
See the [Basic usage]( chapter for more details on declaring
## System Requirements
Composer requires PHP 5.3.2+ to run. A few sensitive php settings and compile
flags are also required, but when using the installer you will be warned about any
flags are also required, but when using the installer you will be warned about
any incompatibilities.
To install packages from sources instead of simple zip archives, you will need
git, svn or hg depending on how the package is version-controlled.
@ -60,6 +47,12 @@ Linux and OSX.
### Downloading the Composer Executable
Composer offers a convenient installer that you can execute directly from the
commandline. Feel free to [download this file](
or review it on [GitHub](
if you wish to know more about the inner workings of the installer. The source
is plain PHP.
There are in short, two ways to install Composer. Locally as part of your
project, or globally as a system wide executable.
@ -79,37 +72,54 @@ curl -sS | php
php -r "readfile('');" | php
The installer will just check a few PHP settings and then download `composer.phar`
to your working directory. This file is the Composer binary. It is a PHAR (PHP
archive), which is an archive format for PHP which can be run on the command
line, amongst other things.
The installer will just check a few PHP settings and then download
`composer.phar` to your working directory. This file is the Composer binary. It
is a PHAR (PHP archive), which is an archive format for PHP which can be run on
the command line, amongst other things.
Now just run `php composer.phar` in order to run Composer.
You can install Composer to a specific directory by using the `--install-dir`
option and providing a target directory (it can be an absolute or relative path):
option and additionally (re)name it as well using the `--filename` option:
curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=bin
curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=bin --filename=composer
Now just run `php bin/composer` in order to run Composer.
#### Globally
You can place this file anywhere you wish. If you put it in your `PATH`,
you can access it globally. On unixy systems you can even make it
executable and invoke it without `php`.
You can place the Composer PHAR anywhere you wish. If you put it in a directory
that is part of your `PATH`, you can access it globally. On unixy systems you
can even make it executable and invoke it without directly using the `php`
You can run these commands to easily access `composer` from anywhere on your system:
Run these commands to globally install `composer` on your system:
curl -sS | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
> **Note:** If the above fails due to permissions, run the `mv` line
> again with sudo.
> **Note:** If the above fails due to permissions, run the `mv` line again
> with sudo.
A quick copy-paste version including sudo:
> **Note:** In OSX Yosemite the `/usr` directory does not exist by default. If you receive the error "/usr/local/bin/composer: No such file or directory" then you must create `/usr/local/bin/` manually before proceeding.
curl -sS | sudo php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
Then, just run `composer` in order to run Composer instead of `php composer.phar`.
> **Note:** On some versions of OSX the `/usr` directory does not exist by
> default. If you receive the error "/usr/local/bin/composer: No such file or
> directory" then you must create the directory manually before proceeding:
> `mkdir -p /usr/local/bin`.
> **Note:** For information on changing your PATH, please read the
> [Wikipedia article]( and/or use Google.
Now just run `composer` in order to run Composer instead of `php composer.phar`.
## Installation - Windows
@ -117,24 +127,26 @@ Then, just run `composer` in order to run Composer instead of `php composer.phar
This is the easiest way to get Composer set up on your machine.
Download and run [Composer-Setup.exe](,
it will install the latest Composer version and set up your PATH so that you can
just call `composer` from any directory in your command line.
Download and run
[Composer-Setup.exe]( It will
install the latest Composer version and set up your PATH so that you can just
call `composer` from any directory in your command line.
> **Note:** Close your current terminal. Test usage with a new terminal:
> That is important since the PATH only gets loaded when the terminal starts.
> **Note:** Close your current terminal. Test usage with a new terminal: This is
> important since the PATH only gets loaded when the terminal starts.
### Manual Installation
Change to a directory on your `PATH` and run the install snippet to download
C:\Users\username>cd C:\bin
C:\bin>php -r "readfile('');" | php
> **Note:** If the above fails due to readfile, use the `http` url or enable php_openssl.dll in php.ini
> **Note:** If the above fails due to readfile, use the `http` url or enable
> php_openssl.dll in php.ini
Create a new `composer.bat` file alongside `composer.phar`:
@ -153,38 +165,7 @@ Composer version 27d8904
## Using Composer
We will now use Composer to install the dependencies of the project. If you
don't have a `composer.json` file in the current directory please skip to the
[Basic Usage]( chapter.
