Update changelog

Jordi Boggiano 9 years ago
parent 8cd6598d8d
commit 1698e50aff

@ -1,3 +1,26 @@
### [1.0.0-alpha11] - 2015-10-xx
* Added `path` repository type to install/symlink packages from local paths
* Added `content-hash` inside the composer.lock to restrict the warnings about outdated lock file to some specific changes in the composer.json file
* Added config.platform to let you specify what your target environment looks like and make sure you do not inadvertently install dependencies that would break it
* Added `suggests` command to show what packages are suggested, use -v to see more details
* Added `archive-format` and `archive-dir` config options to specify default values for the archive command
* Added --classmap-authoritative to `install`, `update`, `require`, `remove` and `dump-autoload` commands, forcing the optimized classmap to be authoritative
* Added -A / --with-dependencies to the `validate` command to allow validating all your dependencies recursively
* Added --strict to the `validate` command to treat any warning as an error that then returns a non-zero exit code
* Added a dependency on composer/semver, which is the externalized lib for all the version constraints parsing and handling
* Added `bin-compat` config option that if set to `full` will create .bat proxy for binaries even if Compoesr runs in a linux VM
* Added SPDX 2.0 support, and externalized that in a composer/spdx-licenses lib
* Added warnings when the classmap autoloader finds duplicate classes
* Added --file to the `archive` command to choose the filename
* Added Ctrl+C handling in create-project to cancel the operation cleanly
* Fixed version guessing to use ^ always, default to stable versions, and avoid versions that require a higher php version than you have
* Fixed the lock file switching back and forth between old and new URL when a package URL is changed and many people run updates
* Fixed partial updates updating things they shouldn't when the current vendor dir was out of date with the lock file
* Fixed PHAR file creation to be more reproducible and always generate the exact same phar file from a given source
* Fixed issue when checking out git branches or tags that are also the name of a file in the repo
* Many minor fixes and documentation additions and UX improvements
### [1.0.0-alpha10] - 2015-04-14
* Break: The following event classes are deprecated and you should update your script handlers to use the new ones in type hints:
@ -246,6 +269,7 @@
* Initial release
[1.0.0-alpha11]: https://github.com/composer/composer/compare/1.0.0-alpha10...1.0.0-alpha11
[1.0.0-alpha10]: https://github.com/composer/composer/compare/1.0.0-alpha9...1.0.0-alpha10
[1.0.0-alpha9]: https://github.com/composer/composer/compare/1.0.0-alpha8...1.0.0-alpha9
[1.0.0-alpha8]: https://github.com/composer/composer/compare/1.0.0-alpha7...1.0.0-alpha8
