You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

511 lines
22 KiB

* This file is part of Composer.
* (c) Nils Adermann <>
* Jordi Boggiano <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Composer\Command;
use Composer\DependencyResolver\Request;
use Composer\Filter\PlatformRequirementFilter\PlatformRequirementFilterFactory;
use Composer\Util\Filesystem;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Composer\Factory;
use Composer\Installer;
use Composer\Installer\InstallerEvents;
use Composer\Json\JsonFile;
use Composer\Json\JsonManipulator;
use Composer\Package\Version\VersionParser;
use Composer\Package\Loader\ArrayLoader;
use Composer\Package\BasePackage;
use Composer\Plugin\CommandEvent;
use Composer\Plugin\PluginEvents;
use Composer\Repository\CompositeRepository;
use Composer\Repository\PlatformRepository;
use Composer\IO\IOInterface;
use Composer\Util\Silencer;
* @author Jérémy Romey <>
* @author Jordi Boggiano <>
class RequireCommand extends InitCommand
/** @var bool */
private $newlyCreated;
/** @var bool */
private $firstRequire;
/** @var JsonFile */
private $json;
/** @var string */
private $file;
/** @var string */
private $composerBackup;
/** @var string file name */
private $lock;
/** @var ?string contents before modification if the lock file exists */
private $lockBackup;
/** @var bool */
private $dependencyResolutionCompleted = false;
* @return void
protected function configure()
->setDescription('Adds required packages to your composer.json and installs them.')
new InputArgument('packages', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY | InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Optional package name can also include a version constraint, e.g. foo/bar or foo/bar:1.0.0 or foo/bar=1.0.0 or "foo/bar 1.0.0"'),
new InputOption('dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Add requirement to require-dev.'),
new InputOption('dry-run', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Outputs the operations but will not execute anything (implicitly enables --verbose).'),
new InputOption('prefer-source', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Forces installation from package sources when possible, including VCS information.'),
new InputOption('prefer-dist', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Forces installation from package dist (default behavior).'),
new InputOption('prefer-install', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Forces installation from package dist|source|auto (auto chooses source for dev versions, dist for the rest).'),
new InputOption('fixed', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Write fixed version to the composer.json.'),
new InputOption('no-suggest', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'DEPRECATED: This flag does not exist anymore.'),
new InputOption('no-progress', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not output download progress.'),
new InputOption('no-update', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Disables the automatic update of the dependencies (implies --no-install).'),
new InputOption('no-install', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Skip the install step after updating the composer.lock file.'),
new InputOption('update-no-dev', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Run the dependency update with the --no-dev option.'),
new InputOption('update-with-dependencies', 'w', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Allows inherited dependencies to be updated, except those that are root requirements.'),
new InputOption('update-with-all-dependencies', 'W', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Allows all inherited dependencies to be updated, including those that are root requirements.'),
new InputOption('with-dependencies', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Alias for --update-with-dependencies'),
new InputOption('with-all-dependencies', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Alias for --update-with-all-dependencies'),
new InputOption('ignore-platform-req', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED | InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'Ignore a specific platform requirement (php & ext- packages).'),
new InputOption('ignore-platform-reqs', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Ignore all platform requirements (php & ext- packages).'),
new InputOption('prefer-stable', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Prefer stable versions of dependencies.'),
new InputOption('prefer-lowest', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Prefer lowest versions of dependencies.'),
new InputOption('sort-packages', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Sorts packages when adding/updating a new dependency'),
new InputOption('optimize-autoloader', 'o', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Optimize autoloader during autoloader dump'),
new InputOption('classmap-authoritative', 'a', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Autoload classes from the classmap only. Implicitly enables `--optimize-autoloader`.'),
new InputOption('apcu-autoloader', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Use APCu to cache found/not-found classes.'),
new InputOption('apcu-autoloader-prefix', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Use a custom prefix for the APCu autoloader cache. Implicitly enables --apcu-autoloader'),
6 years ago
The require command adds required packages to your composer.json and installs them.