To resolve and download dependencies, run the `install` command:
php composer.phar install
If you did a global install and do not have the phar in that directory
run this instead:
composer install
Following the [example above](#declaring-dependencies), this will download
monolog into the `vendor/monolog/monolog` directory.
## Autoloading
Besides downloading the library, Composer also prepares an autoload file that's
capable of autoloading all of the classes in any of the libraries that it
downloads. To use it, just add the following line to your code's bootstrap
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
Woah! Now start using monolog! To keep learning more about Composer, keep
reading the "Basic Usage" chapter.
Now that you've installed Composer, you are ready to use it! Head on over to the
next chapter for a short and simple demonstration.
[Basic Usage]( →
[Basic usage]( →

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
# Basic usage
## Installing
## Introduction
If you have not yet installed Composer, refer to the [Intro]( chapter.
For our basic usage introduction, we will be installing `monolog/monolog`,
a logging library. If you have not yet installed Composer, refer to the
[Intro]( chapter.
> **Note:** for the sake of simplicity, this introduction will assume you
> have performed a [local]( install of Composer.
## `composer.json`: Project Setup
@ -10,14 +15,11 @@ To start using Composer in your project, all you need is a `composer.json`
file. This file describes the dependencies of your project and may contain
other metadata as well.
The [JSON format]( is quite easy to write. It allows you to
define nested structures.
### The `require` Key
The first (and often only) thing you specify in `composer.json` is the
`require` key. You're simply telling Composer which packages your project
depends on.
[`require`]( key. You're simply telling Composer which
packages your project depends on.
@ -27,15 +29,16 @@ depends on.
As you can see, `require` takes an object that maps **package names** (e.g. `monolog/monolog`)
to **package versions** (e.g. `1.0.*`).
As you can see, [`require`]( takes an object that maps
**package names** (e.g. `monolog/monolog`) to **version constraints** (e.g.
### Package Names
The package name consists of a vendor name and the project's name. Often these
will be identical - the vendor name just exists to prevent naming clashes. It allows
two different people to create a library named `json`, which would then just be
named `igorw/json` and `seldaek/json`.
will be identical - the vendor name just exists to prevent naming clashes. It
allows two different people to create a library named `json`, which would then
just be named `igorw/json` and `seldaek/json`.
Here we are requiring `monolog/monolog`, so the vendor name is the same as the
project's name. For projects with a unique name this is recommended. It also
@ -45,89 +48,26 @@ smaller decoupled parts.
### Package Versions
In the previous example we were requiring version [`1.0.*`](*) of monolog. This
means any version in the `1.0` development branch. It would match `1.0.0`,
`1.0.2` or `1.0.20`.
Version constraints can be specified in a few different ways.
Name | Example | Description
-------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -----------
Exact version | `1.0.2` | You can specify the exact version of a package.
Range | `>=1.0` `>=1.0 <2.0` <code>&gt;=1.0 &lt;1.1 &#124;&#124; &gt;=1.2</code> | By using comparison operators you can specify ranges of valid versions. Valid operators are `>`, `>=`, `<`, `<=`, `!=`. <br />You can define multiple ranges. Ranges separated by a space (<code> </code>) or comma (`,`) will be treated as a **logical AND**. A double pipe (<code>&#124;&#124;</code>) will be treated as a **logical OR**. AND has higher precedence than OR.
Hyphen Range | `1.0 - 2.0` | Inclusive set of versions. Partial versions on the right include are completed with a wildcard. For example `1.0 - 2.0` is equivalent to `>=1.0.0 <2.1` as the `2.0` becomes `2.0.*`. On the other hand `1.0.0 - 2.1.0` is equivalent to `>=1.0.0 <=2.1.0`.
Wildcard | `1.0.*` | You can specify a pattern with a `*` wildcard. `1.0.*` is the equivalent of `>=1.0 <1.1`.
Tilde Operator | `~1.2` | Very useful for projects that follow semantic versioning. `~1.2` is equivalent to `>=1.2 <2.0`. For more details, read the next section below.
