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* This file is part of Composer.
* (c) Nils Adermann <>
* Jordi Boggiano <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Composer\Installer;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
use Composer\Package\PackageInterface;
use Composer\Pcre\Preg;
use Composer\Util\Filesystem;
use Composer\Util\Platform;
use Composer\Util\ProcessExecutor;
use Composer\Util\Silencer;
* Utility to handle installation of package "bin"/binaries
* @author Jordi Boggiano <>
* @author Konstantin Kudryashov <>
* @author Helmut Hummel <>
class BinaryInstaller
/** @var string */
protected $binDir;
/** @var string */
protected $binCompat;
/** @var IOInterface */
protected $io;
/** @var Filesystem */
protected $filesystem;
/** @var string|null */
private $vendorDir;
* @param IOInterface $io
* @param string $binDir
* @param string $binCompat
* @param Filesystem $filesystem
* @param string|null $vendorDir
public function __construct(IOInterface $io, $binDir, $binCompat, Filesystem $filesystem = null, $vendorDir = null)
$this->binDir = $binDir;
$this->binCompat = $binCompat;
$this->io = $io;
$this->filesystem = $filesystem ?: new Filesystem();
$this->vendorDir = $vendorDir;
* @param string $installPath
* @param bool $warnOnOverwrite
* @return void
public function installBinaries(PackageInterface $package, $installPath, $warnOnOverwrite = true)
$binaries = $this->getBinaries($package);
if (!$binaries) {
foreach ($binaries as $bin) {
$binPath = $installPath.'/'.$bin;
if (!file_exists($binPath)) {
$this->io->writeError(' <warning>Skipped installation of bin '.$bin.' for package '.$package->getName().': file not found in package</warning>');
if (!$this->filesystem->isAbsolutePath($binPath)) {
// in case a custom installer returned a relative path for the
// $package, we can now safely turn it into a absolute path (as we
// already checked the binary's existence). The following helpers
// will require absolute paths to work properly.
$binPath = realpath($binPath);
$link = $this->binDir.'/'.basename($bin);
if (file_exists($link)) {
if (!is_link($link)) {
if ($warnOnOverwrite) {
$this->io->writeError(' Skipped installation of bin '.$bin.' for package '.$package->getName().': name conflicts with an existing file');
if (realpath($link) === realpath($binPath)) {
// It is a linked binary from a previous installation, which can be replaced with a proxy file
$binCompat = $this->binCompat;
if ($binCompat === "auto" && (Platform::isWindows() || Platform::isWindowsSubsystemForLinux())) {
$binCompat = 'full';
if ($binCompat === "full") {
$this->installFullBinaries($binPath, $link, $bin, $package);
} else {
$this->installUnixyProxyBinaries($binPath, $link);
Silencer::call('chmod', $binPath, 0777 & ~umask());
* @return void
public function removeBinaries(PackageInterface $package)
$binaries = $this->getBinaries($package);
if (!$binaries) {
foreach ($binaries as $bin) {
$link = $this->binDir.'/'.basename($bin);
if (is_link($link) || file_exists($link)) { // still checking for symlinks here for legacy support
if (is_file($link.'.bat')) {
// attempt removing the bin dir in case it is left empty
if (is_dir($this->binDir) && $this->filesystem->isDirEmpty($this->binDir)) {
Silencer::call('rmdir', $this->binDir);
* @param string $bin
* @return string
public static function determineBinaryCaller($bin)
if ('.bat' === substr($bin, -4) || '.exe' === substr($bin, -4)) {
return 'call';
$handle = fopen($bin, 'r');
$line = fgets($handle);
if (Preg::isMatch('{^#!/(?:usr/bin/env )?(?:[^/]+/)*(.+)$}m', $line, $match)) {
return trim($match[1]);
return 'php';
* @return string[]
protected function getBinaries(PackageInterface $package)
return $package->getBinaries();
* @param string $binPath
* @param string $link
* @param string $bin
* @return void
protected function installFullBinaries($binPath, $link, $bin, PackageInterface $package)
// add unixy support for cygwin and similar environments
if ('.bat' !== substr($binPath, -4)) {
$this->installUnixyProxyBinaries($binPath, $link);
$link .= '.bat';
if (file_exists($link)) {
$this->io->writeError(' Skipped installation of bin '.$bin.'.bat proxy for package '.$package->getName().': a .bat proxy was already installed');
if (!file_exists($link)) {
file_put_contents($link, $this->generateWindowsProxyCode($binPath, $link));
Silencer::call('chmod', $link, 0777 & ~umask());
* @param string $binPath
* @param string $link
* @return void
protected function installUnixyProxyBinaries($binPath, $link)
file_put_contents($link, $this->generateUnixyProxyCode($binPath, $link));
Silencer::call('chmod', $link, 0777 & ~umask());
* @return void
protected function initializeBinDir()
$this->binDir = realpath($this->binDir);
* @param string $bin
* @param string $link
* @return string
protected function generateWindowsProxyCode($bin, $link)
$binPath = $this->filesystem->findShortestPath($link, $bin);
$caller = self::determineBinaryCaller($bin);
// if the target is a php file, we run the unixy proxy file
// to ensure that _composer_autoload_path gets defined, instead
// of running the binary directly
if ($caller === 'php') {
return "@ECHO OFF\r\n".
"SET BIN_TARGET=%~dp0/".trim(ProcessExecutor::escape(basename($link, '.bat')), '"\'')."\r\n".
"{$caller} \"%BIN_TARGET%\" %*\r\n";
return "@ECHO OFF\r\n".
