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- ../vendor/phpstan/phpstan-phpunit/extension.neon
- ./baseline.neon
level: 5
- '../tests/Composer/Test/Fixtures/*'
- '../tests/Composer/Test/Autoload/Fixtures/*'
- '../tests/Composer/Test/Plugin/Fixtures/*'
- '../tests/Composer/Test/PolyfillTestCase.php'
reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors: false
# unused parameters
- '~^Constructor of class Composer\\Repository\\VcsRepository has an unused parameter \$dispatcher\.$~'
- '~^Constructor of class Composer\\Util\\Http\\CurlDownloader has an unused parameter \$disableTls\.$~'
- '~^Constructor of class Composer\\Util\\Http\\CurlDownloader has an unused parameter \$options\.$~'
# ion cube is not installed
- '~^Function ioncube_loader_\w+ not found\.$~'
# variables from global scope
- '~^Undefined variable: \$vendorDir$~'
- '~^Undefined variable: \$baseDir$~'
# variable defined in eval
- '~^Undefined variable: \$res$~'
# we don't have different constructors for parent/child
- '~^Unsafe usage of new static\(\)\.$~'
4 years ago
# BC with older PHPUnit
- '~^Call to an undefined static method Composer\\Test\\PolyfillTestCase::setExpectedException\(\)\.$~'
- '~^Call to an undefined method Composer\\Test\\[a-zA-Z0-9\\]+::(assertFileDoesNotExist|assertMatchesRegularExpression)\(\)\.$~'
# Mock errors
- '~^Call to an undefined method (PHPUnit\\Framework\\MockObject\\MockObject|Prophecy\\Prophecy\\ObjectProphecy)::.*$~'
# Ignore some irrelevant errors in test files
- '~Method Composer\\Test\\[^:]+::(setUp(BeforeClass)?|tearDown(AfterClass)?|test[^(]+|get[^(]*?Mock[^(]*)\(\) has no return typehint specified.~'
- '~Method Composer\\Test\\[^:]+::test[^(]+\(\) has parameter \$\w+ with no typehint specified.~'
- '~Method Composer\\Test\\[^:]+::(data\w+|provide\w+|\w+Provider)\(\) has no return typehint specified.~'
# Level 6 TODO
#- '~parameter .*? with no typehint specified.$~'
#- '~parameter .*? with no value type specified in iterable type array.$~'
#- '~has no return typehint specified.$~'
#- '~return type has no value type specified in iterable type array.$~'
#- '~ignorePlatformReqs~'
- ../tests/bootstrap.php
- ../src
- ../tests
- Composer\Composer::BRANCH_ALIAS_VERSION
- Composer\Composer::VERSION
- Composer\Composer::RELEASE_DATE
- Composer\Composer::SOURCE_VERSION
- Composer\PHPStanRules\AnonymousFunctionWithThisRule