Caret Operator | `^1.2.3` | Very useful for projects that follow semantic versioning. `^1.2.3` is equivalent to `>=1.2.3 <2.0`. For more details, read the next section below.
### Next Significant Release (Tilde and Caret Operators)
The `~` operator is best explained by example: `~1.2` is equivalent to
`>=1.2 <2.0.0`, while `~1.2.3` is equivalent to `>=1.2.3 <1.3.0`. As you can see
it is mostly useful for projects respecting [semantic
versioning]( A common usage would be to mark the minimum
minor version you depend on, like `~1.2` (which allows anything up to, but not
including, 2.0). Since in theory there should be no backwards compatibility
breaks until 2.0, that works well. Another way of looking at it is that using
`~` specifies a minimum version, but allows the last digit specified to go up.
The `^` operator behaves very similarly but it sticks closer to semantic
versioning, and will always allow non-breaking updates. For example `^1.2.3`
is equivalent to `>=1.2.3 <2.0.0` as none of the releases until 2.0 should
break backwards compatibility. For pre-1.0 versions it also acts with safety
in mind and treats `^0.3` as `>=0.3.0 <0.4.0`
> **Note:** Though `2.0-beta.1` is strictly before `2.0`, a version constraint
> like `~1.2` would not install it. As said above `~1.2` only means the `.2`
> can change but the `1.` part is fixed.
> **Note:** The `~` operator has an exception on its behavior for the major
> release number. This means for example that `~1` is the same as `~1.0` as
> it will not allow the major number to increase trying to keep backwards
> compatibility.
In the previous example we were requiring version
[`1.0.*`](*) of
Monolog. This means any version in the `1.0` development branch. It is the
equivalent of saying versions that match `>=1.0 <1.1`.
Version constraints can be specified in several ways, read
[versions](articles/ for more in-depth information on this topic.
### Stability
By default only stable releases are taken into consideration. If you would like
to also get RC, beta, alpha or dev versions of your dependencies you can do
so using [stability flags]( To change that for all
packages instead of doing per dependency you can also use the
By default only stable releases are taken into consideration. If you would
like to also get RC, beta, alpha or dev versions of your dependencies you can
do so using [stability flags]( To change that for
all packages instead of doing per dependency you can also use the
[minimum-stability]( setting.
If you are using range comparisons when selecting non-stable packages, and you
specify a numeric version number (that is, no suffix indicating alpha, beta,
rc, or stable), then both non-stable and stable versions of a particular
release number will be treated as equally valid.
* `>=`/`<=` will accept non-stable releases as well as the stable release.
* `<`/`>` will reject non-stable releasese as well as the stable release.
If you wish to consider only the stable release in the comparison, add the
suffix `-stable` to the version number.
Here are some examples:
Example | Interpretation
--------------- | --------------
`>=1.0.0` | Any release, stable or non-, of 1.0.0 will be allowed
`>=1.0.0-stable` | Only the stable release of 1.0.0 will be allowed
`<2.0.0` | Neither release, stable or non-, of 2.0.0 will be allowed
`<2.0.0-stable` | Only the stable release of 2.0.0 will be disallowed; non-stable releases will be allowed
Note that the packages matched by these constraints are still checked against
the `minimum-stability` setting and each package's stability flags.
### Test version constraints
You can test version constraints using []( Fill in
a package name and it will autofill the default version constraint which Composer would add
to your `composer.json` file. You can adjust the version constraint and the tool will highlight
all releases that match.
## Installing Dependencies
To fetch the defined dependencies into your local project, just run the
`install` command of `composer.phar`.
To install the defined dependencies for your project, just run the
[`install`]( command.
php composer.phar install
@ -136,14 +76,14 @@ php composer.phar install
This will find the latest version of `monolog/monolog` that matches the
supplied version constraint and download it into the `vendor` directory.
It's a convention to put third party code into a directory named `vendor`.
In case of monolog it will put it into `vendor/monolog/monolog`.
In case of Monolog it will put it into `vendor/monolog/monolog`.
> **Tip:** If you are using git for your project, you probably want to add
> `vendor` into your `.gitignore`. You really don't want to add all of that
> `vendor` in your `.gitignore`. You really don't want to add all of that
> code to your repository.
Another thing that the `install` command does is it adds a `composer.lock`
file into your project root.
