You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

201 lines
7.2 KiB

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* This file is part of Composer.
9 years ago
* (c) Nils Adermann <>
* Jordi Boggiano <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Composer\Util;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
use Composer\Config;
use Composer\Factory;
use Composer\Downloader\TransportException;
use Composer\Pcre\Preg;
* @author Roshan Gautam <>
class GitLab
/** @var IOInterface */
protected $io;
/** @var Config */
protected $config;
/** @var ProcessExecutor */
protected $process;
/** @var HttpDownloader */
protected $httpDownloader;
* Constructor.
4 years ago
* @param IOInterface $io The IO instance
* @param Config $config The composer configuration
* @param ProcessExecutor $process Process instance, injectable for mocking
* @param HttpDownloader $httpDownloader Remote Filesystem, injectable for mocking
public function __construct(IOInterface $io, Config $config, ProcessExecutor $process = null, HttpDownloader $httpDownloader = null)
$this->io = $io;
$this->config = $config;
$this->process = $process ?: new ProcessExecutor($io);
$this->httpDownloader = $httpDownloader ?: Factory::createHttpDownloader($this->io, $config);
* Attempts to authorize a GitLab domain via OAuth.
* @param string $originUrl The host this GitLab instance is located at
* @return bool true on success
public function authorizeOAuth(string $originUrl): bool
// before composer 1.9, origin URLs had no port number in them
$bcOriginUrl = Preg::replace('{:\d+}', '', $originUrl);
if (!in_array($originUrl, $this->config->get('gitlab-domains'), true) && !in_array($bcOriginUrl, $this->config->get('gitlab-domains'), true)) {
return false;
// if available use token from git config
if (0 === $this->process->execute('git config gitlab.accesstoken', $output)) {
$this->io->setAuthentication($originUrl, trim($output), 'oauth2');
return true;
// if available use deploy token from git config
if (0 === $this->process->execute('git config gitlab.deploytoken.user', $tokenUser) && 0 === $this->process->execute('git config gitlab.deploytoken.token', $tokenPassword)) {
$this->io->setAuthentication($originUrl, trim($tokenUser), trim($tokenPassword));
return true;
// if available use token from composer config
$authTokens = $this->config->get('gitlab-token');
if (isset($authTokens[$originUrl])) {
$token = $authTokens[$originUrl];
if (isset($authTokens[$bcOriginUrl])) {
$token = $authTokens[$bcOriginUrl];
4 years ago
if (isset($token)) {
$username = is_array($token) ? $token["username"] : $token;
$password = is_array($token) ? $token["token"] : 'private-token';
$this->io->setAuthentication($originUrl, $username, $password);
return true;
return false;
* Authorizes a GitLab domain interactively via OAuth.
* @param string $scheme Scheme used in the origin URL
* @param string $originUrl The host this GitLab instance is located at
* @param string $message The reason this authorization is required
* @throws \RuntimeException
* @throws TransportException|\Exception
* @return bool true on success
public function authorizeOAuthInteractively(string $scheme, string $originUrl, string $message = null): bool
if ($message) {
$this->io->writeError(sprintf('A token will be created and stored in "%s", your password will never be stored', $this->config->getAuthConfigSource()->getName()));
$this->io->writeError('To revoke access to this token you can visit '.$scheme.'://'.$originUrl.'/-/profile/personal_access_tokens');
$attemptCounter = 0;
while ($attemptCounter++ < 5) {
try {
$response = $this->createToken($scheme, $originUrl);
} catch (TransportException $e) {
// 401 is bad credentials,
// 403 is max login attempts exceeded
if (in_array($e->getCode(), array(403, 401))) {
if (401 === $e->getCode()) {
$response = json_decode($e->getResponse(), true);
if (isset($response['error']) && $response['error'] === 'invalid_grant') {
$this->io->writeError('Bad credentials. If you have two factor authentication enabled you will have to manually create a personal access token');
} else {
$this->io->writeError('Bad credentials.');
} else {
$this->io->writeError('Maximum number of login attempts exceeded. Please try again later.');
$this->io->writeError('You can also manually create a personal access token enabling the "read_api" scope at '.$scheme.'://'.$originUrl.'/profile/personal_access_tokens');
$this->io->writeError('Add it using "composer config --global --auth gitlab-token.'.$originUrl.' <token>"');
throw $e;
$this->io->setAuthentication($originUrl, $response['access_token'], 'oauth2');
// store value in user config in auth file