If you do not specify a package, composer will prompt you to search for a package, and given results, provide a list of
matches to require.
If you do not specify a version constraint, composer will choose a suitable one based on the available package versions.
If you do not want to install the new dependencies immediately you can call it with --no-update
* @return int
* @throws \Seld\JsonLint\ParsingException
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
if (function_exists('pcntl_async_signals') && function_exists('pcntl_signal')) {
pcntl_signal(SIGINT, array($this, 'revertComposerFile'));
pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, array($this, 'revertComposerFile'));
pcntl_signal(SIGHUP, array($this, 'revertComposerFile'));
$this->file = Factory::getComposerFile();
$io = $this->getIO();
if ($input->getOption('no-suggest')) {
$io->writeError('<warning>You are using the deprecated option "--no-suggest". It has no effect and will break in Composer 3.</warning>');
$this->newlyCreated = !file_exists($this->file);
if ($this->newlyCreated && !file_put_contents($this->file, "{\n}\n")) {
$io->writeError('<error>'.$this->file.' could not be created.</error>');
12 years ago
return 1;
if (!Filesystem::isReadable($this->file)) {
$io->writeError('<error>'.$this->file.' is not readable.</error>');
12 years ago
return 1;
if (filesize($this->file) === 0) {
file_put_contents($this->file, "{\n}\n");
$this->json = new JsonFile($this->file);
$this->lock = Factory::getLockFile($this->file);
$this->composerBackup = file_get_contents($this->json->getPath());
$this->lockBackup = file_exists($this->lock) ? file_get_contents($this->lock) : null;
// check for writability by writing to the file as is_writable can not be trusted on network-mounts
// see and
if (!is_writable($this->file) && !Silencer::call('file_put_contents', $this->file, $this->composerBackup)) {
$io->writeError('<error>'.$this->file.' is not writable.</error>');
return 1;
if ($input->getOption('fixed') === true) {
$config = $this->json->read();
$packageType = empty($config['type']) ? 'library' : $config['type'];
* @see
if ($packageType !== 'project') {
$io->writeError('<error>"--fixed" option is allowed for "project" package types only to prevent possible misuses.</error>');
if (empty($config['type'])) {
$io->writeError('<error>If your package is not library, you should explicitly specify "type" parameter in composer.json.</error>');
return 1;
$composer = $this->getComposer(true, $input->getOption('no-plugins'));
$repos = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getRepositories();
$platformOverrides = $composer->getConfig()->get('platform') ?: array();
// initialize $this->repos as it is used by the parent InitCommand
$this->repos = new CompositeRepository(array_merge(
array($platformRepo = new PlatformRepository(array(), $platformOverrides)),
if ($composer->getPackage()->getPreferStable()) {
$preferredStability = 'stable';
} else {
$preferredStability = $composer->getPackage()->getMinimumStability();
try {
$requirements = $this->determineRequirements(
} catch (\Exception $e) {
if ($this->newlyCreated) {
throw new \RuntimeException('No composer.json present in the current directory ('.$this->file.'), this may be the cause of the following exception.', 0, $e);
throw $e;
$requireKey = $input->getOption('dev') ? 'require-dev' : 'require';
$removeKey = $input->getOption('dev') ? 'require' : 'require-dev';
12 years ago
$requirements = $this->formatRequirements($requirements);
// validate requirements format
$versionParser = new VersionParser();
foreach ($requirements as $package => $constraint) {
if (strtolower($package) === $composer->getPackage()->getName()) {
$io->writeError(sprintf('<error>Root package \'%s\' cannot require itself in its composer.json</error>', $package));
return 1;