You will notice the [`install`]( command also created a
`composer.lock` file.
## `composer.lock` - The Lock File
@ -151,82 +91,82 @@ After installing the dependencies, Composer writes the list of the exact
versions it installed into a `composer.lock` file. This locks the project
to those specific versions.
**Commit your application's `composer.lock` (along with `composer.json`) into version control.**
**Commit your application's `composer.lock` (along with `composer.json`)
into version control.**
This is important because the `install` command checks if a lock file is present,
and if it is, it downloads the versions specified there (regardless of what `composer.json`
This is important because the [`install`]( command checks
if a lock file is present, and if it is, it downloads the versions specified
there (regardless of what `composer.json` says).
This means that anyone who sets up the project will download the exact
same version of the dependencies. Your CI server, production machines, other
developers in your team, everything and everyone runs on the same dependencies, which
mitigates the potential for bugs affecting only some parts of the deployments. Even if you
develop alone, in six months when reinstalling the project you can feel confident the
dependencies installed are still working even if your dependencies released
many new versions since then.
This means that anyone who sets up the project will download the exact same
version of the dependencies. Your CI server, production machines, other
developers in your team, everything and everyone runs on the same dependencies,
which mitigates the potential for bugs affecting only some parts of the
deployments. Even if you develop alone, in six months when reinstalling the
project you can feel confident the dependencies installed are still working even
if your dependencies released many new versions since then.
If no `composer.lock` file exists, Composer will read the dependencies and
versions from `composer.json` and create the lock file after executing the `update` or the `install`
versions from `composer.json` and create the lock file after executing the
[`update`]( or the [`install`]( command.
This means that if any of the dependencies get a new version, you won't get the updates
automatically. To update to the new version, use the `update` command. This will fetch
the latest matching versions (according to your `composer.json` file) and also update
the lock file with the new version.
This means that if any of the dependencies get a new version, you won't get the
updates automatically. To update to the new version, use the
[`update`]( command. This will fetch the latest matching
versions (according to your `composer.json` file) and also update the lock file
with the new version.
php composer.phar update
> **Note:** Composer will display a Warning when executing an `install` command if
`composer.lock` and `composer.json` are not synchronized.
> **Note:** Composer will display a Warning when executing an `install` command
> if `composer.lock` and `composer.json` are not synchronized.
If you only want to install or update one dependency, you can whitelist them:
php composer.phar update monolog/monolog [...]
> **Note:** For libraries it is not necessarily recommended to commit the lock file,
> see also: [Libraries - Lock file](
> **Note:** For libraries it is not necessary to commit the lock
> file, see also: [Libraries - Lock file](
## Packagist
[Packagist]( is the main Composer repository. A Composer
repository is basically a package source: a place where you can get packages
from. Packagist aims to be the central repository that everybody uses. This
means that you can automatically `require` any package that is available
means that you can automatically `require` any package that is available there.
If you go to the [packagist website]( (,
If you go to the [Packagist website]( (,
you can browse and search for packages.
Any open source project using Composer should publish their packages on
packagist. A library doesn't need to be on packagist to be used by Composer,
but it makes life quite a bit simpler.
Any open source project using Composer is recommended to publish their packages
on Packagist. A library doesn't need to be on Packagist to be used by Composer,
but it enables discovery and adoption by other developers more quickly.
## Autoloading
For libraries that specify autoload information, Composer generates a
`vendor/autoload.php` file. You can simply include this file and you
will get autoloading for free.
`vendor/autoload.php` file. You can simply include this file and you will get
autoloading for free.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
This makes it really easy to use third party code. For example: If your
project depends on monolog, you can just start using classes from it, and they
will be autoloaded.
This makes it really easy to use third party code. For example: If your project
depends on Monolog, you can just start using classes from it, and they will be
$log = new Monolog\Logger('name');
$log->pushHandler(new Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('app.log', Monolog\Logger::WARNING));
You can even add your own code to the autoloader by adding an `autoload` field
to `composer.json`.
You can even add your own code to the autoloader by adding an
[`autoload`]( field to `composer.json`.
@ -243,8 +183,9 @@ You define a mapping from namespaces to directories. The `src` directory would
be in your project root, on the same level as `vendor` directory is. An example
filename would be `src/Foo.php` containing an `Acme\Foo` class.
