Allow JsonManipulator::addMainKey to update top level keys as well

Jordi Boggiano 11 years ago
parent 7f7d13450e
commit 3bd6af690d

@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ namespace Composer\Json;
class JsonManipulator
private static $RECURSE_BLOCKS = '(?:[^{}]*|\{(?:[^{}]*|\{(?:[^{}]*|\{(?:[^{}]*|\{[^{}]*\})*\})*\})*\})*';
private static $RECURSE_BLOCKS;
private static $JSON_VALUE;
private static $JSON_STRING;
private $contents;
private $newline;
@ -25,6 +27,12 @@ class JsonManipulator
public function __construct($contents)
if (!self::$RECURSE_BLOCKS) {
self::$RECURSE_BLOCKS = '(?:[^{}]*|\{(?:[^{}]*|\{(?:[^{}]*|\{(?:[^{}]*|\{[^{}]*\})*\})*\})*\})*';
self::$JSON_STRING = '"(?:\\\\["bfnrt/\\\\]|\\\\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|[^\0-\x09\x0a-\x1f\\\\"])*"';
self::$JSON_VALUE = '(?:[0-9.]+|null|true|false|'.self::$JSON_STRING.'|\[[^\]]*\]|\{'.self::$RECURSE_BLOCKS.'\})';
$contents = trim($contents);
if (!preg_match('#^\{(.*)\}$#s', $contents)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The json file must be an object ({})');
@ -43,7 +51,7 @@ class JsonManipulator
// no link of that type yet
if (!preg_match('#"'.$type.'":\s*\{#', $this->contents)) {
$this->addMainKey($type, $this->format(array($package => $constraint)));
$this->addMainKey($type, array($package => $constraint));
return true;
@ -100,7 +108,7 @@ class JsonManipulator
// no main node yet
if (!preg_match('#"'.$mainNode.'":\s*\{#', $this->contents)) {
$this->addMainKey(''.$mainNode.'', $this->format(array($name => $value)));
$this->addMainKey(''.$mainNode.'', array($name => $value));
return true;
@ -126,8 +134,8 @@ class JsonManipulator
$that = $this;
// child exists
if (preg_match('{("'.preg_quote($name).'"\s*:\s*)([0-9.]+|null|true|false|"[^"]+"|\[[^\]]*\]|\{'.self::$RECURSE_BLOCKS.'\})(,?)}', $children, $matches)) {
$children = preg_replace_callback('{("'.preg_quote($name).'"\s*:\s*)([0-9.]+|null|true|false|"[^"]+"|\[[^\]]*\]|\{'.self::$RECURSE_BLOCKS.'\})(,?)}', function ($matches) use ($name, $subName, $value, $that) {
if (preg_match('{("'.preg_quote($name).'"\s*:\s*)('.self::$JSON_VALUE.')(,?)}', $children, $matches)) {
$children = preg_replace_callback('{("'.preg_quote($name).'"\s*:\s*)('.self::$JSON_VALUE.')(,?)}', function ($matches) use ($name, $subName, $value, $that) {
if ($subName !== null) {
$curVal = json_decode($matches[2], true);
$curVal[$subName] = $value;
@ -194,7 +202,7 @@ class JsonManipulator
// try and find a match for the subkey
if (preg_match('{"'.preg_quote($name).'"\s*:}i', $children)) {
// find best match for the value of "name"
if (preg_match_all('{"'.preg_quote($name).'"\s*:\s*(?:[0-9.]+|null|true|false|"[^"]+"|\[[^\]]*\]|\{'.self::$RECURSE_BLOCKS.'\})}', $children, $matches)) {
if (preg_match_all('{"'.preg_quote($name).'"\s*:\s*(?:'.self::$JSON_VALUE.')}', $children, $matches)) {
$bestMatch = '';
foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
if (strlen($bestMatch) < strlen($match)) {
@ -241,19 +249,41 @@ class JsonManipulator
public function addMainKey($key, $content)
$content = $this->format($content);
// key exists already
$regex = '{^(\s*\{\s*(?:'.self::$JSON_STRING.'\s*:\s*'.self::$JSON_VALUE.'\s*,\s*)*?)'.
if (preg_match($regex, $this->contents, $matches)) {
// invalid match due to un-regexable content, abort
if (!json_decode('{'.$matches[2].'}')) {
return false;
$this->contents = $matches[1] . JsonFile::encode($key).': '.$content . $matches[3];
return true;
// append at the end of the file and keep whitespace
if (preg_match('#[^{\s](\s*)\}$#', $this->contents, $match)) {
$this->contents = preg_replace(
addcslashes(',' . $this->newline . $this->indent . JsonFile::encode($key). ': '. $content . $this->newline . '}', '\\'),
} else {
$this->contents = preg_replace(
addcslashes($this->indent . JsonFile::encode($key). ': '.$content . $this->newline . '}', '\\'),
return true;
// append at the end of the file
$this->contents = preg_replace(
addcslashes($this->indent . JsonFile::encode($key). ': '.$content . $this->newline . '}', '\\'),
return true;
public function format($data, $depth = 0)

@ -611,6 +611,57 @@ class JsonManipulatorTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
', $manipulator->getContents());
public function testAddMainKey()
$manipulator = new JsonManipulator('{
"foo": "bar"
$this->assertTrue($manipulator->addMainKey('bar', 'baz'));
"foo": "bar",
"bar": "baz"
', $manipulator->getContents());
public function testUpdateMainKey()
$manipulator = new JsonManipulator('{
"foo": "bar"
$this->assertTrue($manipulator->addMainKey('foo', 'baz'));
"foo": "baz"
', $manipulator->getContents());
public function testUpdateMainKey2()
$manipulator = new JsonManipulator('{
"a": {
"foo": "bar",
"baz": "qux"
"foo": "bar",
"baz": "bar"
$this->assertTrue($manipulator->addMainKey('foo', 'baz'));
$this->assertTrue($manipulator->addMainKey('baz', 'quux'));
"a": {
"foo": "bar",
"baz": "qux"
"foo": "baz",
"baz": "quux"
', $manipulator->getContents());