$inconsistentRequireKeys = $this->getInconsistentRequireKeys($requirements, $requireKey);
if (count($inconsistentRequireKeys) > 0) {
foreach ($inconsistentRequireKeys as $package) {
'%s is currently present in the %s key and you ran the command %s the --dev flag, which would move it to the %s key.',
$input->getOption('dev') ? 'with' : 'without',
if ($io->isInteractive()) {
if (!$io->askConfirmation(sprintf('<info>Do you want to move %s?</info> [<comment>no</comment>]? ', count($inconsistentRequireKeys) > 1 ? 'these requirements' : 'this requirement'), false)) {
if (!$io->askConfirmation(sprintf('<info>Do you want to re-run the command %s --dev?</info> [<comment>yes</comment>]? ', $input->getOption('dev') ? 'without' : 'with'), true)) {
return 0;
list($requireKey, $removeKey) = array($removeKey, $requireKey);
$sortPackages = $input->getOption('sort-packages') || $composer->getConfig()->get('sort-packages');
$this->firstRequire = $this->newlyCreated;
if (!$this->firstRequire) {
$composerDefinition = $this->json->read();
if (empty($composerDefinition['require']) && empty($composerDefinition['require-dev'])) {
$this->firstRequire = true;
if (!$input->getOption('dry-run') && !$this->updateFileCleanly($this->json, $requirements, $requireKey, $removeKey, $sortPackages)) {
$composerDefinition = $this->json->read();
foreach ($requirements as $package => $version) {
$composerDefinition[$requireKey][$package] = $version;
if (isset($composerDefinition[$removeKey]) && count($composerDefinition[$removeKey]) === 0) {
$io->writeError('<info>'.$this->file.' has been '.($this->newlyCreated ? 'created' : 'updated').'</info>');
if ($input->getOption('no-update')) {
return 0;
try {
return $this->doUpdate($input, $output, $io, $requirements, $requireKey, $removeKey);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
if (!$this->dependencyResolutionCompleted) {
throw $e;
* @param array<string, string> $newRequirements
* @param string $requireKey
* @return string[]
private function getInconsistentRequireKeys(array $newRequirements, $requireKey)
$requireKeys = $this->getPackagesByRequireKey();
$inconsistentRequirements = array();
foreach ($requireKeys as $package => $packageRequireKey) {
if (!isset($newRequirements[$package])) {
if ($requireKey !== $packageRequireKey) {
$inconsistentRequirements[] = $package;
return $inconsistentRequirements;
* @return array<string, string>
private function getPackagesByRequireKey()
$composerDefinition = $this->json->read();
$require = array();
$requireDev = array();
if (isset($composerDefinition['require'])) {
$require = $composerDefinition['require'];
if (isset($composerDefinition['require-dev'])) {
$requireDev = $composerDefinition['require-dev'];
return array_merge(
array_fill_keys(array_keys($require), 'require'),
array_fill_keys(array_keys($requireDev), 'require-dev')
* @private
* @return void
public function markSolverComplete()
$this->dependencyResolutionCompleted = true;
* @param array<string, string> $requirements
* @param string $requireKey
* @param string $removeKey
* @return int
* @throws \Exception
private function doUpdate(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, IOInterface $io, array $requirements, $requireKey, $removeKey)
// Update packages
$composer = $this->getComposer(true, $input->getOption('no-plugins'), $input->getOption('no-scripts'));
$this->dependencyResolutionCompleted = false;
$composer->getEventDispatcher()->addListener(InstallerEvents::PRE_OPERATIONS_EXEC, array($this, 'markSolverComplete'), 10000);
if ($input->getOption('dry-run')) {
$rootPackage = $composer->getPackage();
$links = array(
'require' => $rootPackage->getRequires(),
'require-dev' => $rootPackage->getDevRequires(),
$loader = new ArrayLoader();
$newLinks = $loader->parseLinks($rootPackage->getName(), $rootPackage->getPrettyVersion(), BasePackage::$supportedLinkTypes[$requireKey]['method'], $requirements);