After adding the `autoload` field, you have to re-run `dump-autoload` to re-generate
the `vendor/autoload.php` file.
After adding the [`autoload`]( field, you have to re-run
[`dump-autoload`]( to re-generate the
`vendor/autoload.php` file.
Including that file will also return the autoloader instance, so you can store
the return value of the include call in a variable and add more namespaces.
@ -255,12 +196,12 @@ $loader = require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$loader->add('Acme\\Test\\', __DIR__);
In addition to PSR-4 autoloading, classmap is also supported. This allows
classes to be autoloaded even if they do not conform to PSR-4. See the
[autoload reference]( for more details.
In addition to PSR-4 autoloading, Composer also supports PSR-0, classmap and
files autoloading. See the [`autoload`]( reference for
more information.
> **Note:** Composer provides its own autoloader. If you don't want to use
that one, you can just include `vendor/composer/autoload_*.php` files,
which return associative arrays allowing you to configure your own autoloader.
> **Note:** Composer provides its own autoloader. If you don't want to use that
> one, you can just include `vendor/composer/autoload_*.php` files, which return
> associative arrays allowing you to configure your own autoloader.
&larr; [Intro]( | [Libraries]( &rarr;

@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
# Libraries
This chapter will tell you how to make your library installable through Composer.
This chapter will tell you how to make your library installable through
## Every project is a package
As soon as you have a `composer.json` in a directory, that directory is a
package. When you add a `require` to a project, you are making a package that
depends on other packages. The only difference between your project and
libraries is that your project is a package without a name.
package. When you add a [`require`]( to a project, you are
making a package that depends on other packages. The only difference between
your project and libraries is that your project is a package without a name.
In order to make that package installable you need to give it a name. You do
this by adding a `name` to `composer.json`:
this by adding the [`name`]( property in `composer.json`:
@ -21,12 +22,12 @@ this by adding a `name` to `composer.json`:
In this case the project name is `acme/hello-world`, where `acme` is the
vendor name. Supplying a vendor name is mandatory.
In this case the project name is `acme/hello-world`, where `acme` is the vendor
name. Supplying a vendor name is mandatory.
> **Note:** If you don't know what to use as a vendor name, your GitHub
username is usually a good bet. While package names are case insensitive, the
convention is all lowercase and dashes for word separation.
> username is usually a good bet. While package names are case insensitive, the
> convention is all lowercase and dashes for word separation.
## Platform packages
@ -50,15 +51,14 @@ includes PHP itself, PHP extensions and some system libraries.
PHP. The following are available: `curl`, `iconv`, `icu`, `libxml`,
`openssl`, `pcre`, `uuid`, `xsl`.
You can use `composer show --platform` to get a list of your locally available
platform packages.
You can use [`show --platform`]( to get a list of your locally
available platform packages.
## Specifying the version
You need to specify the package's version some way. When you publish your
package on Packagist, it is able to infer the version from the VCS (git, svn,
hg) information, so in that case you do not have to specify it, and it is
recommended not to. See [tags](#tags) and [branches](#branches) to see how
When you publish your package on Packagist, it is able to infer the version
from the VCS (git, svn, hg) information. This means you don't have to
explicitly declare it. Read [tags](#tags) and [branches](#branches) to see how
version numbers are extracted from these.
If you are creating packages by hand and really have to specify it explicitly,
@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ you can just add a `version` field:
### Tags
For every tag that looks like a version, a package version of that tag will be
created. It should match 'X.Y.Z' or 'vX.Y.Z', with an optional suffix
of `-patch` (`-p`), `-alpha` (`-a`), `-beta` (`-b`) or `-RC`. The suffixes
can also be followed by a number.
created. It should match 'X.Y.Z' or 'vX.Y.Z', with an optional suffix of
`-patch` (`-p`), `-alpha` (`-a`), `-beta` (`-b`) or `-RC`. The suffix can also
be followed by a number.
Here are a few examples of valid tag names:
@ -89,19 +89,20 @@ Here are a few examples of valid tag names:
- v2.0.0-alpha
- v2.0.4-p1
> **Note:** Even if your tag is prefixed with `v`, a [version constraint](
> in a `require` statement has to be specified without prefix
> (e.g. tag `v1.0.0` will result in version `1.0.0`).