"SET BIN_TARGET=%~dp0/".trim(ProcessExecutor::escape($binPath), '"\'')."\r\n".
"{$caller} \"%BIN_TARGET%\" %*\r\n";
* @param string $bin
* @param string $link
* @return string
protected function generateUnixyProxyCode($bin, $link)
$binPath = $this->filesystem->findShortestPath($link, $bin);
$binDir = ProcessExecutor::escape(dirname($binPath));
$binFile = basename($binPath);
$binContents = file_get_contents($bin);
// For php files, we generate a PHP proxy instead of a shell one,
// which allows calling the proxy with a custom php process
if (Preg::isMatch('{^(#!.*\r?\n)?[\r\n\t ]*<\?php}', $binContents, $match)) {
// carry over the existing shebang if present, otherwise add our own
$proxyCode = empty($match[1]) ? '#!/usr/bin/env php' : trim($match[1]);
$binPathExported = $this->filesystem->findShortestPathCode($link, $bin, false, true);
$streamProxyCode = $streamHint = '';
$globalsCode = '$GLOBALS[\'_composer_bin_dir\'] = __DIR__;'."\n";
$phpunitHack1 = $phpunitHack2 = '';
// Don't expose autoload path when vendor dir was not set in custom installers
if ($this->vendorDir) {
$globalsCode .= '$GLOBALS[\'_composer_autoload_path\'] = ' . $this->filesystem->findShortestPathCode($link, $this->vendorDir . '/autoload.php', false, true).";\n";
// Add workaround for PHPUnit process isolation
if ($this->filesystem->normalizePath($bin) === $this->filesystem->normalizePath($this->vendorDir.'/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit')) {
// workaround issue on PHPUnit 6.5+ running on PHP 8+
$globalsCode .= '$GLOBALS[\'__PHPUNIT_ISOLATION_EXCLUDE_LIST\'] = $GLOBALS[\'__PHPUNIT_ISOLATION_BLACKLIST\'] = array(realpath('.$binPathExported.'));'."\n";
// workaround issue on all PHPUnit versions running on PHP <8
$phpunitHack1 = "'phpvfscomposer://'.";
$phpunitHack2 = '
$data = str_replace(\'__DIR__\', var_export(dirname($this->realpath), true), $data);
$data = str_replace(\'__FILE__\', var_export($this->realpath, true), $data);';
if (trim($match[0]) !== '<?php') {
$streamHint = ' using a stream wrapper to prevent the shebang from being output on PHP<8'."\n *";
$streamProxyCode = <<<STREAMPROXY
if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000) {
if (!class_exists('Composer\BinProxyWrapper')) {
* @internal
final class BinProxyWrapper
private \$handle;
private \$position;
private \$realpath;
public function stream_open(\$path, \$mode, \$options, &\$opened_path)
// get rid of phpvfscomposer:// prefix for __FILE__ & __DIR__ resolution
\$opened_path = substr(\$path, 17);
\$this->realpath = realpath(\$opened_path) ?: \$opened_path;
\$opened_path = $phpunitHack1\$this->realpath;
\$this->handle = fopen(\$this->realpath, \$mode);
\$this->position = 0;
return (bool) \$this->handle;
public function stream_read(\$count)
\$data = fread(\$this->handle, \$count);
if (\$this->position === 0) {
\$data = preg_replace('{^#!.*\\r?\\n}', '', \$data);
\$this->position += strlen(\$data);
return \$data;
public function stream_cast(\$castAs)
return \$this->handle;
public function stream_close()
public function stream_lock(\$operation)
return \$operation ? flock(\$this->handle, \$operation) : true;
public function stream_seek(\$offset, \$whence)
if (0 === fseek(\$this->handle, \$offset, \$whence)) {
\$this->position = ftell(\$this->handle);
return true;
return false;
public function stream_tell()
return \$this->position;
public function stream_eof()
return feof(\$this->handle);
public function stream_stat()
return array();
public function stream_set_option(\$option, \$arg1, \$arg2)
return true;
public function url_stat(\$path, \$flags)
\$path = substr(\$path, 17);
if (file_exists(\$path)) {
return stat(\$path);
return false;
if (function_exists('stream_wrapper_register') && stream_wrapper_register('phpvfscomposer', 'Composer\BinProxyWrapper')) {
include("phpvfscomposer://" . $binPathExported);
return $proxyCode . "\n" . <<<PROXY
* Proxy PHP file generated by Composer
* This file includes the referenced bin path ($binPath)
* @generated
namespace Composer;
include $binPathExported;
return <<<PROXY
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Support bash to support `source` with fallback on $0 if this does not run with bash
if [ -z "\$selfArg" ]; then
self=\$(realpath \$selfArg 2> /dev/null)
if [ -z "\$self" ]; then
dir=\$(cd "\${self%[/\\\\]*}" > /dev/null; cd $binDir && pwd)
if [ -d /proc/cygdrive ]; then
case \$(which php) in
\$(readlink -n /proc/cygdrive)/*)
# We are in Cygwin using Windows php, so the path must be translated
dir=\$(cygpath -m "\$dir");
export COMPOSER_BIN_DIR=\$(cd "\${self%[/\\\\]*}" > /dev/null; pwd)
# If bash is sourcing this file, we have to source the target as well
if [ -n "\$bashSource" ]; then
if [ "\$bashSource" != "\$0" ]; then
source "\${dir}/$binFile" "\$@"
"\${dir}/$binFile" "\$@"