$this->config->getAuthConfigSource()->addConfigSetting('gitlab-oauth.'.$originUrl, $response['access_token']);
return true;
throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid GitLab credentials 5 times in a row, aborting.');
* @param string $scheme
* @param string $originUrl
* @return array{access_token: non-empty-string, token_type: non-empty-string, expires_in: positive-int}
* @see
private function createToken(string $scheme, string $originUrl): array
$username = $this->io->ask('Username: ');
$password = $this->io->askAndHideAnswer('Password: ');
$headers = array('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
$apiUrl = $originUrl;
$data = http_build_query(array(
'username' => $username,
'password' => $password,
'grant_type' => 'password',
PHP 8.1: fix deprecation warnings about incorrect default values (#10036) * PHP 8.1/Tests: fix some deprecation warnings The default value for the `preg_split()` `$limit` parameter is `-1`, not `null`. Fixes numerous `preg_split(): Passing null to parameter #3 ($limit) of type int is deprecated` notices when running the test suite. Ref: * PHP 8.1/NoProxyPattern: fix deprecation warning The default value for the `preg_split()` `$limit` parameter is `-1`, not `null`. Fixes some `preg_split(): Passing null to parameter #3 ($limit) of type int is deprecated` notices when running the test suite. ``` Deprecation triggered by Composer\Test\Util\Http\ProxyManagerTest::testGetProxyForRequest: preg_split(): Passing null to parameter #3 ($limit) of type int is deprecated Stack trace: 0 [internal function]: Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\DeprecationErrorHandler->handleError(8192, '...', '...', 42) 1 src/Composer/Util/NoProxyPattern.php(42): preg_split('...', '...', NULL, 1) 2 src/Composer/Util/Http/ProxyManager.php(148): Composer\Util\NoProxyPattern->__construct('...') 3 src/Composer/Util/Http/ProxyManager.php(50): Composer\Util\Http\ProxyManager->initProxyData() 4 src/Composer/Util/Http/ProxyManager.php(59): Composer\Util\Http\ProxyManager->__construct() 5 tests/Composer/Test/Util/Http/ProxyManagerTest.php(75): Composer\Util\Http\ProxyManager::getInstance() ... ``` Ref: * PHP 8.1: fix deprecation warnings / http_build_query() This fixes all relevant calls to the PHP native `http_build_query()` function. The second parameter of which is the _optional_ `$numeric_prefix` parameter which expects a `string`. A parameter being optional, however, does not automatically make it nullable. As of PHP 8.1, passing `null` to a non-nullable PHP native function will generate a deprecation notice. In this case, these function calls yielded a `http_build_query(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($numeric_prefix) of type string is deprecated` notice. Changing the `null` to an empty string fixes this without BC-break. Fixes a few deprecation warnings found when running the tests. Refs: * * * PHP 8.1: fix deprecation notices / PharData::__construct() This fixes all relevant calls to the PHP native `PharData::__construct()` method. The second parameter of this method is the _optional_ `$flags` parameter which expects an `int` of flags to be passed to the `Phar` parent class `RecursiveDirectoryIterator`. Fixed by passing the default value for the `$flags` parameter as per the `RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__construct()` method. The third parameter of the method is the _optional_ `$alias` parameter which expects an `string`. Fixed by passing an empty string. Fixes various notices along the lines of: ``` Deprecation triggered by Composer\Test\Package\Archiver\ArchiveManagerTest::testArchiveTar: PharData::__construct(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($flags) of type int is deprecated Stack trace: 0 [internal function]: Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\DeprecationErrorHandler->handleError(8192, '...', '...', 55) 1 src/Composer/Package/Archiver/PharArchiver.php(55): PharData->__construct('...', NULL, NULL, 2) 2 src/Composer/Package/Archiver/ArchiveManager.php(193): Composer\Package\Archiver\PharArchiver->archive('...', '...', '...', Array, false) 3 tests/Composer/Test/Package/Archiver/ArchiveManagerTest.php(65): Composer\Package\Archiver\ArchiveManager->archive(Object(Composer\Package\CompletePackage), '...', '...') ... ``` Refs: * * Co-authored-by: jrfnl <>
3 years ago
), '', '&');
$options = array(
'retry-auth-failure' => false,
'http' => array(
'method' => 'POST',
'header' => $headers,
'content' => $data,
$token = $this->httpDownloader->get($scheme.'://'.$apiUrl.'/oauth/token', $options)->decodeJson();
$this->io->writeError('Token successfully created');
return $token;