> **Note:** Even if your tag is prefixed with `v`, a
> [version constraint]( in a `require`
> statement has to be specified without prefix (e.g. tag `v1.0.0` will result
> in version `1.0.0`).
### Branches
For every branch, a package development version will be created. If the branch
name looks like a version, the version will be `{branchname}-dev`. For example,
the branch `2.0` will get the `2.0.x-dev` version (the `.x` is added for technical
reasons, to make sure it is recognized as a branch). The `2.0.x` branch would also
be valid and be turned into `2.0.x-dev` as well. If the branch does not look
like a version, it will be `dev-{branchname}`. `master` results in a
`dev-master` version.
the branch `2.0` will get the `2.0.x-dev` version (the `.x` is added for
technical reasons, to make sure it is recognized as a branch). The `2.0.x`
branch would also be valid and be turned into `2.0.x-dev` as well. If the
branch does not look like a version, it will be `dev-{branchname}`. `master`
results in a `dev-master` version.
Here are some examples of version branch names:
@ -116,8 +117,8 @@ Here are some examples of version branch names:
### Aliases
It is possible to alias branch names to versions. For example, you could alias
`dev-master` to `1.0.x-dev`, which would allow you to require `1.0.x-dev` in all
the packages.
`dev-master` to `1.0.x-dev`, which would allow you to require `1.0.x-dev` in
all the packages.
See [Aliases](articles/ for more information.
@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ the `.gitignore`.
## Publishing to a VCS
Once you have a vcs repository (version control system, e.g. git) containing a
Once you have a VCS repository (version control system, e.g. git) containing a
`composer.json` file, your library is already composer-installable. In this
example we will publish the `acme/hello-world` library on GitHub under
@ -180,11 +181,11 @@ For more details on how package repositories work and what other types are
available, see [Repositories](
That's all. You can now install the dependencies by running Composer's
`install` command!
[`install`]( command!
**Recap:** Any git/svn/hg repository containing a `composer.json` can be added
to your project by specifying the package repository and declaring the
dependency in the `require` field.
dependency in the [`require`]( field.
## Publishing to packagist
@ -196,15 +197,16 @@ repository for `monolog/monolog`. How did that work? The answer is Packagist.
[Packagist]( is the main package repository for
Composer, and it is enabled by default. Anything that is published on
Packagist is available automatically through Composer. Since monolog
[is on packagist](, we can depend
on it without having to specify any additional repositories.
Packagist is available automatically through Composer. Since
[Monolog is on Packagist](, we
can depend on it without having to specify any additional repositories.
If we wanted to share `hello-world` with the world, we would publish it on
Packagist as well. Doing so is really easy.
You simply hit the big "Submit Package" button and sign up. Then you submit
the URL to your VCS repository, at which point Packagist will start crawling
it. Once it is done, your package will be available to anyone.
You simply visit [Packagist]( and hit the "Submit". This
will prompt you to sign up if you haven't already, and then allows you to
submit the URL to your VCS repository, at which point Packagist will start
crawling it. Once it is done, your package will be available to anyone!
&larr; [Basic usage]( | [Command-line interface]( &rarr;

@ -46,6 +46,11 @@ A list of domain names and username/passwords to authenticate against them. For
example using `{"": {"username": "alice", "password": "foo"}` as the
value of this option will let Composer authenticate against
> **Note:** Authentication-related config options like `http-basic` and
> `github-oauth` can also be specified inside a `auth.json` file that goes
> besides your `composer.json`. That way you can gitignore it and every
> developer can place their own credentials in there.
## platform
Lets you fake platform packages (PHP and extensions) so that you can emulate a
@ -99,7 +104,7 @@ first until the cache fits.
## prepend-autoloader
Defaults to `true`. If false, the Composer autoloader will not be prepended to
Defaults to `true`. If `false`, the Composer autoloader will not be prepended to
existing autoloaders. This is sometimes required to fix interoperability issues
with other autoloaders.
@ -110,7 +115,7 @@ autoloader. When null a random one will be generated.
## optimize-autoloader
Defaults to `false`. Always optimize when dumping the autoloader.
