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# Repositories
This chapter will explain the concept of packages and repositories, what kinds
of repositories are available, and how they work.
## Concepts
Before we look at the different types of repositories that we can have, we
need to understand some of the basic concepts that composer is built on.
### Package
Composer is a dependency manager. It installs packages. A package is
essentially just a directory containing something. In this case it is PHP
code, but in theory it could be anything. And it contains a package
description which has a name and a version. The name and the version are used
to identify the package.
In fact, internally composer sees every version as a separate package. While
this distinction does not matter when you are using composer, it's quite
important when you want to change it.
In addition to the name and the version, there is useful data. The only really
important piece of information is the package source, that describes where to
get the package contents. The package data points to the contents of the
package. And there are two options here: dist and source.
**Dist:** The dist is a packaged version of the package data. Usually a
released version, usually a stable release.
**Source:** The source is used for development. This will usually originate
from a source code repository, such as git. You can fetch this when you want
to modify the downloaded package.
Packages can supply either of these, or even both. Depending on certain
factors, such as user-supplied options and stability of the package, one will
be preferred.
### Repository
A repository is a package source. It's a list of packages, of which you can
pick some to install.
You can also add more repositories to your project by declaring them in
## Types
### Composer
The main repository type is the `composer` repository. It uses a single
`packages.json` file that contains all of the package metadata. The JSON
format is as follows:
"vendor/packageName": {
"name": "vendor/packageName",
"description": "Package description",
"versions": {
"master-dev": { @composer.json },
"1.0.0": { @composer.json }
The `@composer.json` marker would be the contents of the `composer.json` from
that package version including as a minimum:
* name
* version
* dist or source
Here is a minimal package definition:
"name": "smarty/smarty",
"version": "3.1.7",
"dist": {
"url": "",
"type": "zip"
It may include any of the other fields specified in the [schema].
The `composer` repository is also what packagist uses. To reference a
`composer` repository, just supply the path before the `packages.json` file.
In case of packagist, that file is located at `/packages.json`, so the URL of
the repository would be ``. For
`` the repository URL would be
### VCS
VCS stands for version control system. This includes versioning systems like
git, svn or hg. Composer has a repository type for installing packages from
these systems.
There are a few use cases for this. The most common one is maintaining your
own fork of a third party library. If you are using a certain library for your
project and you decide to change something in the library, you will want your
project to use the patched version. If the library is on GitHub (this is the
case most of the time), you can simply fork it there and push your changes to
your fork. After that you update the project's `composer.json`. All you have
to do is add your fork as a repository and update the version constraint to
point to your custom branch.
Example assuming you patched monolog to fix a bug in the `bugfix` branch:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"monolog/monolog": "dev-bugfix"
When you run `php composer.phar update`, you should get your modified version
of `monolog/monolog` instead of the one from packagist.
Git is not the only version control system supported by the VCS repository.
The following are supported:
* **Git:** [](
* **Subversion:** [](
* **Mercurial:** [](
To use these systems you need to have them installed. That can be
invonvenient. And for this reason there is special support for GitHub and
BitBucket that use the APIs provided by these sites, to fetch the packages
without having to install the version control system. The VCS repository
provides `dist`s for them that fetch the packages as zips.
* **GitHub:** []( (Git)
* **BitBucket:** []( (Git and Mercurial)
The VCS driver to be used is detected automatically based on the URL.
### PEAR
### Package
## Hosting your own