$links[$requireKey] = array_merge($links[$requireKey], $newLinks);
foreach ($requirements as $package => $constraint) {
$updateDevMode = !$input->getOption('update-no-dev');
$optimize = $input->getOption('optimize-autoloader') || $composer->getConfig()->get('optimize-autoloader');
$authoritative = $input->getOption('classmap-authoritative') || $composer->getConfig()->get('classmap-authoritative');
$apcuPrefix = $input->getOption('apcu-autoloader-prefix');
$apcu = $apcuPrefix !== null || $input->getOption('apcu-autoloader') || $composer->getConfig()->get('apcu-autoloader');
$updateAllowTransitiveDependencies = Request::UPDATE_ONLY_LISTED;
$flags = '';
if ($input->getOption('update-with-all-dependencies') || $input->getOption('with-all-dependencies')) {
$updateAllowTransitiveDependencies = Request::UPDATE_LISTED_WITH_TRANSITIVE_DEPS;
$flags .= ' --with-all-dependencies';
} elseif ($input->getOption('update-with-dependencies') || $input->getOption('with-dependencies')) {
$updateAllowTransitiveDependencies = Request::UPDATE_LISTED_WITH_TRANSITIVE_DEPS_NO_ROOT_REQUIRE;
$flags .= ' --with-dependencies';
$io->writeError('<info>Running composer update '.implode(' ', array_keys($requirements)).$flags.'</info>');
$commandEvent = new CommandEvent(PluginEvents::COMMAND, 'require', $input, $output);
$composer->getEventDispatcher()->dispatch($commandEvent->getName(), $commandEvent);
$install = Installer::create($io, $composer);
$ignorePlatformReqs = $input->getOption('ignore-platform-reqs') ?: ($input->getOption('ignore-platform-req') ?: false);
list($preferSource, $preferDist) = $this->getPreferredInstallOptions($composer->getConfig(), $input);
->setApcuAutoloader($apcu, $apcuPrefix)
// if no lock is present, or the file is brand new, we do not do a
// partial update as this is not supported by the Installer
if (!$this->firstRequire && $composer->getLocker()->isLocked()) {
$status = $install->run();
4 years ago
if ($status !== 0) {
if ($status === Installer::ERROR_DEPENDENCY_RESOLUTION_FAILED) {
foreach ($this->normalizeRequirements($input->getArgument('packages')) as $req) {
if (!isset($req['version'])) {
$io->writeError('You can also try re-running composer require with an explicit version constraint, e.g. "composer require '.$req['name'].':*" to figure out if any version is installable, or "composer require '.$req['name'].':^2.1" if you know which you need.');
return $status;
3 years ago
* @param array<string, string> $new
* @param string $requireKey
* @param string $removeKey
* @param bool $sortPackages
3 years ago
* @return bool
private function updateFileCleanly(JsonFile $json, array $new, $requireKey, $removeKey, $sortPackages)
$contents = file_get_contents($json->getPath());
$manipulator = new JsonManipulator($contents);
foreach ($new as $package => $constraint) {
if (!$manipulator->addLink($requireKey, $package, $constraint, $sortPackages)) {
return false;
if (!$manipulator->removeSubNode($removeKey, $package)) {
return false;
file_put_contents($json->getPath(), $manipulator->getContents());
return true;
protected function interact(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
* @param bool $hardExit
* @return void
public function revertComposerFile($hardExit = true)
$io = $this->getIO();
if ($this->newlyCreated) {
$io->writeError("\n".'<error>Installation failed, deleting '.$this->file.'.</error>');
if (file_exists($this->lock)) {
} else {
$msg = ' to its ';
if ($this->lockBackup) {
$msg = ' and '.$this->lock.' to their ';
$io->writeError("\n".'<error>Installation failed, reverting '.$this->file.$msg.'original content.</error>');
file_put_contents($this->json->getPath(), $this->composerBackup);
if ($this->lockBackup) {
file_put_contents($this->lock, $this->lockBackup);
if ($hardExit) {