Defaults to `false`. If `true`, always optimize when dumping the autoloader.
## classmap-authoritative
@ -125,7 +130,7 @@ used for GitHub Enterprise setups.
## github-expose-hostname
Defaults to `true`. If set to `false`, the OAuth tokens created to access the
Defaults to `true`. If `false`, the OAuth tokens created to access the
github API will have a date instead of the machine hostname.
## notify-on-install
@ -163,9 +168,4 @@ Example:
> **Note:** Authentication-related config options like `http-basic` and
> `github-oauth` can also be specified inside a `auth.json` file that goes
> besides your `composer.json`. That way you can gitignore it and every
> developer can place their own credentials in there.
&larr; [Repositories]( | [Community]( &rarr;

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
tagline: The multitude of possibilities that are called version constraints.
# Versions
## Basic Constraints
### Exact
You can specify the exact version of a package. This will tell Composer to
install this version and this version only. If other dependencies require
a different version, the solver will ultimately fail and abort any install
or update procedures.
Example: `1.0.2`
### Range
By using comparison operators you can specify ranges of valid versions. Valid
operators are `>`, `>=`, `<`, `<=`, `!=`.
You can define multiple ranges. Ranges separated by a space (` `) or comma (`,`)
will be treated as a **logical AND**. A double pipe (`||`) will be treated as a
**logical OR**. AND has higher precedence than OR.
* `>=1.0`
* `>=1.0 <2.0`
* `>=1.0 <1.1 || >=1.2`
### Range (Hyphen)
Inclusive set of versions. Partial versions on the right include are completed
with a wildcard. For example `1.0 - 2.0` is equivalent to `>=1.0.0 <2.1` as the
`2.0` becomes `2.0.*`. On the other hand `1.0.0 - 2.1.0` is equivalent to
`>=1.0.0 <=2.1.0`.
Example: `1.0 - 2.0`
### Wildcard
You can specify a pattern with a `*` wildcard. `1.0.*` is the equivalent of
`>=1.0 <1.1`.
Example: `1.0.*`
## Next Significant Release Operators
### Tilde
The `~` operator is best explained by example: `~1.2` is equivalent to
`>=1.2 <2.0.0`, while `~1.2.3` is equivalent to `>=1.2.3 <1.3.0`. As you can see
it is mostly useful for projects respecting [semantic
versioning]( A common usage would be to mark the minimum
minor version you depend on, like `~1.2` (which allows anything up to, but not
including, 2.0). Since in theory there should be no backwards compatibility
breaks until 2.0, that works well. Another way of looking at it is that using
`~` specifies a minimum version, but allows the last digit specified to go up.
Example: `~1.2`
> **Note:** Though `2.0-beta.1` is strictly before `2.0`, a version constraint
> like `~1.2` would not install it. As said above `~1.2` only means the `.2`
> can change but the `1.` part is fixed.
> **Note:** The `~` operator has an exception on its behavior for the major
> release number. This means for example that `~1` is the same as `~1.0` as
> it will not allow the major number to increase trying to keep backwards
> compatibility.
### Caret
The `^` operator behaves very similarly but it sticks closer to semantic
versioning, and will always allow non-breaking updates. For example `^1.2.3`
is equivalent to `>=1.2.3 <2.0.0` as none of the releases until 2.0 should
break backwards compatibility. For pre-1.0 versions it also acts with safety
in mind and treats `^0.3` as `>=0.3.0 <0.4.0`.
Example: `^1.2.3`
## Stability
If you are using a constraint that does not explicitly define a stability,
Composer will default interally to `-dev` or `-stable`, depending on the
operator(s) used. This happens transparently.
If you wish to explicitly consider only the stable release in the comparison,
add the suffix `-stable`.
Constraint | Internally
`1.2.3` | `=`
`>1.2` | `>`
`>=1.2` | `>=`
`>=1.2-stable` | `>=`
`<1.3` | `<`
`<=1.3` | `<=`
`1 - 2` | `>= <`
`~1.3` | `>= <`
`1.4.*` | `>= <`
## Test version constraints
You can test version constraints using [](
Fill in a package name and it will autofill the default version constraint
which Composer would add to your `composer.json` file. You can adjust the
version constraint and the tool will highlight all releases that match.